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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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they say find 10 differences. but let's return to the capital region, and a thunderstorm, and a squally wind, snow charges with deteriorating visibility, all this is a manifestation of the cold front that crossed the capital region in the middle of the day. this is how this moment looked on the weather radar. the temperature contrasts on both sides were so great that they led to the formation of powerful cumulonimbus clouds up to 10 km high. this height of the tail was enough to form the electrical potential inside the cloud necessary for... lightning discharges. on the interactive map shows how warm, humid air wedged itself into the center of the russian plain, triggering the development of thunderclouds. but in the evening there will be no trace of it, and the cold front will reach the southern borders of the black earth region. but at the same time , a powerful outflow of warm air from the black and caspian seas is forming over the southern region, which will lead to intense precipitation in the region and short-term warming. tomorrow afternoon, cold air will reach
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russia; heavy precipitation will occur in the krasnodar territory, stavropol, rostov regions and republics of the caucasus. the cold invasion will be powerful and will even reach the black sea coast. by evening, the rain will turn into precipitation and even snow. on saturday night, arctic cold will make its way far to the southwest. twenty-degree frosts will cover the center and the volga region. frostbite -10 from the chernozem region to the foothills of the caucasus. even on the black sea coast, including sochi. temperatures will be below zero; we should expect warming only at the end of the weekend. against the backdrop of cold weather, snow continues to fall in moscow. in friday afternoon within the city -13 already mostly without precipitation. on saturday night in the center -23 in the region in some places up to 30 below zero, in the daytime -16, sunday -14 only on monday it will become noticeably warmer. the results
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of the far east development programs are very noticeable, and this became possible primarily thanks to the businesses that operate in the far east. this statement was made by vladimir putin in khabarovsk. this city became the second on the schedule of the president’s working trip to the far eastern federal district. today the head of state met with local entrepreneurs. i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how - the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we will do this, we will do this, we will develop shipbuilding there, this, this, but everything has such inertia, that’s how it was it’s hard to take the first steps , and people waited, as if nothing was happening, but still, the movement has now become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleasing, the gangways are effectively used
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during a special military operation, as vladimir putin said, domestic developers manage to be one step ahead of the enemy. the products that you, your colleagues, produce are, well, well known to everyone, extremely in demand, attack drones and reconnaissance drones, they are used very effectively, this is one of the modern methods of conducting armed struggle, which corrects all others.
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national parks. in honor of this holiday , vladimir putin announced the launch of a new website the new service is posted on the presidential internet portal. according to. head of state, he will contribute introducing people who are interested in nature to what is happening in this area. visitors to the site will not only be able to see footage from camera traps and video cameras, but also get to know russian environmental areas better and learn the history of national parks and reserves. information on the portal will be updated regularly. we have accumulated a lot of video and photographic materials about our activities. the work of our protected areas, reserves, and this is an opportunity for people who are interested in nature to get acquainted with their work, not only with the animals that live there, which naturally will interest many, but with the work of these
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sacred zones themselves, and here we are probably one of the leaders in the world, we have 13% of the territory, the entire territory of the russian federation , and this is the largest... largest state-owned territory in the world is under one or another system of state protection, the state is constantly involved in issues of nature protection, flora, fauna, protects these unique territories, here is the site you said about, this is another step forward for that, in order to acquaint people who are interested in nature with what is happening in this area, in the presidential election campaign at this stage, as reported today in the central election commission, 11 people are participating, eight of them nominated by political parties, three are running as self-nominees, in including vladimir putin. and at its central headquarters , a public reception has been open for several days now, where you can leave suggestions and even instructions
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to the candidate. vladimir putin has repeatedly emphasized how important it is to be able to hear the whole country. to all candidates, including vice speaker of the state duma vladislav davankov, are actively preparing for the march elections. he was nominated by the new people party and visited chelyabinsk today. he inspected how meals were organized in schools and promised to submit a bill to the state duma giving parents the right to change the supplier of ready-made meals and semi-finished products for school canteens. the ldpr candidate, leonid slutsky , visited the lotos shipbuilding plant in astrakhan, talked with employees, and presented awards to the best employees. slutsky noted the strategic importance of the industry and proposed provide everyone with military orders. shipbuilding enterprise. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. bopper it tastes better on fire at
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burger king. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy electronics with cashback of up to 50%. in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. hurry up for tickets, in the whirlwind of life, successes, failures, hope fills you with viklunch, in the rhythm of the worker there are a lot of expenses. your break fills wiggle, meat sauce, sytin is hot , fills with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the rooftops, fills life with joy, start the year with bargain purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy men's clothing, shoes and
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it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank. online or in the branch and get special, favorable conditions, shake up the country before the presidential elections, the foreign intelligence service spoke about us plans to interfere in the internal affairs of russia. according to the head of the department, sergei naryshkin, as the elections approach in the united states , more and more are being invented.
