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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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and entrepreneurs of the far eastern federal district. what plans were discussed? more than 300 bandits were detained, five were killed in ecuador. the police returned 28 escaped prisoners to prison. 13 people became victims of the riots. what's happening on the streets now? since the fall of 2023 , the rules for out-of-court bankruptcy procedures for individuals have changed. who can use it and what requirements we will tell you.
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at the russian exhibition at vdnh today , the belgorod region, oryol and kursk are presenting their achievements. what does it show? vladimir putin is in the khabarovsk territory today, the president has an extensive program, it began with a big presentation on the development of sixteen far eastern cities, the president was presented with master plans designed for the period up to 2030. then the head of state held a meeting. with local entrepreneurs and the head of the region mikhail dekterev. anastasia efimova will tell you in detail about the trip. anastasia, greetings, we are waiting for the details of the working trip of the head of state. yes, vera, that’s what you’ll be focusing on in the next few minutes. the movement has become noticeable and this is very pleasing. the remark with which vladimir putin opened a meeting with entrepreneurs at the pacific state university. khabarovsk is the second point on the itinerary of the president's working visit to this part of the country. and the trip actually gives a start. the tenth year
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of the development program for the far east, how it began, the head of state recalled today, many were in a sour mood at first, quote. i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we’re going to do this, we are doing this, we will develop shipbuilding there , this, this, but... everything has such inertia , it was so difficult to take the first steps, and people waited, as if nothing was happening, but still, movement has now become noticeable in the distance in the east, and this is very pleasing , the far east is a land of opportunity, in the khabarovsk region alone there is developed industrial production, metallurgy, mining, energy, mechanical engineering, oil refining, and due to its geographical location, it is clear that they
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presented drones of their own in khabarovsk, by the way, last year there was production of both attack and reconnaissance types. the only problem is that most of the electronics used are from abroad, while the country is moving to self-sufficiency in this area, and the process will certainly take time, local engineers offered their own option, since the development of new solutions and...
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are being used very effectively, this is one of modern methods of warfare, which corrects all others in interaction with the types and branches of the armed forces communications forces many things, makes them more effective, and counter-battery warfare, and reconnaissance, well, there is a lot of everything, there are a lot of tasks, so here it is very important, it is very important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be one step ahead, and you, your colleagues are doing this today . the khabarovsk territory fulfills all obligations to its homeland, the regional governor reported this to the president during a separate meeting. drones are not everything they have developed here. bugs, in fact, a highly capable all-terrain vehicle with the patriotic name erofey, is intended specifically for use in a special military operation zone. according to the special operation, thanks to our people, we are fulfilling all our obligations to our homeland, our soldiers are fighting on the front line,
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three registered units have been formed. in terms of production, we have established the production of erofey bugia, i showed it to you, this machine is being delivered to the front. we repair engines , create drones, three enterprises, one of them spoke today, and of course, we don’t abandon debaltseva, yeah, we have a process going on there, yes, we are restoring the city of military glory, kindergartens, schools, roads, a children's creativity center, a sports complex, everything is going according to plan there, we won't abandon our own, of course, the development of the far east is impossible without improving logistics. the very connectedness of different parts of the country, which the president has repeatedly spoken about, while objective circumstances, of course, have to be taken for granted, say, one of the participants in the meeting with entrepreneurs , anastasia menshikova, is engaged in tourism on the island of kunashir, the interest in which is like the kuril islands in overall, is growing steadily, but faces an insurmountable obstacle,
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you can only get there by plane, only if the weather permits conditions, there is a slight difficulty, these are air flights that are cancelled. with enviable frequency, we are faced with the fact that during the peak tourist season , flight cancellations reach about 45%, why , due to weather conditions, mainly due to fog, the location of the airport is in a proposal, a proposal on what needs to be done, refurbish the runway, yes, that is, make it more all-weather, right? let's see, this, this, me i agree with you, it is necessary, it is necessary to develop the tourist class of the islands. there will only be more work for far eastern entrepreneurs; during a trip to khabarovsk, the president got acquainted with the presentation of master plans for the development of cities in the region.
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16 settlements, including, by the way , the same khabarovsk, ianadr, where vladimir putin was the day before, as well as berbidzhan, usuriysk, yakutsk, all of which by 2030 provide for the renewal of the housing stock, the construction of social facilities, the modernization of transport, the scale of changes huge, like the scale opportunities, so, as i joked at the meeting today, it’s time for businessmen to be not timid, but courageous, however, the far easterners certainly do not lack courage. anastasia, thank you, anastasia efemova spoke about vladimir putin’s working trip to khabarovsk. on the eve of the presidential elections in russia, the united states is seizing on even the slightest opportunity to shake up the internal political situation in our country. this was stated by the director of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin. according to the documents and data received, the americans are intensifying working with russians who participated in
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exchange programs, and there are about 80 thousand of them in our country. the state debt believes that these people are capable of replacing the non-systemic opposition, which fled en masse to the west and become. the core element of the fifth column. now there is a short advertisement, after that watch the fifth studio. in the loops, all chickens are perfectionists. they feed only on grain feeds, never use them and never will use them.
