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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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at least today we have information about victims, or god forbid there are no dead, civilians, 10 people in total died, of which, in my opinion, eight were civilians, these are random victims, these are not targets, attacks by these criminal groups, this victims as a result of some explosions , arson and so on, russians, fortunately , were not included in this number according to our information, a few words about the economic situation, these events somehow seriously affected the economy, of course we are interested in bananas, how would we live without them? without the ecuadorian ones, you know, because it was only 2 days, and it’s impossible to say that banana exports to our country have stopped, stopped, because they take 2 weeks to go from ecuadorian ports to st. petersburg, and i literally...
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actually this morning i read the rosselkhoznadzor confirmed that today's events did not affect the volume of supplies of ecuadorian bananas, which in 2023 , let me remind you, there were 1,300,000 tons, so i think that this will not affect much either, because the producers are interested, exporters, producers, transport workers are interested in... preserving the russian supply market, which is important for the ecuadorian economy, even if some delays on the roads due to these events were small, this will not have a significant impact, it will be quickly compensated for, because 1-2 days are not affects the huge volume of trade turnover that we have with aquador. vladimirovich, there is one more, we will somehow live without bananas, god forbid, but there is another more.
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serious problem, the ecuadorian authorities have announced that they plan to transfer the old russian ukrainian equipment, well, the usa , actually ukraine, we understand this, in exchange for 200 million dollars, such a slippery topic and how actively it is being discussed by the government of ecuador and what are the chances of implementing, do you think, this undertaking, so to speak, because it no matter how not a very friendly step on the part of ecuador, then it will be towards us. alexander, we know this topic, we are trying to monitor it, but you understand, military equipment, the military sphere, military-technical cooperation with other countries is it’s a fairly closed area , it’s not mentioned in the open press, there was a leak , journalists wrote about it, we’re checking the information, but we conveyed russia’s position to the ecuadorian authorities that sending this equipment is not needed by the americans, much less they named it. it is needed by those who know how to handle
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russian-made equipment, and we warned the authorities that this would not be a friendly step, especially since the president of ecuador announced his country’s peacekeeping position regarding the special operation and the conflict in ukraine, the supply, shipment of this so-called scrap metal will be a contribution to the conflict of one side.
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legal drug trafficking, these are not political demands, economic demands, these are purely criminal demands demonstrating the capabilities of clans, it is known that all crime is mainly tied to drug routes flowing through the territory of ecuador from neighboring countries to the ecuadorian coast for further shipment along with the ecuadorian exports disguised as bananas. flowers,
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shrimp and so on, other countries, continents and regions, but this is coordinated, of course, by drug cartels that are already more stable and powerful. known from other countries, ecuadorians work here, as we said before , as fighters, that is, by force, security forces, while ensuring the security of drug routes and shipments, they try to preserve these, this criminal business of theirs and their transportation routes, which bring the main profits, but the state has set itself a tough task... to govern the state for about a year, because he has a very short period, he ends the mandate of the previous president, who completed his work as head of state ahead of schedule, so he
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needs to show very good results, at least in the field of security, which is the most difficult problem of ecuadorian society now, the economy.
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do you think that this political stability will still be possible, if it is possible to talk about it in such conditions, to somehow preserve it, because after all, declaring criminal groups as military targets is good for democracy? has little to do with it, you just said that the parliament is just confirming this, how does this all fit in with democracy, the state doesn’t work well without a strong hand, you know, the president of salvador bukeli is an example for them here.
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that they have fewer opportunities, so they support, by the way, international regional support from other regions - continents, such support, by the way, came from russia, the support of the government in this fight against crime, it indicates that the state is afraid of expanding this problem on its territory, on other countries in the region and this is an internal matter of the state. after all, they declared the criminals terrorists, it is known all over the world that they fight terrorism harshly, uncompromisingly, without concessions, without any bargaining, negotiations, from the point of view of the government surrendering its position,
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that’s why people here understand that this is quite tough, but democracy remains, so to speak, a system, a political system. ecuador and will be preserved without a doubt, because the president, the new president of ecuador, daniel noboo, although he won support of a small political party , by the way, he has the smallest faction in parliament, but he represents the interests of the entire population and support for his new legislative initiatives, both in the security and economic spheres, by the absolute majority of parliament, representing various...
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thank you very much, good luck with your work , take care of yourself, just in case, the situation may still develop differently, thank you again for arriving at your workplace ahead of time, and in order to... funds from the national fund welfare and also infrastructure loans. vladimir putin spoke about this today in khabarovsk at a meeting with entrepreneurs. earnings.
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after all, the movement has now become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleasing.
