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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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30° below zero, the road from the airport along a frozen estuary and tangerines for 1,400 rubles. vladimir putin arrived today in chukotka, the only region of the country where he has not yet been. i talked not only with the governor, but with local residents. the conversation, as often happens on such trips, turned out to be informal. we managed to discuss almost everything, from support for air defense soldiers and new benefits for large families, additional prices for air tickets, growing vegetables on permafrost and even... ism in
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the far north. about the topics, and most importantly, the results this detailed conversation, in the report by alexey golovko. an airplane with a tricolor on the wing, above the easternmost region of russia below is the icy chukotka. and only tets hovering on the horizon indicates where the capital of the onadr district is located. getting from the airport to the city is a real northern adventure. the sun sets already at one o'clock in the afternoon. i'm literally walking across the bering sea right now. the ice on this condiment below me is about a meter thick. now in chukotka, as the locals say, it’s only -30°, but winter has just begun, it will be -50 and maybe higher, such a reliable crossing exists here from january to march. for vladimir putin, this is his first working trip to chukotka. the district remained the last region where he had not yet been. the main event of the day, a meeting with the residents of anadria. on the table next to the microphone are traditional figurines - walrus ivory carvings, and although this is the farthest region from the spice zone.
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not that much money for the federal budget, and the federal budget, of course, could support the corresponding levels budget system in order to provide this benefit, i just finished a conversation with the minister of finance, the country's budget system feels confident, calm, and is developing actively, so of course there is such an opportunity, i support it, one of...
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fathers of many children, it turns out, had already met with putin in suzdal at a christmas service, but fate brought them to the far east. under your leadership is a large multimillion-dollar country that needs to be monitored, protected, provided, how are you coping? maybe maybe you have some secret? that’s when i look when our people achieve some results, in science, in culture, in education, in medicine. in sports, so i look at these young, beautiful, energetic , talented people, you know, i have such a feeling very often that it’s as if these are my children, these are our family, you know, i’m so, i’m so happy for them, simply their successes, their well-being, this is the potential of russia, vladimir putin reminded of the traditions and life principles that the family lays, as an example he cited. their
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relatives, i remember my mother’s stories, for example, about how - how her mother, my grandmother, reacted to certain actions of hers when she was still little. i was 7 years old when she drove the beggar out there, and my grandmother said: what, catch up, bring me back , feed me, put me to bed, feed you in the morning , send me away, you know, and this goes on from generation to generation, this is our genetic code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or so i read: letters from his grandfather, he wrote a letter to his son in the army, a simple a russian man, a peasant, writes with errors, addresses his son on you, you understand,
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what an internal level of culture, and there he tells how his grandmother died, his wife, how the bullet hit him, how she died in his arms. and how he orders his son to beat the fascists, here i am, this is an everyday letter , here i am reading this, you see, i realized that it is impossible to defeat such a people, regardless of status and marital status, all residents of anadari have one main question, how to connect the city airport that separates bay? we all know that nadar is located , the airport is located on different banks of the anadar estuary, it’s strange how it turned out, residents are asking for improved accessibility.
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you just need to make it a part of your life, every person should know that he should devote time to this, we need to say thank you to exercise, and not thank you to pills, pharmacology will be unhappy, nothing, nothing, will not be enough, pharmacology is an industry where the rate of return , like on
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drugs, so they won’t become poor there, everything will be fine, they asked how vladimir putin is relaxing, there is a well-known joke about this , how do you relax, i don’t tense up. well, of course this is not so, because life makes you tense, you need to love the work you do, i love it, we were interested in what professions, besides carpenter, the president also has, a special school for the kgb of the ussr, then special training through illegal intelligence, then a special school. through legal intelligence, now called a university or intelligence academy, then he defended his dissertation, when he was already working in civilian life in economics, ph.d. economic sciences, everything, like parents, some anadorians were interested in why
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soviet cartoons are better than modern foreign ones, these modern cartoons, western-made, everything shoots, jumps, runs around, in half an hour the head will fall off. this film, as children can only stand it, our soviet cartoons , of course, have a completely different quality and the emotional impact, aesthetic impact, has a completely different effect on the developing person, and of course, the president could not, at least briefly, but not talk about the current results of the confrontation between russia and the collective west, they are sitting there behind the cordon, they all have problems through the roof, incomparable even with ours, even the leading economies. europe is going through hard times, we are growing, and they are falling, we are not happy about it, we are not cheering, but the fact, the fact remains a fact, and it is that it turned out that their dependence on us is greater than ours on them, and the main thing that we showed to ourselves, well
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, to the whole world, which is also not unimportant, is that russia is a self-sufficient country, in this climate there really are very strong people living here, life doesn’t take you away even after sunset. great economic potential, they fish here, mine gold, silver, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, but of course, the main treasure of the region is the people living in such difficult climatic conditions. the population of anadria is 14,000 people, the population of the entire chukotka autonomous okrug is a little more than 40,000. one of the residents is engaged in a business unthinkable in these latitudes, natalya makatrova, runs a huge greenhouse, where, in the extreme conditions of permafrost, grow vegetables. the new year has passed.
