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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions. now i'm curious. news about family values ​​in france. the elysee palace announced the appointment of stéphane séjournet to the post of foreign minister of the country, who, characteristically, is the so-called civil partner of the new prime minister, gabriel attal, and concurrently holds the position of secretary general of the presidential renaissance party. and according to a number of french media, for a long time he was considered especially close to emmanuel macron personally. we will definitely follow what trends the foreign policy course will now follow. the reason was the arrest of the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and
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his deputy, they were detained in a long-standing corruption case, although president duda personally tried to interfere with justice, who hid the convicts in his palace, the police turned out to be adamant, as a result, the streets of warsaw were filled with various protests, our correspondent in the region is following the development of the political crisis daria grigorova. there are several dozen supporters of the law and justice party at the rally. a rally is planned near the presidential palace . while the protest is peaceful, after the end there will be a march through the old city to the sejm building. the parliamentary complex is already surrounded by metal barriers, the action was called a protest of free poles.
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supporters of law and justice came out to the rally after the detention of former head of the ministry of internal affairs mariusz kaminski and his deputy machiya wonzik. last month, a court sentenced them to two years in prison for abuse of power in 2007. before their arrest, they literally hid on the territory of the presidential palace, whose owner is still their party comrade andrzej duda. we know that in the vicinity of the president's office police forces are gathering to contain us. but in the end, even presidential. saved two politicians from arrest, the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained and taken to prison in tinted jeeps. president duda pardoned both kaminsky and vonzik in 2015 . the president of poland still believes that his decree remains in force, although the day before the court decided otherwise. in the party of law and justice, the verdict is called political. former prime minister matteus morawiecki lashed out at his replacement. for more than three
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for decades, no one has been persecuted for their political views in our country, and until now there have been no political prisoners in the country. immediately after the arrest, supporters of the former ruling party began to gather. to a protest. entering the presidential palace and imprisoning people pardoned by the president is a dictatorship and lawlessness. i don't want to live in a lawless country, that's why i'm here. both detained politicians went on a hunger strike in prison, and before the start of a large rally, the ministry of internal affairs decided to transfer detainees from the pre-trial detention center in warsaw to prisons in other cities. poland's current ruling coalition blames the law and justice party for the resulting chaos. we expected. that the party that lost this election will nevertheless go to great lengths to create the impression that it still has influence. now they are acting outside the legal framework, abusing power and their position to the detriment of the polish state. according to supporters of the current prime minister, president andrzej duda had no right
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for the pardon of kaminsky and vonzik 9 years ago, since at that moment the sentence had not yet entered into legal force. donald tusk accused his main opponents of... situation, by the fact that they were sent to prison. the scandal surrounding the arrest of the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy became a continuation of the conflict between the former ruling justice and justice party and the current prime minister's coalition. in early january, donald tusk, whom critics call a german spy and protégé of the european union, changed leadership
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polish radio and television, but the old team refused to leave their jobs. and, apparently, the justice party continues to plan to sabotage the work of the government. the president of poland plans to re-pardon his imprisoned comrades and complain about the actions of the new cabinet to the eu leadership; in addition, duda promises not to sign new laws adopted by the tusk government. such a situation in the polish government can hardly be called working. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european news bureau. please don't believe it to those who promise safe border crossing. this is a new warning addressed to ukrainian border guard draft dodgers who... in particular, she expressed dissatisfaction with the attempts of the boys to escape to romania, but, however, the verb to sail away would be more appropriate here, since we are talking specifically about the water route along the tisi tributary of the danube, they say, some cunning businessmen are offering the fugitives from total mobilization to pay several thousand dollars and quickly cross to the european union from transcarpathia. well,
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overall, it sounds like a good deal, especially in conditions when the alternative would almost certainly be an inglorious death somewhere in the kleshcheevka area. but in fact , no one ... brings the promised boats or boats, so potential refugees are forced to rely on their breaststroke, crawl, or maybe butterfly, that is, they simply swim across the notorious river without any available means, here of course , the question arises: how many people succeed? vadim zavodchenkov was looking for answers. nezalezhny now has its own styx, the tisza river is the border between the world of the living and ukraine, if you don’t want to perish in the damp earth, go ahead into the water. if, of course, you can handle the distance. in these footage, for example, one such hero recently tried to swim across the tisa, but quickly realized that it was not hercules who surrendered to the border guard. have you tried to swim across the tisza? yes, i tried, but it's unrealistic. how far we swam, a meter maximum.
