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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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they begin to resist, well, as it were, we have order 142 of mendrans, which says that there should be equipment on state license plates, what should we do, in this situation i ’m not calling for it, let’s do everything there, state technical supervision, that’s all should be regulated, but some decision should already be made, because i understand that the field is very narrow, there are not many mechanical engineers in this field.
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construction complex, yes, this is a narrow strip of this mechanical engineering, but nevertheless it is completely concrete, and indeed, than buy somewhere, in the end it all comes down to the fact that something will be purchased somewhere, that’s all, why, when we ourselves can produce, we will definitely do it, yeah, well, i don’t know, i something we so on the issues we keep going, we go, but i just see people ’s eyes are already saying, maybe there’s a couple out of the blue, a couple of someone, let’s who are we, about the birds, the poultry farmer. well, this is kuznetsova, please, this
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is our responsibility for the price of eggs practically in the country, that’s absolutely right, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, welcome, it’s all your fault, no, we’re like since they are not to blame, michal vladimirovich, we clearly control everything, uh, welcome to the best city in russia, sunny, cozy, such a kind city of khabarovsk, thanks to our explorers for choosing this particular place, which is located above the lucky star. i am a shareholder of two poultry farms in the khabarovsk territory, this is the khabarovsk plant, the only breeding enterprise from vladivostok to novosibirsk, and the komsomolsk poultry farm in the city of komsomolsk on the amur river. komsomolsk poultry farm is a resident territory moving development komsomolsk. both of our enterprises have entered the national labor productivity project, we are constantly modernizing, because the enterprises are already so mature, they are both more than 50 years old, last year was the anniversary of the khabarovsk breeding plant. and of course
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we have big plans for 2000, well, a little over a year ago , trouble came to the komsomol poultry farm, an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza occurred, more than half a million chickens were destroyed, god forbid anyone survives this, but probably with god's help, with the faith of governor mikhail vladimirovich dekterev in us, probably responsibility to the population we feed, still made it so that we produced in december. we have a calm situation, the lowest price in the region, we even managed to help our partners from sakhali on the primorsky territory with eggs. mikhailich, pay attention, you are following the lord, you are a hierarchy, simply. that’s why this year we plan to produce 310 million itza by two poultry farms, 85% of the population of the khabarovsk territory is provided, well, it helps accordingly with our partners from other regions of the far east. well.
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which is now very relevant, after all, the soul aches like a woman, probably for the land of our far eastern nurse, our mother, you, probably 10 years ago , the question was probably not about poultry farming, we celebrated the new year just in the city of khabarovsk , met with residents of those regions, after the flood there, yes, yes, after the large-scale flood in the khabarovsk territory, and of course, a lot of land and agricultural values ​​were damaged last year before the eastern...
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in russia it is large, but the share of state support received specifically by the far eastern federal district is only 3%. understanding that this support provides for reimbursement of costs incurred by the agricultural producer when restoring the soil, this is such a little caress who, on a common point of the earth, the far eastern federal, in the districts, is patching up, so to speak, a small small hole, so we understand perfectly well that we are in different conditions agricultural producers... other western regions, where almost all all lands, i understand that the elements are winning today in the far east, annual flooding in 2013, the agricultural producer always loses his harvest, we understand perfectly well that the emergency created by the state again spends money
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precisely on restoring the harvest that was lost. we have the following proposal: is it possible to create a subprogram for this state program specifically for the far eastern federal district? those regions, such as the amur region, primorsky territory, khabarovsk territory, and jewish autonomy partially, those regions who suffer, make a program for them, probably change the mechanism itself a little, is it possible to make it so that the recipient of support is the regional executive authority, parts of the relevant ministries, which will attract non-profits.
