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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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it’s not like a pen, a whole herd of horses can be gilded, we will take on this matter, it will be fair. stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. “i will cover you
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with care, temporary musicians, news from the middle of the hour, briefly: russian artillerymen destroyed fortified positions and militants with precise strikes.” in uesu on the kupinsky direction. the task was carried out by crews of large-caliber howitzers d-30. with drone operators helped adjust the salvos. in ecuador, security forces eliminated five bandits. more than 300 detained. it was also possible to return almost 30 escaped prisoners to prison. the country is in a state of emergency, and at least 13 people have become victims of attacks by criminals. the us resolution on the red sea is a possible reason for military action.
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transport collapse, railway workers are on strike, drivers of freight and passenger trains are demanding higher wages, and this is in addition to mass protests by farmers who are blocking traffic on key autobahns in germany, from the capital to hamburg, dresdon and cologne. however, even in such conditions, the scholz government prefers to talk not about solving internal problems, but about supporting ukraine and accusing all dissatisfied people of extremism. report by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. berlin east station,
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train schedule handwritten with a felt-tip pen notice that the electronic board should not be trusted, from 2 a.m. on january 10 until 6:00 p.m. on the 12th strike. 80% of the rolling stock today is not got on the route. the management of the german railways of the state company is surprised by the intractability of the drivers' union. we are ready for different options; we are already offering a salary increase of 11%.
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most likely this will happen. machinists do not waste their time on trifles. their demands are a twenty-four hour work week, a salary increase of 555 euros and a 3.00 lump sum payment. and until fulfillment , the ways of communication will be inscrutable. today we go, tomorrow we go. moreover, according to polls, 70% of germans treat this with understanding. left the scholz government, having come to power, promised mountains of gold to the people, but brought inflation and unaffordable bills.
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with turkish roots. this time his wording leaves no doubt that he believes all farmers are racist. and this is the perception of the protests that the scholz government, through the media, is actively trying to impose on german citizens. anyone who disagrees with the actions of the authorities are right-wing
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extremists. economy minister habik made a special effort this week, who recently barely managed to avoid a face-to-face meeting with by rural voters in the port of schlüzzel. no one knows what could have happened without being under it.
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it is a disservice to democracy when they talk about free protests within the framework of the law as hostile rights; the fantasy of overthrowing the government is rather inherent in khabik. however, these fantasies may prove dangerous, including for german democracy. fear of the future is not much that unites the protestors with the scholz government, and with fear you can do a lot. in twenty-four the federal government faces the main task - to survive, perhaps for... germany, it is farmers, bakers and machinists who will vote for it, and it is against
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it that accusations of extremism are directed. the most important question that now torments the authorities, most of the opposition, is how to ban the alternative while avoiding a split in the country. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. forecasters warn of a new powerful cold snap in the european part of russia, and the temperature in the region will drop sharply already today during the day. evgeniy teshkovets will tell you how long the next period of cold will last in russian. another diving cyclone covered the russian plain. there is a snow storm in the region today, where the heaviest precipitation is expected and what the weather will be like in moscow. it's time for weather news on channel russia 24, i'm evgeniy tishkavets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, there is another strong snowstorm in the european part of the country today. this week , cyclones took control of the weather in the region and deteriorated almost everywhere. on south countries, for example, on wednesday
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vodygei became sharply cold to -15° and mountain waterfalls began to freeze here. in rostov-nadon , thermometer readings dropped to almost -1 at night. it caught me. the local fauna was taken aback, residents of the don region posted videos on social networks of geese frozen in ice on the rivers, it was almost -16 in stavropol and cars began to burn, thank god. they saved the black one here, that’s it, now it will be quickly extinguished, here in the northern part of the russian plain it was snowing, in some places quite heavy, in st. petersburg, for example, the night before for for several hours , visibility seriously deteriorated, however, on the banks of the neva it was warm up to +1°, the second thaw in a row after a period of abnormal frosts. we’ll show you these shots, they weren’t filmed in russia, but they illustrate it well. atmospheric situation in eurasia, this is turkey, and here, too , heavy snowfalls have been observed in recent days. in some
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areas, more than 20 mm of precipitation fell per day, in the east of the country up to 45 mm, and the wind strengthened to 17-22 m per second. the storm was caused by the same cold front that brought frosts in the south of our country. the russian plain is under the influence of so-called diving cyclones. these are atlantic vortices that move along. arctic coast of the continent, and then dive to the south , and, apparently, they can reach right up to turkey and today northern european russia will be hit by another such cyclone, snowfalls will increase again, gusty winds will rise in the north-western regions in the center, in some places up to 20 m/s or more. in moscow, gusts can reach 15-20 m/s. a snowstorm is expected from visibility deteriorating to several hundred meters, snowfall in the capital. it is already underway and will continue until the middle of the day, more than 10% of the monthly precipitation will fall, but
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i would like to draw your attention to the temperature: now it is abnormally high (0 -3), but during the day it will drop sharply to -9-12 in the evening hours. the fact is that initially a wave of bad weather will be provoked by a warm front of a cyclone, but after it a cold one will immediately come, so today in the western half of the russian plain the thermometer readings are even much higher, but... 0 -5 in some places in the south it is even possible thaw, but in the coming days icy arctic air will begin to spread here. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will get colder from -5 to -12, on saturday the air will cool down another couple of degrees. during the period of frost, precipitation will stop, however, it will be short-lived. another warm cyclone will arrive on sunday-monday. in moscow, the cold will persist until the end of the week, -13-15 at the peak with ... warming up at night below -20, and the next wave of warming precipitation will come on
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monday, the temperature will immediately rise to -2. that's all for me, goodbye.