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however, there are many who go to the end. according to media reports, 20 people have already died while trying to swim across the tisa . it runs along the western borders of ukraine with romania near the border with hungary. online there are many stories from modern heroes of the square, who bravely fled the country along the waters of the styx. here is the impression of one of these refugees. i’ll tell you about the tisa river,
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it’s a very accessible river. the problem is that there are stones at the bottom. these stones are very tough if you step on them. you can slip, fall, and if you fall, you may not get up, because of the fast current and slippery stones, this will be enough for you to hit a stone somewhere, the water may already take you away. and it's not exaggeration, the tisa in the upper reaches is indeed extremely treacherous, the tisa river is quite deep-water, and secondly, it has a fairly fast current, not to mention the fact that it has cold temperatures, such a semi-mountainous river after all, only the ukrainians have no choice no, you will stay in your country , as if you will end up as cannon fodder, you are the only one to escape... it is not surprising that, according to ukrainian tradition , business has already started around tisa, local funerals, this
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young man was recently pulled out of the river half-dead and frostbitten, when they warmed him up, the man drank like orpheus, it turns out that he paid money to the carriers, and instead of sending him to the eu, they simply brought him to the shore, with the words, further on himself, for this they take care of... change into dry clothes and somehow way to get to the police, they will feed
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you, hand you over to the migration service, and voila, you are a european, the main thing is not to be caught by your own , the same fugitives from ukraine, who will explain to your fellow countryman how to love your homeland, you are bad people, you need to be hurt, but we we can’t really pinch you here, because there’s a law here, we’ll ruin it your image in europe, you certainly did well, you swam tisu. the most terrible thing is that the state authorities condemn them in every possible way , spread rot, to say nothing of some nationalists who are literally laughing, calling the tisa battalion, saying that they would have recruited a whole battalion of these uklanists, those people who crossed, european countries do not extradite them, they treat people who... are fleeing war with understanding, various thoughts come into their heads, what if this is not a problem
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of the border guards, including their own business, it’s convenient, because you anonymously look for people who want to escape from the country, offer a route, take money, and then grab it at the crime scene, this is an assumption, of course, but you must agree, it’s very much in the spirit of modern ukraine. the american press today is discussing the results of the advance. the debate brought together major figures from the republican party, including florida governor ron desantis and former united states permanent representative to the un nicky haley. they devoted most of their discussion to foreign policy from the situation in ukraine to the middle east before the confrontation between washington and beijing. and our correspondent in the usa dmitry melnikov will tell you in more detail about the positions of the candidates. and yova, where the first republican primary in the united states will be held on monday, was covered with snow and completely frozen. moscow's hand is in this. they haven’t seen it yet, but they couldn’t do without russia at the debate. two alternatives to trump again without
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trump himself. he is here in iowa, having lost 10 kg, visiting the fox channel. a few hours before the start of the debate about the end of his election campaign, announced the obvious underdog, republican chris christie, nicky haley and ron desantes are fighting head-to- head for the vacated percentages. haley is quickly gaining popularity and not only among republicans; her campaign, as they are assured, is also being monitored by the white house; her hawkish position towards china and russia and, above all, her support for financing kiev cannot but please democrats. it is a huge misconception that we have to make a choice between israel and ukraine or between.
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stated that they would send a certain delegation to the island after the vote, to their neighboring for some reason, the military base in the philippines is urgently imported in huge quantities of fuel, the more alarming the words sound...
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they make irresponsible remarks, which china resolutely rejects, in connection with which it expresses extreme dissatisfaction. in the united states itself, the problems are more serious. the liberal agenda has reached the point that at the republican debates they are seriously discussing the freedom of children to choose the gender of which toilet to go to in schools. boys should go to boys' toilets, girls should go to girls' toilets. we are not should allow for the possibility of gender changes until the age of 18. days before the iowa vote, trump is asserting his former presidential immunity in the supreme court. his participation in priries in several states depends on the decision. the main intrigue is who trump will choose as his vice president if he wins. he assures that he has already decided, but does not name him. but he promises to put an iron hand on ending the bedlam that, according to him
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, america has become under biden’s leadership. look at the bedlam that joe biden has created. trump promises to fix everything, including relations with moscow and beijing, which, according to him, have stopped taking america seriously. our country is in a state of chaos today, and i think this has a lot to do with joe biden's policies. he can't imagine. as a decent nuclear power on the same level as putin, as well as all these very smart and cunning people whom the media hates now. in the meantime, republicans continue their methodical investigation into the corruption of the biden family, including in the case of fraud in ukraine. evidence has been collected a lot, otherwise how to explain the statement of former verkhovna rada deputy andrei derkach,
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who said that in 2022 , us secretary of state antony blinken demanded that zelensky organize it. physical removal after the next publication of documents compromising the bidens. derkach announced illegal financial flows between the kiev authorities and washington curators. on april 21 , twenty-two, the ukrainian court transferred these 6 million cash cash, in agreement with representatives of burizma, to the disposal of the military unit of the main intelligence management of ukraine. it's right here. the number of this part, this is a secret decision , no one has seen it yet, after a period of time, the northern streams begin to explode, attempts are made on dugin, prilepin, tatarsky, the heads of the ukrainian special services do not hide the fact that they are carrying out political assassinations, terrorist acts for extra-budgetary cash, that is, once again
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biden’s partners in the corruption business. thus, by leaving responsibility for corruption in financing terrorist acts, ukraine, having almost equaled the rating, has a gap between trump and biden is 1 %, both have every chance of not making it to the elections, the former president may face criminal charges and charges of insurrection of the current president’s general physical condition, and the election landscape in the united states may yet change radically if trump is removed from the elections , then the likely candidate... from the republicans will be nicky haley, but the democrats are also preparing their plan b, and it’s not biden, if the party still decides that the current president is not worth running for a second term, another woman may appear in the arena; it is no coincidence that the name of the former first lady, michelle obama, is increasingly being heard here. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington.
