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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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vladimir putin today in the khabarovsk territory, the president held a meeting with entrepreneurs of the far eastern federal district, what topics were discussed? more than 300 bandits were detained, five were killed in ecuador, the police returned 28 escaped prisoners to prison, 13 people became victims of the riots, what is happening on the streets now? the two largest russian banks will limit the issuance of preferential mortgages, what are the conditions now and what are the reasons?
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belgorodskaya is presenting its achievements at the russia exhibition at vdnh today arlovskoe and kursk region. vladimir putin is on a working trip to the khabarovsk territory today and the first event on the agenda was a large presentation on the development of far eastern cities. the president was presented with master plans for sixteen populated areas at once. points calculated for the period up to 2030. the head of state also met with local entrepreneurs. anastasia efimova will tell you more about the trip. anastasia, greetings. what was discussed at the meeting? yes, vera, hello, but since the president communicated with entrepreneurs, then the conversation turned out to be businesslike. the movement has become noticeable, and this is very pleasing, with the remark with which vladimir putin opened a meeting with entrepreneurs at the pacific state university. khabarovsk is the second point of the route.
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the president's working visit to this part of the country, the trip actually kicks off the tenth year of the launch of the development program for the far east. the head of state recalled today how it began; at first, many were, quote, sour. i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how the mood was so it’s so sour, because we talked and said, now we’ll do it. then we’ll do it there, shipbuilding, we’ll develop this, but everything has such inertia, it was so hard to take the first steps, and people waited, as if nothing was happening, but still, movement has now become noticeable in the far east, and this very pleased, the far east is a land of opportunity in the khabarovsk region alone, developed industrial production, metallurgy, mining,
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including the growth of entrepreneurial activity against the backdrop of corresponding growth in the country as a whole. russia today, in terms of purchasing power parity, is the first economy in europe, the fifth in the world, and the gap from japan, which is ahead in the ranking, is so symbolic that there is every chance of rising at least one step in this ranking. however, the president noted, the country definitely has something to work on. it seems that we are being strangled and put under pressure from all sides, but we have become, in terms of... the volume of the economy as a whole, the first in europe, we have overtaken germany and taken fifth place in the world: china, usa, india, japan, russia, number one in europe. of course, the development of the far east is impossible without improving logistics, the very connectivity of different parts of the country that the president has repeatedly spoken about. in this case, objective circumstances. of course
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, we have to take it for granted that, say, one of the participants in the meeting, anastasia menshikova, is engaged in tourism on the island of kunashir, interest in which, as in the kuril islands in general, is steadily growing, but faces an insurmountable... there is a small difficulty, this air flights, which are canceled with enviable frequency, we are faced with the fact that during the peak tourist season , flight cancellations reach about 45%. why, and due to weather conditions, mainly due to fog, the location of the airport is in what proposal? proposal what to blow and what to do to re -equip the runway and yes, that is , to make it more all-weather yes the question yes the question will be resolved let's see this i agree with you on it is necessary to develop a tourist
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cluster of islands and work in the far eastern there will only be more entrepreneurs. during his trip to khabarovsk, the president got acquainted with the presentation of master development plans. cities in the region, 16 settlements, including khabarovsk, by the way, and anad, where vladimir putin was the day before, as well as birabidzhan, usuriysk, yakutsk, in all of them until 2030 it is planned to update the housing stock, build social facilities, modernize transport, the scale of change is enormous, as is the scale of opportunity, so as they joked today at a meeting with businessmen it’s not the time to be timid, it’s the time to be brave, however, the far easterners are definitely brave. they do not experience deficit. anastasia, thank you, but anastasia efimova spoke about vladimir putin’s working trip to khabarovsk. now there is a short advertisement, we will continue later, do not switch. start the year with profitable
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purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. shop men's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. there have never been such cents before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try it, real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible taste! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts! buy electronics with cashback up to 50%. temperature. the effervescent tablet was unhooked with salicylic acid renval, we trust renival, we choose renival rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming
11:08 am
the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, apartment in moscow on... the count of five: only five purchases from a thousand rubles for any with a credit card from ber until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, now it's better. damn, wrong file, how to cancel? no way, artyom. this is a megaphone, everything flies with it, switch to a megaphone, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. thousands of holiday discounts in magnet, hot stuff,
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29.90. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, a thousand products with cashback up to 50%. discover more new buildings with the largest catalog of discounts. so, well, what’s on our minds now, one benefit. in mvidio and eldorado, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months. 0 rub. down payment, 0% overpayments. select video and eldorado. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy a set of tools, 152 pieces for just one. what men are silent about, about the fact that life is over out of control, men cease to be afraid, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis; the recommended course is two packages of langitaza
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against prostatitis. win when you bring joy to your loved ones. order a scooter from... the megamarket at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy it . start the year with great purchases on toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. as a result of a precision strike on kharkov , a production plant was damaged, controlled by kyiv-districts of zaporozhye. region , the infrastructure of the military-industrial complex was destroyed, and other regions were also subjected to air attacks. at night
