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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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apparently, it is not possible to control the situation; armed batman and the joker appeared on the streets of one of the settlements; at their own peril and risk, local reporters tried to interview the heroes and became convinced that both were fighting on the side of evil. artyom krosulin, news! this is a great information evening! the ukrainian general staff recorded hundreds of geraniums and dozens of calibers about their air defense. they are being knocked down by factories with ammunition depots, as evidenced by satellite data. the state debt wants to raise a new fifth column in russia. 80 thousand potential agents influence, whom the states are preparing to replace those who escaped through the upper lars, and what does stanford have to do with it.
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ukraine alone will not be enough for russia; moldova is in the crosshairs. revelation of american generals. why is the united states intimidating chisinau with a russian attack and what is maia sandu counting on? ukrainians fleeing mobilization continue to drown en masse in tisza. how many unfortunate people have already been swallowed up by its icy waters, why are the border guards not even trying to put an end to the deadly swim. they came to the esvo zone like wild geese, but are running like rats. our military is not they feel sorry for the foreign mercenaries, they hardly resist, new personnel from the front. at night there was a powerful explosion, a fire started, a fire broke out, and all that was left of several rooms at once were only smoking ruins, still images. the kiev
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regime of dimitrov in the dpr, where russian high-precision weapons were tested. according to the predictable version of the knowledgeable media , a supposedly purely peaceful object was damaged, where to say that the missile hit a certain coal enterprise, but our intelligence reportedly established. the building was used by ukrainian armed forces militants as a temporary deployment point, and the ukrainian side, of course, has no choice but to simply sweep the truth under the carpet, although it has long become a serious problem for the junta. the fact that this is the truth will sooner or later be revealed anyway. this is confirmed by interesting satellite images published by the telegram channel informant, the geolocation of the city of khmelnytsky, over which, if you believe the heavy-duty information dumps, absolutely everything was recently shot down, but now anyone can see how clumsily the enemy propaganda is lying, in fact, how much evgeny nipot will explain, evgeny, hello, well, are the consequences of the flights visible? alexey, it’s true, they can no longer be hidden. victorious reports for the telethon.
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geraniums are allegedly shot down by almost thousands of daggers, almost hundreds, depicting to the ukrainian average a world where the armed forces of ukraine almost cut off drones and missiles on takeoff. valiant air defenses destroy as much as russia and do not fire at enemy military targets. efficiency 150%. true, the employees of the novator enterprise in khmelnytsky are unlikely to believe these tales. before the start of the svo plant produced radar equipment for aviation. after the blows, the roof of one of the buildings shows a hole with an area of ​​about fifty meters. ukrainian air defense, well , objectively, is not coping. you shouldn’t think that they don’t shoot down anything at all, they really shoot down something, but this is not enough to say that the sky is covered, and even with the power that russia can simultaneously unleash on any of the cities of ukraine and even for several at a time, it did not cope with any air defense.
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for one week only, from december 30 to january 5 russia launched 41 group strikes and one massive strike on military targets in ukraine. it is interesting that in the first days zaluzhny claimed that almost nothing reached the targets, and in general the air defense forces shot down as many as 10 daggers. why, i wonder, not 100, they shot down, apparently, with everything they had, including jars of cucumbers, ammunition depots and factory workshops ; the artyom plant building especially distinguished itself in destroying missiles. where they produced aviation and anti-tank missiles, as well as equipment for aircraft, so to speak, destroyed the target, but how they say, there is a nuance: the ukrainians can shoot down - 10 daggers with five daggers fired, probably the best way, regarding all this poverty, and go to the public in the telegram of a specific city, well , let it be kharkov there or something - then even after a massive strike, and look at the reactions, that is, this post is posted there,
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we look in awe at the reactions under it, and people don’t believe, well, those who live in the city, yes , they can’t post these shots there, but they see, that it will fly there, there, there, air defense writes that 100% of targets were shot down. on january 2 , russian missiles hit a number of objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine in different cities, only in kiev, according to the fisherman, several important enterprises for the regime were hit: quasar, where integrated circuits were previously manufactured , a radio meter, microdevices, where aviation equipment was created, as well as the mayak plant. even before its establishment, the company produced firearms and mortars, and since last year it has launched the production of ammunition, including for drones. now in production. plans were made adjustments, russian attacks destroyed the capacity of the company, which sewed tactical clothing for the armed formations of ukraine; the top officials of the kiev regime loved to wear it, not only zelensky, but also zaluzhny, for example , yarmak. we are actually overloading the
