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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan , to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions, a cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a tasty point. now shots from khabarovsk, good afternoon, it’s beautiful, it’s light , the sun is shining, the weather is wonderful, this is because the twenty-fourth year has come, the bright christmas holiday has just passed here, i congratulate you all, of course, all our entrepreneurs, and it’s really bright, because that probably, maybe because tagu, our university is of such an entrepreneurial type, so entrepreneurs come here right away , everything is somehow here. charge with energy
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, first of all, of course, i can’t think about anything until i thank you for taking the time to meet with us here today, because 10 years have passed since the launch of the far east development program, we anniversary year, it’s great that his business agenda, it just, well, essentially opens with your visit, excuse me for interrupting - i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember, how come the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we’ll do this, we’ll do this , we’ll develop shipbuilding there, this, this, but everything has such inertia, it was so hard to take the first steps, and people waited, like like nothing is happening, but now dima said, after all... movement, movement has now
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become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleasing, well, thanks, of course, first of all to people like you, people who are actively included in this work? true everything, probably , was happening in our minds, because in 1913 you said that the far east is the rise of the far east - this is our priority for the entire 21st century, then, by the way, you spent the new year here in khabarovsk. for pleasant reasons, but somehow after that, in the twenty-fourth year , everything started up at once and the program for the development of the far east of advanced development, which of course was created there, was implemented largely thanks to the fantastic work of yuri petrovich’s team, everyone knows this, i’m no one here , what it’s called not praising without doing anything, but it’s just everyone present here, the main thing, the main thing, of course, is how well done they are, so... well done everyone, it’s true,
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both those who made the program and those who participated in this program and began to participate , because before, perhaps, the mood was not very good, you correctly noticed, but if you go back to the nineties, then in general there was such a logic that there was nothing to do here, there was nothing to catch, this is the most , no offense, no offense, imagine. fishing industry , everything was fine here in the nineties, but uh, some went abroad, some went to central russia, but the most like them, well, they were kind of persistent, they went through a positive selection of their kind, they stayed here , and after the program started in the fourteenth year, many got the chance to realize their dreams, their ideas, and today here in our hall, well, actually...
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for everyone, this is that the russian economy is very, very stable a creature that knows how to adapt, but most importantly, grows and it is developing with...
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a speed that surprises even us, if you look at it, yes, our preliminary forecast for this year’s growth shows 3.5% gdp growth, this is significantly more than the world average, but here are the analysts. in russia, for example, they believe that now we will calculate everything, by the end of the year it will definitely be more than 4% growth, more than four, more than four, well, we’ll see of course, but maybe, maybe i’ll see a decline here, here’s mikhail vladimirovich i said before leaving here, we always thought the fall in 2020 was 2.1%, but in fact it turned out to be 1.2, so the eyes are big, the count is constantly going on, so maybe there will be more growth in vp , we’ll see, but... this time, now look, with us, what is this, what does this lead to, we are the first economy in europe in terms of purchasing power parity, we are the fifth economy in the world, and at the same time, the gap between us and japan is so small that if we simply maintain this pace, or even in principle,
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as they say, we move forward smoothly, we will overtake japan in no time, but this is an amazing result , it seems like we are being strangled from all sides. china, usa, india, japan, russia, number one in europe. japan is also many european economies, it is a high-tech economy and in terms of purchasing power parity we have overtaken the whole of europe, but per capita we still have to try, so there is
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something to work on here, and the main thing is that we have more people, today someone one of our speakers will definitely talk about this, well , what does this mean for you for business, and this means, by the way, not only on the one hand the economy is growing quickly, on the other hand our share of imports is still large, more than 20% of the economy, i don’t remember 21-22, but it’s 33 trillion, i still remember the figure, and this is import - rubles, 33 - rubles, 33 trillion rubles, and now look, colleagues , another 33 trillion rubles, and if you look at how much is being transported to the far east here, buying everything from central russia, then the market capacity is very impressive, that is, it is not the most.
