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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. this is great informational. evening, that's what we'll tell you about in the next hour. in ukraine , pilots are being buried, one after another. major romanenko for listovsky, nicknamed the blue helmet. are there any pilots left in kyiv that haven’t been shot down? they receive sentences of up to life for war crimes. how the ukrainian military became mariupol murderers, killing and torturing civilians. snow and swamp vehicle, what is
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interesting about this car, in addition to the huge wheels ultra-low pressure, and where such monsters are collected. ukrainian mobilization has come to poland, the tetskashniks are already issuing a summons to the trenches, fake? zelensky rushed to lithuania, latvia and estonia, maybe the soul of the fugitives? in ukraine, children are offered to chew not on granite, but on the concrete of science. an underground school is being built in kharkov. or a new bunker for military equipment? he was only 23 years old, unfortunately none of us will see his new videos again. so, the blessing sphere of the kiev regime, albeit reluctantly, still recognized the death of vladislav zalistovsky, who became famous in knowledgeable circles under the pseudonym blue hamler. he served
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as a pilot in the junta air force, part-time, and ran a very popular extremist instagram page among the relevant public, that is , he was considered a media person without attracting the pride of the armed forces of ukraine. like the ghost of kiev in a new way, however, all this is already in the past tense, since the boy was destroyed along with his mik-29 fighter. well, what is typical, the russian ministry of defense reported the downing of the plane along with many others at the end december, but no official confirmation. so far, no one has received anything from the ukrainian leadership; accordingly, the truth, almost 2 weeks later, leaked to the yellow-black media only from obituaries on social networks, which zelensky’s gang, of course, is unlikely to be happy about, because it is much more accustomed to completely hushing up even such obvious losses of a personal pilot composition. what is the reason, anton potkovenko will explain. anton, hello, but it seems that the elimination of such high-status pilots is increasingly delaying the supply of f-16s, and other western ones. aircraft technicians, greetings, well
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yes, of course, it puts them off, in fact, we will shoot them down, just as we shoot down the current kiev aviation, our hands are full. a regiment of downed ukrainian pilots has arrived, one name after another is popping up in the kiev media, and it’s popping up because the enemy is extremely reluctant to admit that we are knocking out his aircraft. until recently, the armed forces of ukraine tried to deny everything, but now it’s no longer possible. how to silence a funeral, for example? shot down at the end of december of that year, that is, quite recently. romanenko flew the su-37, this is a heavy fighter like ukraine has already failed twice. our s-300, s-400, buki, shells, they know their stuff. all the air platforms were churning.
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young age for independent flights, that is, this is literally a recent university graduate, ukraine today does not have the opportunity to train them for a long time, to provide them with a lot of flying time. zalestovsky did not return from the next combat mission, so they write to ukrosmi, without specifying the circumstances, of course, because each of their downed pilots is a compliment to our air defense interceptors. they have personnel. hunger, that is, as far as i am concerned
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it is known that the teams that can service and operate, for example, the su-24, that is , the one that carries the storshedou, have scalps of only about 7-8, maximum 10 teams. that is , roughly speaking, they get cars by restoring them using the method of technical cannibalism - old ones that are already written off are made, roughly speaking , like frankenstein, which has a resource reserve of 10-15 hours. what is the disappearing kiev air fleet? few people in ukraine know the exact data, but according to military analysts the picture is approximately like this: they don’t have a single whole squadron from... kiev is trying to hit the crimea with them, only su-24s can be launched for now, there are very few of them left, well, according to the consolidated
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assessment of military observers, there are about ten of them, so they remain in the composition the ukrainian air force, which is capable of taking off at all, as we see regularly. our air defenses are working, our fighters are scrambling to intercept. in the weekly reports of our ministry of defense there is data on downed ukrainian planes, and romanenko, zalistovsky are leaked through the media filters of kiev confirmation. where does ukraine’s remaining aviation take off from? hidden airfields with hangars in which planes are trying to hide from our ubiquitous drones and missiles. more civilian takeoffs. the landing strip, apparently, they use, all the airfields, which means they were certainly attacked by our heavy missiles, in particular ballistic ones, including fire missiles, calibers and ours - from the mig-31k platforms with our daggers, but kiev is still
