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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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rubles saved, for example, when choosing a pleasure boat, is not such a big price to pay for a relaxing holiday. vladimir bazov, lead, duty department. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti duty department and an honest detective. follow along with us. that's all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you in this studio at 21:30. the russian government has approved plans for the socio-economic development of 16 far eastern cities until 2030. documents have been prepared for onadar, arsenyevsk, berabidzhan, blagoveshchensk, belogorsk, bolshoy kamen, vladivostok, komsomolsk-on-amur, krasnokamensk, neryungri, nakhodka, magadan, usuriysk, svobodny, khabarovsk. and yakutsk. the total
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amount of financing is 3.5 trillion rubles. of this, slightly less than half - 1.2 trillion - comes from the federal budget, and another 400 billion rubles will be allocated from the consolidated budgets of the regions. and the largest part, almost 2 trillion rubles. it will have to come from extra-budgetary sources. the comprehensive development plan includes, among other things, the renewal of urban housing stock, construction social facilities, modernization of transport and, of course, development of resort areas. in total , the development plan includes more than 700 events, for example, in magadan they plan to complete the construction of a regional nursing home with 80 beds in 2024, as well as build a new airport and improve roads by the end of 2025. in vladivostok, on russky island, the construction of a tennis academy is planned for the years 25-26. in yakutsk for twenty. in the ninth year,
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the construction of the mammoth world center is planned, in terms of development of blagoveshchensk for the twenty-fifth year, it provides for the completion of work on the construction of a cross -border cable car across the amur river, it will connect the city with the chinese heihe. today vladimir putin visited chukotka for the first time as head of state. according to him, he wanted to personally study the situation in the region. putin noted that the whole country is hearing about chukotka, and not only because it is himself. eastern region of the country, but because there are a lot of issues related to ensuring the country’s security, development logistics routes. here the president, of course, had in mind the most important for russia and for the whole world, the northern sea route. as the president also said, when you look with your own eyes, some things take on a different meaning. here, vladimir putin, of course, is right. in order to find out better what worries the residents of chukotka, the president held a large open meeting with them in onadr.
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a very direct thing, we will not be able to ultimately guarantee the interests of children, that’s what we’re talking about, let me remind you, but almost 50,000 residents are ticking, 13 of them live in anadar, while there is little interaction with other populated areas, long distances and extreme temperatures, the airport saves, but as the president mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, it is on one bank of the anador estuary in the village of ugolny... copies, and the city is on the other. difficulties at the crossing, all year round, especially during the off-season. and residents, of course, would like more comfortable travel conditions. as an option, consider the possibility of engineering construction through onadore lebanon. how much is this distance? about 5 km, in a narrow, yes, in the narrowest range.
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well, let's think, you see, the options have already come. and now here is footage from the presidential press service. vladimir putin drove to chukotka on the winter road, which has not yet been officially opened. as the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskova said, everything was checked in advance, the winter road itself
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will open only in february. swamphall was chosen to relocate president pan adru. the carrying capacity of each machine is about one and a half tons. it can accommodate. up to 12 passengers, thanks to ultra-low pressure tires the all-terrain vehicle can move without damaging the soil and cross virgin snow without falling through. let me remind you that vladimir putin arrived on a working trip to chikotka for the first time in the years of his presidency. the russian leader met with local residents and visited a greenhouse complex built on permafrost using innovative technologies. in the capital of chukotka, which is considered a region with an extreme climate, it is now quite moderate for january. signature sheets from another 12 regions were delivered today to the central election headquarters vladimir putin, thus signatures in his support were submitted by all subjects, nominees from parliamentary parties, which by law are not
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required to collect voter signatures, began the presidential race with trips around the country, then natalya solovyova monitors how the pre-election work goes.