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the far east is a land of opportunity; the khabarovsk territory alone has developed industrial production. metallurgy, mining, energy, mechanical engineering, oil refining. at the same time, due to the geographical location, it is clear that the conditions for doing business here have their own specifics: high operating costs, logistics. that is why the region needed its own development program, adopted in a timely manner. which, as is now clear, played ahead of global challenges, i don’t want to scold anyone there, our liberals, they do their job with high quality, but the general thing is a super-liberal approach, everyone should be put on equal terms, yeah, that’s the case in the far east too the same as the european part, but then depopulation here would continue and nothing would happen, the conditions are different, this is purposeful work and not in connection with the latter. events, including in the ukrainian direction, no,
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not at all, they started back in 1913. the development of the far east also means an increase in entrepreneurial activity, in parallel with the corresponding growth in the country as a whole. russia is today the first economy in europe in terms of purchasing power parity, and this is against the backdrop of unprecedented pressure from the continuation of a special military operation. in khabarovsk, by the way, drones of their own production were presented last year. and both percussion and reconnaissance types. the only problem is that most of the electronics used are from abroad, while the country is moving to self-sufficiency in this area, and the process, of course, will take time, local engineers offered their own option, since new solutions and programs for uavs are being developed throughout the country, to combine their ideas , they created a modular platform; to put it simply, it allows you to reduce the time from proposal to implementation of technologies at the front to one day, the authors of the idea asked the president concept. the products that you and your colleagues produce are, well
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, well known to everyone, extremely in demand, both strike and reconnaissance vehicles, they are used very effectively, this is one of the modern methods of conducting armed struggle, which corrects all others, both in interaction with types and branches of the armed forces, connects many things, makes them more effective, counter-battery warfare, reconnaissance, well...
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and of course we don’t abandon debaltseva, yeah, we have a process going on there, yes, we are a city of military glory we are restoring kindergartens, schools, roads, a children's center.
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there is a small difficulty, these are air flights that are canceled with enviable frequency; we are faced with the fact that during the peak tourist season, flight cancellations reach about 45%. why, due to weather conditions, due to fog mainly, the location of the airport is in what offer, offer? what to do, re-equip the runway, that is, make it more all-weather, yes, the issue will be resolved , let's see, i agree with you, it is necessary, it is necessary to develop the tourism cluster of the islands and there will only be more work for far eastern entrepreneurs. during the trip to
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khabarovsk, the president got acquainted with the presentation of master plans for the development of cities in the region of 16 settlements. for which, by the way, the same khabarovsk, ionadri, where vladimir putin was the day before, and also birabidzhan, usuriysk, yakutsk, all of them, by 2030, provide for the renewal of the housing stock, the construction of social facilities, the modernization of transport, the scale of changes is enormous, as is the scale of opportunities , so that, as they joked at the meeting today, this is not the time for businessmen to be timid, it’s time to be brave, however, the far easterners certainly do not lack courage. today the country celebrates the all-russian day of national parks. in honor of this holiday, vladimir putin announced the launch of a new website - the new service is hosted on the presidential internet portal. according to the head of state, it will help
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familiarize people who are interested in nature with what is happening in this area. site visitors will be able to not only... see footage from camera traps and video cameras, but get to know russian protected areas better, learn the history of national parks and reserves. information on the portal will be updated regularly. we have accumulated a lot of video and photographic materials about the activities and work of our protected areas , and this is an opportunity for people who are interested in nature. get to know their work not only with the little animals that live there, which is natural, for many will be of interest, but with the work of these protected zones themselves, and we are probably one of the leaders in the world, we have 13% of the territory, the entire territory of the russian federation, and this is the largest territory in the world, state-owned,
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is under one or another system state protection. the state is constantly dealing with issues of nature protection, flora, fauna, protecting these unique territories, here is the site that you mentioned, this is another step forward in order to introduce people who are interested in nature to what we have us happening in this area. the central election commission has formed a territorial election commission for remote and electronic voting for the duration of the presidential elections; citizens will elect the head of state. on march 17, natalya solovyova will talk about how candidates for the highest post are preparing for the elections. a public reception has been open on pokrovka 47 for several days now; this is where you can come and leave your proposals and even instructions from candidates for the position of president to vladimir putin. these doors are open to everyone, volunteers will help formulate ideas on paper and pass
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them on so that everyone’s opinion is ultimately heard by the candidate, and he himself has repeatedly emphasized how important it is to be able to hear everything. candidates for the march elections are actively preparing for the presidential campaign, 11 people are currently participating, three are running as self-nominated candidates, among them vladimir putin, the rest are from parties. vladislav davankov, the youngest candidate in the presidential race, he... you know, like tea in i was born in smolensk and studied there - there was tea in mayonnaise jars. today davankov visited chelyabinsk, saw
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how meals are organized in local schools, in the candidate’s opinion, parents should be able to change suppliers of ready -made semi-finished meals for canteens, and he will introduce such a bill to the state duma next week, and then went to the mechanical and technological college, where they are practice for both students and eighth-ninth grade students. the college successfully manages to attract partners with whom they train people, those who then understand exactly where they will work, because it is important that people understand why they study, now there are up to 35% of people who study and then change their field of activity, so college is exactly the place where you already understand where and how you will work. the construction industry is strategic for russia, it is a guarantee of the country’s security, candidate leonid slutsky said while visiting the lotus plant in astrakhan, he is participating in elections from
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the ldpr party and proposes to review the development of the industry and provide military orders to every domestic shipbuilding plant at the earliest soon. our task is to support russian shipbuilding. our task is to promote growth.