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immediately after the advertisement, we will tell you about the new record for the export of russian grain and not only in the economic news section. it’s easy to find a job on avito. your place, dad , you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, mom
6:45 am
, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes to a new job, many vacancies new every day, avito work, there won't be any it’s just a job, but it’s your place, so what, do you have credit card debts? credit cards are easy. halva with russian lotto to shop or get rid of debts the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, hundred lotto, one of my
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friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool blow, i'll post it now. damn , it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g with him even faster, how are you there, take glycine rennival, asparkam renival, we trust renival we choose renival. large, tender, mushroom bikkenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to look once, turn it, turn it, turn it. and only then confirm the payment. before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1
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rub. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. an apartment in... january an apartment in moscow can be yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. economic news, msh russia maintained high volumes of grain supplies. even on holidays, how large is the grain export rate? the novel, indeed, is more than one and a half million tons, and more on that later. grain exports from russia in the first 9 days of january exceeded 15 million tons, as reported by rosselkhoznadzor, 155. more than the figure for the same period last year, which was then a record. thus, our country maintained high rates
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of grain supplies during the new year holidays, and this despite unfavorable weather conditions in some regions, including pribre. where are the shipping ports? the department noted that last year the volume of exports of grain products to friendly countries, to the nuclear power states, as well as to new markets in africa, southern, south-eastern and east asia increased. russian grain was sent to more than a hundred countries. quadrillion 300 trillion rubles. this record was set by the moscow exchange in terms of total trading volume for 2023. this was reported by the platform itself. in the previous year, the figure was 200 trillion less. better dynamics the market showed. precious metals, in december alone it increased three times year on year, mainly gold was traded on the site, last month the volume on the stock market reached 140 trillion rubles, an increase of 16% in annual terms. in the derivatives market , the trading volume doubled, as in the foreign exchange market; in the money market, an increase of almost one and a half times was recorded. bitcoin today
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exceeded $47,700. this is how investors reacted to the official information from the us authorities regarding. exchange transactions with derivative instruments of this cryptocurrency. rustam kasumov with details. the us securities and exchange commission has approved the first bitcoin etfs. judging by the statement of chairman gerry gensler, who emphasized that the commission does not endorse or promote bitcoin itself. this was done reluctantly. mr. genzler had to admit that circumstances had changed, although he did not tell the whole truth. the first application was submitted by crypto player gray skyle, who has no contact with the authorities. he was refused, then the black rock foundation, which has been helping washington since 2008, made the same request sweep crises under the rug. in this case , the commission could no longer say no. it is noteworthy that of the five board members, gensler voted in favor of the bitcoin etf along with two republicans. two democrats were in the minority and voted against it. experts say
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that there may be an attack against the fed and the dollar, unseen since the kennedy era. but that's of course. a relatively safe tool just a few hours after the account of the commission itself was hacked, which led to fluctuations in the bitcoin rate by several thousand dollars. bitcoin etf is an exchange instrument that allows you to play on such fluctuations without owning the cryptocurrency itself. currently, the digital asset market is valued at approximately $1,700 billion. accordingly, approaches with the shoulder and other things. exchange tricks can provoke a crisis more serious than in 2008. rustam kosumov, news. at the close , the dollar exchange rate today is 89 rubles39.
