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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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dubious resolution at the un. why could an american document against the houthis lead to war in the red sea regions? chicken eggs have fallen in price, so far only from manufacturers, when will we see them in stores? at the russian exhibition at vdnkh , the belgorod region, oryol region and kursk region will present their achievements. now there is news from khabarovsk, vladimir putin got acquainted with the presentation of master plans for far eastern cities, the president of russia got acquainted with these plans for the development of far eastern cities, it is located in the pacific state university in khabarovsk, then the head of state will hold a meeting there with far eastern entrepreneurs. in
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the krasnolimansk direction, the crew of russian helicopters hit new enemy targets. our pilots received coordinates from the ground and set out on a combat course. the attack group was k-52, transport and combat mi-35m and multi-purpose mi-8. fire support fighters from search and rescue units were also ready to carry out their tasks. the crews flew helicopters at extremely low altitudes to avoid countering nationalist air defense. the pilots fired at the reference point. point of military equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces, the unguided missiles immediately returned to the airfield. a combat mission was set to carry out an air strike on an enemy stronghold, also lightly armored with armored vehicles, enemy manpower. we took off, flew along the route, reached the initial reference point, then carried out an air strike with pitching up of unguided aircraft missiles. according to the report of the aircraft gunner the target was hit. detachments of russian
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attack aircraft in the krasnoliman direction land on the front line and defeat the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. self-propelled missile systems destroy enemy armored vehicles with especially powerful missiles. new successes become possible, among other things, thanks to protection from attacks from the sky, which is provided by air defense. our military correspondent, alexey baranov, will tell you how soldiers perform a common task together. the snow that has fallen in the kremensk forest complicates camouflage, so those operating here near the battle line motorized rifle contacts of the central military district work as quickly as possible. assault groups are disembarked without delay, in a matter of seconds, as soon as the armored vehicle stops. while the infantry delivered to the front line takes up positions, it is covered with bursts from a thirty-millimeter cannon.
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each crew makes several of these kind of shuttle flights to deliver assault groups to the front line, all under enemy fire. the closer to the line of combat contact, the more often they try attack attack drones of the ukrainian armed forces. during trips, you can immediately see from above that something is flying, if there is an opportunity to shoot it down, we shoot it down, the commander or gunner tries to shoot it down with a machine gun, since you can’t shoot it down with a thirty-caliber gun, if there is no opportunity, we just try to leave. the danger of all drones is the same, just in order to cover assault groups and motorized rifles operating on the ground, here in the krasnolimansky direction the tor anti-aircraft missile systems of the central military district are operating. the thor anti-aircraft missile system took firing position, the vehicle was brought into readiness in a matter of minutes, and now the crew began to carry out the combat mission.
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this bright flash in the clouds is the moment a tor air defense missile hits an enemy drone. in the machine itself, the moment of startup is felt in a special way, the operator with the call sign plus tells us. when a rocket is launched, the car is pressed into the ground; after the rockets are released, the car slowly returns to its previous position. combat work, the last one, we hit six targets, it was all luck. anti-aircraft missile combat duty
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complexes tor near the contact line in serebryansky forestry, of course, does not stop at night. meanwhile. the riflemen , protected from air attacks, continue combat work on the ground. these self-propelled anti-tank missile systems sturm of the central military district travel at maximum speed to the line of combat contact at the tor salient and directly fire at enemy armored vehicles with multi-purpose attack missiles with increased warhead power and a combined radio command and laser beam system management. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, serebryansky forestry. the kiev regime and the group of seven countries are again trying to persuade
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the global south and east to support pseudo-peace proposals based on the zelensky formula. this is how the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova , commented on the statement. nato is preparing to provide ukraine with several billion euros in 2024. this follows from the statement ukraine-nato council, document published following the meeting at the ambassadorial level. we are talking about both military and economic assistance, but europe’s possibilities are not limitless, as the new york times claims , they will not be able to approach the volume of american investments in the old world. local politicians. resumed and are not ready to spend such a huge amount of money on the conflict, so right now zelensky, on a tour of the baltic countries, is trying to return the interest of the western public to the conflict, and they are trying to