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we don't know what exercises will get you in shape for new year's eve, but we do know what bank will make the whole year profitable. bank ural sib. rock the country. before the presidential elections , the foreign intelligence service spoke about us plans to interfere in the internal affairs of the country. according to the head of the department, sergei naryshkin, as the elections approach in the united states
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, they are inventing more and more sophisticated ways of illegally interfering in russian democratic procedures. for example, they are going to take on russian citizens who have completed various american programs: education, culture, management , and so on. tens of thousands of people. according to the plans of the cia and guzde. they are capable of replacing the so-called non-systemic opposition that has fled en masse to the west and becoming , quote: the core element of the fifth column. washington intends to intensify work with russians, graduates of american exchange programs. according to state department estimates, the number of russian scholarship recipients of american educational institutions cultural programs such as sos, advance, flex, fullbrite and others number more than 80 thousand people. with proper processing, as the americans believe, they are capable... of replacing the non-systemic opposition that fled en masse to the west and becoming the core element of the fifth column. and american intelligence services and departments are already taking the first steps, trying
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to establish contact, soft, confidential communication, including through social networks. well, in the future, as stated in the foreign intelligence service, the united states proposes to move to active involvement former fellows in the political struggle with the authorities. according to the department, the americans are already drawing up plans for various programs and seminars.
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new mechanisms of sanctions pressure on russia. over the past 24 hours, russian troops repelled four counterattacks by ukrainian assault groups in the kupinsky direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in other directions, russian units, with the support of aviation and artillery, inflicted fire damage on the ssu. we’ll find out all the details from denis alekseev. denis, i greet you, tell us how the situation is developing on the fronts. yes, hello, well, let's start with the footage of the liquidation of a detachment of foreign mercenaries in kharkov. the moment of the night impact on the park hotel. in ukrainian public pages, of course, posts have already appeared about arrivals at civilian targets, but none of the authors specify that russian missiles
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arrive precisely at their bases. they prefer in such buildings. and now about how our military personnel work out on the ground, on the front line, regarding the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine? runs, runs, you see him, no. a typical example of the work of spotters from a drone can be seen as a ukrainian fighter, having heard the sound of our strike drone in the air, runs to a pile of garbage and hides there, but here... the rule is the same for everyone: if you were spotted, then it doesn’t matter where you disguised yourself, fpv drone arrives exactly as intended, this is the work of the ivanovo paratroopers near artyomovsk, here a ukrainian military man was spotted who decided to wait out the battle in a sleeping bag and was liquidated on the spot, it is our military who are finishing off armored vehicles so that the armed forces of ukraine will not there was a temptation to subjugate her. in this section of the donetsk front, the ssu suffered serious
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losses. on the southern flank of artyomovsk in andreevka and klishcheevka, our southern groups defeated two mechanized brigades, losing about 260 militants. well, now we move to the zaporozhye front, there are battles in the verbovoy area, an important stronghold in the orekhovsky direction has been occupied. our paratroopers carried out their combat mission under heavy fire on bmds and came as close as possible to enemy positions. covering assault groups that cleared fire militants' points in the forest plantation, suppressed the resistance and reported on the capture of the opornik. in the zaporozhye direction, units of the russian group of troops, using air strikes and artillery fire, defeated a concentration of manpower and equipment, the 118th mechanized, eighty-second air assault brigade and the fifteenth brigade of the national guard in the areas of the populated areas of punktina and verbovoe.
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your losses... amounted to up to thirty military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three cars. the ambitions of the ukrokomdirs are off the charts, like losses in the ssu. per day minus 800 personnel. this happened the day before and a week ago, every day the picture is similar. it's the same with technology. western weapons are being consumed at an incredible rate, but kiev cares little about this. you can hardly buy the ability to handle technology with this. hopeless, nato partners will continue to deliver weapons themselves, the result of the nato council to ukraine that took place the day before was the approval of additional support, this is the girl who ran into the restaurant, it turned out to be an excellent film, the film is very
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spectacular, i’m... invading you, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful , it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i’ll show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, that’s it, that’s it heard , the audience applauded very often, everyone in the audience laughed, wash yourself wherever you can in the river, great, well, i watched it right in one breath, i was all there inside, so this... okay, this is great, it was interesting whether she would get better or not , i have a question about my social status, well, great, simple, he still has something, holob first is my favorite movie, now there will be a new favorite film, holob 2, we have to be flawless, simply awesome, then we’ll have to do techniques, serf 2.


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