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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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russian artillerymen with precise strikes destroyed fortified positions and militants of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction. the task was carried out by crews of large-caliber howitzers d-30. drone operators helped with adjusting the salvos. in ecuador, security forces eliminated five bandits and detained more than 300. almost 30 escaped prisoners were returned to prison. the country is in a state of victim emergency.
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at least 13 people were attacked by criminals. the us resolution on the red sea is a possible reason for military action in the region. this statement was made by our country’s permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya. the safbes organization adopted an american document condemning the yemenite kussite attacks on merchant ships. prices for chicken eggs in russia have gone down. the ministry of agriculture declares a decrease in producers from 2.2 to more than 4 percent in two weeks. changes coming soon.
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region, russian sappers cleared mines left by militants during their retreat and unexploded ammunition. dairy farm workers turned to the military for help. already in the spring, work will begin on it. other sapper units protect our positions from possible attacks in the ukrainian armed forces. igor pikhanov will continue. the demarcation line in the zaporozhye region is littered with dozens of units of destroyed military equipment in the ssu. in the steppe , ukrainian tanks of soviet production are rusting, and...
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given the number and type of warheads. after the completion of the special operation, all mines will be removed and neutralized. this is necessary in order to protect the local population. we will work hard, because we have to, if we want to save that child in 20 years, who can find this mine. and this is footage of the work of ukrainian militants. the ukrainian armed forces are launching cluster bombs towards peaceful cities. hundreds of mines are falling on populated areas in the front-line zone. so nationalist. they take revenge
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on people for remaining to live in the liberated territories. operational groups of the engineering unit are moving to chipa's place. sappers work not only on the front line, but in the rear zone. during work , fighters travel either in nimble domestic suvs that can easily overcome any off-road conditions, black soil, or on such armored capsules that can protect the crew during shelling, as well as enemy bullets. soldiers inspect the outskirts of the zaporozhye village and forested fields. are strewn with shells, sapiors are combing the area meter by meter, the russian military is neutralizing nato -style anti-personnel ammunition, they are also discovering dangerous traps that ukrainian militants left after the retreat, it could be anything , there could be a mine that cannot be removed, there could be on the approaches to, say, anti-personnel mines, there may be pressure mines with directional action, that is, if you go up to the tripwire there, you won’t be inattentive, well
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, you’ll see the minus, you’ll go up to it and get blown up by another mini. local authorities asked for help from sappers. after retreating, the enemy attempted to destroy the infrastructure. in the village , a dairy farm was shelled from hailstones and tanks, where sappers found unexploded ordnance and destroyed them; in the spring, repairs will begin here and local farmers will begin agricultural work. state support will allow enterprises to resume production. a unit of the ministry of defense protects populated areas from militant shelling. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, vesti zaporozhye region. the arrest of the ex-head of the ministry of internal affairs of poland and his former deputy provoked protests in... hundreds of people came out to the presidential palace; previously, ex-officials were detained in a case of corruption and fraud with land plots in 2007, for which they were answerable in court back in 2015, however, in the same year they were pardoned by the decision of president andjia dude. in olga
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panomareva sorted out this complicated case. the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were waylaid right in the palace, where the president called them. as soon as duda was distracted by a protocol meeting, his fellow party members disappeared. minsky and vonsik were taken away on a court warrant. the law and justice party hastened to convert the public’s bewilderment that this was possible into political points. so the legal squabble with competitors from prime minister tusk’s civil platform turned into a saga, and political prisoners with a russophobic flavor. almost 35 years ago poland regained independence. for more than three decades, no one in the country was persecuted for political reasons; there were no political prisoners until that moment. former heads of the polish ministry of internal affairs kaminsky and wonsik were given 3 and a half years in prison for abuse of power in the scandal of the sale of polish land. officials staged
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a provocation, forged documents, and illegally tapped phones. and the prosecutor's office found out about this. true, at that time they were already inviolable deputies of the sejm, and then... president duda pardoned them, but in in 2023, the court declared all this invalid; it turns out that it was impossible to pardon those whose sentence had not yet entered into force. as a result , kamensky vonsik was deprived of parliamentary immunity and a new sentence was given to both of them for 2 years in prison. of course, this is a politically motivated process, another thing is that both are detained, but they are also politicians who, apparently, have never shunned dirty methods of struggle. "supporters of law and justice consider this a dishonest political deal, and supporters of prime minister donald tusk they believe that yes, this is a political matter, but it should be brought to the point of actual imprisonment. as experts say, this is the next part of the show after the scandal with
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the change of leadership in the media and the takeover of polish state television and radio. meanwhile, the former head of the ministry of internal affairs of poland, mariusz kaminski, entered the image of a political prisoner and... " went on a hunger strike, which gave rise to a showdown between the opposing parties at the highest level. these are crystal honest people, i am deeply shocked that they were placed in prison, despite a presidential pardon. i will not rest until minister mario shkominsky and his employee are released from prison. there are no instructions for the prime minister and the administration on how to act in such a situation. mr. president, my call to you is to stop this show of spite. the fact is that the polish sejm did not start working after the holidays, which means the adoption of the 2024 budget is delayed, and if it is not
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agreed upon by the end of january, the defender of political prisoners , president duda, will be able to dissolve the sejm and arrange new elections, which means he will have a chance to overthrow tusk and return his party to power. it seems that the poles now do not interfere in the affairs of their neighbors. i think that we will observe everything, throughout the next year, in general, until the spring and summer of 2025, when the presidential elections will be held in poland, this battle between the offices of president duda and prime minister donald tusk. i do not predict an improvement in relations with russia, because the government and the office of the president are extremely anti-russian, it is possible.
