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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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there was about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there, so it turns out that the three of them entered, and because of this, your boys began to howl for their homeland. sad news: people's artist of the ussr, artistic director of the small theater, yuri solomin died at the age of eighty-nine . the day before he was discharged from the hospital, where he was admitted after a stroke. yuri solomin graduated from the shchepkin theater school in 1957 and was accepted into the maly theater, where he served all his life. since 1988, he became its permanent artistic director, but continued to play with...
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i remembered the mood at the beginning, many were, quote, sour, i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we will do this, we will do this, we will develop shipbuilding there, this, this, but everything has such inertia, it was so difficult to take the first steps, and people waited, as if nothing was happening, but still, movement has now
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become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleases. the far east is a land of opportunity, in khabarovsk alone region, developed industrial production, metallurgy, mining, energy, mechanical engineering, oil refining, and due to its geographical location, it is clear that the business conditions here have their own specifics: high operating costs, logistics. that is why the region needed its own development program, adopted. in a timely manner and, as is now clear, ahead of global challenges, i don’t want to scold anyone there about our liberals, they do their job with high quality, but the general thing is super liberal the approach is this, everyone should be placed in equal conditions, yeah, the far east is the same as the european part, but then depopulation would continue here and nothing would happen, the conditions are different, this is purposeful work. and not in connection with
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recent events, including in the ukrainian direction, no, not at all, they started back in 1913. the development of the far east also means an increase in entrepreneurial activity, in parallel with the corresponding growth in the country as a whole. russia today by purchasing parity capabilities of europe's first economy, and this against the backdrop of unprecedented pressure to continue the special military operation. by the way, khabarovsk presented its own drones last year. production, both shock and reconnaissance types. the only problem is that most of the electronics used are from abroad, while the country is moving to self-sufficiency in this area, and the process, of course, will take time, local engineers offered their own option, since new solutions and programs for uavs are being developed throughout the country, to combine their ideas, they created a modular platform; to put it simply, it allows you to reduce the time from proposal to implementation of technologies at the front to one day, the authors of the idea.
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you and your colleagues are doing it today. the khabarovsk territory fulfills all obligations to its homeland, the regional governor reported this to the president during a separate meeting. drones are not everything, bugs have been developed here, essentially a highly capable all-terrain vehicle, with the patriotic name erofei,
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is intended specifically for use in the zone special military operation. according to the special operation, thanks to our people, we fulfill all our obligations to our homeland, our wars. they are fighting on the front line, three named production units have been formed, we have established the production of bagirofey, i showed it to you, this machine is being delivered to the front, we are repairing engines, creating drones, three enterprises, one of them performed today, and of course we are not abandoning debaltsevo, yeah, we have a process going on there, yes, we are restoring the city of military glory, a kindergarten .
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we have to take it for granted , let’s say, in this case, objective circumstances, of course, one of the participants in the meeting with entrepreneurs , anastasia menshchikova, is engaged in tourism on the island of kunashir, interest in which, as in the kuril islands in general, is steadily growing, but colliding... there is a slight difficulty, these are air flights that are canceled with enviable frequency; we are faced with the fact that during the peak tourist season, flight cancellations reach about 45%. why, due to weather conditions, due to fog mainly, the location of the airport is in offer.
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all of them, by 2030, provide for the renovation of the housing stock, the construction of social facilities, the modernization of transport, the scale of change is enormous, as is the scale of opportunity , so, as they joked today at the meeting, this is not the time for businessmen to be timid, it is time to be brave, however, in courage, the far easterners they are definitely not experiencing a shortage. and today in khabarovsk, vladimir putin announced the launch of a section on the official kremlin website, which contains information about russian protected areas. visitors will not only be able to see footage from camera traps and video cameras, but get to know this or that
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protected area better, learn the history of our national parks and reserves, what new and interesting things are happening there. information will be updated regularly. today is all-russian day of national park reserves. we have accumulated a lot of video and photographic materials about the activities and work of our protected areas and reserves, and this is an opportunity for people who are interested in nature to get acquainted with their work, not only with the animals that live there, but also naturally, many people will be interested, but with... the work of these sacred zones themselves, and here we are probably one of the leaders in the world, we have 13% of the territory, the entire territory of the russian federation, and this is the largest territory in the world, state-owned, is
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under one or another system of state protection, the state is constantly dealing with issues of protecting nature, flora, fauna, protecting these unique territories, but... over the past 24 hours, four counterattacks of ukrainian assault groups in the kupinsky direction have been repelled. this was reported to the ministry of defense adding that the enemy lost up to 85 troops, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, three vehicles, as well as a polish- made krab self-propelled artillery unit. in other directions , russian units, with the support of aviation and artillery, inflicted fire damage on the ssu. in the kupinsky direction. active actions of units of the western group of forces, air strikes and artillery fire repelled four counterattacks
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of assault groups of the thirty-second mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the village of senkovka, kharkov areas. in addition, fire damage was caused by a concentration of manpower and equipment of the 25th airborne and 95th airborne assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of berestovaya, kharkov region and terna, donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 85 military personnel, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, three cars, as well as a polish- made crab self-propelled artillery mount. the verkhovna rada returned the controversial bill on mobilization for revision. this decision was made after closed meeting with the military. this was announced by the head of the faction of the pro-presidential party , servant of the people david arakhamia. at the same time , he noted that it would be handed over to the developers along with the document.