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brings us signature sheets, we open the boxes, check them for technical compliance, and then in more detail, they are checked by the lawyers of the central election headquarters. more than 1,300,000 signatures have already been collected, obviously this figure will only grow. all
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89 regions sent their delegates to the capital, which means that candidate vladimir putin has already been supported by the entire country. we all need to improve our health, but the presidential candidate. from partil dpr leonid slutsky continues his big tour around the country. today in stavropol he visited a local dairy plant, one of the largest in southern russia. is it possible to live? you can eat only the products of your enterprise. that is , then without coffee without tea it turns out. no coffee, no tea, no tea, yes. and we have meat pies, cheese pies, that is, if we have them dumplings, there are dumplings, that is, please. sludsky tasted the products, talked with the company’s employees about the problems, and said that he was a parliamentarian.
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agriculture, but directly related to a special military operation, for example, drones, so we begin to little by little design, develop them ourselves, that is , we purchase components within our center, for which we help the kazakh regiment precisely with drones, namely with droppers, droppers, yes, that is we make them, they they are tested, configured , and then sent, but immediately after leonid slutsky met with the students and gave a lecture, natalya solovyova, alexander makredin,
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we don’t know what exercises will make your new year’s shape, but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable, uralsib bank. so, almost a million people celebrated the first days of 2024, getting acquainted with the country’s achievements at vdnk. the russian exhibition has become a place of attraction; for the third month now it has been breaking attendance records. january 10th is the day region, day of the regions, or rather also. these are the tula, ivanovo and kostroma regions. the tula region is known as the birthplace of weapons,
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samovars, and gingerbread. the region has many picturesque natural places, as well as preserved historical and cultural sites, temples and estates. for visitors, the region has prepared a rich business and cultural program. master shows of traditional tula crafts were held here all day long. the guests painted tula gingerbread and birch bark dishes, made new year's papier balls, and made voluminous toys from fabrics. my colleague alexandra perfilyeva got acquainted with the region’s stand. sasha, i greet you, please tell me in more detail, what did you see and where are you now? yes, artyom, greetings, but right now i ’m virtually in a clear clearing. this is the family estate of the greatest classic, the greatest russian classic leo nikolaevich tolstoy. it was in yasnaya polyana
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that he wrote works that are known throughout the world, these are the roman epic war and peace and anna karenina. let's go further, i 'll walk you through the stand right now. a short excursion, so i want to show you how many people came, despite the fact that it’s already evening, hello, how do you like the release, how do you like the exhibition?
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let's go, and now the broadcast of the un security council, the topic of the meeting, the situation in ukraine, the protocol will record our fundamental disagreement with the approach of the elected french chairmanship, despite our objections to the invitation to today's meeting of delegations under rules 37 and 39, their total number, including ukraine, is six are the european union, italy, poland, estonia, germany and ukraine, written contributions will be given by denmark, greece, romania. which is obviously redundant for a format like a briefing, which, unlike open debates with a wide range
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of participants, involves a focused discussion. in addition, all these states, with the exception of ukraine, are members of the european union, in addition to the delegation of the european union itself. as we have seen many times, their statements do not add any value to council discussions. these are the same, carbon-copy theses over and over again in line with the general position of the eu and nato. the only purpose for which this delegation comes to the council is to voice these theses on camera for its internal audience. we believe that this approach undermines the authority of the council. we regret that the french presidency, which declares its strict adherence to the rules of procedure of the security council, is grossly undermining its established practice of rago. mr. chairman, it is no secret that today’s meeting was convened by western colleagues for show, so that they, cynically working out their monthly plan for ukraine in the security council, could once again
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read out the same anti-russian propaganda theses, declaring their commitment to international humanitarian law and picturesquely. an approach that we have seen more than once, in africa, the middle east, and eastern europe. civilian gazovites, syrians, libyans, iraqis, afghans, not to mention russians and ukrainians, within it are nothing more than faceless numbers in statistics. on december 30 , the kiev renounced by british and american consultants, in impotent
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rage, fired cluster munitions from multiple launch rocket systems in a residential area of ​​a russian city. entered the french foreign ministry, which currently presides over the security council, calling kiev’s terrorist attacks on belgorod the exercise of the right to self-defense in accordance with article 51 of the charter of the ou. it is unfortunate that french diplomacy, following anglo-saxon diplomacy, has become so degraded. do you understand that you are thus responsible for these crimes?