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in ecuador, this is data from local security forces. after a clash with three armed criminal groups, the police returned 28 escaped prisoners to prison, he , as stated by the head of the joint command of the country's armed forces in the prisons where the events took place...
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accepted the draft resolution presented by the united states and japan with condemnation. attacks by yemeni houthi rebels on ships in the red sea and demands for an immediate end to the attacks. now there is footage of a major fire in moscow on the chance of enthusiasts , a one-story industrial building broke out at night. square the fire quickly reached 2.0 square m2, the consequences and elimination of the fire are now on your screens. to put down this flame, they even had to bring in a fire train. by this time the fire had already been extinguished, according to preliminary information from the victims. on economic news, maria filippova joins me, good morning mash,
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producer prices for chicken eggs have begun to decline, how noticeably? good morning, roma, for now - 2.5% for the first category, and consumers will soon notice the changes. prices for chicken eggs from russian producers decreased over the last two weeks by 2.5% in the first category and 4.2 in the second. in the near future, price reductions are expected in retail chains. about it. over the past year , egg prices, according to rosstat, increased by an average of more than 45%. to reduce them, the government decided to increase supply on the market by eliminating import duties. in particular, eggs from turkey began to be supplied to russia, and belarus doubled its export volumes. spain has become the main european buyer of russian liquefied natural gas gas. over the past year, the kingdom has increased imports of this type of fuel by more than a third, and russia has now. occupies over 18% of the spanish market, which makes our country the third largest supplier of lng to spain
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after algeria and the usa. by the way, algeria increased its share by almost 30%, pushing the united states into second place to 30%. spain is positioning itself as a gas hub that helps in the fight against the european energy crisis that has arisen against the backdrop of a demonstrative refusal of russian hydrocarbons. however, in reality madrid in many cases, it resells russian lng, despite the fact that direct supplies of pipeline gas would be significantly cheaper. cooperation between russia, saudi arabia, china and other countries in the middle east, asia, and africa is important for the development of the global mining industry. this was stated by the head of the russian private equity fund at an industry forum in oriyadh. kirill dmitriev noted that such a partnership is of particular importance taking into account the strategy of the global energy transition, which has sharply increased the demand for so-called green energy. metals in demand. using modern energy-saving technologies. our country abounds in such minerals; they
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lie mainly in the polar latitudes, where the most promising transport artery, the northern sea route, passes. the head of the rdif called for joint investments in this infrastructure project. many of our partners are interested in the northern sea route, which is part of russia, as the new fastest route from europe to asia through our seas. traffic, which has already grown there by 10 times, will increase another five times. joint investments can be very successful because there are a lot of minerals in the area, a lot of metals that can be explored and developed together. the united states and britain in the current and next years may break the record for borrowing since the pandemic, international financial analysts warn about this. in particular, in 2024 alone, the us treasury is going to issue bonds worth $4 trillion. for comparison, last year the volume of borrowings was a trillion less, interest payments on the debt will rise by one and a half percentage points
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to 4.5% of gdp. the us state budget deficit will approach 8%, this life is indirectly connected with the electoral cycle, in addition to the goal of the us democratic party of biden's re-election. accordingly, it is necessary to at least partially fulfill election promises. the question of how to pay for this can be left for later. well, to complete the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89. rubles 39 kopecks, the euro is 97.87 kopecks. roman, maria, thank you, in just half a minute to the latest news and let's tell you why the belgorod region is called russian switzerland, this is... what they are talking about today at the russian exhibition at vdnkh. we don't know what exercises will get you into new year's eve shape. but we know which bank