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ukrainian air defense system; it does not have time to respond to the mass of attacks that are taking place; again, the attacks are occurring in a variety of ways. at the same time , both missiles and uavs are striking. western experts even note that a series of january the strikes added a lot of problems for industry, that part of it that is focused on the military, and also caused colossal damage to the air defense system of ukraine. ukraine is experiencing a crisis regarding the supply of shells, many in the west and ukrainians themselves admit this. i have already spoken about the catastrophic collapse of the ukrainian air defense system. three massive missile strikes from russia caused colossal damage to ukraine’s air defense. and it’s difficult, and maybe even impossible, for the west to fix this, since, apparently, it doesn’t have resources for this. it is no longer possible to stop the consequences with standard pictures with the inscription “poor”, where the numbers were entered
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randomly. the ukrainian military and political leadership understood this and started singing songs about the catastrophic shortage of air defense systems and missiles for them, because tales about the effectiveness of the heavenly. considered square, even on the air of the telethon no longer work when russian strikes achieve their goals, so thousands of downed girans, up to hundreds of destroyed daggers, remain inflamed fantasies. evgenia nipot blows right on target. within 24 hours, soldiers of the russian group of troops in the center destroyed up to 160 militants in the krasno-liman direction of the special operation, in the southern donetsk sector, where the vostok group operates, losses against.
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arrives precisely for its intended purpose, this is the work of the ivanovo paratroopers in podtemovsky, here a ukrainian military man was spotted who decided to wait out the battle in a sleeping bag and was eliminated on the spot, it is our military who are finishing off armored vehicles so that the armed forces of ukraine would not be tempted to subjugate them. in this section
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of the donetsk front, the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses. our group is on the southern flank of artyomovsk, in andreevka and klescheevka. the south defeated two mechanized brigades. losses of militants - 260 people. on the zaporozhye front there are battles in the verbovoye area; an important stronghold in the orekhovsky direction has been occupied. our soldiers completed the combat mission under heavy fire on bmd. the paratroopers came close to the enemy positions, covering the assault groups that cleared the militants' firing points in the forest plantation. they suppressed the resistance and reported on the capture of the opornik. in the zaporizhzhya direction, units the russian group of troops, using air strikes, fire and artillery, defeated a concentration of manpower and equipment, 118 mechanized, eighty-second air assault brigades and the fifteenth brigade of the national guard in the areas of populated areas of rabotina verbovoe, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to up to thirty military personnel, two
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combat armored vehicles three vehicles. the ambitions of the ukrokomdirov are off the charts, like losses in the ssu, minus 800 personnel per day , so it was the day before and... a week ago , every day the picture is similar, the same with equipment, western weapons are being consumed at an incredible speed, but kiev cares little about this; the ability to handle equipment can hardly be bought. these hopeless ones, but nato partners continue to deliver weapons themselves. the previous day's nato-ukraine council resulted in the approval of additional support. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, vesti. they are inventing ever more sophisticated ways of interfering with democratic procedures. this is the description of the united states today given by sergei naryshkin, according to whom washington in fact, right now he is trying to form the core of a new fifth column in our country. intends to train its participants, quote: methods of inciting interethnic hatred, discrediting the authorities on social networks, as well as
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stirring up the internal political situation. as it is not difficult to guess, overseas schemers consider, first of all, the imminent presidential elections in russia as a reason to intensify such activity, but it is especially important to emphasize who is destined to play the role of an instrument of destabilization. in particular, the director of the foreign intelligence service called for paying attention to the former russian scholarship holders of american educational programs, well, like work & travel, and... and the like, but it’s really no secret that it was from them that the united states sought to grow the corresponding asset for years on end, proof will be provided by anton potkovenko, anton, greetings, in principle, they didn’t even hide why they invited russian students to visit them, i welcome you, but now they are actually acting quite openly, if not blatantly, but we, on the other hand , are accustomed to this manner, and what to do too we know that the us government has been sowing for a long time, and now, apparently, it intends to... american, so-called educational and cultural programs that bloomed wildly in
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our country, at least until the crimean spring, all these grants, trips abroad for exchange experience, advanced training according to western standards, this is what they were for, the foreign intelligence service reports: russian scholarship recipients of american programs, if properly processed, that is, they will still be recruited, can become the core of a new fifth column. after the onset of mtr americans, european intelligence services have become less able to recruit individuals and citizens of russia, but their flow of information has decreased, but at the same time they are now trying to resurrect all possible ways, including the program for scientific cooperation, for advanced training, which was for citizens russia and mostly our youth, right? in order to increase their influence on the territory of our country,
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what kind of programs are these: access, promotion, summer work and travel, exchange of future leaders, very characteristic names. state deb he has already counted the heads of more than 80 thousand fellows, so he knows what kind of leaders he needs. this is why, for example, russia withdrew from the flex program in the fourteenth year, this is when...
