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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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i wonder if she will get better or not, i have a question about my social status, well, it’s simply great, he still has something, holob the first is my favorite film, now there will be a new favorite film holob 2, we must be impeccable, simply awesome, then continue to do the techniques, serf 2.
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news from the middle of the hour. short. russian artillerymen with precise strikes destroyed fortified positions and usu militants in the kupinsky direction. the task was carried out by calculations of large-caliber gaub-30. with drone operators helped adjust the salvos. in ecuador, security forces eliminated five bandits. more than 300 detained.
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went down, menselkhoz announced in 2 weeks a decrease among producers from 2.5% to more than four. customers in stores should notice price changes in the near future. forecasters warn of a new powerful cold snap in the european part of russia, and temperatures in the region will drop sharply today during the day. we’ll tell you how long the next period of cold on the russian plain will last right after the advertisement.
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start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy a smartphone for 1% of the cost, apply select thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re at sovcom bank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sofcom bank, we take out loans, we’re at sovcombank. up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful , ideal, planbier, airy, natural, happy mic in the heat of july carries a silver bullet, i help with liver problems, i essentials forte nн, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex.
7:34 am
prodexpo is the largest exhibition in russia for food market professionals. food drinks for retail and horiki. we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the exhibition center on krasnaya presnya. ticket on the website sportmaster, prices are half. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once. twist only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, what mood are you in today, light airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. maybe
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booker new year's appetite dad can dad can only dads will reduce dad can dad can new year's appetite just sweats the new one. the spa will help, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. many heartburn remedies try to extinguish it, but ames is a different approach: ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach and helps fight the onset of heartburn. ames is the definitive answer to heartburn. another diving cyclone has covered the russian plain; there is a snow storm in the region today, where the heaviest precipitation is expected and what the weather will be like in moscow. time for weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy
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teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, there is another strong snowstorm in the european part of the country today. this week , cyclones have taken over the weather in the region and are almost everywhere. spoiled, in the south countries, for example, on wednesday vodygei became sharply cold to -15°, and mountain waterfalls began to freeze here. in rostov-nadon , thermometer readings dropped to almost -1 at night, which took the local fauna by surprise. residents of pridon post videos on social networks of geese frozen in ice on the rivers; it was almost -16 in stavropol and cars began to burn. oh, thank god, the black one was saved here. extinguish, here in the northern part of the russian plain it was snowing, in some places quite heavy, in st. petersburg, for example, the night before for several hours seriously visibility was deteriorating, however, on the banks of the neva it was warm up to +1°, the second thaw in a row after a period of abnormal frosts, we will show
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these shots, they were not filmed in russia, but they well illustrate the atmospheric situation in eurasia, this is turkey. here, too, there have been heavy snowfalls in recent days. in some areas, more than 20 mm of precipitation fell per day, in the east of the country up to 45 mm, and the wind strengthened to 17-22 m/s. the bad weather was caused by the same cold front that brought frost to the south of our country. the russian plain is located under the influence of so-called diving cyclones. these are atlantic vortices that shift along the arctic coast of the continent, and then dive to the south, and , as you can see, they can reach right up to turkey and today northern european russia will be hit by another such cyclone, snowfalls will increase again in the northwestern regions gusty winds will rise in the center, in some places up to 20 m/s or more. in moscow
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, gusts can reach 15-20 m/s. heavy weather is expected, with visibility deteriorating to several hundred meters. snowfall is already falling in the capitals will continue until midday. more than 10% of the monthly precipitation will fall, but i draw your attention to the temperature: now it is abnormally high 0 -3, but during the day it will drop sharply to -9-12 in the evening. the fact is that initially the wave of bad weather will be provoked by the warm front of the cyclone, but after it the cold front will immediately come. so today in the western half of the russian plain the thermometer readings are still significantly above the norm of 0.5. in some places even in the south. there may be a thaw, but in the coming days icy arctic air will begin to spread here. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will drop from -5 to -12, and on saturday the air will cool down another couple of degrees. during the frost period, precipitation will cease. however, it will be short-lived.