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tnr's task is to achieve a trade turnover of 200 billion dollars, yes in the twenty-fourth year, yes, yes, we had it last fall we completed this task, i don’t know how much it will actually be, 230, 240, but it looks like something around that, by the way, which is typical, of these 240 billion we have, well , it seems to me that 90 percent plus all trade takes place in national currencies , so these dollars are more like... a historical rudiment that we somehow preserved for ourselves as a point of reference, in fact it is already there , the ruble, the yuan, yes, so mm, well, the volume of possible, possible exports, it really is like that here impressive, and thirdly, vladimirovich should have now
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show the master plan of khabarovsk, i don’t know , they showed it, yes, yes, very interesting, here are other far eastern cities, well, first of all, not only another completely new quality of environment. quality of life for citizens , but this is also a huge opportunity for business, so it all needs to be built, it all needs to be put in order later, it all needs to function beautifully, i walked along the boulevards here and realized that there is a future even in khabarovsk, oh -oh-oh, very interesting, why even in khabarovsk, to be honest, i khabarovsk, we fly to the waste forum all the time, everything seems to be clear there, here khabarovsk is wow. in general, i liked it in khabarovsk, you know, that’s why these three points, three blocks, they are for everyone present here, somehow, it seems to me, well , they will be a new, new motive, a new idea, why try to expand your investments,
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because here everyone is already investing in the far east, everyone present here is investing successfully, many are thinking about expanding their ambitions, what about you and your company? in general it's always nice moreover, it seems to me that russian business has received such a vaccination against investment abroad, it will be enough for a decade , i also say this from my own experience, so at home, you said at home, this is how it should be, i said it a long time ago, but that’s it, we remember everything , and therefore our task now is to turn on an even higher speed, a higher gear, speed up, it’s time to be timid. passed, we need to be brave, courageous, if you don’t mind, i would
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like to present the floor to our first brave speaker, brave one, nikita, yes, excuse me, please, well, i propose, i know that an entrepreneur, a specific, business-minded people, is interested in what exactly is happening here now, what will happen in the near future, but if you have a proposal of such a broader plan, please, well ideas like people who are engaged in business, live here, your loved ones live there, and so on, if there is some kind of perspective on the future, interesting proposals, this would be very popular, i would be grateful to you for this, and of course current ones the questions go without saying, colleagues, you yourself heard vladimir vladivich, so now it seems to me that you should once again reassemble in your head, what is so hidden there? well, that’s what’s boiling and waiting to be voiced, put it all together and
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tell us about it, but why are we starting nikita, i can honestly say that first of all nikita, nikita is always deprived of the alphabet here , you know, the last name is yakovlev, that’s why always last in the alphabet, i decided to correct this injustice, and then i found out that nikita, not only is one of the company technonikol far east was the first to visit us, and the second was the second.
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they really help, special thanks for supporting the initiative to create an industrial construction cluster, in my opinion, i think everything here will be confirmed, it has really accelerated the development of the economy of the far east, we are already seeing how it is localized here... more and more manufacturers building materials, and even here at a meeting i see colleagues, artyom savchenko, this is the production of finishing panels, lev gorilovsky is plastic pipes, but vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to support alexey repik that the already adopted master plans for the development of cities in the far east, they really open up great prospects for the development of the construction industry, which means that we will need. there are more high-quality materials and professional companies here in the far
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east, a lot is still brought from the western, well, central part of the country, it ’s expensive, well, there are traditionally problems with railway capacity, we , as local manufacturers, are very good at this we feel it ourselves, so here is the first proposal, vladimir vladimirovich, i think... let's take a comprehensive look at this situation, and expand the actions of the industrial construction cluster, well, in fact, to the entire construction industry, from designers and developers to manufacturers of components that are required for production building materials. in addition, as has already been rightly said, we have a giant asian market nearby, and we are quite capable of increasing the share of non-resource exports due to this.
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the quality is better than chinese analogues, the cost is lower, but unfortunately, everything is eaten up by expensive logistics; to deliver from khabarovsk to china, we need to make a detour.
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indeed, building materials in general are a very important industry for russia as a whole, and for the far east, with the pace of construction and construction plans, this is doubly and maybe triple important, so in the twenty-first year, in my opinion, we are on the eastern economic formula, just forum, just keeping in mind the proposal of your colleagues,
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we decided to create this in khabarovsk building material cluster. i am very pleased that this is developing, in my opinion 19 enterprises are already registered and operating there, some are presented here, as you said, as for logistics, then of course this definitely needs to be done, why take it somewhere to the primorsky territory or blagoveshchensk , well, of course it needs to be done, the governor and i will discuss it now at a separate meeting, which i won’t go into details now, but it definitely needs to be done, i completely agree with you, especially since...