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bandits, five were killed, after clashes with three armed groups, the police returned them to prison until thirty escaped prisoners, the country was in a state of emergency, 13 people became victims of the riots. in ukraine , another orthodox church was seized; supporters of the ocu broke into the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god in the valonia region. the doors of the cathedral, which is an architectural monument of the 19th century, were broken down. today immediately. regions will show their programs at the russia forum exhibition at vdnh; representatives of the oryol, kursk and belgorod regions will hold presentations and talk about both achievements in
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recent years and future projects. on in ukraine, one after another , pilots of planes shot down by the russian military are being buried, but the kiev regime stubbornly refuses to recognize the victims; the destruction of equipment and crews becomes known only through publications on the network. anton podkovenko will tell you why losses are kept silent and which equipment in isu can somehow still fly. a regiment of downed ukrainian pilots has arrived. one name after another comes up in the kiev media; it comes up precisely because the extreme enemy is reluctant to admit that we are knocking out his aircraft. more recently, the ssu tried to deny everything, but now it doesn’t work. how to silence a funeral, for example, these ones took place in zhitomir, major of the ukrainian air force. shot down at the end of december of that year, that is, quite recently.
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romanenko flew the su-37. this is a heavy fighter, the likes of which have already appeared once or twice in ukraine. our s-300, s400, beeches, shells, they know their stuff. almost all the air platforms that were at the disposal of the ukrainian air force were erected. the fact that incense is breathing means the ukrainian air force is understandable, the fact that their pilots are buried there every other day, this is also understandable. the pilot of the 114th tactical aviation brigade of ukraine, vladislav zalistovsky, nicknamed the blue helmet, also flew there, he had a mig-29 fighter. the last pilot who died, he was 23 years old, that is, this is an extremely young age for independent flights, that is, he is literally a recent graduate of a university, ukraine today does not have the opportunity to train them for a long time, to provide them with a lot of flight time. zaleslovsky did not return from another combat mission, as ukrosmi writes,
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without specifying the circumstances, but of course, after all each of their downed pilots is a compliment to our air defense interceptors. they have a shortage of personnel, that is, as far as i know, teams that can service and operate, for example, the su-24, that is, the one that is the carrier. the scalp only has about 7-8 with a maximum of 10 teams, that is, roughly speaking , they get the machines using the method of technical cannibalism, restoring e-decommissioned old ones, they make, roughly speaking, a frankenstein that has a resource reserve of 10-15 hours. what is the disappearing kiev air fleet? accurate data and in ukraine, few people know, but according to military analysts, the picture is something like this. they don’t have a single whole squadron of 12 aircraft, no mmi-29, no su-27, no su-24 bombers that can carry british stormshadow missiles, kiev is trying
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to hit crimea with them, only the su-24 can launch for now, there are very few of them left, well, according to the consolidated assessment of military observers, there are about ten of them, but they remain in the ukrainian air force, which are capable of generally taking off... into the air, as we see, our air defenses are working regularly, our fighters are scrambling to intercept, our ministry of defense weekly reports contain information about downed ukrainian planes, and romanenko and zalistovsky are confirmation leaked through the media filters of kiev. and where does ukraine’s remaining aviation take off from? hidden airfields with hangars and shelters where they try to hide planes from our ubiquitous drones and missiles. apparently they also use civilian runways. all airfields, then, of course were attacked by our heavy missiles, in
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particular ballistic missiles. our daggers, but kiev still dreams of air superiority, those same f-16s, the deliveries of which from their western owners are being postponed and postponed, and which will be shot down by our air defense systems in the same way as the current ukrainian sushki and migs, but the ukrainian armed forces continue dream continue to lie. here is supposedly a female pilot from ukraine who flies an f-16. in american nevada, supposedly she is training, saying how cool, well, yes, cool, they took a screenshot from a video of us air force lieutenant medison marsh, who was also miss colorado, who is aiming for miss america this year. they are trying to make a propaganda postcard from this video for social networks, a decision no less incompetent than kiev’s attempts to hide fatal losses in aviation, which he cannot make up for with anything, there are
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no production facilities, no repair bases, only... places in cemeteries for pilots.
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one was re-educated, say goodbye, don’t go to hell, let’s get the next one.
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russian artillerymen with precise strikes destroyed fortified positions and militants of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction. the task was carried out by crews of large-caliber howitzers d-30.
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drone operators helped with adjusting the salvos. in ecuador, security forces eliminated five bandits, detained more than 300, and managed to return almost 30 escaped prisoners to prison. a state of emergency is in force in the country ; at least 13 people have already become victims of attacks by criminals. the us resolution on the red sea is a possible reason for military action in the region. this statement was made by the postpress of our country at the un vasily nebendia. he condemns the attacks of yemen's houthis, but ignores the causal escalations. prices for chicken eggs in russia have gone down. the ministry of agriculture announced in 2 weeks a decrease among producers from 2.5% to more than four. customers in stores should notice price changes in the near future. in the zaporozhye direction , the russian military knocked out the enemy from important positions.


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