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another warm cyclone will arrive on sunday-monday. in moscow the cold will persist until the end of the week. -13-15 at the peak of solar heating, at night below -20. and the next wave of warming precipitation will arrive on monday, the temperature will immediately rise to -2. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now economic news. the country's grain export figures are breaking records. masha, how many? roma
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delivered 155,000 tons more abroad in the first week of january than a year earlier. grain exports from russia in the first 9 days of january exceeded 1.5 million tons. this, as reported by rosselkhosnadzor , is 155. more than the figure for the same period last year, which was then a record. thus, our country maintained high rates of grain supplies during the new year holidays. this is despite unfavorable weather conditions in some regions, including coastal ones, where shipping ports are located. the department noted that last year the volume of exports of grain products to friendly countries, eac states, as well as to new markets in africa, south, southeast and east asia increased. russian grain was sent to more than a hundred countries. st. petersburg bank, the depositary of st. petersburg exchange , presented a strategy for unlocking assets to the us treasury. according to the press service, the documents necessary for the procedure are now being prepared. the bank proposed trading. platform will reduce its share in the authorized capital, thereby removing the depository from control, so that
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unfreeze assets, and the us treasury must issue a special license. against the backdrop of the news, shares of st. petersburg rose significantly. in november, let me remind you, the trading platform came under american sanctions, which is why $3 billion of russians were frozen. bitcoin today exceeded $47,700. this is how investors reacted to the official information from the us authorities regarding. live transactions with derivatives of this cryptocurrency. rustam kasumov with details. the us securities and exchange commission nevertheless approved the first bitcoin etf. judging by the statement of chairman gerry gensler, who emphasized that the commission does not endorse or promote bitcoin itself. this was done reluctantly. mr. genzler had to admit that circumstances had changed, although he did not tell the whole truth. the first application was submitted by crypto player gray scale, who has no access to the us authorities. he was refused. then the black rock foundation, which since 2008 has been helping washington sweep
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crises under the carpet, made the same request. in this case, the commission could no longer say no. it is noteworthy that from gensler's five board members voted in favor of the bitcoin etf, along with two republicans. two democrats were in the minority and voted against it. experts say that there may be an attack against the fed and the dollar, unseen since the kennedy era. but this, of course, is just that. assumption. another interesting point is that the bitcoin etf was recognized as a relatively safe instrument just a few hours after the account of the commission itself was hacked, which led to fluctuations in the bitcoin price by several thousand dollars. bitcoin etf - an exchange instrument that allows you to play on such fluctuations without owning the cryptocurrency itself. currently , the digital asset market is valued at approximately $1,700 billion. accordingly, approaches with the shoulder and others. real tricks can provoke a crisis more serious than in 2008. rustam kasumov, news. and the end
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of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 39 kopecks euro 97 rub. 87 kopecks novel. maria, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. russian paratroopers stormed positions in the isu near verpovoy on zaporozhye section. reconnaissance discovered fire points at the control point.
