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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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it’s not difficult, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, like voting on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning at the absolute parade the children cried out, people, rise, everyone is going to vote, said mom sonna, we’ll choose remotely, dad supported, we’ll choose electronically, the woman said to her grandfather, i’m a father, i’ll go with you, but our generation loves paper ballots, but the younger generation is electronically modern. i am progress, not an opponent, hold the alarm clock for my granddaughter, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we will go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, with our usual method, on the site, as usual, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. everyone
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who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are a billionaire, just trust as much as possible. you dance, there are dances, hugs, and you are pushed straight to the counter, where the managers once issued a loan. they will all run to you to buy homeless goods, that is, this is a ticket to a golden life. this is with those who create it. to scam you suckers out of money, dubai fast and furious, i was charged with taxes 240 million rubles, that is, in fact, you escaped , in fact, yes, i would surprise the world and dubai as well, these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security, ah, young, handsome, gild your pen, i’ll tell you the whole truth when you’re rich you stand, and they give you your last, it’s not just a pen, you can gild a whole herd of horses.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, i will cover you with care. i do not want anything! temporary
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musicians! hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this! this is the “typical novorossiya” program. our name says it all. we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day. find typical features and recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. made in novorossiya, what are
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the new regions of russia proud of, what and how soon can the new republics and regions give to the country? conversation with a program expert. greater donetsk or donetsk-makeevka agglomeration. city, satellite of the capital. the russia exhibition, which continues its work at vdnkh, allows not only... just learn more about the country, how it is changing and developing, but also get to know more closely what its new regions can give to russia. the republic of donbass is a region of mines and metallurgical enterprises. in the dpr more than 70% exports include hard coal, anthracide, and coke. about twenty more, rolled ferrous metals. cast iron, the most famous brand.
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donetsk and yanakievsky metallurgical plants, komsomolsk mining administration. in the lpr , the main export flow is created by the alchevsk metallurgical coke and chemical plants and the ferosalloys plant. association krasnodonon coal and smooth anthracite. the republic has a traditionally strong food industry, production of dairy and meat products, and confectionery products. kherson and zaporozhye regions are traditional agricultural regions, large expanses of arable land, mild humid climate, according to the ministry of agriculture, this can give russia an annual increase in harvest, at a minimum. for 5 million tons of grain. kherson, even under soviet rule, was a huge vegetable garden of the country. 2 million hectares of arable land, on which not only grains and sunflowers are grown, but heat-loving vegetables and fruits, including watermelons. now this garden is russian. there is
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a large livestock population. two more with more than a million hectares is the agricultural fund of zaporozhye. wheat, barley, and peas are grown here. chitsu rapeseed in the south they are proud not only of agriculture. the kherson region contains limestones used in construction and metallurgy: sand, clay, peat. iron ore, manganese, and other minerals are mined in zaporozhye. but the most important resource in novorossiya is people. highly educated, most with technical and engineering education, are patriotic. hardworking and energetic. according to tax statistics in republics and two regions, since joining russia, more than 2,000 new legal entities, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership have been created. people trade, engage
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in transport, provide household services, work in agriculture, and strive to establish as much peaceful life as possible in their territories. there are already such enterprises in novoros. about what can proudly bear the name, made in novorossiya in the story of anna efimova, store shelves like the rock of plenty, balyk, servilad, salami, those who memories of the just past new year's feasts are still alive, and they can take note of these products for the future. lugansk sausages.
