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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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30° below zero, the road from the airport along a frozen estuary and tangerines for 1,400 rubles. vladimir putin arrived today in chukotka, the only region of the country where he has not yet been. i talked not only with the governor, but with local residents. the conversation, as often happens on such trips, turned out to be informal. we managed to discuss almost everything, from support for air defense soldiers and new benefits for large families, air tickets, growing vegetables on permafrost, and even tourists. above the
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easternmost region of russia, icy below chukotka only hovering on the horizon indicates where the capital of the onadr district is located. getting from the airport to the city is a real northern adventure, the sun sets already at one o'clock in the afternoon. now i’m literally walking across the bering sea, the ice at this crossing below me is about a meter thick. now in chukotka, as the locals say, it’s only -30°, but winter has just begun, it will be -50 and maybe higher, such a reliable crossing exists here from january to march. for vladimir putin, this is the first working trip to chukotka, the district remained the last a region where he had never been before. the main event of the day, a meeting with the residents of anadrya. on the table next to the microphone are traditional figurines, walrus ivory carvings, and although this is the farthest region from the venue area.
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women in the country would like to have two or more children, this is the attitude towards a large family, it is constantly, constantly strengthening and growing. parents with many children propose new support measures, consider the issue at the federal level, and the exemption of large families from the tax on a single home, not only parents, but also children. if we talk about large families in the far east,
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it turns out that fathers with many children have already met with putin in suzdal at a christmas service, but fate brought them to the far east. under your leadership is a large multi-million dollar country that needs to be monitored, protected, ensured, how do you cope, maybe you have some secret? when i look, our people achieve some results in science, culture, education, medicine.
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she was 7 years old when she drove away the beggar there, and grandma says: what , catch up, bring back, feed, put to bed, feed in the morning , send, you know, and this goes on from generation to generation, this is our genetic code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or here i am i read... the letters of my grandfather, he wrote a letter to his son in the active army , a simple russian man, a peasant, he writes with errors, he addresses his son on you, you understand
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, what an internal level of culture, and there he tells how his grandmother died, his wife, how did the bullet hit, how is it on him she was dying in her arms. and how he orders his son to beat the fascists, here i am, this is an everyday letter , here i am reading this, you see, i realized that it is impossible to defeat such a people, regardless of status and marital status, all residents of anadri have one main question, how to connect the city airport that divides the bay? we all know that nadar is an airport located on different banks of the anadar estuary, it’s strange how it turned out, residents are asking for improved accessibility.
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needs to be made part of your life, every person should know that he should take time for this, you need to say thank you to exercise, and not thank you to pills, pharmacology will be unhappy, nothing, nothing, will not be enough, pharmacology is an industry where
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the rate of profit is like on drugs, so they will not become poor there, everything will be fine, they asked about how vladimir putin relaxes, there is a well-known joke about this, how you relax, i don’t tense up. through legal intelligence, now called a university or intelligence academy, then he defended his dissertation, when he was already working in civilian life in economics, ph.d. economic sciences, everything, like parents , some anadorians were interested in why
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soviet cartoons are better than modern foreign ones, these modern cartoons, western-made, everything shoots, jumps, runs, after half an hour the head falls off - how can children stand it, our soviet cartoons, of course, have a completely different quality and have a completely different emotional impact, aesthetic impact on the developing person, and of course, the president could not, at least briefly, not talk about the current results of the confrontation between russia and the collective west, they are sitting there behind the cordon, they all have problems through the roof, incomparable even with ours, even the leading economies.
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in the frosty darkness , children and adults walk among colorful houses, and the favorite breed of dog here, of course, is the ice-free husky, this is a region with... economic potential , they fish here, mine gold, silver, tin, tungsten , molybdenum, chromium, but of course, the main treasure of the region is the people living in such difficult climatic conditions. population anadria 14.00 people, the population of the entire chukotka autonomous okrug is just over 40 thousand. one of the residents is engaged in a business unthinkable in these latitudes, natalya makatrova, who runs a huge greenhouse where vegetables are grown in extreme permafrost conditions. now it’s not enough, because there was a rush of demand, not enough, quite a lot, well, they are
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there, yes, here we have a svetogor cucumber, let’s go to another greenhouse, there will be meva , it’s so good, a hard cucumber, right, yes, right, that’s all grows up, yes, the mother of nine children supplies anadara to the market 20% cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs are impossible without fresh vitamins in the north, but bringing vegetables and fruits here, as they say, from the mainland, is expensive. for the end customer, our cucumber costs 500 rubles in the store. the tomato is 650 ours, and the imported one is 1.200, 1.100, 1.200, and of course, imported vegetables, all residents of the far north agree, taste like glass, here, the president could be convinced, everything has a real smell. i just give basil to everyone to smell, it’s just magic, i even held it for a little while. there is already beauty yes, fresh vegetables, of course, are especially in demand in winter, in summer, thanks
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to new air fares, more and more chukotka families can fly to the south, thank you very much, cheap tickets, for me it’s like at this meeting it’s also clear how the president was expected in chukotka? vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for visiting us, so to speak, thank you, i congratulate you, take care, yes, yuri petrovich, well, they didn’t believe, yes, what would happen, yes, well, well , we stood in the vacant lots, like... it's just morning, plans are to meet with governor mikhail dekterev, talk with entrepreneurs, meetings on the development
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of far eastern cities, and vladimir putin will also visit the khabarovsk studio where cartoons are shot. the scandalous bill on mobilization in ukraine was nevertheless returned for revision. let me remind you that they planned to put it up for voting tomorrow. the deputies argued for a long time, some called the document unconstitutional, to call up at least another 500,000 people, to lower the mobilization age to 25 years and even to take them away.
