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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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30° below zero, the road from the airport along the frozen liman and tangerines for 1,400 rubles. vladimir putin visited chukotka, the only region of the country that he had not yet seen, and talked not only with the governor, but with local residents. reports by alexei golovko and pavel zarubin on the topics and most importantly the results of this trip. an airplane with a tricalor on the wing over the easternmost region of russia , icy chukotka below. tets floating on the horizon
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indicates where the district capital, anador, is located. getting from the airport to the city is a real northern adventure. sun it sets already at one o'clock in the afternoon. i'm literally walking across the bering sea right now. the ice at this crossing below me is about a meter thick. now in chukotka, as the locals say, it is only -30°, but winter has just begun, it will be -50 and maybe higher, such a reliable crossing exists here from january to march. for vladimir. putin's first working trip to chukotka. the district remained the last region where he had not yet been. the main event of the day is a meeting with the residents of anadriya. on the table next to the microphone are traditional figurines, walrus ivory carving. and although this is the farthest region from the special operation zone, among the participants in the conversation there are svo soldiers. due to the weather and distance, they do not always have time to return to their unit after vacation. in departments, if documents are available, they should treat this with understanding. i was going to. now i’m flying to yakutia, well, the plane
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can’t land here, i had to cancel the trip to yakutia, well, i’ll go anyway, but here’s a specific glitch due to transport schemes, with an ordinary person, even more so this happens all the time, especially at such distances in such zones, there are quite a few parents with many children in the hall, three, four, five children, this is not uncommon here, it’s good not only that you have five children, which is very good and... congratulations to everyone , i am glad that it is becoming fashionable for us to have many children, according to public opinion polls in 2022, 60% of russian men and 70% of women in the country would like to have two or more children, this is the mood for a large family, he constantly, constantly strengthening and growing up, parents are proposing new
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support measures, consider the issue at the federal level, and about exempting large families from the tax on a single home, not only for parents, but also for children. if we talk about large families in the far east, this is not that much money, both for the federal budget, and the federal budget, of course, could support the appropriate levels of the budget system in order to provide this benefit, just now... just right that i finished my conversation with the minister of finance, the budget system the country feels confident , calm, and is developing actively, therefore, of course , there is such an opportunity, i support it, one of the fathers of many children, it turns out, has already met with putin in suzdal at the christmas service, but fate brought it to the far east, under your leadership a large multi-million dollar a country to watch. protect, ensure how you
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cope, maybe you have some secret? i look when our people achieve some results in science, in culture, in education, in medicine, in sports, so i look at these young, beautiful, energetic, talented people, you know, i have this feeling very often. that it’s as if these are my children, this is our family, you know, i’m so, i’m so happy for them, just their successes, their well-being, this is the potential of russia, vladimir putin reminded of the traditions and life principles that the family lays as an example brought my relatives, i remember my mother’s stories, for example, about how her mother and my grandmother reacted to certain of her actions when she was still little, 7 years old. when
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she drove away the beggar there, and the grandmother said: what, catch up, bring him back, feed him, put him to bed, in the morning...
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this is about 5 km, how many billions there will be, a lot, because here you need to first get a technical solution, it can be very different, many, many, it’s like in the tatar army
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it was all packed in tens, hundreds, thousands, and then darkness, so, so, that’s what the army was called, darkness. “residents of anadriya began to continue to take advantage of this opportunity, for the first time to directly ask the president a question, do you now have time in your busy schedule to play sports, i do it every day, at least 2 hours, sometimes a little more, because there is a gym, a swimming pool, you just need to make it a part of your life, every person should know that so he should devote time to this, he should say thanks to the exercises, and not thanks to the pills, pharmacology will be dissatisfied"? nothing, nothing, will not be enough, pharmacology is a branch where the rate of profit is the same as on drugs, so they won’t become poor there, that’s all it will be good, they asked how vladimir putin is relaxing, there is a well-known joke about this, how do you relax, i don’t tense up,
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but of course this is not the case, because life makes you tense up, you need to love the work you are doing. i love, they were interested in what professions , besides a carpenter, the president also has, a special school of the kgb of the ussr, then special training in the line of illegal intelligence, then a special school in the line of legal intelligence, now called a university or an intelligence academy, then he passed his dissertation, when he was already working in civilian life economy. candidate economic sciences, everything, like parents , some anadorians were interested in why soviet cartoons are better than modern foreign ones, these modern cartoons, western-made, everything shoots, jumps, runs, in half an hour your head will fall off from this film, how
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can children stand it? , our soviet cartoons, of course, are of a completely different quality and the emotional impact, the aesthetic impact on the formative one is completely different. more than ours from them, and the main thing is that we showed ourselves, well, the whole world, too what is important is that russia is a self-sufficient country. very strong people really live in this climate, life here does not take away even after sunset in the frosty darkness,
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adult children walk among the colorful houses, and the favorite breed of dog here, of course, is the frost-free husky, chukotka is a region with great economy.. there is potential for fishing here, gold, silver, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium are mined, but of course, the main treasure of the region is the people living in such difficult climatic conditions, the population of anadri is 14. people, the population of the entire chukotka autonomous okrug is a little more than 40,000. one of the residents is engaged in a business unthinkable in these latitudes. natalya makatrova runs a huge greenhouse where vegetables are grown in extreme permafrost conditions. the new year has passed, cucumbers are now in short supply because there was such a rush of demand. well, they exist, yes, here we have a svetogor cucumber, let's go to another greenhouse, there will be meva. he is so good. fourth, the cucumber is right, right, it’s still growing, and the mother
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of nine children supplies it to the market anadrya 20% of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs are impossible without fresh vitamins in the north, but bringing vegetables and fruits here, as they say, from the mainland is expensive for the end buyer. our cucumber costs 500 rubles in the store. the tomato is 650 ours, and the imported one is 1.200, 1. 1.100, 1.200. imported vegetables, all the inhabitants of the far north agree, they taste like glass, here - the president could be convinced, everything has a real smell, i just give basil to everyone to smell, this is simple magic, i even held it a little, there is already beauty, yes, fresh vegetables, of course, are especially in demand in winter, in summer, thanks to new air fares, more and more chukotka families can fly to the south, thank you very much, cheap tickets. at this meeting you can also see how the president was expected in chukotka.
