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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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that unpaid part should be compensated from the budget, and of course, taking into account tariff restrictions, this is probably the most correct decision for the development of housing and communal services. probably, the ministry of finance may be against these long financing mechanisms, yes, which are extended over time, but we understand that by extending the construction program, the situation will not get better due to inflation and the rise in cost of construction itself, so i want to build and do as much as possible what is needed here now, and uh. i therefore ask you to consider giving ordering that practice, which has already proven itself positively according to the 200 forty-seventh government resolution on the far eastern concession, to be extended to municipal infrastructure facilities that really need it, this will not only directly improve the quality of life of a large number of our compatriots, but also us, as production, will be allowed to properly plan your resources, open new production facilities on time and...
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come out, i may have meant more here that construction is in any case than later you build, the more expensive it is, i agree, here you are absolutely right, but we have already had the corresponding plans in place since twenty-one, they have been laid out now and funding has been provided, whether we need to take anything additional, we will definitely look into it, you mentioned compensation to builders for construction of social...
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12 billion is not a lot of money from the federal budget, but last night my colleagues and i discussed, we probably would have given more if the construction complex had really fought for it, but apparently it i didn’t struggle very much, because it is not known whether the construction complex itself is ready for such large-scale work, and there is decent money for next year, already 150 billion, for the twenty- sixth also 150 billion, plus from the national welfare fund.
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there are about 180, i think 7 billion, that is, plus to this, you already mentioned this, infrastructure loans, and corresponding bonds, so the set is very large, it’s basically all, you said yourself, such a menu exists, we have no reason to believe that we will cut anything here, that’s all...
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set it up, well, let's see, okay, but, but in general, everything is written down; the funds are allocated, so we are using all these programs, we definitely see that there is such a fairly large layer that falls out, this is new construction, which will be within the framework of the master plans, it does not fall into the mci that you mentioned, nor into other programs, but i would really like to use the far eastern concession mechanism for this, because so far it has not been used for communal infrastructure, well, i think we will formulate these proposals then, thank you big, good, good, you'll definitely see some kind of segment. which we need to pay attention to, we’ll do it, we’ll see , thank you, uh-huh, thank you, thank you very much, vich, you know, probably right now, uh, i tried to talk to all the speakers there with each of those present, here’s the next speaker, i don’t know, for me, today is probably the most important, firstly, well, not only are we flying over buretia for the first time, yes, and secondly, valentina darieva, and she is a doctor.
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she has a big, big center, including them they created a center, well, a reproductive one, which helps in buryat, so that children appear where, well, someone there, by the way, is not doing very well. you 've been here for how long i don't know 10 years, yes 2,700 children have appeared , well, it's just thanks to the work of valentina's team that it was interesting to me, i asked, i say what the kid's name is, they say that means boys are bair and girls are ayuna, i say what does that mean, i say joy, joy, and wisdom here we are together now before meeting you, can you just imagine how much joy and wisdom this is 1700 there, well, even if the percentage is insignificant, that’s all buryatia. she should be joyful and over time, after 20 years, very wise, so valentin, please tell us how things are with you, what good things you are still building, maybe there will be even more children, hello, dear vladimir vladimirovich, republic of buryatie, buryat clinical hospital, our
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company has been preserving and maintaining the health of our fellow countrymen for 19 years, from a small gynecologist’s office with an area of ​​20 square meters. we grew up in multidisciplinary medical center now provides both outpatient and inpatient care to adults and children. 10 years ago, with the support of the government of the republic of buryatia, we opened the only iko center in the region. as alexey evgenievich already said, during this time 2,700 children were born to us, this is 91 classes. we became winners.
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on the scale of our republic, we are coping with this task, but as a mother, as a grandmother of nine grandchildren, an obstetrician-gynecologist with forty years of experience, i, like no one else, attach importance to improving reproductive health russian women and men, in general, i think that we need a separate program in this direction. vladimir vladimirovich, for further development we need space, we have already said here. about the movement that began in the far east, and thanks to the program for the socio-economic development of the far east, we took a risk and decided to build the first buryat private hospital, where we will expand the volume of medical care provided, we will deal not only with eco-surgery, but also with rehabilitation. here
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i want to say thank you to yuri petrovich, to us tor programs help, because in private medicine the economics of projects are developing. always, the capital costs of compulsory medical insurance are not compensated, but we still took a risk, and i think that this is the gratitude of our fellow countrymen, parents, who happily found, after all , you have an order through compulsory medical insurance, we have, yes, that is, this the basis of economic activity, in fact, we are the only ones in our region, and we provide all medical assistance specifically in reproductive medicine, i think that the gratitude of the parents will justify all our efforts. whatever i want to emphasize, vladimir vladimirovich, building a hospital is not an easy task, and it takes more than one year, and there are a lot of different regulatory mechanisms, problems, so the investment
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phase can last for years, and the preferential rate on insurance premiums is not so important in investment phase, i... that the business needs it more during the period of operating activity when we reach the full capacity of our projects, when all sufficient personnel have been recruited, and recently for new a three-year deferment on benefits for insurance premiums was introduced for residents, and there were 7 -something, 7.2, for support purposes. contributions for those who became residents before the 1st grace period for deferring insurance benefits until january 2023, that is, we are talking about
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this period during which these benefits are valid. to shift it to the right by a year, as they say, yes, to stop it for the duration of construction, yes, but at the first stage they are not really needed for investment, and then time runs out and... and the benefit is valid for too short a time, yes, yes, yes, that's right, you we’re right, we’ll do it that way, and we’ll definitely come to an agreement with the government, this is the right approach, it’s fair, thank you very much, thank you for what you do and how you do it, indeed, one of the most important areas, reproductive the health of the population, ultimately this is reflected in... the number of children, citizens of the country, this is one of the key
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tasks for russia, one of the key absolutely, so we will try our best to support you to help you, thank you very much, it’s very nice where the population is growing there and gdp grows, where the population grows, gdp grows, so that’s what economics is about. just not the population for the gdp , for the population, of course, we actually have, what kind of a meeting without it specialists, sakhalin , sakhalin it specialists, the it sector, logical companies of the region, really surprised me, because to be honest, i didn’t expect , what is this...