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giorgia meloni, prime minister of italy, is working to convince colleagues within the european union, as bloomberg reports, with orban, who does not want to send the taxes of his own citizens to kiev, and she is calling for a rebranding of relations between both orban himself and zelensky, and official budapest with kiev. they talk about active cooperation with ukraine in velikri. this is a serious challenge for our generation: add up the gdp of the coalition country, we outnumber russia by 25 to one, it should not be impossible for us to achieve sufficient industrially developed level, but european military experts are sure: the military-industrial complex of the old world will not be able to handle american supply volumes. now there are simply no weapons factories in europe; they will have to be built from scratch, and at the expense of budget cuts in social spheres. the british publication telegraph writes about this, but from an industrial point of view, according to journalists, russian troops are already firing twice
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as many artillery shells as the ukrainian armed forces, and this puts kiev in a difficult position. west in features european members of nato must urgently begin the process of rearmament and reindustrialization, if they do not... do this, the kremlin will receive the keys to europe and will be able to put an end to the western alliance, in the form in which we know it. meanwhile, the united states is preparing for a dramatic turnaround. this is how the leader of the democratic majority in the senate described the current state of affairs. according to him , now the whole world is looking at the us's dwindling capabilities. if the senate does not approve more aid to ukraine, a war that is already leaning towards russia, may be one month away from a dramatic turning point in russia’s favor. now even old friends of kiev, who convinced zelensky that he needed to fight, are retracting their words. former british prime minister boris johnson said he was not involved in the breakdown of negotiations between russia and ukraine. true, johnson immediately added that he really expressed concern about the possible conclusion of a peace agreement between moscow and kiev. alika komarova,
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lead. new seizure of a canonical orthodox church in ukraine. raskolniki the ocu forcibly broke into the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god for centuries, this is an architectural monument of national importance, but this did not stop the representatives of the new ukrainian church, ready to destroy everything in their path, as well as the opinion of the parishioners of the rector of the temple, who are against its transfer to schismatics. the american resolution on the red sea could serve as a pretext for unleashing military action in the region, stated vasily nebenzya, russia’s representative to the un. the document itself is the head of the russian one.
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according to the publication, the visit will take place after holding elections on the island on january 13. the information was later confirmed by the white house. more than 300 bandits were detained and five were killed in ecuador - this is data from local security forces. after clashes with three armed criminal groups, police returned 28 escaped prisoners to prison. as stated by the head of the joint command of the country's armed forces, in the prisons where the riots took place. however, 139 employees are held hostage by bandits. the situation
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in the country has worsened after the escape from prison of the leader of a large gang, armed people they broke into the tv channel's studio, seized the university, shootouts took place right on the city streets, and 13 people became victims of the riots. the president of ecuador ordered the neutralization of 22 criminal groups and declared a state of emergency for the country. unrest in papua new guinea in the capital. large-scale unrest in the country, 16 people have already died, dozens of citizens were injured and burned; after the start of the strike, declared by local police, military and correctional officers , looters came out on the streets of the capital, they began rob and set fire to stores. videos posted on social networks show crowds of people taking everything they can out of stores, from bags of flour and rice to refrigerators and freezers; there are reports of interruptions in the internet due to the theft of optical fiber; now the first footage is from the penza region,
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there was a major accident there, according to the latest data, eight people died, another was taken to intensive care in serious condition, look what happened to the minivan, the accident occurred on the m5 ural highway, this minivan drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into truck, right now the truck is just a photo on your screens, state traffic inspectors and an investigative team are working at the scene of the incident, they have to find out all the circumstances of the emergency. now economic news, maria filippova joins me, mash, good morning, chicken eggs will begin to become cheaper, producers have already shown a reduction in prices. roma and it will also be timo in the first category, now minus 2.5%. and then all the details. prices for chicken eggs from russian producers have decreased over the past 2 weeks by 2.5% according to the first categories. expected in retail chains, said deputy minister of agriculture
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maxim titov. over the past year, egg prices , according to rosstat, increased by an average of more than 45%. to reduce them, the government decided to increase supply on the market by eliminating import duties. in particular, eggs from turkey began to be supplied to russia, and belarus doubled its export volumes. spain has become the main european buyer of russian liquefied petroleum products. native gas. over the past year, the kingdom has increased imports of this type of fuel by more than a third, and russia now occupies over 18% of the spanish market, which makes our country the third largest supplier of lng to spain after algeria and the united states. by the way, algeria increased its share to almost 30% and displaced the united states into second place. spain is positioning itself as a gas hub that helps in the fight against the european energy crisis that has arisen against the backdrop of a demonstrative refusal of russian carbohydrates. however, in reality, madrid in many cases resells russian lng, with that direct supplies of pipeline gas