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, an air raid alert was announced in the dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, nikolaev, poltava, sumy and kharkov regions. the sirens sounded for 30 minutes. according to the russian ministry of defense, in the previous 24 hours , drone assembly plants, an ammunition depot, and air target tracking radar stations were destroyed in different regions of ukraine. russian sappers. they are updating the map of minefields, it will be needed when the fighting ends , the forests and fields are strewn with shells, there is a lot of work now in populated areas that are under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. local residents find unexploded ammunition on the streets and in vegetable gardens on farms. about the work of engineering units in the rear in the advanced report of our military correspondent igor pikhanov. the demarcation line in the zaporozhye region is dotted with dozens of destroyed military equipment in the ssu in the steppe. ukrainian tanks are still rusting soviet-made, as well as equipment supplied by western countries. a significant
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part of the enemy's weapons were blown up by mines from engineering units of the southern military district. sapyurs place charges at the site of a possible breakthrough of enemy tanks. the safety pin is removed and compressed when colliding with a tank or heavy equipment over 150 kg and an explosion occurs. when installing the ammunition , a special card is drawn up, data on the number and type of warheads is entered there. after the completion of the special operation, all mines will be extracted and rendered harmless, this is necessary in order to protect the local population. we will work, clean everything, because we have to if we want to save that child in 20 years who may find this mine. and this is footage of the work of ukrainian militants, cluster bombs are being launched towards peaceful cities of the ukrainian armed forces, and hundreds of mines are falling. groups of engineering
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units, sappers work not only on the front line, but in the rear zone. during work , fighters travel either in nimble domestic suvs that can easily overcome any off-road conditions, black soil, or on such armored capsules that can protect the crew during shelling, as well as enemy bullets.
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a new seizure of the canonical orthodox church in ukraine, schismatics of the ocu forces broke into the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god in the volyn region at the door of the building. the temple was built at the beginning of the 19th century, is an architectural monument of national importance, but representatives of the new ukrainian church are ready to destroy everything. this did not stop the journey, nor did the opinion of the parishioners and the abbots of the temple, who were against its transfer under
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the jurisdiction of the schismatics. now there is a short advertisement, we will continue later, do not switch. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy perfume for 1% of the cost. apply your favorite thank you bonus and get a discount of up to 99%. it’s better to turn, turn, turn once, only after confirming the payment , before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can, connect for a maximum 399 rur
11:16 am
and get superboxes as a gift, you can, iota is pulling your stomach. don't feel like going to the toilet? cystitis always goes in the wrong direction. tell cystitis cyston. 14 natural components of cystone against nagging pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate. and let your friends pull you. i say to cestitis. ceston. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. hurry up to buy cosmetics for 1% of the cost. apply your favorite thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. there is an easier way. vrev colored water for clean, fresh toilet with every flush. vrev is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing. payment is transferred to the landlord after successful check-in. avida everything will go as planned. the legendary
11:17 am
alfabank credit card is free forever. has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month for free, withdraw cash from any atms throughout the country, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discount, buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%, there is a cold pathogen around. ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet a day. i will quickly treat my cold. touch crocs everywhere burger
11:18 am
king. votter. on fire, taste. e, than to look 100 times, it is better to turn it once, rotate it, twist it only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, temperature, take effervescent paracetamol, effervescent tablet acetylsalicylic acid rinival. we trust renival, we choose renival. win when you bring joy to your loved ones. order at megamarket scooter ezbermarket and win 10 million rubles. seven people died in an accident in the penza region;
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the accident occurred on the ural federal highway. according to preliminary information, the minibus entered the meeting lane. traffic, where he crashed into a truck. as a result of a head-on collision, the drivers and seven passengers of the minivan were killed, two more were seriously injured, taken to the hospital. state traffic inspectors and investigative team are working at the scene of the incident. a large fire was extinguished that night in obukhov near moscow. there, a workshop for the production of polymer products caught fire. the flames engulfed the roof of the building, the fire raged over an area of ​​800 km. the employees managed to leave ...
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the ecuadorian authorities are monitoring the situation in the capital amid an outbreak of violence, the russian ambassador, vladimir sprinchan, stated. the diplomat clarified that there is no information about casualties among russians, meanwhile more than 300 bandits were detained, five were killed. in the prisons where the riots took place, no one was killed, but 139 employees were taken hostage by bandits. the situation in the country has worsened after the leader of
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a large gang escaped from prison. armed people broke into the tv channel's studio, seized the university, shootouts took place right on the city streets, and 13 people became victims of the riots. the president of ecuador ordered the neutralization of criminal gangs and declared a state of emergency in the country. win when you give joy to your loved ones, order an ezbermarket scooter at the megamarket and win 10 million rubles. looks like a cold. take paracetam renival. citromon prenival. we trust renival. we choose renival. we are playing at home in january. cars, million prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, get your tickets soon.
