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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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30° below zero, road from the airport. frozen estuary and tangerines for 1,400 rubles. vladimir putin arrived today in chukotka, the only region of the country where he has not yet been. i talked not only with the governor, but with local residents. the conversation, as often happens on such trips, turned out to be informal. they managed to discuss almost everything, from support for air defense soldiers and new benefits for large families, to prices for air tickets, growing vegetables on permafrost, and even tourism in the far north. about the topics, and most importantly the results this detailed one. conversation in
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alexey golovko's report. an airplane with a tricolor on the wing over the easternmost region of russia , icy chukotka below. and only tets hovering on the horizon indicates where the capital of the district, anadar, is located. getting from the airport to the city is a real northern adventure. the sun sets already at one o'clock in the afternoon. i'm literally walking across the bering sea right now. the ice on this condiment below me is about a meter thick. now in chukotka, as the locals say, it is only -30°. the district remained the last region where it i haven’t been there yet, the main event of the day, a meeting with the residents of anadriya, on the table next to the microphone there are traditional figurines, walrus ivory carvings, and although this is the farthest region from the special operation zone, among the participants in the conversation there are svo soldiers.
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russian men and 70% of the country's women would like to have two or more children.
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at the christmas service, but fate brought him to the far east. under your leadership there is a large multi-million dollar country that needs to be monitored, protected, ensured, how do you cope, maybe you have some kind of secret? when i look, when our people achieve some results, in science, in culture, in education, in medicine, in sports, i look at these young people...
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about how - how - her mother, my mother, reacted grandmother on one or another of her actions, when she was still little, she was 7 years old when she drove away a beggar there. and the grandmother says: what, you catch up, bring back, feed, put you to bed , feed you in the morning, send you away, you know, and this goes on from generation to generation, this is our genetic code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or i read letters from my grandfather, he wrote a letter to his son, in the active army, a simple russian man, a peasant, he writes with errors, he addresses his son in the same way, you know, the level of culture, what is internal, so there
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he tells how his grandmother died, his wife, how the bullet hit, how she died in his arms, and how he orders his son to beat the nazis, here i am... this is a everyday letter, so i’m reading this, you know, i i realized that it is impossible to defeat such a people, regardless of the status and marital status of all residents of anadari have one main question: how to connect the city with an airport that divides the bay, we all know that anadr is located, the airport is located on different banks of the anadr estuary, it’s strange how it turned out, residents are asking to improve the accessibility of anadr, but then helicopters and hovercraft in this climate in... unreliable, what to do? as an option to consider the possibility of engineering construction through the anador estuary? what is the distance? about 5 km, how many billions will there be? a lot, because here you need to first
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get a technical solution, it can be very different, many, many, it’s like in the tatar army there was everything there for... somewhere in the tens, hundreds, thousands, and then darkness , so, so, so the army was called, darkness. residents of onadr began to continue to take advantage of this opportunity, for the first time to directly ask the president a question. do you currently have time in your busy schedule to exercise? i do this every day, at least for 2 hours, sometimes a little more, because there is a hall there, pool. you just need to make it a part of your life. every person should. to know that he should devote time to this, he should say thank you to the exercise, and not thank you to the pills, pharmacologists would be dissatisfied, nothing, nothing, will not be enough, pharmacology is a branch where the rate of profit is the same as on drugs, so they will not become poor there , everything
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will be fine, they asked about how vladimir putin relaxes, there is a well-known joke about this , how do you relax, i don’t tense up. well, of course this is not true, because life makes you tense, you need to love the work you do, i love it. they were interested in what professions , besides a carpenter, the president also has, a special school of the kgb of the ussr, then special training in the line of illegal intelligence, then a special school in the line of legal development, now called a university or...