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would be significantly cheaper. the us oil and gas sector is showing the first signs of slowing down, as seen in october data published by the us energy information administration. in terms of oil production , although a new record was set, the growth rate slowed down significantly to 700,000 barrels, while on average last year they ranged from 900 thousand to... more than a million monthly, a similar picture is observed for gas: production volume amounted to 92 billion cubic meters, but the growth dynamics are only 2%, approximately three times slower than before. actually, this is the result of the policy of the current us administration, which is trying with all its might to bring down world prices for energy resources. the american oil and gas industry is forced to reduce the number of active drilling rigs in response to falling prices. in october last year, oil. cost 30% cheaper than at the peak of june 2022. the european
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central bank admitted that the eurozone could enter a technical recession at the end of last year of the year. official statistics are not yet ready, but this assumption was made by ecb deputy chairman luis de guindes. the official announced not only a slowdown in the third and fourth quarters, but also weak prospects in the short term. de guindes noted that stagnation is especially noticeable in industry and construction. given that the eurozone does not have a large mining sector , we are essentially talking about the fundamentals of the region's economy. the un previously noted in its report that a decline has already begun in germany, and europe is on the border. throughout apparently, this line is still crossed. well, at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 39 kopecks, euro 97.87 kopecks. roman, masha, thank you, we continue. try dumplings with forest pears, weave a basket and see magnets come to life. you can visit vdnkh today. at the exhibition
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russia day of the kursk region. as in this amazing region, advanced technology. and in the second half of the 20th century, this land gave the country the most important raw materials for military and peaceful purposes. the largest iron ore basin on the planet is called the kursk magnetic anomaly. nowadays, to the colossal enterprises of the soviet period , a roasting machine, an additional beneficiation complex, and a crushing and conveyor plant have been added here; all these are modern projects created using the
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highest technologies. today people come from many regions of russia to look at the quarry, which is 370 m deep. industrial tourism is rapidly developing in the region. 30 thousand people visited non-resort facilities in 2 and a half years. kurchatov loved to work so much, and they built a house for him at work. nuclear workers in the region also have something to talk about and what to show. one of the impressive sites is the construction of kursk as2, the newest station in the world. unique operations for lifting and installing products weighing hundreds of tons. from the recent installation of an external dome.
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right here in the regional center. the oldest ceramics, sticky and rough, dates back to the tenth, first half of the 11th century. the black land is a wealth that has attracted people here for thousands of years. today, kursk chernozems consistently produce more than 6 million tons of grain and 5 million tons of sugar beets. last season a record was set for oilseeds. the kursk agglomeration is the territory of a pilot project for russia. transport reform. it's not just bus supplies. trolleybuses, electric buses, in parallel, the reconstruction of tram tracks is underway, and most importantly, a new route network has been developed. now, if you count all these programs and financial instruments, over 7 years you and i will need 37 billion rubles. our projects are not limited to the territory of the city of kursk, because railway transport is also used,
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we have purchased rail buses. kursk region builds high-rise buildings and cottage neighborhoods. the hospital's school creates unusual facilities, such as an equestrian school. and recently , nightingales began singing on the city streets, summer and winter. how he does it? it’s a monument, and there are already three of them in the city. however, no one and nothing can replace a living kursk nightingale. evgeny danets, yuri tvorogov, vesti kursk. st. petersburg doctors treat residents of mariupol, come to the city in whole teams, work in ambulances, clinics, hospitals, their own staff there is still catastrophic there is not enough, and specialists from the northern capital are training their colleagues to use modern equipment, which is equipped with new, rebuilt medical centers. irina
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efremova will continue. what happened to you? well , i was walking, fell, and then they turned me down? a man was injured near the st. petersburg base in mariupol. the victim is immediately examined by someone who came from the city of twin cities, and a traumatologist applies a splint to reduce pain during transportation. there is no shortage of doctors in st. petersburg, but here there is. yes, people need help. them by that time, an ambulance in her brigade had already arrived, also from st. petersburg. the victim is carefully transported and taken for an x-ray to the nearest hospital. immobilization and anesthesia were completed. how are you feeling? well, it’s actually better, they helped, thank you, everything is much better than it could have been, thanks to the ambulance.