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contact for soft, confidential communication, including through social networks, well, in the future, as stated in the foreign intelligence service, the united states
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intends to move to active involvement former fellows in the political struggle with the authorities. according to the department, the americans are already drawing up plans for various programs, seminars, and trainings that will be held in neighboring countries in order to stir up the situation. the first such meeting, as stated by the foreign intelligence service, will be held in february in latvia, with intelligence officers acting as curators of all this. special attention at the meetings will be paid to the issues of practicing secure communication with american curators. washington also hopes for connection scholarship holders for the training of new...
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mercenaries in kharkov. the moment of the night impact on the park hotel. in ukrainian public pages, of course, posts about arrivals at civilian targets have already appeared. but none of the authors specify that russian missiles arrive point-by-point at the locations where the armed forces personnel are based, they, the armed forces members prefer to hide in... such buildings, and now about how our military personnel work out on the ground regarding the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine , on the front line,
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running, running, see him, no, typical an example of the work of spotters from a drone , you can see how a ukrainian fighter, having heard the sound of our attack drone in the air, runs to a pile of garbage and hides there, but here the rule is the same for everyone: if you were noticed, then it doesn’t matter where you disguised yourself. the bucket arrives exactly as intended, this is the work of the ivanovo paratroopers near artyomovsk, here a ukrainian military man was spotted who decided to wait out the battle in a sleeping bag, was liquidated on the spot... and it is our military who are finishing off armored vehicles so that the armed forces of ukraine would not be tempted to subjugate them . on this plots the donetsk front in the ssu suffered serious losses, on the southern flank of artyomovsk, in andreevka, kleshchievka, our south group defeated two mechanized brigades, the loss of militants was about 260 people. we are transported to
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the zaporozhye front, there are battles in the verbovoy area, an important stronghold on orekhovsky was occupied. our paratroopers carried out the combat mission under heavy fire on bmds, came as close as possible to enemy positions, covering assault groups that cleared militant firing points in a forest plantation, suppressed resistance and reported on the capture of the supporter. in the zaporizhzhya direction, units of the russian group of forces, using air strikes and artillery fire , inflicted defeat on an accumulation of manpower and equipment, 118 mechanized, eighty-second, well, what can i say, the ambitions of the ukrokomdirov are off the charts, like the losses of the armed forces, minus 800 personnel per day, so it was the day before, and a week ago, every day the picture
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is approximately the same, the same with equipment, western weapons... are being consumed at an incredible speed, but kiev cares not enough, the ability to handle equipment is unlikely to be bought without hope, but the weapons themselves will continue to be supplied by nato partners, the results of the nato-ukraine council that took place the day before was the approval of additional support. the war on terrorism continues in ecuador, this is exactly what the president of the country, dnl nabua, called what is happening... now in the latin american state. it's been a few days since local criminal gangs began a large-scale rebellion across the country. at least 10 people have already died, and this is only official data. criminals take over prisons, educational institutions, shootings take place right on the streets. to date, more than 300 bandits have been detained and five have been killed. this is data from local security officials. after
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a clash with three armed criminal groups, police returned 20. eight escaped prisoners to prison, the ecuadorian authorities are monitoring the situation in the capital, russian ambassador vladimir sprinchan said. the diplomat clarified that there is no information about the injured russian citizens. employees of government agencies and many companies were transferred to remote work, companies and educational institutions have switched to remote learning until the end of the week. this allows the security forces and law enforcement agencies to have better control. there is a smaller population on the street , it is easier to identify people with some kind of criminal intentions, but i repeat, the city of quito is calm, the most worrying thing is the situation in the coastal regions where drug routes pass and where the main penitentiary institutions are located, however, as
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the authorities said, hostages the bandits still have 130. nine prison officers. previously, criminals broke into the building of a local tv channel employees were taken hostage . peruman authorities sent special police forces to the border with ecuador. martial law has been declared in ecuador itself; it will last 60 days. the president of the country has repeatedly stated that he will not negotiate with terrorists and has ordered the army to destroy all criminal groups. let me remind you that the unrest in ecuador began after the prisoner nicknamed fito escaped from prison. he is called. the leader of the largest gang in the country, los choneros. fitu was serving a thirty-four year sentence for trafficking drugs, murder and organized crime. after fitu's escape was reported , riots broke out in six prisons in ecuador. later, another leader, who heads the second largest gang in ecuador, los lbos, also escaped from prison. many countries around the world expressed support for the authorities of the republic. and at
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the same time, there were calls for consolidation of words and condemnation of actions in the fight against drug crime. the united states, now has no time for these small countries of latin america, their scope is much wider, we feel it in europe, we feel this in ukraine, and in many others.