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sovcombank, we take out loans, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. at the zoo -5, mom will say, this is five, the action of oralse for pain and inflammation in the throat, five actions of oralse for sore throat, gregory, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time, let's, you know where, let's start with ecuador , of course, we are not so actively covering this topic for the sake of bananas, because it is clear that 96% of these...
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now it seems that even in the backyard there is no order in america, america cannot ensure this order, because there was a very sluggish reaction from the american authorities, some assistant secretary of state said something, why do you think this is so, why do they react so weakly, i dare say that everyone these countries, even the smallest ones, they must take the rule of their own, political, economic, social affairs into their own hands and not rely on... back yards or front yards, that time has passed, and the munroe doctrine, as we know, has degenerated into a huge doctrine,
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the overall global dominance of the united states , now there is no time for these small countries of latin america, their scope is much wider, we feel it in europe, we feel it in ukraine, and in many other areas of the world, so we must come to our senses, we must to establish internal policy
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, the president of this country certainly does not, it is always written in the contracts that re-export is prohibited without permission, this is a violation of the agreement, which in such, say, a decent society is called the corresponding words, so, but i, i i am convinced that, of course, this does not cause delight, some measures will follow aimed at preventing this, but uh, so to speak, we will live in the world in which we live and we will draw conclusions.
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mr. osin, the minister of defense, of course , it would seem that this is his personal business, and why they talk so much about it, but for a moment he is the minister of defense of a country that has powerful nuclear weapons, it is not clear who controlled the situation at that moment, because he first deputy, a woman, she was actually in on vacation, vacationed with her, in general it was a holiday, so it’s not clear, what does this mean, what do you think? let's make an official protest to the united states administration that they do not know how to manage the country with their foreign defense policy. i absolutely seriously believe that we pay too much attention in information terms to health problems, the prostate, the lungs, it doesn’t matter what, individual
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western statesmen, but in this case it was justified because. that this person was responsible for the military aspects policy of the united states, and of course , clarity was needed here, i think that the americans in this case did not look through, they miscalculated, and this suggests that they have an imperfect, so to speak, construction of state, state structures, because in this case we must immediately announce the person who is temporarily performing the duties, he...
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naturally, we will calculate options, but over the past two years, in my opinion, we have already learned how to do this quite soberly, promptly and develop solutions that, well, are adequate to the situation. grigory, this ukraine-nato summit, do you think there will be any breakthrough statements there, something sensible , or just another talk about how they love ukraine and how they will help it for a long time? that the main content will again be that ukraine will continue to beg from nato, first, for weapons, which means increased support. and the implementation, as they believe, of those promises regarding the entry of their country regarding the entry of kiev into this
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military-political bloc, which is hostile to the russian federation, this, probably, was dedicated, as i understand it, it has already taken place or will take place today, they have no other agenda, so beg, beg, beg at all levels, scare russia. this is a big word, but there is some kind of awareness that some other approach is needed, and this is expressed in such things as the possible long-term departure of the head of the european council charles michel from his post and the appointment of orban to him. so read and generally listen about this possible reshuffling, charles michel is leaving, how can you understand? you know, when i start to
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temporarily go viktor orban, this is for me reminiscent of the situation according to ilf and petrov in hercules, remember where some people were running around with folders, that means in the offices, along the stairs, this is very well shown by our classics, humorists.
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by the way, about france, this reaction to the terrorist attacks in belgorod, it is of course flagrant, this is an international, european reaction, when
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targeted attacks on civilians on holidays, before holidays, they are assessed as self-defense, but this is blasphemy, and why such a reaction, this is such a frankly brazen reaction, i would like this said, this, this is not only blasphemy, i would say... a mockery of common sense and a mockery, an attempt to mock our homeland, because the fact that on the pre-holiday evenings , people were killed, 25 people were killed, about 60, 58 are still in hospitals, uh, which means that children from belgorod, uh, at the invitation of the governors of our other regions, are leaving for kaluga, voronezh. this is a crime, this is a crime that will happen sooner or later, which means it will be investigated and the perpetrators will be punished, but for this time must pass,
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this will happen, apparently, after all these bandit formations of the kiev authorities are defeated, which means that russia made the appropriate conclusions, and we saw, we saw a tough answer, and so they somehow accepted the tough answer with... so to speak, with irritation and visible pathos, here is the blow itself to civilians, to our children, women, men of belgorod, they did not see, here is an indicator of objectivity, the so-called western press of western politics in general, this once again confirms what we talk about every day between myself, you thank you very much, we will follow the developments, good. pentalgen - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgen acts against
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12:29 pm
at the zoo, minus five, mom will say, this is five, the action of oralsept for pain and inflammation in the throat, five actions of oralsept for a sore throat, orals is five, rather than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet, one hundred milk sausages. promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, i know happiness awaits you and me, temporary musicians. where we are, ruslan, in
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aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, there is nothing reinforced concrete in marinka, we hollowed out everyone from here, drove them out. what kind of car do you have? 90, handsome, 30-39, shot, well, if you compare the army of the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theorists. now at the moment they have already become practitioners, this is a radio-controlled cart, yes it is, when there is shelling and it is necessary to bring up ammunition , yes, yes, here is the man who hung the flag , that is, the miracle hero is you, and me, there was about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there, so it turns out that the three of them entered, and behind why did your boys run them over?


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