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if you have accumulated loans and cannot pay them off, you can get out of the debt hole through the bankruptcy procedure. from november 2023 it has become more accessible. in this issue of the instructions, in 5 minutes we will tell you what exactly has changed and remind you how this mechanism works. what is bankruptcy? this is a complete or partial write-off of debts from a person. he is officially recognized as unable to fulfill financial obligations and make payments to creditors. after declaring a citizen bankrupt, neither
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banks and collectors have no right to demand debts from him. extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure. it has been operating through the mfc for several years, but not all debtors can use it; there are a number of requirements. let's see what has changed here. first of all, the debt limit has expanded; previously it was from 50 to 500 thousand rubles. now from 25 thousand to a million. if the amount is greater, you will have to go bankrupt through the court. the second important point is that the basis for a simplified bankruptcy procedure has become greater. previously, it was possible to contact the mfc only if from... now you can become bankrupt without court if you have a basic income, pension or monthly allowance in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child. you can submit an application one year after the presentation of the writ of execution, even if the enforcement proceedings have not been completed. in this case, there should be no property that
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can be foreclosed on. in addition, the right to simplified bankruptcy appeared for those. whose debts the bailiffs have been collecting for 7 years, but the debt is not repaid or partially repaid. these amendments are intended to help socially vulnerable groups, these are pensioners, and these are people who receive benefits, well, in particular, as a striking example, these are young mothers who receive benefits for the birth of a child. previously , there was only one rule in the law, now there are already such bases for the rules... and another important innovation, the period after which repeated out-of-court bankruptcy is possible has been halved, now it is not 10, but only 5 years. now about how everything happens: you need to submit a written application to the mfc, attach to it a list of all known debtor-creditors by in the prescribed form. you need to fill it out carefully; if you miss any of
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the creditors or any of the obligations, the procedure will not affect them. as for the list of creditors, the citizen himself can contact the credit history bureau, he can apply through the state services portal and receive a full statement, and of course at the mfc, not that they should, but he can apply and they will also provide him with this complete list. the mfc will check the applicant’s compliance with the established criteria and, within three working days , will include him in the unified federal register bankruptcy information. moment the procedure itself begins, which lasts 6 months. during this period, property penalties are suspended, and the accrual of interest and fines stops. bailiffs cannot sell property to pay off debts, banks cannot write off money from accounts. the citizen, in turn, cannot take out new loans or issue guarantees. but there remain
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demands that the debtor will still have to satisfy. even during an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure, he must pay compensation. these employees who will not receive their salaries, their profits, they can also come out with their initiative and also become in the register of creditors. and remember the main thing, bankruptcy is a last resort; it has a number of serious consequences. for 5 years, when applying for a loan, you will have to warn the banks that you were bankrupt, and
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of course, this will reduce your chances of receiving funds. you will not be able to work in the management bodies of legal entities for 3 years. 5 years in insurance companies, investment funds and microfinance organizations, for a whole 10 years you can forget about top manager positions in banks. therefore, lawyers advise: plan your finances for several years in advance. you can’t accumulate loans without looking; it’s important to understand how much debt you can incur and stop in time. obviously, if a person cannot cope with the financial and debt load, it exceeds critically. about 60-70% exceeds his income, but this situation is still acceptable, unacceptable and is simply a signal to action when... a citizen has overdue obligations, that is, he cannot pay for housing and communal services, he there are arrears on a consumer loan, for example a car loan or a mortgage.
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let us repeat the most important thing: out-of-court bankruptcy has become more accessible. the range of the debt amount has been expanded, now it ranges from 25 thousand to a million rubles. new grounds have been added; you can submit an application if you have a basic income, a pension or a monthly allowance in connection with birth and upbringing. subject to a number of conditions, and you can also apply for bankruptcy through the mfc if the debts have not been repaid for 7 years or more and, finally, go through the procedure again it became possible after 5 years, but do not forget about the negative consequences; it is still better to correctly assess your financial capabilities and not bring the situation to bankruptcy. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to find a way out of a difficult financial situation, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we... will reassure the experts and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next issues of the manual. well, then we will broadcast the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras.