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only, everything will be as you want. pay for purchases with any izbera credit card and an apartment in moscow can be yours. sberbank credit card is the best in the country. mikhail mishustin presented government awards in the field of media today. the ceremony takes place traditionally. on the eve of printing day, which is celebrated in our country on january 13. awards are given to both individual workers and creative teams. for high professionalism in providing information
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broadcasting. this year the prize was awarded to the editor-in-chief of our tv channel, evgeniy bikasov. for civic courage, political acuity and successful defense of the interests of the fatherland in the information struggle, the prize was awarded to olga vgtrk political observers skabeeva and evgeniy popov. schoolchildren, to offer them citizens, i am sure, i am glad to welcome you all on the eve of your russian press day holiday, one of the main professional holidays for representatives of all media, as the president noted, now they are working in... a military operation, protecting
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their citizens. i am sure that this is the approach that guides today’s laureates of the government of the russian federation. the newest missile frigate admiral galavko arrived at the main base of the russian northern fleet in its permanent base severomorsk. the ship was greeted with the traditional greetings. one of the frigate's main tasks will be to cover the northern sea route. severomorsk, reporting by oleg posobin. the admiral of the heads came to severomorsk almost unnoticed. the polar night in murmonsk is ending, but for now it hides the minimalistic silhouette of the terrible ship. the frigate arrived at its permanent base from the st. petersburg shipyard. there the flag was solemnly raised on the ship and now in the murmansk region the crew met commander of the northern fleet. the commander of the northern fleet, frigate admiral golovko , completed the tasks of the inter-naval transition, and arrived
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in a pose. admiral golovko is the third ship of project 22-350. this is the standard carrier of zircon hypersonic missiles. it is capable of appearing anywhere in the world's oceans to carry out combat missions, hitting surface targets and submarines. the length of the rocket is 135 m, the displacement is almost 5. ton. almost all of the ship's firepower is concentrated here at the bow. here we see an artillery installation. and then there are anti-aircraft missile systems. on the next site. this is the first frigate with a completely domestic engine; the designers designed the power plants in the shortest possible time; after inspections, the ship confirmed the reliability of all devices. the replenishment of the fleet with such a combat unit, of course, is a significant increase in the combat power and formation of which it was included, and the grouping of diverse forces of the fleet, the basis of which it will represent. the ship is
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part of the largest and most powerful. during the tests, the ship confirmed everything completely its assigned characteristics, which means the ship is very reliable, which means it has high seaworthiness, which means , i repeat once again, it fully justified the characteristics that were declared, therefore, as they say, it has been tested by the sea, tested by people, it is quite a successful, good ship. frigates have concentrated enormous power on themselves, are capable of single-handedly carrying out the most difficult combat missions in different parts of the world's oceans, this fist of the navy will only grow stronger, five more ships are currently being built this series: oleg posubin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvasnyuk, lead the murmon region.
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where are we, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, there is nothing reinforced concrete in marinka , we hollowed out everyone from here, kicked them out, what kind of car do you have? 90, handsome, azim 30-39, shot, well, if you compare the army at the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theorists, now at the moment we have already become practice, all this is your radio-controlled cart, right? when there is shelling, it is necessary to supply ammunition, so the person we have who hung the flag, that is , a miracle hero - it’s you, and me, there was about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there, so it turns out that three of them entered, and due to what did your boys run over them, and for robin, look how very safely they
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stored the drugs, you can...


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