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tin, tungsten, malebdenum chrome, but of course, the main treasure of the region is these are people living in such difficult climatic conditions. the population of onadrya is 14.00 people, the population of the entire chukotka autonomous okrug is slightly more than 40,000. one of the residents is engaged in a business unthinkable in these latitudes. natalya makatrova runs a huge greenhouse where vegetables are grown in extreme permafrost conditions. the new year has passed, cucumbers are now in short supply because there was such a rush of demand.
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cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, you can’t live without fresh vitamins in the north, but bringing vegetables and fruits here, as they say, from the mainland, is expensive for the end buyer, our cucumber is in the store. with us it’s 500 rubles. the tomato is 650 ours, and the imported one is 1,200, 1. 1.1. yes, of course, imported vegetables, all residents of the far north agree, taste like glass, here, the president could be convinced, everything has a real smell. i just give basil to everyone to smell, it’s just magic, i even held it a little, it’s already there, beauty, yes, fresh vegetables. of course, they are especially in demand in winter; in summer, thanks to new air fares, more and more chukotka families can
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fly to the south. thank you very much, cheap tickets for me. and at this meeting you can also see how the president was expected in chukotka. vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for visiting us so to speak, visited. thank you, i congratulate you, farm. yes, yuri petrovich, well , they didn’t see what it would be for. what? well, we stood in the vacant lots as agreed, if you need anything, you tell me. yes, that's it, no question. business card. and at the end of the working trip, the president held a bilateral meeting with the governor of the chukotka autonomous okrug, vladislav kuznetsov. he has been leading the region since march last year and told vladimir putin about what he had achieved during this period in a personal conversation. alexei glovko, oleg makarov, irina kharlamova, semyon shapchenko. news anadar chukotko. from anadar the president went to khabarovsk. it's still morning there. there are plans to meet with governor mikhail. conversation with entrepreneurs, meetings on the development of far eastern cities, and vladimir putin will also
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visit the khabarovsk studio where cartoons are shot. the scandalous bill on mobilization in ukraine was nevertheless returned for revision. let me remind you that they planned to put it up for voting tomorrow. the deputies argued for a long time, someone called the document unconstitutional, to conscript at least 500 thousand more people, to lower the mobilization age to 25 years, and even to recruit disabled people into the army, and this despite the fact that there are not enough soldiers in the ssu. hundreds of military personnel are dying every day , the wall street journal admits that most of the motivated, experienced ones died during the unsuccessful so-called counteroffensive last summer, but there remain mobilized ones who are obviously not eager to participate in new local assaults. however, the military commissars do not need any bill with or without amendments; they they organize raids on men fit for service in shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, in transport and just in the middle. russia has banned the entry of a number of moldovan officials
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in response to the unfriendly actions of the moldovan leadership. moscow's decision was announced today by the foreign ministry, where the country's ambassador was summoned. the diplomatic department also expressed concern about the information that appeared in the council about chisinau’s plans to train ukrainian armed forces fighters in the republic with the participation of nato instructors. midi called this unacceptable and noted that russia reserves the right for...additional retaliatory measures. in germany today, at least a three-day strike began by railway workers who intend to seek higher wages, and this is in addition to massive protests by farmers that continue to block traffic on key autobahns in germany, from the country's capital to hamburg, dresden and cologne. however, even in such conditions , the scholz government prefers to talk not about solving internal problems, but about supporting ukraine. and accuses all those dissatisfied of allegedly extremism, report the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail
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antonov. berlin east station. the train timetable has a handwritten notice in felt-tip pen stating that the electronic board should not be trusted. from 2:00 am on january 10th until 6:00 pm on the twelfth there is a strike. 80% of the rolling stock did not reach the route today. the management of the german railways of the state company duycheban is surprised by the intractability of the union. "we are ready for different options; we are already offering a salary increase of 11%. we are ready to negotiate, but the trade union is not responding we
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reciprocate." are not exchanged, their demands are a twenty-four-hour work week, an increase in salary in the amount of 555 euros and a 300 lump sum payment, and until fulfillment the communication routes will be inscrutable: today we are going, tomorrow we are not, and according to surveys, 70% of germans treat this with understanding , scholz’s left-wing government, having come to power, promised people mountains of gold, but brought inflation, unaffordable electricity bills, and now also an increase in taxes, due to the abolition of the preferential rate. an increase in taxes in the service sector, of course compensates at the expense of the consumer, but for many cafes and restaurants , especially provincial ones, which are already heavily visited , this means the end of business, so many of