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the city region arrived today by a special train in kaluga, they will be placed in two country
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health camps, as the governor of the kaluga region vladislav shapsha said, when preparing places to accommodate belgorod children, much attention was paid to safety, and feedback from parents was established through the accompanying persons. details from konstantin tsovaliev. a special train in six carriages arrives at the kaluga station, young residents of the belgorod region, they left home the day before, spent a day on the road and now get off on an unfamiliar but hospitable platform. we studied, i listened to music, we played, talked, rested and looked out the window, the accompanying people talked about what we would do when we arrived and in general. the children are met at the carriages by emergency situations ministry employees, doctors and volunteers, they help them unload
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their things, distribute them into groups and get to buses, from the very first minutes volunteers try to make friends with the guests, establish contact and introduce them to the city. in fact, tsalpovsky lived with us, it’s very interesting here, i think that you will go to the cosmonautics museum and see the noslevostok on this rocket. kaluga became one of four regions where schoolchildren from the belgorod region came. 243 aged children arrived in our region.
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entertainment, it is planned to hold competitions, they will visit theaters, our teachers and organizers will visit them, they will work with them some kind of educational. programs. children will be accommodated in two year-round health camps. before guests arrived, the base underwent additional checks and received approval. belgorod teenagers are expected to spend the next 3 weeks here. let me add that this is not the first experience of interaction in a similar area between the kaluga and belgorod regions. last summer, children from the shelled city of shibekin also spent their summer
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holidays in our region in kaluga country camps. konstantin sovelyev, alexey semenov, news! large banks are changing the conditions for issuing mortgages with state support; some rules come into force today. now you can choose an apartment on preferential terms not from all developers, only from those who are partners of the bank. maria slobodyanskaya looked into what this means and how it will affect the housing market. preferential mortgages are adjusted to new conditions. the largest banks are changing the rules for issuing loans. now you can only count on a loan on preferential terms in in the case of purchasing housing from an accredited developer, essentially a bank partner who, together with him, will be ready to subsidize rates. starting today, such rules are being introduced by sberbank, tomorrow vtb will join it, and from mid-january, changes are expected at alfa bank. these three banks together account for about 85% of the mortgage market in russia.
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the developer must be accredited with this bank. he will be accredited exactly when he is. co-finance such a subsidy together with the state, that is, spend your funds from profits, from some other sources to ensure that the mortgage rate is affordable for the population. we are talking specifically about preferential mortgages, now the maximum rate on it is 8% - this is the basic program. family mortgages, rural mortgages, far eastern and arctic mortgages are also considered preferential, the rates for them vary, and if the apartment of the selected new building is not included in the list of accredited partners, the client will be able to apply for a loan. at the market rate, but large banks claim that they cooperate with most developers countries. the new conditions apply to the purchase of apartments under all preferential programs and do not affect loans for individual housing construction. clients can obtain information about partner accreditation directly from developers or vtb mortgage managers. if the developer does not
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meet the bank’s new requirements, the borrower will be able to apply for a loan under basic programs. main reason. conditions for issuing a loan, tightening government requirements for preferential mortgages, the state is reducing the amount of compensation to credit organizations for issuing preferential mortgages by half a percentage point. the partnership with developers, who will pay fees to banks for processing loans with state support, is designed to cover the difference. in addition, in december the minimum down payment for a preferential mortgage was increased from 20 to 30%. at the same time , the maximum loan amount for all subjects became 6 million rubles. let me remind you that previously in the capital regions this figure was double. exception for far eastern and arctic mortgages; on the contrary, the maximum amount for them was increased to 9 million. far eastern arctic mortgage , the loan size has been increased to 9 million. accordingly, there has even been some expansion, but this is not the most numerous program, and
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some categories have been added to the far eastern mortgage, constantly clarifying there. last year, mortgage sales broke records at 57% of all transactions, while according to banks’ estimates, for all indicators they approached the figure of 8 trillion rubles. this is 60% more than the twenty-second figure. demand, as analysts note, began to cool at the end of the year in 2024.