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as much as you produce, we’ll buy as much, of course , it’s very important, we’ll definitely talk , okay, yeah, that’s it, please, someone else , please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich
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, my name is anastasia, i represent the kunashir company, we are developing tourism in kunashir island, the kuril islands, a wonderful, beautiful natural place. a place of power, we have already built one accommodation facility on the island , the construction of two more is in the project, we are ready to invest, invest, and thanks to the support measures of the state, government, subsidies, grants, preferential tax regime, preferential, this all helps us a lot, the potential of the islands, tourist demand, citizen demand for this tourist destination, a lot of people are coming now. so much exceeds the supply that we has doubled, that is, the demand is ready to invest, but there is a slight difficulty - these are air flights that
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are canceled with enviable frequency, we are faced with the fact that during the peak tourist season, flight cancellations reach about... 45%, why? due to weather conditions, due to fog mainly, the location of the airport is in the proposal what? suggestion, blow, what should i do? refurbish the runway, yes, that is, make it more all-weather, right? yes, the issue will be resolved, we we guarantee to raise the level of service on the island, very much what strip length? i won’t say that , let’s see, this, this, i agree with you, it is necessary, it is necessary to develop - a tourist cluster of islands, it is very interesting there, they say, it has never been , unfortunately, i will definitely come, and the underwater world is very, but dangerous, there are sharks and so on, all types of tourism on
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the island can be developed, including extreme tourism, we are ready to invest, invest, please, definitely. this is a very, very right direction, very okay, if you just ask vladimir vladimirovich, it seems to me that the fog will not be 45, but 20, well, maybe not even, equipment, equipment is needed, i understand, yes, i understand what you mean. here a colleague says, yeah, yes, please, someone else, please, i understand that this is the last question, so the topic is extremely short, thank you very much, vladimir vladimirovich for giving the floor, i am natalya afrikanova, and as a colleague from buryatia, i also a medical doctor, in addition to this , the owner of two more medical clinics, in of whom more than 200 people work, these are doctors, nurses, these are orderlies, but just like a colleague... they have no chance of receiving a preferential pension, because the insurance pension fund does not count the time
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that an employee works in a private clinic as work experience, i have a request, this is the pain of all private clinics, is it still possible to equalize in this part, at least in terms of insurance, insurance pensions, employees of private clinics, employees of public clinics, everything. we’ll definitely work it out, i don’t see much of a difference, what, what’s the matter, i don’t see it at all, if we talk about my clinic, then in the same way my doctors go as part of visiting teams to remote areas, we work under compulsory medical insurance, we treat children under dental anesthesia under compulsory medical insurance, but at the same time, every time we have to defend the pension through the courts, strange, yes, i agree with you, thank you very much, yeah, you see yakutia, you should definitely mark it too, definitely, yeah.
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please instruct us to look at the criterion for inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, yes yes, if it is connected with some objective circumstances, so that they don’t automatically fly there, and specifically within the framework of 44 and 223 federal laws, so that suppliers don’t appear there due to circumstances beyond their control, i understand, i understand, but this is such a delicate criterion, but we need to look, i agree. on the one hand, it seems that competition in tenders is becoming less, in
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this regard, but humanly it is very sorry for the companies that ended up there, if there is such an opportunity, maybe consider the issue of rehabilitating the companies, those that had a good business reputation successfully before experience in deliveries, i, as a mother of two children, also carry out deliveries under government contracts, and i would really not like to get into an unpleasant situation due to a violation of delivery deadlines under a government contract, are you ashamed in front of your children? no, but i just understand all the responsibility for working with government customers and, let’s just say, how difficult it is then to leave this register, i understand, i understand, to get out , we’ll see, definitely, i heard, i understand that... there are objective circumstances that often, or sometimes at least, they do not allow you to fulfill your obligations, let's see
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well, there’s such a fine line here, we need to work it out, thank you very much , we’ll talk, we’ll definitely talk, yeah, fair comment, yes, please, yakutia, and there’s yakutia, and there’s yakutia, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, i want, of course, to thank for paying attention. us, i am anna pustnikova, director, individual entrepreneur, head of the network of private licensed kindergartens uznavaika in the city of yakutsk, and today i represent here the sphere of private education and i was also asked by colleagues private medical clinics to voice our questions, since they are similar, and we have a license, a state license, we work according to state standards, meet all requirements, pass the necessary inspections of supervisory authorities, we have the same educators as in municipal,
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state educational institutions, yes, but i would like to draw your attention to the unequal conditions of our employees, they cannot take advantage of the far eastern preferential mortgage, and since the program states that this mortgage can take advantage of pedagogical medical staff of state and municipal educational institutions, educational and medical institutions, how many of you are there, today i talked with colleagues here, this is not only in yakutia, this is further afield. in the east of private medical clinics there are many licensed educational organizations, in yakutsk i would say it’s not enough, on the contrary, well, in yaku we are few, well in yakutsk we are few, we have 43 entrepreneurs who work in the field of preschool education, we will definitely look at it myself
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in fact, i don’t think there are that many people there that need to be tagged too. maxim, be sure to tag. well, how many people are there , of course, everyone should be placed in equal conditions, the work is the same, in fact, thank you very much, and the difference in income level, i think, is insignificant, yes, thank you very much, please, also the same as for pension matters, who am i talking about here, yes, just as for pension matters, this one is correct , we’ll definitely come back to this, let’s come, i’m a flida from yakutia, i had a question, a question bridge, but he alexey told me that it was decided in the city of the lena bridge, yes, i thank you on behalf of all entrepreneurs, well, if alexey, you laughed so much, if this is not true, then you will have to bring it to the end today, let him build, dear