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let us tell you how this day in history is remembered right now. hello. on january 11 , 1700, peter ii introduced a new calendar in russia, the julian. the previous byzantine calendar counted time from the creation of the world, and the julian. developed during the time of julius caesar from the nativity of christ. therefore, after december 31, 7208, according to the julian calendar , january 1, 1700 came, and this is exactly january 11 according to the gregorian calendar, adopted after the october revolution, according to which we live now. the gregorian calendar, developed in the 15th century by order of pope gregory xiii, is more accurate. he takes into account leap years. now. dates according to the julian calendar are called the old style, and according to the gregorian calendar they are called the new style. in the 14th century , the old style lagged behind the new by 10 days, but the difference between them increases daily with
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each century. therefore, when recalculating dates, for example, already in the 8th century, 11 days should be added, in the 19th century - 12, only in the 20th century the difference between styles is 13 days. on january 11, 18979, the anglo-zulu war began. the british tried to take over territories in south africa rich in diamonds. some of the deposits were located on the territory of the boer state, descendants of dutch settlers. the british dealt with them. the remaining territories were controlled by the aboriginal kingdom, the zulus. their thirty thousand army was the most powerful african military force in these parts. they lost thousands of soldiers, but won several victories over the british. however, they asked for reinforcements from the metropolis, where they were horrified; the all-powerful british empire could not be defeated by some savages, who were considered the zulus. defeat them
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became a matter of prestige for the british crown. as a result, king kechwa was taken prisoner, and the zulu country was made a british protectorate. on january 11, 1940 , the premiere of sergei prokofiev’s ballet took place in leningrad at the kirov theater, as the mariinsky theater was then called. romeo and juliet. galina ulanova shone in the title role. prokofiev's music did not find its way to the stage easily. the first time the ballet was staged in an abridged version, the full version, staged by leonid lavrovsky, has become a classic. after the war the same production moved to moscow, to the bolshoi theater. romeo juliet is now one of the most popular ballets of the 20th century. but the knights dance is prokofiev’s most performed composition. the original performance of the forties can be seen at the mariinsky theater today.
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on january 11, 1957, the plesetsk cosmodrome was founded; it is the northernmost one of the largest cosmodromes in the world. located in the arkhangelsk region, it is the only operating... but soon a research test site for space devices. in the 1970s and eighties, almost half of all space launches were made from plesetsk. in 1978 , a small french satellite was launched from there for the first time in the ussr, and in 1983, for the first time in the union, it was launched into orbit. programs related to
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military, scientific and commercial launches of unmanned vehicles. exactly 30 years ago, on january 11, 1994, the new russian parliament, the federal assembly of the russian federation, began its work. the structure of the bicameral parliament was enshrined in the constitution of ninety third year. the upper house, the federation council, includes two senators from each region of russia. they are appointed by the authorities of the relevant subjects. the lower house of the state duma consists of 450 deputies who meet for 5 years. the new russian parliament continued the traditions of state dumas at the beginning of the 20th century, when russian parliamentarism was just emerging, and, after existing for a little more than 10 years, was destroyed by the revolution. the emergence of the duma marked the final departure from the late soviet system, with its congress people's deputies and the supreme council. and
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representative power in russia received its modern shape. this is what this day in history was like. where are we, ruslan, in aleksandrovka. is the enemy far away? there is no reinforced concrete in marinka anymore, we hollowed out everyone from here, kicked them out. what is your car? you are ninety. handsome azimu 30-39 shot, well, if you compare the army in the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, all this is your radio-controlled cart, when it goes shelling, it is necessary to supply ammunition, yes, for sure, here is the man who hung the flag, that is, a miracle hero - is that you?
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yes, i, there was about 100 meters of open field , probably even 150, they ran there , it turns out that three of them entered, and due to what did your boys run over, yes, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism. in ukraine there are biological research facilities. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilis. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then
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they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. shuttle flights, russian attack aircraft, squad behind the detachment, land on the front line and defeat the positions of the vso. dubious resolution at the un, why
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can an american document against the houthis lead to war? in the red sea regions. chicken eggs have fallen in price, so far only from manufacturers, when will we see them in stores? at the russian exhibition at vdnkh , the belgorod, oryol and kursk regions will present their achievements. now news from khabarovsk. vladimir putin got acquainted with there. presentation of master plans for far eastern cities, the president of russia got acquainted with these plans for the development of far eastern cities, it is located at the pacific state university in khabarovsk, then the head of state will hold a meeting there with far eastern entrepreneurs,


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