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for example, at the beginning of the twenty-third year they gave discounts very actively, they carried out promotions very actively, prices there practically did not rise. it’s important to say that the new requirements are not just this scheme, but when developers relate to mortgages for individual housing construction, while according to banks’ forecasts, the main demand, despite the general decrease in borrower activity, will continue to be focused on government programs. market mortgage rates currently remain high. the fate of the preferential mortgage itself will also be an important factor. let me remind you, now actions the program is designed until july 1, 2024 and in what form it will be. the days of the brest region
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started in moscow in the belarus pavilion at vdnh, they are held as part of the international exhibition of the russia forum. until january 29, you can get acquainted with the economic, industrial, cultural and tourism potential of the region, as well as national traditions. alexandra is in direct contact with us from vdnkh. alexander, good afternoon, how was the opening? yes, alexander, i welcome you, but the opening took place in a solemn atmosphere, for with my back to the gala concert , we will go there, i will show you everything, as usual, but i want to say that the russia exhibition demonstrates not only the achievements of our country, but also the achievements of our fraternal republic of belarus, and today they are opening the days of the brest region, this is the most heroic.
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and with its culture, which has been formed over several centuries, now i see that here, rugs, walkers, which are very common here, they are made with threads like this, but they are even very popular, but except for rugs wow, handbrake handles are woven so beautiful in our region. thank you very
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much, they tell me that the connection here is a little bad, so we will now go out and tell you everything further, i hope that you can hear the performance of the musicians who came from bresk, quite a lot of people are coming now, hello, what kind of music do you represent? exposition we present music from the republic of belarus, the brest region, our poles, that is , waltzes, naygrshas, ​​polkas, our own, well, maybe a little processed, that is, all ours we bring it, great, thank you very much, well, the days of the brest region are so bright here now, and today at the opening it was also discussed that, despite the geopolitical situation, despite the geopolitical situation, the relationships between. to russia and belarus are only getting stronger. at the exhibition of achievements of the national economy, conceived in the thirties by the leadership of a single country, we present
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what belarusian and russian are essentially doing together, developing industrial policy, policy in the agricultural sector, within the framework of the energy market partners. a significant step, a special day, a new tradition confirming that we are one. we are together to strengthen the sovereignty of the two states, and minsk and moscow are now focusing on education and innovation. the president decided that after all, science, innovation, the situation was so difficult, sanctions pressure, the topic of import substitution was constantly on the agenda, he said: let’s show, it’s clear that the premises do not allow it. but at least a piece of the most important thing is our projects in science in various fields, from microelectronics and even ending with history. alexandra,
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thank you, alexandra perfilyeva spoke about what is happening today at the exhibition at the russia forum. avtova has produced a record number of cars over the past 10 years. the company summed up the results of last year. spoke about plans for the twenty-fourth, but she does not plan to increase car prices in the near future, taras kucharenko has details. every third car purchased last year was produced by avtovaz, the company has never occupied 35% of the market before. in twenty-three from the assembly line about 375,000 cars were produced, almost all of them were sold, and this despite great competition with chinese manufacturers, who almost completely replaced them. europe, the list of the most popular models includes three domestic ones. we’ll probably even start the three models of the lada family from right to left. vesta is in
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fifth place, and the lada family. on the second , almost a record, as maksimerovich already said, about 100,000 cars, we have already sold and produced, well, the number one bestseller of the grant, which sold more than 200 thousand cars, that’s already concrete the figure is 206,116 vehicles, a record market share of 26%. although 2022 was one of the most difficult years in the history of avtovaz, numerous sanctions, according to the plan of unfriendly countries, should have buried the domestic manufacturer, like... any company producing cars, it ordered some of the components abroad, it had to adapt to new conditions quickly, already in on the twenty-third , the conveyor did not stand idle for a second, localization of some models exceeded 90%. 1.200 to be more precise or more to detail this component base, over the period of the twenty-third year we managed
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to localize... already this year, sales of the company's most expensive car lada vesta sportline, worth about 2.5 million rubles, also began. avtovaz plans to increase exports fourfold. among the priority areas are the republic of belarus, azerbaijan, iran, egypt. the model range that is presented here, some of it is still painted over as not being produced, although some of it could already
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be opened from underneath. bedspreads, well first of all turn, i mean the elargus and aura cars, they are already known to our potential clients, here is the appearance of the iskra car and those cars that will be produced at our st. petersburg site, i think that we will present them in the very near future. this year the company plans to produce about 500,000 cars and...
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they re-educated one, say goodbye, go to hell, let's get the next one, what a hole, you're really going to be mean to me.


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