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we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. they came to the breeding area like wild geese, but they run like rats. our military does not spare foreign mercenaries, they hardly resist, new personnel from the front. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever. has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month for free , withdraw cash from any atms throughout country. not just profitable. alpha is beneficial , what men are silent about, that life is out of control, the fear of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase
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10:54 pm
“zsu, simply, the situation was difficult for the sneakers , they simply ran away. well, it is quite natural
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that now the mercenary calls on all potential soldiers of fortune not to risk their lives for dubious goals of the independent, since he was convinced from his own experience that nothing good awaits them in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. however , , some characters still prefer to learn from their own mistakes rather than from others, but what fate awaits them is clear “anastasia ivanova will demonstrate.” the fate of those who wanted to shoot at russians for money is a foregone conclusion, but foreign mercenaries fighting for everyone understand this only on the front line, when there is nothing left but to get away, if you’re lucky, but most often it’s too late. early in the morning at dawn, these six were awakened by persistent volleys from russian fighters, during a break in the armored personnel carrier, polish english speeches began to be heard, they are shooting at us, we are retreating, the characters in these frames are screaming,
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and the equipment on which they are running, it is easy, lightly armored, it is unprotected, so they look pathetic, besides, there is no cover, the result is a short two-minute escape, which was reportedly interrupted by a fatal blow by russian fighters on this group of geese, the same influx that was in the first year, which the americans allocated about 11 billion dollars, it is already running out, now we hear from radio interceptions that...
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the english, polish, german, french speech has significantly decreased, no one is specifically hunting for them, but they often come under fire from our artillery, our vks. such small groups of foreign mercenaries panic, now they are only seen on the front line, they do not live here for long, those who are lucky return home at the first opportunity. well, for example, safari lover macer gifford fled from kherson with his tail between his legs back to london. he has no choice but... to write bravura posts about criminals, mercenaries just like himself in the special operation zone, most often he writes about the dead, in just one photo, there are four of them, who of the mercenaries is still alive complains on social networks, this character character is indignant, the command set him up, he says: he went awol, they stopped paying his salary, he says that the contract with the polish-british doctor was terminated retroactively when he died. this story has now been cleared
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from the social network x, but... the screenshots remain, however, and this video of the mercenaries’ escape has only now been made public, despite the fact that the landscapes are clearly not winter, apparently they tried to hide the shameful failure, if something is leaked, here we said this is very rare, because all this is strictly controlled by the intelligence services, and not only ukrainian, in particular, of course, this is both great britain and the states, this is largely in order not to destroy the local society, the people, because... uh, judging by what is happening, they are burying all this in secret it is transported by plane, it is delivered , but, as they say, you can’t hide it in a bag, all this becomes known, one way or another, there are only plucked geese left on the front line , who forget about money and run just to survive.
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vladimir putin discussed the development program for the far eastern region with the governor of khabarovsk region, the implementation of all points will require 3.5 trillion rubles, and i also met with entrepreneurs of the region. we will tell you in detail about the details of the second day of the president’s working trip. mikhail mishusin presented government awards in the field of media. the prime minister noted that. the work of all participants in the sphere continues for the sake of the creation and triumph of truth, among those awarded were the editor-in-chief of russia-24 and the host of the program 60 minutes on russia; one mass rally in the center of poland, tens of thousands of people gathered demanding the release of the police detained politicians, on suspicion of corruption, law enforcement agencies charged the former head of the country's ministry of internal affairs, not even the patronage of president duda, but the government, prevented it. in france
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, in one week the vector of values ​​radically changed, this time same-sex family values. the head of the foreign ministry became the partner of the country's new prime minister. what will be the foreign policy agenda of the new fifth republic? 3.5 trillion rubles for the development of far eastern cities, a larger program for the construction of rental housing for students and young professionals, hundreds of new large families. families, largely thanks to modern support measures. everything you need for an economic political turn to the east. today was the president's focus. vladimir putin spent the second day of his working trip in khabarovsk, including checking how his instructions for the development of the district are being implemented. they not only came true, but turned out to be strategically correct. i remember the beginning of these programs and remember how...


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