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vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for visiting us, so to speak, thank you, i congratulate the farm, yes yuri petrovich, well, they didn’t believe that it would happen, well, we stood in the vacant lots, as agreed, if something was needed, yes , that’s it, no question, a business card, at the end of the working trip the president held bilateral meeting with the governor of the chukotka autonomous okrug vladislav kuznet. he has been leading the region since march last year and told vladimir putin in a personal conversation about what he had achieved during this period. alexey glovko, oleg makarov, irina kharlamova, semyon shapchenko, hosted by anadar chukotko. such personnel and such proximity can only be welcomed at this il-96 airport of the special flight detachment of russia, and nearby are all-terrain vehicles called “kishnik”.
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600 rub. kilogram, nearby there is a little cheaper 1.150, pepper - 1.350 rubles. price per kilogram, we look at fruits, tangerines 1,400, lemons 1,200, but according to official statistics the average salary, but in chukotka, is more than 100,000 rubles. have you gotten used to these prices by now? well, of course, you get used to everything over time. is this affordable for you? well, in principle, yes, we are from other regions, of course we are just. having seen such prices for fruits and vegetables, well, everything is so , everyone, when they arrive, everyone is shocked by such prices,
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importation is very difficult, so we are already used to such prices, thanks to the new complex you can eat not imported ones, but your own chukotka ones vegetables, it’s even hard to believe, but president putin is in chukotka for the first time, this is his first visit, by the way, i can’t really see in the dark now, but let’s see together what kind of cars he drives here in chukotka. president, as i understand it, vladimir putin is in one of the minibuses. it is clear that since this is the first visit, today we are especially closely monitoring every moment of this trip. so now here we are in the cold, we stood in the cold of 35°, we stood for about 30 minutes, but by the way, i must say that the frost is so dry, and people they say it’s very warm, in this warm -35 , almost the whole city is out on the street , a lot of people have gathered, everyone is welcoming putin, i’ll have to take a hot bath today, very hot, hot water consumption, judging
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by these shots, it’s sharp here today will increase. direction, an attack by the urabotin armed forces was repelled, and an ammunition depot and two ukrainian drone assembly shops were also hit. more details, denis alekseev. ukrainian commanders are holding the line; personnel losses are not falling. the ssu loses 500-600 soldiers every day. and we we continue to work on the assigned goals. another complex strike was carried out at night
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on military targets in the ukrainian rear. missiles and drones involved, one. of the arrivals took place at the storage site for multiple launch rocket systems, and russian pilots chalked up their defeat to their own account. the vsesushniki are losing equipment on the battlefield, the same nato equipment for which kiev now owes billions of dollars to its partners. they praised their armor so much, but what did they wear? the western press describes her fate at the fronts without any embellishment. in this case, the conversation about german weapons is mired in winter mud. journalists of the publication bring. words of one of the commanders of the russian unit in the zaporozhye direction. the same leopards drown in the mud, they constantly drown. we can watch from drones as they are pulled out. and then there was news from a german defense company. a service center for german armored vehicles is being built in western ukraine. the bundestag deputy described it in vivid colors, saying that everything will be carried out
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efficiently and quickly. and even mechanics will be trained there. there is a price issue at the same time. not is being specified, but there is no doubt that the west will not miss its benefits. and that our military is doing everything to destroy western equipment on the spot, without the possibility of transportation. here is footage of the destruction of a moving column, the loss of the ukrainian armed forces on the donetsk front. two tanks, 15 vehicles for various purposes, several self-propelled guns at once. these are units of the southern group, so they successfully attacked six mechanized brigades and one assault brigade with artillery. from the air, of course, the pilots supported. well, that's what's on the northern front of the special operation in kupinsky direction. in the kupyansk direction, the active actions of units of the west group of troops, air strikes and artillery fire repelled four attacks by assault groups of the twenty-first and thirty-second mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the ternov and senkovka areas. the enemy lost up to 145
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military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, four automobiles, an american-made 155mm m. 777 howitzer, a 152mm d-20 gun and a 122mm d-30 howitzer. 34 drones destroyed by air defense systems, consumption there were almost 11,000 ukrainian drones during the entire special operation. russian rocket scientists are trying to work one step forward, and at the same time destroy such weapons at the production stage. just the day before , two uav assembly shops were liquidated. denis alexe. news: a strike has started in germany by railway workers who are seeking higher wages, and this is in addition to massive protests by farmers, which continues to block traffic on key autobahns in germany. report by mikhail antonov. berlin east station. train timetables handwritten with a felt-tip pen a notice that the electronic scoreboard should not be trusted. from 2:00
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am on january 10th until 6:00 pm, strike.
