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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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answer and yes, yes, and if there are a lot of us, i say hello to everyone, that’s it, everyone answers and yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have a lot, women and men answer the same, yes, he answers the same, but we have a difference in chukchi language, there is a male dialect and a female dialect, this is where i ask, yes, in our country, for example, men still say what sound. here are
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the answers to the questions that women hear in languages , and i ask these questions because some men do it differently, so when a man suddenly answers in a feminine way, he says: yeah, it’s clear who taught you the language, yes, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have a lot of people who study. languages ​​of the indigenous, small peoples of the north, history, those who teach, but on, but we don’t have enough of such efforts, enthusiasts, please tell me whether a program will be created at the state level to support, preserve ours, our culture, it exists, plange there is, there is, that means there is a game.
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literally 20 years ago i still remembered my grandmother katya khatkan there, my grandfather kolyukeu, who was spoken in the kerek language, now this the language no longer exists, unfortunately, here we are, and you know that i have - this is what i said, it exists, yeah, but - if you still raise these questions, then it exists in this form, in such quality that this is not enough, so you write it down, here you are working on the spot, so. as you see it, what would need to be done right here in addition to ensuring that the task that you are talking about now, and which you are formulating, so that it is solved effectively, just write it down, there is a question there, this it’s not even a question of funding, it’s a pittance , in fact, we will do everything, we need to organize this work properly, but we have it here, it’s there, yes it is, and yes, we need to move all this.
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fix it on yes, transfer it, fix it on paper , give it to me, yes, i will give the corresponding instructions - by the department, starting from the ministry of finance, because everything relies on money, well, the money there is small, we will do it all, especially, especially that they stand out, we need to look at how they stand out, where exactly they go, what is the result there, maybe something needs to be reformatted in this work, i have already repeated, now a register of intangible - intangible culture will be created, we have a program, i don’t remember until what year, we will extend it, but we need to look like this let’s look at this from the point of view, so that it all works, brings a specific result, and the result is the preservation of the culture of the languages ​​of the small indigenous peoples of the north, thank you very much, write it down, give it to me, please, ok, ok, let's do it, yes, that is , formally everything exists, we need to see how it works and what is missing there.
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yes, yeah, thank you, thank you for doing this, thank you, because this, this is one of the greatest assets of russia, the diversity of its culture. and the diversity of culture without without language is no longer an inferior culture, it’s already like some fragments of culture, i completely agree, even in soviet times, magazines were published there and books were printed, let’s do all this, and even our regional the newspaper was published in three languages, and yes, our regional newspaper had inserts in three languages ​​in evensk and iskimovsko.
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dvortsova tatyana, i am an individual entrepreneur, health fitness studio posture, how are you? that i am an individual entrepreneur, i have a health fitness studio called posture, the name is, but my question concerns a slightly different industry, tourism, and as you noticed, our region is very interesting, unique, climatic, and natural, but to travel, we we've noted a lot now questions. yes, in terms of travel, including even moving from the airport here to the city of anadr, but it’s quite expensive, and not everyone can afford to travel around our region, through our chukotka, but we really have a lot of
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local nationalities represented here, yes , who really want to watch, need to watch, and travel. actively, now we won’t, i won’t give figures for domestic tourism, it works well enough to give, but the growth is very large, by the way, in the regions of the karen north there is also growth very significant, in the twenty-second year there was an increase of plus 15%, last year 41%
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, that is, the growth is serious, but there are specifics here, well, what should i say directly, but a favorable time for tourism, about two, well, well... this is even like just now , a colleague was talking about the perinatal center and so on, she doesn’t even raise the question of the perinatal center, because she understands that the number of births is minimal, well, that means the number of families with children is large, but the number of births is small, that’s why we need to structure this work accordingly, well, here it is... everything is correct, the proposal is correct, the same applies to tourism, 2 months, inside is an active time for tourism, but in accordance with this , work on domestic tourism must be structured, i don’t think there is a need to create a special federal program, but
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should these tasks in the field of development of domestic tourism be included in this existing federal program with the characteristics of the northern regions?
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count by season, then it will be different the numbers that will help do this, yes, but it seems to me that we, you know, can have tourism.
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really wonderful measures to support motherhood, childhood, large and low-income families, families with children, and one of the most wonderful decisions, i think, is that not so long ago the medal and the order of parental glory began to be awarded to both parents, mother and father, this is actually great, but mothers of many children also have social guarantees, such as retirement earlier than established by the state term. and this is very correct, because we give our health to our children, but
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fathers with many children, they work , you know, in all the families i know, our dads work two or three jobs, very often without days off, and even often they send family on vacation, but they themselves don’t go, uh, because they want to provide for their children with dignity, so that they do not differ from families with one or two children, at the beginning of our conversation... and you said that when interviewing women 80 percent, yes, 70, and less men, yes, 10%, 60, so i think that if only men had similar social guarantees or at least some kind of separate social encouragement, to increase the status of fatherhood and make the title of a father with many children prestigious. so i think that some measures can be taken, as you think, you yourself just noted that
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now both mothers and fathers are also receiving appropriate, well, rewards, and something else, and then not everything, maybe we have really different fathers, yes, conscientious performers of duties, or most often able, fathers are strong, really families. after all, the main burden of birth, upbringing, raising a child is borne by the woman, this is primarily her work, so in our country, well, anything can happen in life, but in general we have a cult of the mother in our society, it is very high. justifiably high, but i certainly agree with you that the influence, the importance of a man in
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a family is extremely important, i already said it too, i’ll repeat it again, when i meet large families, it always hurts me in the best sense of this words touch, impress men who headed by such families. kind people , efficient, active and very modest in their behavior, amazingly, just so gentle towards children, just an ideal example of such a real man, confident, calm, hard-working and loving, these are, of course, such men, such fathers, of course, deserve increased attention from the state, but in general the relationship, the relationship from the outside...