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them are also on strike today, although much quieter and more inconspicuously than they have been doing the same since the beginning of the week. increase the tax on greenhouse gas emissions, and what would livestock farming be without it, if you don’t take the ersatz of cricket meat seriously. the day before, the german minister of agriculture , estdimir , arrived in the southern german town of erlinbach to explain to the local hillbillies
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about high climate goals and a green agenda. first, osdemer came across farm children on toy tractors , who were chanting for the farmers, then he heard from their fathers, a very short, get out, remarkable reaction of mr. minister to such a cool reception, details will come from the popular internet portal news, it turns out that farmers do not accept osdemir , he believes for three reasons, because he is a vegetarian, green, and, finally, most importantly, he has turkish roots. simply put, zdemir believes that all german farmers have problems with him because he has turkish roots. this time his wording leaves no doubt that he believes all farmers are racist. and this is the perception of the protests that the scholz government is actively trying to impose on german citizens through the media. anyone who disagrees with the actions
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of the authorities are right-wing extremists. this week , economy minister khabik, who recently barely worked, made a special effort.
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from the very beginning, i considered such labels to be a bad decision on the part of politicians, especially from the green party. they do democracy a disservice when they talk about free protest within the bounds of the law as a hostile right. the fantasy of overthrowing power is rather characteristic of khabik. however, these fantasies may prove dangerous, including for german democracy. fear of the future is the little that unites the protestors with the scholz government, but with fear. this year , the federal government faces the main task - to survive, perhaps for this it will be necessary to change the chancellor, but in any case in the fall the moment of truth will come:
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russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we proudly look forward, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition.
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friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and
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enjoy them. look how very safe it is they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world, then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves
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brought here. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the app. or on the website.
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one was re-educated, say goodbye, go away , no to hell, let's get the next one, are you really going to burn me, i can do anything. holot 2, hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this is the “typical novorossiya” program. our.
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the name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. made in novorossiya. what the new regions of russia are proud of, what the new republics and regions can give to the country and how soon, a conversation with a program expert. big donetsk or donetsk-makeevka agglomeration, city, satellite of the capital. the russia exhibition, which continues its work at vdnh, allows you not only to learn more about the country and
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how it is. is changing and developing, but to get closer to what russia can give its new regions are already giving. the republic of donbass is a region of mines and metallurgical enterprises. in the dpr, more than 70% of exports are coal, anthracide, and coke. about twenty more - rolled ferrous metals. cast iron. the most famous brands are the donetsk and yanakievsky metallurgical plants. komsomolsk ore management. in the lpr, the main export flow is created by the alchevsk metallurgical coke and chemical plants, the feroslavov plant, the krasnodon-coal association and rovenky anthracite. the republic has a traditionally strong food industry, production of dairy and meat products, and confectionery products. kherson and zaporozhye regions are traditional agricultural regions, large
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expanses of arable land. mild humid climate, according to the ministry of agriculture, this could give russia an annual increase in yield by at least 5 million tons of grain. even under soviet rule, kherson was a huge vegetable garden of the country. 2 million hectares of arable land, on which not only grains and sunflowers are grown, but also heat-loving vegetables and fruits, including watermelons. now this garden is russian. there is also... a large number of cattle, another two million hectares - this is the agricultural fund of zaporozhye , wheat, barley, peas, mustard, and rapeseed are grown here. in the south they are proud not only of agriculture. kherson region is limestone, used in construction and metallurgy, sand, clay, peat. they mine it in zaporozhye.


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