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will make the whole year profitable. bank uralsib. russian helicopter pilots in the krasnolimansk direction destroyed strongholds, military equipment and units of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of the k52, mi-35 and mi-8 vehicles flew up to the targets at low altitude so that they would not be detected by enemy air defenses and fire unguided missiles. military and ecuadorian police detained more than 300 bandits. destroyed by a state of emergency in the country, a rebellion broke out after the leader of a criminal group escaped from prison, armed bandits took to the streets, and 13 people have already become victims of the riots. new seizure of an orthodox canonical church in ukraine. ocu schismatics broke into the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god in volyn, a building that is an
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architectural monument of the 19th century and broke down the doors. three regions will present their programs today at... dnh visitors will be shown the main achievements of the belgorod region, oryol and kursk. now more details. today at the russia forum exhibition , the belgorod region will present a colorful presentation, and visitors will be able to take part in lectures and master classes. nadezhda sviridova will tell you how industrial production and agriculture are being developed and why this region is called russian switzerland. sharp rocks, deep canyons, fantastic caves, all this is about the chalk mountains, in honor of which belgorod got its name. milova il for thousands of years was compressed here at the bottom of the world's oceans to turn into snow-white hills. today it is one of the main symbols of the entire region. on the territory of our region, the plot of the word about
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igor’s campaign unfolded. ancient cities were located on a defensive line, side by side with peoples. wild field, polovtsians, khazars, pechenegs. today the monument to svyatoslav the brave in kholki near chernyanka, under the monument of a unique cave and an underground monastery, reminds of those events. its origin still remains a mystery. belgorod region rich in its history, the famous prukharovskoe field is the third military field in russia, where the largest tank battle took place, attracting millions of tourists every year. the village of velika mikhailovka is also unique; there is more here. 100 years ago the legendary first cavalry army was created under the command of semyon budenov. today, historical reconstruction is being carried out on this territory, and the relics are carefully stored in the local museum. the belgogorod region has always stood guard not only at the border of the state, but also at industrial safety. today the region ranks first in the central federal district in terms of
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the volume of shipped goods of its own production. at the lebedinsky mine , unique reserves of kursk are being developed. large businesses are holding the bar, enterprises are coping with sanction pressure, looking for new markets, the regional economy is developing, belgorod enterprises are confidently moving towards the common goal of doubling the regional wheat product by 2030 , the situation is stable, stable and much more.
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of the future, 122 kindergartens and 221 schools were renovated over 12 years, as part of new national projects are being built on the basis of public private partnership. this year, on behalf of the president , a center for gifted children, created taking into account the experience of sirius, began operating on the territory of the algorithm of success complex. the belgogorod region is also a sports region. the multifunctional sports arena has a capacity of 10,000 spectators. it opened its doors in may 2021 of the same year. well, atmospheric, the region is famous for its amazing natural landscapes, it is a world of forests, steppes, meadows, and unique reservoirs reserves, a rare shining
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flower of bright cherry color, voronets, grows here, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off. nadezhda sviridova, evgeny kravtsovsky, conduct the belgorod region. in the continental hockey league , the match between st. petersburg ska and moscow region aroused particular interest among fans. stas ridikultsev will tell you how he showed himself on the ice in his new status and how the game ended, stas ridikultsev will tell you. in in the continental hockey league , the trend of new russians is gaining popularity, a phenomenon that is not yet widespread, but is already manifesting itself. we have all long been accustomed to the naturalization of foreigners in football. entry into russian citizenship.