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washington will now try, in the language of intelligence officers, to establish confidential communication with graduates of its programs in order to draw them into the political struggle with the russian authorities, exactly how they are going to use, a whole program is being prepared, and trainings will be abroad, the first, which is typical in riga, will be taught on february 16-18 incite ethnic and social hatred, interfere in elections, discredit the russian leadership on social networks and come up with new ones... about new sanctions at stanford university - this is another fish tank for
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growing agents of influence from all over the world, there is even a special group of political vlasovites, in it, for example, on agents aleksashenko and guriev, it comes out to them, the state debt is preparing replenishment, stanford and other universities are participating, in fact, in a program for recruiting students and russian citizens for their subsequent use. various project activities, from media to intelligence, and, unfortunately, there are thousands of such people; today there are tens of thousands in our country abroad who maintain contacts. with its so-called almator, issues there are raised to agitate society within our country. how it works? such a character, trained with american money, is introduced into, say, a bank or corporation, his career quickly goes uphill, and then the state department comes to him. how exactly the americans are now working specifically
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a newly minted agent of influence begins to transfer data to the states, for example , about the financial plans of an organization about... the state debt will now check how the seeds of betrayal sown in russia by american ngos and foundations will sprout, but the soil is not at all the same as before the special military operation and the law on foreign agents has not
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been repealed; the attention of the foreign intelligence service is the best remedy for weeds. anton potkovenko is an american bait. biden's partners in corrupt business finance the terrorist attacks of the kiev regime. the scheme was traced by an ex-detat verkhovna rada andriy derkach. he provided proof in an interview with an independent american journalist. previously, derkach published compromising evidence of international corruption by the authorities of ukraine and the united states, but the white house is deliberately holding back this investigation. moreover, they are trying to eliminate those who voice facts unpleasant for the biden administration physically. with details boris ivanin exclusive documents and previously unknown facts about the corruption schemes of the seven bidens in ukraine in a resonant interview reveals former verkhovna rada deputy andriy derkach. at home, he is accused of treason precisely because he openly talks about bribes in which the kiev regime is mired. the largest cash bribe in europe, the twentieth year, 6 million dollars in packages
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transferred for the closure of the case of drilling. here are these bundles in bags: burisma is a ukrainian... company with a board of directors that included the son of the american president, hunter biden, who received up to 50 thousand dollars a month for his work, although derkach insists the amounts were much larger and were not intended only to hunter. burismo even sued the ex-deputy, but in the end she admitted that he was right. the plaintiff in the statement of claim does not actually dispute the facts of the payments, but speaks only about their significant differences and exaggerations. numerous criminal cases surrounding the company are related to tax evasion and money laundering. shows bank documents, they confirm burisma’s connection with laundering firms in the united states. essentially, these are financial flows between the kiev authorities and curators in washington. ukrainian justice did not block them, but only directed them in a different direction. april 21, twenty-two . the ukrainian court transfers these 6 million cash cash, in agreement with representatives
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of burizma, to the disposal of the military unit of the main intelligence agency. corrupt business in ukraine finances terrorist acts, thus avoiding responsibility for corruption in ukraine. in particular, the founder of burisma, nikolai zlachevsky, also the ex-minister of ecology of ukraine, avoided responsibility ; $6 million was paid to drop all the charges brought against him. for the amount of 6
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million, the largest cash bribe in europe, zlocheevsky received 68. he was actually fired by order of joe biden. shokin not only dug too deep, but also reported this to the lawyers of the american congress. here is a recording of the telephone conversation. wrote these conversations where shokin told congress about the real criminal acts of linkin and biden and what concerns the corruption of the biden family. the sbu reported
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to zelensky irmak that shokin was getting out of control. the issue of eliminating mr. shokin in the territory is now being considered ukraine. this is a very important statement, what i'm talking about, because we have to save the life of the former attorney general. derkach calls for withdrawal. poroshenko is the rest of this organized crime group. for his position, andrei derkach has already come under american sanctions. in the states themselves, he
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faces a prison sentence, twice as long as in his homeland, up to 30 years. a former deputy of the verkhovna rada calls this purely political reprisal. on january 19, 2022 , the secretary of state of the united states, mr. blinken, arrived in ukraine to meet with zelensky. quite a lot of people were present at this meeting. blinken told zelensky.