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vladimir vladimirovich, he is very kind today, i think he really is. it’s a big problem for yakutsk, it’s been discussed there for so many years , it’s already been needed for 10-15 years, vladimir vladimirovich, it’s true that a bridge is needed and it’s been there for more than one day, probably for 5-8 years reason here in the far east, then , well, asking for a promise is probably unfair, but take it. please , under your wing, i need a bridge, i understand, yes , thank you, since they’ve already given it to me, can i raise one more question, i’ve lived in the far east for 45 years in yakutia, after all, the far east toughens people up, but in any case in this case , the distance is seven days by train, eight days to vladivostok, plus
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40-50 days of cargo - this is a very long time, we need to include the next five-year plan, then look further, with such a territory we have high-speed with high-speed passenger traffic is in demand, well, high-speed, and of course it is necessary to increase the speed of cargo transportation, that’s for sure, but this one task will be solved in conjunction with another, because the release of tracks will
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occur and for the eastern training ground this is especially important given the growth in volumes. stand out, we are constantly adjusting all these plans, but they will certainly be implemented, transportation, well, here we can talk about this separately, we can talk about this topic until the morning, well, the tasks are there, the means thank you, thank you, bye, first of all, i ’m looking here, i started the conversation here, you pulled me in somewhere like a magnet, this is all apparently why, because i’m trying to shield you from you, to defend myself that you’re flipping me. i didn’t send you to build a bridge across the lena, which is what you said, so we need to do it, i’m just afraid that further requests will be even more ambitious, maybe we’ll have to do it little by little. we will conclude, if there is something that absolutely needs to be discussed, then please, if not, then we will wrap it up, thank you very much for,
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yes, please, i ask you, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is tenyakov andrey, the city of vladivostok, i am the founder, head of the group of the russian carbon company, we are residents of fpv, only thanks to this preference. regime, we managed to launch the production of technical means of rehabilitation from innovative materials with high rehabilitation potential, so i would like to thank you and yuri petrovich and oleg nikolaevich and vera georgievna for such participation in the lives of people with disabilities in promoting sell these products and where you see difficulties with implementation.
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the price of our stroller is 25,000 rubles for the basic model, but when we reach a larger volume of productivity we will be able to reduce this cost, mass production always reduces, of course, there are difficulties, we need high-precision equipment, we need digitalization, we need process automation, and we are solving these issues step by step, we purchased a large amount of equipment, and now we are looking for a site for this year. from
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innovative materials including aluminum, only using such technological lines as hydroforming, as something that has never been used in technical means of rehabilitation, also sukleplastic, mass production in russia has not been implemented, even... within the framework of the plant that produces clubs, there are certain difficulties specifically in mass production, we studied all the technology that is in russia, there are developments from moscow, novosibirsk and china, we collected the entire base, all the materials, analyzed everything, found a way to mass-produce products, great, what questions do you have, yes, you know , all the questions we...
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there is no way to quickly obtain registration certificates, but this is due to the only one laboratory in the country that can carry out these tests with increased requirements for technical means of rehabilitation. well, if there is such a possibility, then yes, if this could be done at the regional level and undergo testing and laboratory tests at the stage not after submitting an application to the rozdravnadzor, but before submitting an application, so that we could independently control the process, suddenly something doesn’t work, thank you for suggesting this, this is a very important nuance, well , this is the practice of foreign manufacturers, they undergo testing themselves.
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often, without even seeing our products, they do an examination, then something turns out wrong, we either close this application, well, this drags on for years, you see, and you say everything is fine, it’s no coincidence that i pulled you out of this, i see there are problems there, we definitely need to record this, we probably have a protocol, this is very an important thing is that the laboratories of the academy of sciences, the russian academy of sciences do not have roszdravnadzor accreditation. but in a good way they are represented in every region and could at least do such laboratory tests for non-invasive technical means of rehabilitation, because here there is a reduced
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risk, in essence. this would greatly free our hands, both for me and roma oranin and other producers, okay, okay, i heard, we’ll definitely work on it, thank you for your proposal, thank you, success to you, that’s it, let’s finish, these were shots from khabarovsk, vladimir putin held a meeting with entrepreneurs of the far eastern federal district.
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the main idea of ​​our stand is nightingales and iron, because the first thing that comes to mind when you say kurdish region is probably the kurdish nightingale, the kurdish magnetic anomaly, the kurdish battle, the 80th anniversary of the victory, which we celebrated last year with the opening of the first queue and it is a great honor for us that president vladimir vladimirovich putin personally took part in the opening ceremony of this monument, and what does nightingale iron mean,
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nightingales iron
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- ecological clean electrical energy is provided by the network not only of our region, but of the entire black earth region, this is an electrical engineering classer, where a battery plant, an electric aggregate plant, electrical equipment plants are represented, this is our farmstad pharmaceutical standard and the production of medicines, also one of the largest enterprises that produces medicines , and this, of course, if we talk about... agriculture , in recent years we have made great strides into deep processing, today we do not just grow a record almost 6 million tons of grain in the kursk region, but we also process grown products; we are one of the three leaders in the production of meat and milk, and the meat is pork, lamb, beef.


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