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dreaming superiority in the air, those same f-16s, supplies of which from western owners are all postponed and postponed. and which will be shot down in the same way by our air defense systems, just like the current ukrainian sushki and migs, but the ukrainian armed forces continue to dream and continue to lie. here is supposedly a female pilot from ukraine who flies an f-16 in the american nevada, supposedly she is training, they say how cool, well, yes, cool. they took a screenshot from a video of us air force lieutenant madison marsh, who was also miss colorado and is aiming for miss america this year, and they are trying to use this video. drink propaganda postcard for social networks, a decision no less incompetent than kiev’s attempts to hide fatal losses in aviation, which it cannot make up for with anything; there are no production facilities, no repair bases, only places in cemeteries for pilots. antom potkovenko and clipped wings. the
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russian ministry of defense showed new footage of the operation of heavy flamethrower systems in the sun. the crews of combat vehicles destroyed fortified dugouts with armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. the blow is accurate, but it hits the target. this is the kupinsky direction, where ukrainian attack aircraft tried to attack in the area of ​​​​the settlements of terny and senkovka. however, as a result, the ukrainian armed forces only lost almost one and a half hundred personnel. chronicle of a special operation in a report by denis alekseev. ukrainian commanders are holding the line; personnel losses are not falling. the ukrainian armed forces lose 500-600 soldiers every day. and we continue to work on the assigned goals. another complex attack was carried out at night. a military facility in the ukrainian rear, missiles and drones are involved, one of the arrivals was at a storage site for multiple launch rocket systems. the russians chalked up their defeat pilots. the vsushniki are losing equipment on the battlefield, the same nato equipment for which kiev now
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owes billions of dollars to its partners. they praised their armor so much, but what did they wear? the western press describes her fate at the fronts without any embellishment. in this case, speech. about german weapons being mired in winter mud, the publication’s journalists quote the words of one of the commanders of the russian unit in the zaporozhye direction. the same leopards are drowning in the mud, they are constantly, constantly drowning, we can watch from drones how they are pulled out. and here the same news from a german defense company. a service center for german armored vehicles is being built in western ukraine. the bundestag deputy painted a colorful picture, saying that everything will pass.
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in the kupyansk direction, the active actions of units of the west group of troops , aviation strikes and artillery fire repelled four attacks by assault groups of the twenty-first and thirty-second mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the ternov and senkovka areas. the enemy lost up to 1,405 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, four vehicles, an american-made 155 mm m-777 howitzer, a 152 mm d-20 gun and a 122 mm howitzer. 34 drones were destroyed by air defense systems, the consumption of ukrainian
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drones during the entire period of the special operation was almost 11 thousand, russian rocket scientists are trying to work one step forward, while destroying such weapons at the production stage; just the day before, two uav assembly shops were liquidated. denis alekseev, news! shooting up a family's car inside, hunting for civilians fleeing ..., killing civilians, radio entertainment from a grenade launcher, massacres of mothers and children in their own apartments, and also kidnapping, rape, torture, a terrible list of atrocities of ukrainian war criminals from the large material of the komsomol truth about the mariupol murderers. after many months of investigation , rapists and murderers from the armed forces of ukraine are brought to justice, because the horror of what the residents of the city had to endure was carefully documented by the investigative committee and brought to the tribunal. exactly. the general public became aware of the monstrous cruelty of senior lieutenant of the ukrainian armed forces sergei batynsky. as kope writes, he grabbed
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a married couple on the street and locked them up on the territory of the azov-mash plant. there, in one of the rooms , he mocked a woman, while her husband kept hearing howls of impotence in the next room. but even this did not end the couple’s torment. eerie court chronicles from the mariupol cases were studied by evgeniy nipod, evgeniy, greetings, but in fairness, the ukrainian nazis receive the most severe sentences. alexey, hello, we are talking about sentences from 20 years to life. for what they did to civilians population. real sadists in the form of the armed forces of ukraine or the national battalion, animals in human form, as if prid’s ordeals reveled in their impunity, killing and torturing civilians . that same inhumane, sergei batynsky, a rapist murderer, drunkenly raped a woman who, together with her common-law husband, had detained him from...