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the difficulties are not only shelling, but also interruptions in electricity and water supply, which continues to operate at full capacity. more than 150 types of products are produced here. those who believe that, as a rule, there is no smell of meat in sausage should look at this production process. all products have a minimum shelf life and are made only from refrigerated raw materials. new technologies, they of course, they allow you to take advantage of the fact that the sausage lasts longer, the intermediary, i have. now there is a retail outlet, they are interested in taking it, it is easier to sell, but we are trying to follow the path of maintaining quality. in a way, a large-scale exhibition forum at vdnkh, in which all regions of the country take part, became a window to russia for new regions of their products. the forum, of course, is more
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of a presentational nature, but the producers of novorussia have great claims to their share in the russian market. here everyone demonstrates your brands and your potential. at the dpr stand, of course, you simply cannot do without the black gold of donbass. we brought this coal literally the day before the opening of the exhibition, it is real coal, grade t coal, anthracite. anthracite, well, our heritage, is the most energy-intensive type of coal, we are very proud of it. this fifty-kilogram piece was brought to moscow directly from the komsomolets donbass mine, the flagship of the dpr coal industry. this is one of the deepest mines in the region. in the summer, a new longwall was put into operation here, now a mine. there are about 5-6 thousand tons of coal per day, we usually use a jackhammer as an end operation where combine harvesters do not go to completely pick up the coal. mining equipment is something that donbass can really be proud of. donetsk gormash did not stop its
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production even in the most difficult times. but if in 2014-2015 the plant mainly repaired military equipment, today they are increasing production and expanding markets. among the main customers is a siberian coal and energy company, in demand products abroad, soon the enterprise , along with several other largest factories in the region, may enter the machine. in refrigerators, previously only people stored these units, but now they have begun to prepare them
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independently. the donbass refrigerator in the early sixties was the subject of dreams of thousands of soviet housewives. it turned out to be so reliable that some lucky buyers still have it in working order. however , the plant itself is still there in donetsk. of course, he changed his name, introduced new modern equipment, and now produces more than thirty types of refrigerators for every taste, color and... which are sold not only within the region, but in the largest retail chains throughout russia. the holding's immediate plans include a new line of refrigerators and commercial freezers, which the region really needs, because here in the donbass they also produce the most delicious ice cream, the ice cream must be good, properly cooked and high-quality raw materials, but the soul is also human. chestnut, squirrel and, of course, everyone’s favorite chocolate damask in a waffle cup. more than a hundred species delicacies, lined rows of ice cream pass by on a conveyor line, and while the
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production process is more or less clear, the exact recipe is a trade secret. however, the main components are obvious - a good mood and local lugansk milk. with the inclusion of our territories into the russian federation, already last season we supplied products to the rostov region, voronezh region, the republic of crimea, and even partially a small amount of products left there. the company will soon begin operate a new improved conveyor line, which will expand the already significant range. here we are sure that modernization is always needed, because those who stand still actually take a step back. many enterprises received the opportunity to update equipment by becoming participants in the free economic zone. this status significantly reduced, and in some cases completely relieved, factories of the tax burden. the freed up money is now working. for the development of enterprises. lugansk plant lugamash is one of the oldest largest
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machine-building giants of donbass. since 1956, the plant has produced 44,000 locomotives, which were used by countries throughout the socialist camp. but independent ukraine did not need its own locomotives. the plant did not collapse only because russian investors decided to invest in it in the 2000s. after 2014 , the enterprise was seriously damaged due to shelling. however, it did not stop work, but refocused on the production of spare parts. the bogie frame is made by ep-2k, this is for an electric locomotive, it goes further along the span diesel locomotive trolleys. currently, the plant has four workshops: mechanical assembly, gearbox, blanking and welding, and a workshop for the modernization and repair of diesel locomotives. lugamash produces bogie frames, diesel frames, mufflers, track cleaners for leading factories throughout russia, kolomna, ubryansky, novocherkassky, and more recently. the creation of a single federal enterprise for the novorussia railway opens up additional prospects. we
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are working on the issue with the railways of novorossiya about the resumption of the opportunity repair of the existing locomotive fleet, which we have, let’s say, in separate depots. today this is, of course, a very difficult task, but beyond this we will begin. the development of our enterprise, as first maybe a locomotive repair plant, and then, well, we must hope for a good, maybe locomotive-building plant. donbass can be called the heart of the real economy of russia; this region was always self-sufficient in soviet times, and after the collapse of the union, during the years of its stay in independent ukraine. this is probably why after the maidan he managed to survive many years of actual economic blockade, remaining not only afloat, but also competitive. anna efimova, valery savik. anastasia popova, typical new russia.
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we will talk with our regular expert, historian, and political scientist rastislav ishchenko about what navorosiya can be proud of and which of its signature brands can become famous in greater russia. rastislav, good afternoon. good afternoon. rastislav, what of the products of novorussia presented at the exhibition might surprise russia? well, russia is big, if to talk about moscow, then nothing, because moscow is a big babylon, here there is everything that is in the world, and even a little more, which means, if we talk about russia as a whole, then the further you go to the northeast.