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the mother of nine children supplies the anadri market with 20% of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs; you can’t live without fresh vitamins in the north, but bringing vegetables and fruits here, as they say, from the mainland to... fresh vegetables, of course, are especially in demand
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in winter, summer, thanks to the new air tariff, more and more chukotka families can fly to the south. thank you very much, cheap tickets, for me, at this meeting you can also see how the president was expected in chukotka. vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for treating us like this to say, we visited, thank you, i congratulate the farm, yes, yuri petrovich, well, they didn’t believe , yes, that it would happen, well, we stood in the vacant lots. we agreed, if you need something , you will tell me, yes, that’s it, no question, a business card, at the end of the working trip the president held a bilateral meeting with the governor of the chukotka autonomous okrug vladislav kuznetsov, he has been leading the region since march last year about what has been achieved during this period, he told vladimir putin in a personal conversation. alexey golovko, oleg makarov, irina kharlamova, semyon shapchenko. news anadar chukotko. from anadar the president went to khabarovsk. it’s just morning there, plans include a meeting with governor mikhail dekterev, a conversation with
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entrepreneurs, meetings on the development of far eastern cities, and vladimir putin will also visit the khabarovsk studio where cartoons are shot. the scandalous bill on mobilization in ukraine was nevertheless returned for revision. let me remind you that they planned to put it up for voting tomorrow. the deputies argued for a long time, someone called the document unconstitutional, call up at least another 500,000 people, lower the age of mobilization to 25 years and even take away. disabled people into the army, and this despite the fact that there are not enough soldiers in the ssu. hundreds of military personnel die every day. the wall street journal admits that most of the motivated and experienced ones died in the failed so-called counteroffensive last summer. and so the mobilized remain, who obviously are not eager to engage in new meat assaults. however, military commissars do not need any bill, with or without certificates. they're raiding fit for service men and merchants. centers, cafes, restaurants, in transport and just in the middle of the street. russia has banned the entry
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of a number of moldovan officials in response to the unfriendly actions of the moldovan leadership. moscow's decision was announced today in the ministry of foreign affairs, where the country's ambassador was summoned. the diplomatic department also expressed concern about information that appeared in the media about chisinau’s plans to train ukrainian armed forces fighters in the republic with the participation of nato instructors. the foreign ministry called it this. unacceptable and noted that russia reserves the right for additional response measures. in germany today, at least a three-day strike by railway workers began, who intend to seek higher wages, and this is in addition to massive protests by farmers that continue to block traffic on key german autobahns above the country's capital to hamburg, dresden and cologne. however, even in such conditions, the scholz government prefers.
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they will force us, most likely this will happen, the drivers do not waste their money on small change, their demands are a twenty-four hour work week, an increase in salary in the amount of 555 euros and a 3,000 lump sum payment, and before implementation the communication routes will be inscrutable, today we go, tomorrow we don’t, and according to polls, 70% of germans treat this with understanding, the left-wing government of scholz, having come to power , promised mountains of gold to the people, but brought inflation and unaffordable electricity bills. and now there is also an increase in taxes due to the abolition of the preferential vat rate of 7%, introduced during the covid period. they made promises to us, and a week later they decided, no, we ’ll take them back, they’ll go back to 19%. height taxes, the service sector, of course, compensates at the expense of the consumer, but for many cafes and restaurants, especially provincial ones that are not so popular with visitors,
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this means the end of business. and that’s why many of them are also on strike today, although... much quieter and more inconspicuously than german farmers have been doing the same since the beginning of the week. in the center of every major city, the village has made its presence known in the form of men and women in yellow vests on tractors, many highways are blocked, although lanes are left for the movement of special vehicles free. the federal government's attempt to reassure farmers with promises of not a one-time, but a gradual reduction in the diesel fuel subsidy did not work. the government's decision is a dubious compromise that ultimately only means additional burden on farmers. the government is looking for mutual understanding with farmers, but so far without hints of success, if only because the green plans to increase the tax on greenhouse gas emissions remain in force, and what would livestock farming be without it, if you don’t take ersatz meat from crickets seriously. the day before, german agriculture minister
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ezdemir arrived in the southern german town of erlinbach to explain to the local hillbillies. about high climate goals and a green agenda. first i came across farm children on toy tractors who chanted for farmers, then i heard from their fathers. very short, get out. the minister’s reaction to such a cool reception is remarkable; details will be provided by the popular internet portal news. it turns out that farmers do not accept osdemir, as he believes, for three reasons: reasons. because he is vegetarian, green, and, finally, most importantly, he has turkish roots. simply put, sdamir believes that all german farmers have problems with him because he has turkish roots. this time his wording leaves no doubt that he believes all farmers are racist. and this is the perception of the protests that the scholz government
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is actively trying to impose on german citizens through the media. anyone who disagrees with the actions of the authorities are right-wing extremists. economy minister khabik made a special effort this week, who recently barely managed to avoid a face-to-face meeting with rural voters in the port of schlützl. no one knows what could have happened if ferry had not been under him. with calls for the overthrow of the government circulating, extremist groups forming and nationalist symbols openly displayed, it is becoming obvious that something has gone wrong in recent years. the boundaries of legitimate democratic protest and freedom are blurring.