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now i’m just not going to talk about it out loud, but they exist in specific areas, on specific points, we will do it, we will definitely help, in the continuation of what is called your actual reaction to nikita’s question, we have an expert here, probably , the best from the point of view, who is familiar with all the nuances of far eastern logistics, is vladim
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felatov, the founder of the first forwarding company, of course he has a shoulder, the longer it can be. so much the better, they carry every extra kilometer, which is called a ruble, but they we are patriots, so you understand that income is income, and the main thing is that the country competes successfully, and even more so, turnover, well, what’s wrong here, began, at least here in the far east among our logisticians, to grow very noticeably, please, please , thank you, good afternoon vladimir vladimirovich, as already alexey. said, we as a whole country have turned to the eastern range, and the far east is growing, and this determines the development prospects of our region, and the business atmosphere between chinese and russian entrepreneurs is growing, we we are increasing our momentum, and we have exceeded, as
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we also said today, we have exceeded the target you set for 200 billion, there are even more prospects ahead, and we would like to increase export volumes, preferably not raw material exports, and international logistics, and automobile enterprises who are currently working, are always looking forward, and would not like to be problems for our economy, we would not want to slow down the cargo turnover between our... countries, but we have questions, we have infrastructure questions, lack of multimodal warehouse complexes in the surrounding areas. to international checkpoints, international automobile checkpoints, and we have 24 checkpoints on the russian and chinese border, this is a real
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deterrent, and the outdated warehouse infrastructure immediately increases delivery times, this immediately increases the cost of transportation, this is ineffective use of insufficient human resources vladimirovich, to be honest, there are absolutely not enough warehouses in the surrounding areas, let alone class a or a+, class g, you can’t find what needs to be done, tell me, let’s do it together , i completely agree with you, this logistics is needed, so you say, there’s an extra kilometer, extra money, but they can do it with this business engage in and income will not fall, on the contrary, it will increase, because it is a higher quality service, more comprehensive. come on, governor, we propose to consider the possibilities, yes, well , come on, please, that means, of course, we will
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help, i completely agree with you, just like the previous speaker spoke about our problems, this is a very close topic, it is necessary to develop support measures for the construction of warehouse complexes on the territory adjacent to international checkpoints, well, we have them?
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invite everyone to sakhalin, where there are already two hotels in this very fresh mountain air, now i understand
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that pavel is starting or planning to launch a completely new project in the field of hospitality, if you tell us about it, it will be great. good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, a few words about myself, i i studied, i was born and raised in yuzh-sakhalinsk, i went to study in moscow. university of civil engineering. upon graduation, i decided to return to sakhalin, because there were many interesting tasks for self-realization and the opportunity to contribute to the development of my native region. separately , we would like to thank you for your large-scale, well -thought-out and timely support, which launched a real boom in the development of domestic tourism. thanks to the mechanisms , the territory of rapid development and preferential lending programs. tourism for our family managed to build two hotels on the sakhalin mountain air. i would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone present to visit us. come, we
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are glad to see you. and here in the mountains, it’s very easy, incredibly easy to breathe. and in the fresh mountain air, the appetite flares up with military force. i want not only to spend time on the slopes, but also to eat delicious food. to have a good rest after skiing, so we took up a large-scale investment project to create a modern gastronomic space, and imagine 21 culinary concepts, a wine library with russian wine, of course , a restaurant, a children's club, all this right next to the entrance of the mountain air, let's get together right now and yes, i'm selling, as i understand it, yes... economic development of russia and maxim
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reshetnikov, adopted last year decision on the 141st resolution of the government of the russian federation on the inclusion in the preferential lending program not only of hotels, but also of facilities related to the infrastructure of ski resorts with an attendance of at least 450,000 people per year. objects like ours really increase attractiveness ski resorts. people can’t spend all their time on ski lifts and slopes, and therefore we believe that our facility should also be classified as infrastructure; in addition, this is a difficult investment project from the point of view of implementation. vladimir vladimirovich, we ask you to instruct the development ministry not to ignore projects like ours. thank you.
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firstly. you see, it’s great that after studying in moscow you returned to the far east, to sakhalin, you realize yourself here, well, as i understand, you, you like what you do you study, and you achieve success, moscow is a good city, there are a lot of opportunities there, but there are none, but here you have on sokhonimi, you are doing it, great, i congratulate you on this, first, second, this is a program for the development of internal tourism, support for the construction of hotels, especially three or four stars, well, three stars, it works and gives results, i understand that you have already built two hotels, yes, yes, yes, on the mountain, uh, well, these are these objects general pit, they are not included in the systematization, yes, well at this stage there are clear criteria -
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30% of the key rate of the central bank, so, but if catering facilities are not included in this benefit system, then of course you need to attach it there, here you are absolutely right, because this is certainly part of the whole complex, so significant partly , well, i don’t know, or they forgot, or assumed that this was a profitable part, but i agree with you...
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i agree, we will definitely work on it, in the government, i’ll ask my colleagues to mark this with the government, we’ll work it out, i’m here on on your side, i think that it is quite possible and necessary to do this, we need to support it, especially in the far east, of course, thank you very much, thank you, how much does it cost to stay per day, in a hotel, in a hotel, we just invite you, the most democratic there . about 4500 per day, this is compared with others , with your competitors, with how it looks, this is a good offer, yes, our load is quite good, about 80% of the year, people like it, yeah, peak season is when you have, well, now it’s just when the ski season, he’s riding, but we are striving for a strategic project so that all
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this works for us all year round, we really hope that... no, that’s where they gave benefits and money, that ’s all, well, when the projects started, problems grew on their own, naturally, ok, absolutely, we’ll work , we’ll do it, this weekend, i also brought my skis here with me, just in case, i’ll try to fly to sakhalin, we’ll see, but everyone says that, to be honest, sochi is not inferior in any way, we’ll check what they say, in fact,
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