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unaffordable electricity bills, and now also an increase in taxes, due to the abolition of the preferential vat rate of 7%, introduced during the covid period. and a week later they decided, no, we’ll take them back, they’ll go back to 19%. the rise in taxes and the service sector, of course, are compensated at the expense of the consumer, but for many cafes and restaurants, especially provincial ones, they are already unspoiled. this means the end of business, therefore, many of them are also on strike today, although much more quietly and inconspicuously than german
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farmers have been doing the same since the beginning of the week. in the center of every major city , the village made its presence known in the form of men and women in yellow vests on tractors. many highways are blocked, although lanes for special vehicles have been left free. an attempt by the federal government to reassure the peasants with promises of something different.
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khabik, who recently barely managed to avoid
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a face-to-face meeting with rural voters area in the port of schlüzzel. no one knows what could have happened if there had not been a ferry under it. calls for the overthrow of the government are circulating, extremist groups are being formed and nationalist symbols are openly displayed, it has become obvious in recent years. something has gone wrong, the boundaries of legitimate democratic protest and freedom of expression are blurring. in other words, the unpopular government that has driven millions of people to the brink is now painting the dissatisfied in all shades of brown. it is possible that provide yourself with the opportunity to smoothly transition to tightening the nuts. however, not everything is so simple. despite the fact that at the beginning of the protest , the police have already opened hundreds of criminal cases against their participants. even before the protests began , there were warnings that the protests could be used by right-wing forces. i thought from the very beginning that such labels
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were a bad decision on the part of politicians, especially those from the green party. they do democracy a disservice when they talk about free protest within the bounds of the law as right-wing hostiles. the fantasy of overthrowing power is rather characteristic of khabik. farmers, bakers and machinists will vote for her, and it is against her that accusations of extremism are directed. the most important question that now torments the authorities, most of
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the opposition, is how to ban it? germany. st. petersburg ska beat vityaz near moscow on the road. canadian forward brendon laipsik, who received russian citizenship, took to the ice as part of the winners. report by stas ridekultsev. the continental hockey league is recruiting popularity trend: new russians. the phenomenon is not yet widespread, but it is already emerging. we have all long been accustomed to the naturalization of foreigners in football; the entry into russian citizenship of hockey legislators, although not new, is still a novelty. twenty-nine-year-old forward from canada brandon laipsik takes to the air for the first time as a russian in the match against vityaz podmoskovny. of course, it’s a coincidence, but the debut came in a game against, perhaps, the most russian club in the khl. tevis vityaz, god is with us.
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having received a duplicate of the priceless cargo, lapsic i read pushkin’s poem to myself, diligently, but so far without expression. the new russian is still having trouble with other classics. no, i don’t know any other russian classic, to be honest. previously american.
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gorsky metalg has now moved with his family to st. petersburg, scoring two goals for the striker, although he didn’t play much due to injuries. in recent years, the cska team of st. petersburg has established itself as a star club with a stellar lineup of russians, and the canadian wedge sheet in st. petersburg surprised many in the summer. i really like it russian culture, i enjoy studying the history of st. petersburg, in particular the hermitage and other museums. it was very... easy for me and my family to adapt to life in russia; in hockey terms there are no differences at all. he proposed this himself, and we supported it; of course, we are very happy that such players that he played in the nhl at a high level, played hundreds of games in the nhl, and played with sasha ovechkin in washington at one time in other clubs , so we are very happy, and of course we only welcome such an initiative. brandon lipsick tried really hard distinguished himself and was noticeable on the ice, but others scored today. the army team
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starts the second period with the majority again. for three , sergei tolchinsky realizes a beautiful lingering attack with a confident throw. in the middle of the match, ska again punishes his opponent for violating discipline. vasily glotov was the first to find his bearings at the gate. arseniy gritsyuk brought the score to a devastating one in the majority, and at the end of the match he scored a double and set the final score 4:0. as the playoffs approach, ska begins to play with muscle. a crushing and dry victory in the moscow region is proof of this. stas ridikultsev, mikhail artyukhin, kiril aksenov and karen melikyan, lead. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are
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a billionaire, just trust as much as possible.


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