11:22 am
one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, a great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed. coverage, cool video, it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster, oh,
11:23 am
i lost my lipstick, today my mother changed her last name, this time she’s elena loselovna, now she’ll call me, i found it, look at the cashback on the new year’s sale at the megamarket , we can take you cosmetics for him, and perfume or a blouse, here’s a dress, lipstick, or better yet, all at once, they always do this for a loved one, megamarket, it’s profitable to make someone happy in the new year! maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, from there are advantages to mirestin, it’s logical to have one in your first aid kit, the choice of millions in russia! forever, has become even more profitable. receive an alfabank credit card and a free superkick every month. start the year with
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profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy a tool set of 152 items for only rub 1,399. well, how are you, i have a cold, i’m even nasal, we can handle it together, but first the booklin. the two components reinforce each other, acting in a directed manner. against cold symptoms, that's it, together we gave in strength, double strength and booklin - double strength against cold symptoms in tablet or powder format for a warm drink. in the united states , the results of the republican election debates are being discussed. florida governor ron desantiz and former permanent representative to the un nicky haley fought in a verbal duel. one of the main topics was appearance. politics, in particular the confrontation with beijing, as well as the middle east and ukrainian conflicts. dmitry melnikov listened to the positions of the candidates. two alternatives to trump, again without
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trump himself. he is here in zhivojov on his own, visiting the fox channel. and in a few hours before the start of the debate , obvious outsider chris christie, nicky haley and ron desanti announced the end of his election campaign. they fight for interest one on one. the former us permanent representative to the un and the former governor of south carolina is receiving special attention now. haley is quickly gaining popularity, and not just among republicans. the white house is also closely monitoring her company. if we support ukraine and israel and ensure the security of the national border, this will amount to less than 20% of the subsidies. you don't have to choose when it comes to national security, we're talking about preventing war, keeping our servicemen and women safe from...
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low, the liberal agenda has reached the point where the debates are seriously discussing the freedom of children to choose which gender they go to the toilet in schools . boys should go to boys' restrooms, girls should go to girls' restrooms, we should not allow the possibility of gender changes before the age of 18. a few days before the vote, trump defends his immunity in the supreme court the former president, the decision depends on him.
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in several states at once, the plan for the first days of the presidency is simple: approve the hit list and begin to take revenge. i'm going to be a dictator for this country, it's going to be a whole new political narrative because a guy like biden can't do anything, he can't govern, and even if he tried to do it, he didn't do a good job. the main intrigue is who will trump choose as vice president if he wins? assures that he has already decided, but does not name names, this there will be a completely different administration, bearing in mind that the current one has led america itself and the whole world to what trump calls bedlam. today our country is in a state of chaos, and i think this is directly related to the policies of joe biden, who cannot string two words together. he cannot present us as a worthy nuclear
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power located on... the media hates it when i apply such characteristics to these people, and if trump is still not allowed to the election, then nicky haley will become the main republican candidate for elections in november, but the democrats are also preparing their plan b, and this is not biden; if the party nevertheless decides that the current president is not worth running for a second term, then another woman may appear in the arena. by chance , the name of former first lady michelle obama is being heard more and more often here. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. now it's time for economic news. at the end of the year, russian companies placed $13.5 billion worth of substitute bonds, almost twice as much as in 2022. a businessman writes about this. we are talking about securities that replace blocked eurobonds. their denomination is in foreign currency, payments are made in
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rubles. the publication notes that in... the usa it is more expensive than $70, which exceeds the price ceiling set by washington at 60. manufacturers of organic products in russia grew by the end of the year by 18% to 177. interfax was informed about this in great quality. more than half of the producers are engaged in crop production, a third of processed products, and another 8% in livestock farming. the department emphasized that any marking the product, in the words organic, must be confirmed by a special certificate. we are also talking about the terms eco, bio and green. from
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september 1, the availability of such a document. no necessarily. and stocks of russian aluminum in the warehouses of the london metal exchange doubled in december, to 340 thousand tons. this is the site data. according to analysts, the growth is primarily due to weak demand. other reasons include the expectation of a reduction in the key rate in the united states. this could boost commodity prices, so some of the metal kept in warehouses. it was economic news. short. everything about the elections in russia. we'll tell you. in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, very cleverly put in a lot of security layers, took colored markers, made watermarks, we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey,


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