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targeted attacks on civilian areas in the russian cities of donetsk, belgorod and kursk continue. how did you react? russia has and will continue to strike ukrainian military targets and infrastructure that support kiev’s military capabilities. the behavior is very indicative;
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they choose their own goals. the people of the united states and european countries should know that these weapons are targeting christmas markets, homes, women, the elderly and children. today, western members of the council read out theses, prepared as a carbon copy, on the use of russian armed forces during a special military operation on ukraine ammunition from the democratic people's republic of korea. as is often the case with instructions.
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it turns out that the united states is disseminating deliberately false information without even bothering to warn its direct contacts about it.
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more than 16 thousand residential buildings, almost 3,500 civil infrastructure facilities were destroyed, including about 700 educational facilities, over 180,180 medical institutions, 1,100 electrical water, heat and gas supply facilities. these figures will never appear in un surveys for a reason: bias of the secretariat of the united nations. today there were many words of solidarity with ukraine, which is a western sponsor. allegedly still ready to support, support, however , it seems that continued support has long been a process of enslavement of the ukrainian economy, as a consequence of the population of the entire
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country. ukraine's external debt in 2022 increased from 2022 to a record $132 billion or 89% of gdp. the staggering funds allocated to ukraine through the imf, the european union, and washington are driving this the country is in debt. american agro-industrial tncs exceeded 4 million hectares. we want to hope that ukrainians will finally understand that over the past
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two years they have only been. yes, colleagues, we continue to tell you what surprises the stand of the tula region, now we entered the control room, and sergei told us about a unique brand of microphones, this is our truly unique tula production, this is a microphone produced by
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an octave. the history of the production of these microphones is almost a century old, very soon the plant will celebrate its centenary, and many famous performers, including vladimir vysotsky , recorded their albums using a tula-made microphone, which we are very proud of. and the turetsky choir, yes, and i also know that on april 12, 1961, yuri gagarin uttered his legendary phrase into a microphone, of this particular brand, the phrase was “let’s go,” but not in such a big one, here’s a mini version, that’s right . yes, in our tv language, it’s called a buttonhole, which we put on our clothes, and what’s it called, it’s called demsh, demsh, so let’s move on, i can’t help but show you, look what beautiful girls we found, hello, how beautiful you are, you have such amazing outfits, tell me, these are traditional outfits of the tula region, this is the personification of russia, this is a national
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after 1941, when the fascist invaders tried in every possible way to capture this city , but the residents of tula did not give up the land , the governor of the region noted that the character of the zhytsels was strong and strong-willed. these are great people, this means, as i said, this is the homeland of great writers, great artists, these are people creative, these are people who perform feats of labor every day, a large group was stationed in the territory of the tula region, from the first days it has been performing tasks in the zone of a special military operation,
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the military-industrial sector is also actively developing in the territory of the tula region. the complex here has a plant not only for the production of weapons, but also a design bureau where they actually produce shells, this is an anti-aircraft missile cannon complex, which, by the way, is supplied to the zone of a special military operation. roman, greetings, here you go tell me, and as i understand it, anyone here can try to control , so to speak, the complex, yes, of course, that is , here we have a simulator, let's try, let's try everything ourselves, yeah, here we have it. directly the simulator where the military is trained to work with this complex, yeah, that is, here we have the workplace of the commander, who directly, that is, works with the radar, selects which targets we will destroy, and the operator sees the targets in the image through the thermal imager direct line of sight is engaged in firing at targets , how it works, where to press, now i’ll tell you where to press, that is, in order for you to have a novel, we have limited time, press this button, yeah, yes, now our target will load, now it’s flying for us ,
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yes. then we use this tracker to guide us:


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