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it is also in the resuscitation vehicle that arrived from st. petersburg, with such a device you can carry it and transport it to a patient in clinical death, this is very convenient, because people when performing closed massage hearts get tired, the apparatus cannot get tired, in mariupol one person with a severe heart attack was saved in this way, for the first time mikhail zhuravlev came to the liberated city a year and a half ago, many here do not have, there was no... housing, no food, nothing, that is when we first came, it was a total spectacle, it’s just, very sad, people need help in difficult situations, people
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get sick everywhere, and we have to treat people. the latest team includes 10 st. petersburg doctors and nurses. among them there are also specialized specialists, for example, ophthalmologists. working with modern equipment, which was not available in mariupol before, more than 50 people are received per day. great. excellent, no words, very polite, very correct, very cultured, very polite, very cheerful, in general, the operation went with a bang, i am very grateful to them. not only patients, but also mariupol doctors are grateful to their colleagues from st. petersburg. the support is very noticeable, especially since we have medical examinations, vaccinations, i like it because it’s beautiful here, there are good, kind doctors, yes, will you come here again? in addition, st. petersburg built an entire medical complex in mariupol. this clinic was completely destroyed. the fifth clinic on the left bank was also completely destroyed. on the next business trip
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, all this was restored at an accelerated pace. thanks to the northern capital and its doctors, the level of healthcare in mariupol will soon reach russian standards. and in the new year, st. petersburg doctors will also continue to travel to mariupol. irina efremova, dmitry rut, lead donetsk. and now sports news: ilya of three hockey players mikhailov academy was awarded in tula for saving people in a fire. raman yes, this is vladimir estomin, daniil molotsov and egor strugov. all of them , returning from service on christmas night, saved a woman and her two children from a hot apartment. upon the arrival of firefighters, akm hockey players helped evacuate people from the smoke-filled building. continuing the hockey theme, in the continental hockey league avangard beat admiral 2:1 on the road, thereby breaking the amazing streak. for the first time since february 2020, the clubs managed to complete the match in regular time. ska for the fourth time in season beat vityaz. this time they defeated the moscow region team 4:0. the army team opened the scoring
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in the second period when playing in a 5:3 format , tolchinsky scored. then sky was able to convert the power play twice more, with goals scored by glotov and gritsuk. 24 seconds before the final siren, gritsuk scored a double, setting the final score in the match. thanks to this victory, ska closed the gap to the leader in the west. eight-time russian football champion andrei tikhanov became the head coach of the krasnoyarsk yenisei playing in the first league. tikhonov is 53 years old, his previous place of work was the kazakhstan camp, which he headed from october 20 to november 21. towards european football. alexei meranchuk's atalanta managed to reach the semi-finals of the italian cup, beating milan. the russian took part in both of his team's goals. first, at the end of the first half, he started a scoring attack with a pass, and in the second half he earned a penalty, which became decisive in the match. miranchuk is now in his
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best shape during his stay at atalanta, he is publicly praised even by coach gasperini, from whom it is not a matter of getting compliments simple. super football in the spanish super cup for the semi-final victory over atlético madrid. real needed extra time to score five goals, making the match 5:3. the spanish super cup has been played in its current format since 2020. the tournament is attended by the two best teams from last season's national championship and the finalists of the spanish cup. griezmann scored 174 goals during his time with atlético in this game and became madrid's top scorer in their entire history. in terms of this indicator, he surpassed the spaniard luis arganes, in whose composition, who, excuse me, is 173 years old. the russian kurling federation will not challenge the world decision.
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president of the russian curling federation dmitry svishtov said that there will be no problems with the development of curling in russia, every month we open new branches, sports facilities are built, another thing is the national team, which is difficult without tournaments, but internal competition is high, we will survive this, experience, using internal reserve, we will cope with such a challenge, end of quote. three matches took place before basketball in the vtb league; mba was defeated on its home court nizhny novgorod 93-70, ural mash visiting. performed in samara 64-68, and parma managed to bounce back from -16 during the meeting, winning an away victory over ostana in overtime 86-76. the key was the fourth quarter, where the permians were able to organize a comeback , winning it with a score of 28. in the extra period , the guests put the squeeze on the demoralized opponent, and the main star of the meeting was parma forward, same johnson, who scored more than 30 points for the fourth time this season.
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ufc lightweight champion islam makhachev has put an end to speculation around his next opponent, publishing the battle plan for the next three matches. on june 8, justin gage, november with oliver or tsurukyan, february twenty- fifth any opponent, the russians wrote on their page on social networks. earlier , ufc president dine white said that makhachevo’s next fight will take place in the summer and the opponent will be the winner of the fight between alivera and tsurukyan. makhachev has 25 victories, one defeat, and he also had two successful ones. it was sports news, have a nice day. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, thousands of products from
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buy something. what you’ve been dreaming about for a long time, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions, a cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point, now shots from khabarovsk, good afternoon, beautiful. it’s light, the sun is shining, the weather is wonderful, this is vladimirovich, because the twenty-fourth year has come, the bright holiday of christmas has just passed here, i congratulate you all, of course, everyone our entrepreneurs, and it’s really bright, because, probably, maybe, because tagu is our university of such an entrepreneurial type, so entrepreneurs come here right away, here everything is somehow charged, charged with energy, i -


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