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russia has banned the entry of a number of moldovan officials in response to unfriendly actions moldovan leadership. moscow's decision was announced today in the ministry of foreign affairs, where the country's ambassador was summoned. the diplomatic department also expressed concern about the information that appeared in the council about chisinau’s plans to train armed forces of ukraine fighters in the republic with the participation of nato instructors. they called it midi. acceptable and noted that russia reserves the right to additional retaliatory measures. in germany today, at least a three-day strike of railway workers started, who intend to seek an increase wages, and this is in addition to massive protests by farmers that continue to block traffic on key autobahns in germany, from the capital to hamburg, dresden and cologne. however, even in such conditions, the scholz government prefers. wait not for solving internal problems, but for supporting ukraine and accuses
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all those dissatisfied of alleged extremism, report by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. berlin east station. on the train timetable, handwritten with a felt-tip pen, there is a notice that the electronic board should not be trusted. from 2:00 nights of january 10th and until 6:00 pm on the 12th strike. 80% of the rolling stock did not reach the route today. management of german railways, state.
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we will be forced. most likely this will happen. machinists do not waste their time on trifles. their demand is a twenty-four-hour work week, a salary increase of 555 euros and a 3,000 lump sum payment. and until fulfillment, the ways of communication will be inscrutable. today we go, tomorrow we go. moreover, according to polls , 70% of germans treat this with understanding. scholz's left-wing government, having come to power, promised mountains of gold to people, but brought inflation and unaffordable electricity bills.
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the government's decision is a dubious compromise that ultimately only means additional burden on farmers. the government is looking for mutual understanding with farmers, but so far without hints of success, if only because the green plans to increase the tax on greenhouse gas emissions remain in force, and what would livestock farming be without it, if you don’t take ersatz meat from crickets seriously. the day before, the german minister of agriculture
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ersdimir came to the southern german town of erlinbach to explain to the local hillbillies. sdemir believes that all german farmers have problems with him because he has turkish roots. this time his wording leaves no doubt that he believes all farmers are racist. and this is the perception of the protests that the scholz government is actively trying to impose on
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german citizens through the media; everyone who does not agree with the actions of the authorities are right-wing extremists. the minister of economy made a special effort this week habik, who recently narrowly avoided a face-to-face meeting with rural voters in the port of schlüzzel. no one knows what could have happened if ferry had not been under him. calls for the overthrow of the government are circulating, extremist groups are being formed and nationalist symbols are openly displayed, it is becoming obvious that something has gone wrong in recent years, and the boundaries of legitimate democratic protest and freedom are blurring.
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but in any case, the moment of truth will come in the fall: in the three federal states, saxony, local elections will be held in brandenburg and thuringia. according to polls, the number
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one political party is the alternative for germany; farmers, bakers and machinists will vote for it, and it is against it that accusations of extremism are directed. the most important question that now torments the authorities, most of the opposition, is how to ban the alternative while avoiding a split in the country. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya.
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russia is actively buying new passenger cars, analysts report a sharp increase in sales, the leader in demand at the end of the year was domestic lada. according to the autostat agency, sales of new passenger cars in russia have increased by almost 70%. experts attribute this to the low base effect. in 2020, there was a decline in sales, but against this background there is now a surge. compared to 2022, this is an increase. by 70% to the current level of 1,60,000. the fall in the twenty-second year was due to the beginning of the north atlantic treaty organization, sanctions itself, the cessation
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of imports, and the cessation of production. gradually, starting around the summer , supply chains began to be restored, and chinese manufacturers realized that they would be able to sell much more cars in russia. demand was spurred, as analysts say, by car loans, but in this regard. the market has room to grow, in the twenty -third year the share for some brands reached 50%, and this is not a pre-limit, because before covid , for some brands the share of credit sales reached 70%, some players seriously said and dreamed of raising it even higher up to 90, maybe up to 80%, because sellers, dealers, manufacturers, in general, don’t care what kind of car he has buy, who pays?
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this process will continue for the foreseeable future, they will successfully displace home brands in european markets, in the north american market, including, but since there are a huge number of models, there are more than 100 national brands in china. the sharp increase in the popularity of chinese cars in russia is associated with the departure of japanese and korean western brands, which have lost buyers in our country. if back in... the second year the south koreans were in the top three, second only to lada, now they are at the bottom of the top ten, bringing up the rear japanese toyota, which has 2% of the market left, and this is taking into account parallel imports.
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due to the growth of sales in russia, china has become the leader in the global automobile industry and displaced japan from first place. the wall street journal calls it a tectonic shift. all this happened due to the increase in demand for passenger cars running on gasoline. the demand for them has increased in russia, the publication notes. in parallel with the demand for cars , the presence of dealerships that sell chinese cars is increasing. according to the opening cars are now from more than 3,500 official car dealerships, 2. russia will develop its own production at existing facilities, including car factories of western and asian brands that have left russia. enterprises are working, jobs are being saved, surplus value is being created on the territory of the russian federation , and the localization process does not stop,
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it goes on, i think. there will be more spare parts produced on the territory of the russian federation, which has a correspondingly good effect on the economy as a whole. more experts believe that the coming year should bring more sales. the development of our own production, together with the growth of car loans and real incomes of people, can reach new pre-covid heights.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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being the sole owner of a home is the best option, but the housing issue, as you know, is not so simple: inheritance, donation, privatization, all this can split the apartment into shares. in this issue
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we have instructions in 5 minutes. we'll tell you how to share such a share


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