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unites the protestors with the scholz government, and a lot can be done with fear. in twenty-four the federal government faces the main task - to survive, and to do this it may have to change.
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andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. during class.
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great. temporary musicians. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 11, 1700, peter ii
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introduced a new calendar in russia, the julian. the previous byzantine calendar counted time from the creation of the world, and the julian calendar, developed during the time of julius caesar, from the nativity of christ. therefore, after december 31 , 7208, julian. it's 1 on the calendar january 1700, and this is exactly january 11 according to the gregorian calendar, adopted after the october revolution, according to which we live now. the gregorian calendar, developed in the 15th century by order of pope gregory, is more accurate; it takes into account leap years. now dates according to the julian calendar are called the old style, and in the gregorian calendar the new one. in the 17th century, the old style lagged behind... by 10 days, but the difference between them increases daily with each century. therefore, recalculating dates, for example, already in the 8th century, one should add 11 days, xix
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centuries - 12, only in the 20th century the difference between styles is 13 days. on january 11, 1879, the anglo-zulu war began. the british tried to take over the rich territories in southern africa. mazami, part of the deposits were located on the territory of the state of the boers, descendants of the dutch settlers, the british dealt with them, the remaining territories were controlled by the kingdom of the aborigines, the zulus. their thirty thousand army was the most powerful african military force in these parts. they lost thousands of warriors, but achieved several victories over the british. however, they asked for reinforcements from the metropolis, where they were horrified. the all-powerful british empire could not be defeated. on january 11
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, 1940, in leningrad at the kiev theater, as the mariinsky theater was then called, the premiere of sergei prokofiev’s ballet, romeo and juliet, took place. galina ulanova shone in the title role. prokofiev's music did not find its way to the stage easily. the first time the ballet was staged in an abridged version, the full version , staged by leonid lavrovsky, has become a classic. after the war, the same production was moved to moscow, to the bolshoi theater. romeo and juliet, now.
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the plesetsk cosmodrome is the northernmost one of the largest cosmodromes in the world. located in the arkhangelsk region, it is the only operating cosmodrome in europe. in the beginning, the cosmodrome was called the angara military facility. intercontinental ballistic missiles were on alert there. but soon a research test site for spacecraft appeared . in the 1970s and 80s, almost half of all space launches were made. precisely from plesetsk. in seventy-eighth, from there for the first time in the ussr , a small french satellite was launched; in 1983, for the first time in the soviet union , monkeys were sent into orbit from here. macaques are closest to humans in terms of signs and emotions. they successfully returned to earth. now polesetsk ensures the implementation of russian and international space programs related to military scientific and commercial launches of unmanned vehicles. exactly 30 years
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ago, on january 11, 1994, the new russian parliament, the federal assembly of the russian federation, began its work. the structure of the bicameral parliament was enshrined in the constitution of the year ninety-three. the upper house, the federation council, includes two senators from each region of russia. they are appointed by the authorities of the relevant subjects. the lower house of the state duma consists of 450 deputies who are elected for 5 years. new russian parliament. became a successor to the traditions of state dumas at the beginning of the 20th century, when russian parliamentarism was just emerging, and, having existed for a little more than 10 years, was destroyed by the revolution. the appearance of the beginning of the work of the duma marked the final departure from the late soviet system with its congress of people's deputies and the supreme council. both legislative and representative power in russia received a modern outline. this is what this day in history was like.
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where are we, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away , there is nothing reinforced concrete in marinka, we hollowed everyone out of here, drove us out, what kind of car do you have, 90, handsome. azim 30-39 shot! well, if we compare the army of the beginning and the army now? from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, but now we have already become practitioners. all these are those radio controlled cart? yes, when there is shelling, it is necessary to supply ammunition, that’s right, yes, here is the man who hung the flag. that is, the miracle hero is you? yes
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i. there was about 100 meters of open field , probably even 150, they ran there, it turns out that three of them entered, and due to what they crushed your boys, but they are catching you for their homeland, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever again in the sumy region, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism,


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