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in various sectors of business and the public sector, we cope with the task of import substitution successfully, we have already been able to replace such solutions as microsoft, power bi, clicks and others in this area, and last year you said that it would be good for schools to study artificial intelligence, we fully support this initiative, your neighbors here have been studying artificial intelligence since school, textbooks have been published for elementary grades on... intelligence, that's right , and we fully support, moreover, on our
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product cubizio, we have created a solution for schools, so that schoolchildren can create from the very beginning, learn the basics of artificial intelligence, create ready-made solutions, that is, these are not languages programming, it’s much easier, the government of the hala region supports us, we have already begun to implement a pilot project, at the end of the year we have already implemented it in some schools. we are starting to work in one of the schools in our system, but there is a small task that faces us: for example, the ministry of digital development of the russian federation has a system called gostekh, it is effective, cool, and we plan to get there with our new developments, but it was created for this purpose, so that ae it companies could enter there with new developed information systems, and companies that already have some proven solutions created earlier, but we could not find where they can be displayed as in a single information service, solutions, sites,
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it doesn’t matter, you can call them whatever you like, we provide our the solution is absolutely free, that is, we do not make money from this, the task here is different, and the question is: so that our experience can be broadcast to other regions, other it companies can look at our experience and also share their developments, so that institutions could go to... the site, look at the tools they were interested in, use them for free in the social sphere , so i don’t understand what’s stopping you, and what we need to do to help you, create a single platform where we can, as it were, certified the result is a platform that guarantees the quality of the proposed product, that’s right, yeah, that means this needs to be done through which department, and the ministry of digital development,
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industries in the field, well, agro-industrial, everyone saw yesterday how you went to the greenhouse on chukotka, everyone immediately wanted basil, the herb was immediately delicious. so the smell is so pleasant, well, it seems to me, really fresh cucumbers , tomatoes in general, as if this is especially important here, vladimirevich understands - what needs to be done for this, tell us, hello, dear vladimir vladimirovich, somehow i was lucky enough to talk with you too on the eve of the start of the project in 1915, we just started working,
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but i work in the agro-industrial complex, i need to go to the forum, yes, to the forum, of course.
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i’m actually a native far easterner since the thirties of the last century, my family lives in the far east, my grandfather stood at the origins of the first dairy plant in kamchatka, well , the state farm plant, that’s what it was called, but i have a sixth generation grandson who will go to school this year, so so that’s it, in fact, i remember well the times when we, you know, didn’t have fresh products in the far east, like the anadras, where you were yesterday, you can clearly feel it and... that greenhouse, it’s generally a factor for them , well what? quality of life, and on the other hand , when going to the store for milk, they always asked what kind of sour cream, reconstituted or whole , but now reconstituted, mostly whole, sour cream has become less common in our country, fortunately, yes, thanks to the implementation of some ideas , such as a territory experiencing development, there is support
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for comprehensive industries that exist today, other projects in the field of livestock farming have begun to appear and... this is especially important for remote territories of the far east, so we live in kamchatka, and there everything is generally different, yes, not the same as on the mainland, and i would like to say that thanks to your efforts, the situation has nevertheless moved forward, we began to create livestock complexes, poultry complexes, there are more fresh there are more products, but they are still not enough, and i will say this why, it does not allow us to restrain further growth, well, from happiness it is... good, of course, competition, yes, that is, competition with the central regions of russia, of course it comes to us frozen meat, powder milk, and so on, that is , powder, from which you can then make something, but i see here, well, maybe this is more on a social plane than on a business one, i would like to ask you to pay attention to this , we have a large
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territory in russia, which we support, that is, the government supports it well from the point of view. livestock farming in the primorsky territory in khabarovsk, but we don’t have a railway, as you know, we need to further promote what we grow in primorye, by the way, we thanks to the program, a subsidiary farm in the primorsky territory was made to grow grain crops and deliver them for animal feed in kamchatka and... to a large extent, today kamchatka livestock farming, it feeds on the primorsky territory, such inter-regional integration has developed over the years , and for us , in general, it is important that people buy us, but people say it’s expensive, in the central part the prices are different, but we work, so to speak, to the limit of our capabilities in this sense, that
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we earn, well, just enough to give there are some loans, something else, to somehow support the infrastructure. here, but our general proposal is the following: to extend the benefits that exist for railway transportation by sea, specifically for enterprises engaged in food production, which is important for residents of remote areas, such as magadan, chukotka, kamchatka, sakhalin region, all this needs some form of support for logistics costs, which, and if you compare them, up to 40% increase in the price of a kilogram of grain comes, exactly... due to in terms of the maritime component, everything is complicated there, but nevertheless, of course, we are trying, we are working, but this is like a proposal, which means that if it works out, it will be a great help and creature.