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if you want some kind of zaporozhye cherry there, but in the elite consumption niche, please, you can raise prices for it, it will be there like kiran, chinese, whatever, but then it will compete with them, then you need supplying it all year round means that this is difficult, but if you just want to make money on the shaft, then prices should be lower, but they should be oriented to the average buyer, who will happily come and buy these cherries, then, for example, there are always kherson watermelons...
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belarus is very small, accordingly , there is already a need for competition with the same astarkhan melon products that has long been entrenched in the russian market, and i don’t think that it will just give up its place, but the state will help, yes , the state can introduce preferential tax rates, a period of something else, but it will still compete it will have to, because the market won’t clear it for new russia, and they won’t kick everyone out of it . coal and metal of donbass have been known for a long time and widely, what else can donbass surprise or offer donbass to greater russia? since now the metallurgical industry is experiencing certain problems all over the world, due to, say, cheap chinese metallurgy, due to the fact that it is difficult to enter markets outside its state, then i think that if we revive heavy industry in the donbass, yes, then i would do it would bet not only on production and not even
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so much for mining and primary metallurgy, yes, but rather for metal processing for production, that is. starting from the lugansk diesel locomotive there, by the way, from the lugansk cartridge plant and so on, well, that is, there is something to be compared to, something to start with, so if we talk specifically about industrial brands, then i would develop there the production of products with high added value, i would try to orient . these products immediately for production, not only for the domestic, but also for the foreign market, that is, to compete not only and not so much with already existing russian products on the domestic market, but in order to enter foreign markets and compete with the products of other countries, there, by the way, russia and the region benefit from this greatly, if we talk about other industries, we have already
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said many times that agriculture and tourism , yes - this... this is not a plowed field, which means that if you approach the matter wisely, it means that in these regions you can earn a huge fortune, well, a simple example, it means that hitler at one time created a boarding house, but for the rehabilitation of german pilots in crimea, because from the point of view of german doctors, it was the best recreational area in europe where they could take them, so the wounded keys were treated there.
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a region that has been outside of russia for a long time, that is, the domestic market has developed without novorossiya and novorossiysk brands will now enter this market, we will enter as our own, but as semi-foreign ones, no one knows them, they need to conduct an active advertising campaign, all this requires large investments, they have money there no, they are not the richest people now, precisely because they fought for 10 years, so they are certainly needed, state support is needed, at least a preferential tax regime, but the decision has been made. this is all included in the concept of a special or free economic zone. thank you very much, it was very interesting. donbass made
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novorossiya one of the most urbanized regions of europe at one time. the absolute majority of its population became residents of large and small cities, factory settlements, back in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. today in the donetsk people's republic. where , according to various estimates, about 2,200,000 people live, only 5% are villagers. donbass is famous for its urban agglomerations, the accumulation of small towns and villages around larger ones, such as donetsk or lugansk, where there may not be boundaries between settlements. the buildings there are so dense. large urban agglomerations are one of the features of novorossiya. the oldest of them is odessa. arose in the south of the russian empire at the end of the 19th century, after the rapid development local port and trading enterprises. during soviet times, the impetus for urbanization
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and the emergence of a large number of cities in the region was mass industrialization. in the ukrainian ssr, the donetsk agglomeration was the third largest after kiev and kharkov, and the donetsk-lugansk cluster of cities and the high density of their population, together more than 4 ovdeevka and krasnogorovka remain under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. greater donetsk is often called the donetsk-makeevka agglomeration, mentioning the city of sputnik. makeevka has a history. city ​​and today in the story of olga mokhova. on the makeevka coat of arms indicates the year 1690, the date of the first
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mention of the cossack settlement. however, even during the time of ivan the terrible , guard posts were installed here to protect russian borders from attacks by the crimean tatars. at first , the settlers were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, using combustible stone as fuel. this is what the peasants called the coal found in the local steppes. were obtained in the most primitive way. in our exhibition we have a model of such a peasant mine, that is, a hole or vertical well in the ground, where one or two people i went down, manually chopped this coal, then with buckets of it, like in a well, water was released to the surface. since the mid-19th century, this is the territory of the don army region; the government has allocated large plots of land to the local nobility for so-called ranked dachas for faithful service. the family of ivan ilovaisky from saol owns 60 thousand acres and he organizes the first industrial coal mining here. the ilovaisky mine unites several mines, to which he gives
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the names of his children. illovaisky is building the first access railway in the donbass from the khartsiskaya station to these coal mines of the makeevsky mine. this gives him the opportunity to export coal in large volumes. ivan ilovaisky transports his locomotive repair enterprise to makeevka; in 1885 , the makeevka pipe foundry began operating at his base. later, in 1898, his son dmitry founded the joint-stock company union plant with the involvement of foreign capital. already at the very beginning of the 20th century, this was a complete enterprise.