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such difficult questions, i wanted to ask, you have already done everything, she is getting up, i wanted to ask about this, in fact, we have been with you for years 20 years ago we saw each other at a service in the city of suzdal for christmas, it was a memorable meeting , many years have passed, we didn’t even think then that we would end up here in chukotka, now we
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’ve already moved from there, nothing, fate, now we’ve been here for many years we work and live here. we have six children since that meeting, here is my question to you, the meeting was good, yes, yes, the impulse was good, yes, here is my question to you, what is it like to be the father of a large family, i know, you are under your leadership is a large multi-million dollar a country that needs to be monitored, protected, provided, and in general this is a very important responsibility, as you...
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a lot, well, yes, well, approximately, but it happens a little more, because there is a hall, a swimming pool, all this together, shower, well, 2 hours, thank you, but this, you just need to make it a part of your life, it’s not necessary that you need 2 hours, but at least an hour, at least half an hour is necessary, of course, every person should know that here he must. devote time to this, we, we have certain indicators even what we should strive for in the country, how many people in the country should be involved in physical culture, sports, this is one of the very most important social indicators of the development of society, they do a lot, very
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well, yes, but in the whole country we have the number of people involved in permanent basis. culture and sports are growing, but we have not yet achieved the required indicators, but we will strive for this, thanks to people like you? yes, true, true, this is very, this is very important, yes, this is important from an economic point of view vision, the less sports, the fewer pills, and you need to say thanks to exercise, and not thanks to pills, pharmacology will be dissatisfied, nothing, nothing, will not be enough, pharmacology is a branch where the rate of profit is like on drugs, that’s why they are there they are not impoverished, everything will be fine, they have something to do, yes please. here the issue of preserving the native languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of chikotka has already been raised, we
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also have a proposal that can be resolved at the federal level, so i’ll read it now, because i’m afraid to miss a word, we believe that it is necessary to simplify the procedure for inclusion in the list of recommended textbooks. the ministry of natural resources, oh, the ministry of education of the russian federation with the teaching of textbooks on the native languages ​​of the small peoples of the north, since the preparation of textbooks takes years, during this, and during this time federal educational standards change, all work must be started all over again, this is the first and second, then what we also have at the federal level is a budgetary institution, federal institute of native languages ​​of the peoples of the russian federation and i would also like to connect to the institute and for the institute to pay attention to the preservation of the native languages ​​of chikotka, we really need methodological
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assistance and scientific assistance, the preservation of native languages, thank you very much, thank you, this is a specific proposal, we we will definitely work on it, i will definitely talk with sergei sergeevich krovtsov, i think that these technical things are quite solvable, thank you very much, yes, yeah, yes, please, well,
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yes, this is the first and second, he was not a member of the armed forces, and he was a volunteer, falls into these categories, they should all be equated with those people who defend the interests of the homeland with arms in hand now, and i have already given such an instruction to the ministry of defense, they must improve, if they have not, they will definitely finalize it, but for a specific person he says: give me his data, okay, and i have one more friend...
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which, well, no, the svo did not start, did not begin, which means that therefore there were no benefits at that moment when he received injury, wounds , it all started and benefits began to be given, but he is no longer there, anyway , all the people who defend russia with arms in their hands should be placed on equal terms, we will definitely finalize this, okay, thank you very much, give it to me how
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... talked, please, hello , vladimir vladimirovich, my name is roman salashin, i am a physical education teacher at school, i have the following question: you recently said that as a fourth-grade carpenter, yes, you know how to make windows, i have this ... here are the corresponding categories for us and awarded, i can’t say that i received such a serious qualification there, but there was a formal rank, but that’s all
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in life. everything is simple for me, my biography is well known, school, university, jurisprudence, leningrad state university, but today st. petersburg state university, then a special school for the kgb of the ussr, then special training for illegal intelligence, then a special school for legal intelligence, now it’s called a university or intelligence academy.
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change over these few days or vacation for several years, i, for example, don’t know that you are fully resting, how we all rest, yes, here, here is the full amount of our vacation, don’t do this either, while you look great, and you are active, you have completely adequate understandable thoughts on how you... recover
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, do you have a personal technique, i understand sports, i understand that the people of our country inspire you, but i think there is another personal secret of yours, a well-known joke about this, how do you relax, i don’t tense up, well, that’s certainly not true, because life makes you tense, you know
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, well, well, this is how you personally would behave if you found yourself, i don’t know, at the level of the general director of a large enterprise , or the head of a region, or at the level of a manager there, well, in an embassy somewhere, you know, of course very a lot depends on... that - the society where you each grew up , on the family, first of all, everything, everything on the family, here, here, people are sitting next to you, they have six or six children, in what atmosphere they live and these children are raised, what they lay our children, and this happens from generation to generation, i won’t go into details now, but i remember my
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mother’s stories, for example, about how... how her mother, my grandmother reacted to certain actions of hers , when she was still little , she was 7 years old, when she chased away a beggar there, and her grandmother said: what, catch up, bring her back, feed her, put her to bed, fed her in the morning and sent her away, you know, and this goes on from generation to generation, this is our genetic... code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or here i am i read a letter from my grandfather, which, i already talked about this, he wrote a letter to his son in the active army, a simple russian man, a peasant, writes with errors, addresses his son in navy.


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