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and the azov terrorists , the marines of the thirty-sixth nikolaev brigade of the armed forces of ukraine especially distinguished themselves by their atrocities. dmitry shalar, as part of a group, shot a car and a minibus with machine guns, four died. seeing white ribbons on mirrors, these were worn by civilians to show that they were unarmed and not dangerous. so, when he saw these tapes, he thought that there were pro-russian people inside, this was enough to open fire. sentence, life imprisonment. the investigative committee of russia is in
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a cage with people for 30 years in prison, roman andrienko and vladimir gorbatyuk killed a man and wounded a woman, received 26 years in prison. andrei skarina, with a burst of fire, wounded the spouses who were riding bicycles, then attacked a convoy of three cars, where five died, received a life sentence. there is such a quiet, but very large-scale tribunal over these animals in human form, and it is very important to know about this, it is very important to know that there is a crime without a statute of limitations, for which
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the punishment will still find the criminal, we are still trying participants in the terrorist underground underground of the beginning two thousand or even the late nineties. the human rights council reports that it has collected data on more than 8 thousand episodes of crimes by the kiev regime against civilians. some the armed forces of ukraine, like maniacs, staged a real hunt for the townspeople in mariupo. ivan taran executed two people, then killed a woman in the house with a shot in the back of the head, then dealt with the mother and son, attempted the lives of two more residents, and received a life sentence. despite the fact that for the last 9 years before these events, mariupol was under the control of kiev, and people with blue ukrainian passports lived there, when they were killed, and during that terrible spring of 2022, these were citizens of ukraine, but for the vast majority
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of ukrainians military of ukrainian society, probably, in general, these people had no mercy. there were no adults or even children, the azov terrorist arthur neverchuk shot up a car, killed a family of three, experts counted more than sixty bullet holes in the car, he shot two more with an under-barrel grenade , he will not be released until the end of his life, and this one the character, most likely also, nikolai alekseenko, 24 years in a maximum security colony for war crimes, shot two civilians and killed a civilian. the overwhelming majority of crimes committed against civilians residents of donbass and novorossiya, do not have a statute of limitations. the investigative committee of russia will take all necessary measures to ensure that the criminals suffer inevitable punishment. they will be responsible for a lot. for the bloody massacre in bucha, kupinsk, mariupol, donetsk and atrocities in other cities, they will answer according to the law, just like their
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brothers-in-arms animals who turned them into instruments of torture and reprisals. evgenia nipot and the mariupol tribunal. european countries, unlike russia, have failed to demonstrate true independence and self-sufficiency. such statements today made by vladimir putin at a meeting with representatives of the chukotka public. let me remind you that the president had not yet visited this autonomous region, but now, according to him , he decided to personally monitor the development of the region, guided by the principle that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. although communicating with local residents affected not only the inside. even with ours, even the leading economies of europe are going through hard times, we are growing, and they are falling, well, let’s not talk about this now, these are details, we are not happy about it, we won’t play it down, but it’s a fact, a fact
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the fact remains, and it is such, that it turned out that their dependence on us is greater than ours on them. and the main thing that we showed to ourselves, well , to the whole world, also important, is that russia is a self-sufficient country, in every sense of the word, strong and moving forward, at the same time, the president spoke about problems that cannot be turned a blind eye to, in their including the modernization of infrastructure, as well as the repair of educational institutions, as putin emphasized, such issues must be kept under constant control and not for...
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today, attention was focused on the transport that the president used to move around chukotka. the harsh winter climate of the region did not leave the head of state, and at the same time his press secretary dmitry peskov , with any new choice other than to switch to actually special equipment, specifically to all-terrain vehicles, snow and swamp-going vehicles with huge wheels of ultra-low pressure. here, without any options , any landscape will slip through, be it rough off-road, a deep quagmire, or, as in this case, high snowdrifts. actually, absolutely ... no problems with logistics in anadar the head of state and his team did not have any problems, which means that the machines have proven their high efficiency and adaptability to difficult conditions in practice. but it is important to emphasize that we are talking about two domestic brands at once. putin took a seat in the cabin of the off-road trekol suv, while peskov had the opportunity to ride the predator.
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evgeniy deshkovets is ready to tell you where exactly their production is established and what configuration options are available. evgeny, hello. as far as i understand, for those who live and work. good evening, yes, alexey, we often talk about bad weather at checkotka, but when the famous black blizzard rages in anadar , you can move around the city, but only on such all-terrain vehicles, and now vladimir putin has appreciated their capabilities. all-terrain vehicles met the president directly, met the president right at the plane's ramp, the russian leader had to use special equipment, as dmitry peskov would later explain, this was the actual... the only way to safely travel from the onadyr airport directly to the city. winter road not yet opened. it turns out that it will officially open only in february. therefore, in fact , everything can be said at your own risk , they use it, everyone correlates the mass of the car, and the thickness of the ice is not yet such that it
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guarantees the smooth passage of any vehicle. let me explain, we are talking about the anadar coal ice crossing. it runs along the anadar estuary and connects the city with the village of coal mines, where the local airport is located. this crossing always freezes very late, as a rule... the eighty-centimeter ice required for the passage of heavy equipment it melts here in february, and sometimes even in march. from time to time, winter drivers introduce restrictions on the weight of vehicles. it is not surprising that the choice of equipment for crossing the estuary was made in favor of specialized snow and swamp-going vehicles with wheels with a diameter of 1,700 and 1,780 mm. despite the serious weight of such machines, they provide extremely low specific ground pressure. during the soviet union, our all-terrain vehicles were mostly heavy, powerful, and usually tracked. the era of wheeled vehicles, in everyday life they are called dutiks,