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the new russian is still having trouble with other classics. no, i don’t know any other russian classic, to be honest. laipsik is not the first legionnaire to change his citizenship. previously , american brenan man from dynamo and canadian kemer lee from khabarovsk amur became russians. new russian in the club, as usual in men's team. greeted with jokes, i don’t think it was some kind of rite of passage , today before the game i told him at the morning story, i say, you are russian now, i will only speak to you in russian, i started, came to the game, asked him how
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slept like he slept during the day , he was like, what are you saying, i translated for him, he says how he slept, okay, i’ll know, brandon came to russia in 2020, played a season for cska, two for metallurg magnitogorsk, in now he and his family moved to st. petersburg, to account the striker scored two goals, though due to... due to a few injuries, the st. petersburg army team in recent years has established itself as a star club with a stellar lineup of russians and the canadian wedge sheet in st. petersburg surprised many in the summer. i really like russian culture and enjoy studying the history of st. petersburg, in particular the hermitage and other museums. it was very easy for me and my family to adapt to life in russia; in hockey terms there are no differences at all. he proposed it himself, and we simply supported it. and of course we are very glad that such players that he played in the nhl at a high level, played hundreds of matches in the nhl, played with sasha ovechkin in washington at one time in other
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clubs, so we are very happy, and of course we only welcome such an initiative, brandon lipsic tried very hard to distinguish himself and was noticeable on ice, but others scored today, the army team starts the second period with a five-on-three majority, a beautiful protracted attack, sergei tolchinsky converts with a confident throw, in the middle of the match sk again punishes the opponent for. violation of discipline vasily glotov was the first to understand gate arseniy gritsyuk brought the score to a devastating one in the majority, and at the end of the match he scored a double and set the final score 4:0. as the playoffs approach, ska begins to play with muscle. the crushing and dry victory in the moscow region is proof of this. stas ridikultsev, mikhail artyukhin, kirillo aksenov and karen melikyan, lead. more sports news from ily kazakov. ilya, good morning, a club from dubai can take part in the euroleague basketball. next season, when can we expect a decision? roman, good morning, already this february, in november, let me remind you, the euroleague approved financial terms proposed by oha representatives, investments will amount to 150
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million euros over the next 6 years. the friendly match between the russian and slovak hockey national teams will not take place this season. the reason is simple: the busy calendar of the slovak team has already been formed. the day before , the head coach of the khksk and the russian national team 25, roman rotenberg, said that our federation is ready for matches with anyone. we would like to play with the slovaks, for example, we have such an opportunity in kazakhstan there will be a tournament, if the organizers can agree, they will invite the slovakian national team, if it is included in the schedule , if this is possible, for example, we can play in kazakhstan, with the slovakian national team, this is how we play with the belarusians, how we play with the kazakhs with the same ones, we are ready to play with everyone, we are ready with canada play, if with the us team, if they are ready to come to us, we are ready to play with everyone. eight-time russian football champion, andrei tikhanov became the head coach of the krasnoyarsk yenissei, which plays in the first league. tikhanov is 53 years old, his previous place of work was kazakhstan,
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which he had been praising since october of the twentieth. the russian took part in both of his team's goals. first, at the end of the first half , he launched a scoring attack, and in the second half, he earned a penalty, which became the match-winner. miranchuk is now in his best shape during his time at atalanta, he is publicly praised even by coach gasperini, receiving compliments from whom is not an easy task. super football in the spanish super cup. it took five extra time to win the semi-final over athletic real madrid goals scored, the score was 5:3. the spanish super cup has been played in its current format since 2020. the tournament is attended by the two best teams based on the results of the national championship last season and the finalists of the gagarin cup. anton griezmann scored 174 goals while playing for atlético and after this game became the team's top scorer in its entire history. in this indicator, he surpassed the spaniard luis argones, who has
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17. wcf federation, extension of the national team’s suspension from competitions. on wednesday following a board meeting, the wcf extended the suspension of russian and belarusian teams from international competitions. president of the russian curling federation dmitry svishtov said that we will not have problems with the development of curling, since new branches are opened in the country every month and sports facilities are being built. another thing is the national team, which... it’s difficult without tournaments, but the internal competition is high, the federation will survive this from experience, with internal reserves to cope with such a challenge. it's time for basketball in the vtb league three matches. emba, on their home floor they defeated nizhny novgorod 93:70. ural mash lost away in samara 64-68. and parma managed to bounce back from -16 during the match, winning an away victory over ostana, in vertami 86-76. the key was the last fourth
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quarter, where the permians were able to. points per match. ufc lightweight champion islam makhachev has shut down speculation surrounding his next opponent by publishing his plan for the next three fights. june 8 justin gage, november with oliver or tsarukyan, february 2025 any. rival, the russian wrote on your page on social networks. earlier , ufc president dinah white announced that makhachego’s next fight will take place in the summer, the opponent will be the winner of the fight between alivera and tsurukyan. makhachev has 25 victories, one defeat, and also made two successful defenses. it was sports news, see you after 7 am. everyone who
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sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, you dance, there are dances, hugs, and they push you straight here at the counter where the managers once issued a loan, they will all run to you to buy mindlessly, that is, this is a ticket to a golden life.
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you can gild it, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. used to watching videos, stopped working, install, open, watch , russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, i’m caring. oh you!


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