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18 metallurgical plants, it was a huge metallurgical cluster in the south of russia, who created this industrial power. near the metallurgical plant , the working village of dmitrievsk appeared, part of the makeevsky mountain region. actually the make itself'. lenin streets, the same number of pushkin streets and so on. makeyevka, as an industrial region developed since the end of the 19th century, was known for many achievements in the russian empire, and then in
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the soviet union. in 1900, in the thirty-third year, the country's first blooming , a large-sized rolling mill, opened here; in the forties, its metallurgists smelted cast iron at two times more than all metallurgical plants in poland. in 1907 , the first mine rescue station appeared in the russian empire, created by decision of the congress of miners of the south of russia, in order to protect the working conditions of miners in the mines of donbass, already through. for 4 years , an original respirator was invented at the station, it was called makeevka, and later a research institute for safety in the mining industry was created here, the developments of its scientists were used not only in all soviet mines, but abroad, then all sorts of non-spark starters appeared, special lamps that did not give a spark when turned on, these were all makney’s developments. a terrible page in the history
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of the city, the german period. the only monument to child donors in the countries of the former soviet union reminds of her. in 1942, by decree of the commandant of makeevka, the so-called kinderheim contempt children's shelter was created. over the course of 2 years, the nazis brought here almost 600 orphans and street children from two to 12 years old. terrible things happened to the children there. firstly, they were poorly fed with various garbage, didn't look. well, secondly, they took it away. blood to be transfused to german wounded soldiers in hospitals, children died en masse, they were taken to the edge of the klita, in common graves, and buried. after the war, the enterprises of makievka, completely destroyed by the germans during the retreat, were restored rapidly. already in the fifties , the metallurgical plant reached the pre-war level and subsequently produced a tenth of the rolled metal in the ussr, pipes - a third of all
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cast iron in the union. however, in independent ukraine, the city's industry began to come into desolation. a big blow to the coal industry was the closure of almost half of the coal mines during the ukrainian period. of the more than thirty mines that were part of the state enterprise makeya coal. today there are two left. mines, as well as metallurgical plants and two chemical plants, still make up the city’s economy. more than 12 thousand work here. people, it’s true that these enterprises are only half-loaded, but with integration into russian industry they have prospects, nine of our large enterprises entered and became participants free economic zone, for them it opens up new horizons, creates new jobs, expands the sales market , expands the range of products, launches new longwalls in mines, modern technologies are mastered by food and processing industry enterprises, a
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city with such a solid... history is simply there cannot be a future. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon. where we are ruslan, in alexandrovka. is the enemy far away? there is nothing reinforced concrete in marinka anymore, we hollowed out everyone from here, kicked them out. what is your car? shot, well, if you compare the army in the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, all this is your radio-controlled cart, but when shelling is going on, you need to supply ammunition, throw it in and go ahead, yes, that’s right, here is the man who hung the flag, that is, a miracle
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hero. it was you, yes, me, there were 100 meters an open field, probably even 150, ran there, it turns out that they entered in three, due to which your boys crushed you and gave birth. sad news: people's artist of the ussr, artistic director of the small theater, yuri solomin, died at the age of eighty-nine. the day before he was discharged from the hospital, where he was admitted after a stroke. yuri solomin graduated from the shchepkin theater school in 1957 and was accepted into the maly theater, where he served all his life. since 1988, he became its permanent artistic
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director. well, i continued to play.


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