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and these are ultra-low pressure tires, it actually blossomed already in independent russia. the machines allow practically everything, and at the same time, unlike caterpillars, they do not cause serious harm to the environment. this transport is in great demand, it will be in demand in our country. the country is huge, we are developing, developing the eastern territories as before, they are undeveloped and we understand perfectly well that there will be enough for our grandchildren, so all this needs to be developed. in the president's motorcade, for example, there were three predators. this is the brainchild of the tobolskys designers. the weight of the vehicles is, depending on the model, from 3 to 4 tons, but at the same time they have enormous maneuverability, all thanks to ultra-low pressure tires. let me explain that the standard tire pressure is considered. 2 2.3 atmospheres, on which cars move on hard, stable surfaces, for example, asphalt, but softer soil requires softer wheels, which
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deform under the weight of the car , thereby increasing the area of ​​contact with the ground, the most passable tires are ultra-low pressure, less than 6 atmospheres, these will be taken out even in the deepest snow. the maximum pressure is zero. five atmospheres in them the pressure is regulated for the area along which you need to move, under the peatlands - this is one pressure, under the water there is its own pressure, under the roads there is its own pressure, there under the snow there is its own pressure, the person who operates already knows from experience what pressure where it is necessary to set. however, deep snowdrifts are the reality of the russian north in harsh winter conditions, but in the summer the situation changes dramatically, the tundra... thaws and becomes impassable, for another reason everything turns into a swamp, but during this period, domestic all-terrain vehicles remain at their best, or rather afloat, we have such
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a universal vehicle, that is, it can drive on the road, move around on its own, and safely move around off roads, but if necessary in the future, it’s often a big deal, without constructive criticism either... let’s hope that the comments will be taken into account, i would really like there to be more such equipment in russia, because 2/3 of the territory of our country is in the zone
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eternal world zloty, so the demand for such machines will always be high. evgenia teshkovets, all-terrain power. well, a last-minute message about the president’s work schedule; after leaving chukotka, vladimir putin flew to khabarovsk, where he is scheduled to hold a meeting on the development of far eastern cities. dmitry peskov previously announced a meeting of the head of state with representatives of local business, and putin, as far as is known, will visit the khabarovsk animation studio, whose products have already entered international markets and will discuss the creation of regions of new creative clusters. in the donetsk direction, the armed forces of ukraine lost up to 280 militants per day, as the defense clarified, thanks to the competent work of russian units in the bogdanovka area, andreevka and klishcheevka, enemy equipment was also hit in the zaporozhye sector of the northern military district. the russian military repelled an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the rabotin area, and also defeated the forces of two ukrainian brigades in the novoprokopovka area, with details from the donetsk and zaporozhye directions from our
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correspondents. in the steppes near donetsk again the rotation will unravel, here they carry out on foot in the dark, to the positions of this motorized rifle brigade of the first donetsk army corps, we approach at dawn, military personnel move here in small groups, since enemy drones are operating in the sky, artillery does not operate batteries here, the guns are dispersed at a safe distance along the whole... the guns work in any weather, day and night, cold, rain, slush, fog, it doesn’t matter, the team has been working with them for a long time, i’ve been working with them for more than a year, our coherence is simply top notch
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level. the rotations of the armed forces of ukraine, which ukrainian militants are trying to carry out near donetsk, are stopped by mobile crews with portable anti-tank missiles, with night vision devices the successful defeat of enemy infantry, we began to disrupt their rotations, so we began to process them with everything, well , from what we could, we processed them, so deciding their comfort, because the enemy strikes when he... we deprived them of a sense of security. military personnel of the southern group of forces recently occupied the next positions of the ukrainian armed forces west of donetsk and talk about the inappropriate behavior of ukrainian militants during a shooting battle. they used something like that, because when i personally fired at them, two ran away, and the girl who climbed out to her full height
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was installing her monks. after several sighting strikes from the mstab howitzer , aerial reconnaissance reports that the target has been hit and the crew is given the order to continue firing. gun shot. from the air you can see how the enemy's ammunition detonates, the militants' firing position and mortar crew are destroyed. stanislav nazarov, viteley godanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. scouts are adjusting artillery fire , there are several drones in the air at once, tankers are hitting the enemy with a cumulative projectile, in order to hit the target exactly, you need to be a real professional, the distance to the enemy position is more than 10 km. according to the tankers, the main forces of the ukrainian armed forces are destroyed on the approach to the demarcation line, so the enemy rarely uses military equipment, western weapons performed poorly in zaporozhye,
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all actions are calculated, and only then, already then emotions, fear, now come when everything is over, his colleague viktor bolshakov was also awarded the badge of st. george of the fourth degree, during the summer counter-offensive in the ssu, the man brought shells and food for the soldiers who were on the front line near the village of rabotina, each the flight was associated with a risk to life, and to be honest, i didn’t even think about it, i just took it, got in and went, that’s it, i understood that
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my guys were there, that they needed it, that we had to help them, units regularly are undergoing training, exercises at the training grounds do not stop, classes are held with instructors with extensive combat experience, igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, lead the zaporozhye region, now a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast, ukrainian mobilization has come to poland, the tskashniks are already issuing an agenda . is the cop a fake? zelensky rushed to lithuania, latvia and estonia, maybe to kill the fugitives?


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