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say, yes, we will do this, that, but we will definitely work it out, precisely formulating the relevant instructions of the government, and the ministry of economic development will work, and the ministry of transport will work, the ministry of agriculture, we will weigh it all, okay, yes, but what you said attention to this, it's great, thank you very much, it's something to think about, and i think it's advisable, but i just don’t want to give out commands right now, i need to do the math.
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hospitals where we successfully use them, here is a major reconstruction of the amur regional hospital, but we plan to open production in the khabarovsk territory, because there is a construction cluster here, we believe that it is very important to expand the boundaries of this cluster. to make it interregional, on the basis of this cluster, it is possible to produce various types
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of production, so to speak, manufactories that will be able to produce visual projects, well, which are very necessary here in the territory, including a modular hotel, which has now been subsidized for 2 years, but to receive this subsidy? it is necessary that the modules be factory-made, this is acceptable for the central part of russia, where logistics is quite inexpensive and fast, but for the far east this is far and expensive, and within the framework of the construction cluster we have already begun to make similar modules for the requests of entrepreneurs, i would like ask you to support us in... say, in creating the production of these modules here on the territory, and allow within the framework of this the program will probably make it possible to build
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these modules in the territories, perhaps from house kits or using frame technology; all this will probably significantly speed up the pace of development of tourism infrastructure here in the far east.
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we’ll work out what to do, and what’s to say, we’ll definitely mark it all down and give an interregional character to this construction cluster in haaprask, since it’s already interregional. i just don’t understand what needs to be added here, there are 19 enterprises here, and this cluster is open to other participants, please, i don’t see any problems here, there are some problems, in my opinion, there is nothing, no, so if you encounter any problems that you can’t come here, well then tell me, we will fix it, but regarding the subsidization of this, these small objects, you’re right, it’s absolutely necessary. extend to your production, that’s it, thank you, yeah, we ’re moving around the regions and it immediately feels like that.
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yes, we represent the rtc company, we have such a family company, we are engaged in the production of airfield equipment and equipment, this year marks the fifteenth anniversary of our company, 10 of which we are engaged in mechanical engineering, and do you also do lighting equipment? no, no, we only provide ground equipment for servicing aircraft, passengers, cargo, that is, self-propelled ladders, autolifts, and so
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on. and i know that you flew in from chukotka, even in anadar our equipment works at the anadri airport, and so on throughout the country, right up to simferopol, that is, we are present in almost all airports, i know, that first of all i would like to thank for not only those projects that and the support that is provided to the far eastern region in terms of torus, but also federal projects, because
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297 about self-propelled vehicles, which clearly regulate that airfield technology and equipment is not subject to state registration with the state technical supervision authorities, like self-propelled vehicles, there is also an order of the ministry of transport number 142 that all units of ground vehicles must be under state registration plates and controlled the airport zone is the only way to enter, that is , accordingly, well, such
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inconsistency occurs. still works. and it turns out that, firstly, we, hostages of this situation, are also faced with this, in particular due to the fact that since 2022 we have adopted an electronic system for issuing passports for self-propelled vehicles. that is, if before this it was a little simpler, we, as machine builders, simply went to the state technical supervision authorities and received paper forms back then, so we issued passports for self-propelled vehicles, but now we can’t just get into the register of the ministry of industry and trade, we need necessarily.
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provide you with nothing, they begin to resist, well, as if we have, here we have 142 - the order of the mendance, which says that there should be equipment on license plates, what should we do, in this situation i ’m not calling for it, oh, let’s do this everything there is state technical supervision, everything should be regulated, but some decision should already be made, because i understand that the sphere is very narrow, very uh, well, there are not so many of us. mechanical engineers in this area, but transport accessibility for our country in general is a priority task, therefore , it would be very cool to take such a small step in our direction. how long do you think it will take to agree on all these issues and make a final decision, just for the ministry of industry and trade, the eurasian economic union and...


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