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is increasingly demanding new weapons from the west, and ukrainian men are paying for these handouts with their lives. well, here’s a clear metaphor in a totalitarian short film, first the soulless military machine of the alliance approves of sending howitzers, tanks, rocket systems to the kiev regime, and then with the same straight face an army official reacts to a request for additional coffins, so the new nato slogan is about war to the last drops ukrainian blood will now fit in more than ever. well, however, they are preparing to satisfy the cannibalistic appetites of the north atlantic bloc. and other countries, the house of kiev is thoughtlessly followed by chisinau, which for the west has become another point for the development of military budgets. what is moldova being prepared for, wondered evgenia petrukhina. evgeniya, greetings, well, it seems that
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intimidating chisinau is very beneficial for washington. yes, alexey, hello, that’s right, americans always traditionally pursue only their own interests. the usa is playing another game, this time trying to make moldovans believe that russia. if russia achieves success in ukraine, it will not stop there. moldova or perhaps one of the baltic countries or other states will be next in the crosshairs. the former
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us permanent representative to the un, niki haley, completely lied, assuring that russia itself said that it would go to poland and the baltic states. yes, when our president, on the contrary , has repeatedly repeated that we do not need nato countries, so it all looks like haley. expresses his nightmare to the audience, and she also says that europeans, well, literally should help ukraine and actually protect the national security of americans. russia said when it takes ukraine, poland and the baltic states, nato countries, will be next. this will drag america into war, so it's about preventing war. we spent only 3.5% of our military budget on supporting ukraine. the europeans paid more, they should do it, because everything is happening right next to them, so we must do everything to protect the americans our national security.
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that is, haley is now trying to push through new aid packages for ukraine, working for the domestic consumer, the domestic voter and there representatives of the political class in washington, yes, because the logic of the hawks in washington and in brussels, in other western capitals, is now the same, but if russia wins in ukraine, then the pre-baltic states, moldova, poland, well, in general , apparently all of eastern europe, will fall, that is, this is an attempt to scare those there who... are already in favor of blocking the trenches to ukraine, there are for negotiations with russia, accusing them of the fact that if it means we will now make concessions, then russia will not stop, they are actually scaring chisinau with russian tanks, that’s why they are trying to switch the attention of the residents of moldova from internal problems to external ones, the presidential ones in the republic this fall elections, and sandu’s rating is not exactly confident at 27%. in addition, her party failed miserably
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in local municipal elections. but she really wants the presidency, and washington , of course, will help its romanian protege. now it is beneficial for her, it is beneficial for her to develop this topic, the topic of the russian threat , some fictitious hybrid threats are being invented, and as its supporters say here in the republic of moldova, that we are already in a state of hybrid war with russia, and this is normal when russian diplomats were allegedly expelled from us. for espionage. moldova increased its military budget by more than 60%. true, for this it was necessary to reduce social spending. and the minister of defense of the republic, anatoly nasatiy, talks about plans to increase military purchases, supposedly due to the threat from russia. and sweden also approved tranche for chisinau. everything is within the framework of the nato program. what kind of generosity? the americans,
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of course, need a leader. europe played a role in the conflict with russia, so why should they spend money? to do this, what should you do? it is necessary to scare europe with the fact that russia has aggressive plans, attacks on other states of the european union or nato. the second direction is placing its personnel, agents of influence, in key positions in the states of the european union, who then work off this bread, who, on their orders, make sure that there is fine. the united states of america, where she worked for a very long period at the world bank, in fact, now her mandate is over , she will go further, perhaps we will see
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our president. ukrainians fleeing mobilization continue to drown en masse, how many unfortunates have already been swallowed up by its icy waters, why the border guards are not even trying to put an end to the deadly swim. russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making
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a discovery in science. and our children open the doors of modern classrooms, we create new ones cultural spaces, and of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition.


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