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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 11, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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only 5% of our defense budget. she does not talk about how the conflict will be stopped. she says: we will end this by admitting ukraine to nato. and then she has a salad of words. in a new year with old problems, congress has not yet given money either to ukraine, or to israel, or to the confrontation with china. elections in taiwan are this weekend and the us has said it will send a delegation to the island after the vote. why go to your neighboring military base in the philippines?
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do not tolerate any external interference. the us is open about elections on the island make irresponsible remarks, which china strongly rejects, and expresses extreme dissatisfaction with. in the united states itself, the problems are more serious; the liberal agenda has reached the point that at the republican debates they seriously discuss the freedom of children to choose which gender to use in the toilet in schools. boys should go to boys' restrooms, girls should go to... girls' restrooms, we should not allow the possibility of gender changes before the age of 18. days before the iowa vote, trump is advocating the supreme court has its own immunity for the former president. his participation in primaris in several states at once depends on the decision. the main intrigue is who trump will choose as his vice president if he wins. he assures that he has already made up his mind, but does not name him, but promises with an iron fist to stop the bedlam into which, according to him , america has turned under his leadership. look at
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the bedlam that joe biden has caused, he can't govern, he can't even find his way off stage after a two minute speech. largest deportation of illegal immigrants and troop withdrawal in history from countries whose names most americans have never even heard of. trump promises to fix everything, including relations with moscow and beijing, which, according to him, have stopped taking america seriously. today our country is in a state of chaos. and i think this has a lot to do with joe biden's policies. he cannot represent us as a decent nuclear power on the same level as putin and all these very smart and cunning people whom the media hates now. in the meantime , the republicans continue their methodical investigation into corruption of the biden family, including in the case of fraud in ukraine. a lot of evidence has been collected, otherwise how can one explain the statement of former verkhovna rada deputy, andrei derkach, who said that in 2020, us secretary of state antony blinken
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demanded that zelensky organize his physical removal after the next publication of documents compromising the bidens. derkach announced illegal financial flows between the kiev authorities and washington curators. on april 21, twenty- two, the ukrainian court handed over these 6 million cash cash. by agreement with representatives of burizma, at the disposal of the military unit. the main intelligence department of ukraine, here is the number of this unit, this is a secret decision, no one has seen it yet, after a period of time, the northern streams begin to explode, an attempt is made on dugina, prilepino , tatarsky, the heads of the ukrainian special services do not hide what they are doing political assassinations, terrorist acts for extra-budgetary cash, that is. once again,
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biden's partners in corrupt business in ukraine, finance terrorist acts, thus avoiding responsibility for corruption in ukraine. having almost equaled in ratings, the gap between trump and biden is 1%, both have every chance of not making it to the elections, the former president may be reduced by criminal cases and charges of insurrection, the current president is in general physical condition, and the election landscape in the united states may still be. namely nicky haley, but the democrats are also preparing their plan b, and it’s not biden if the party decides that the incumbent should go for a second term the president shouldn’t, another woman may appear in the arena, it’s no coincidence that the name of the former first lady, michelle obama, is increasingly being heard here. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. the construction of a new airport and
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the reconstruction of the current runway were discussed in irkutsk. the head of the region , igor kobzev, said that the process of preparing the necessary documents is already underway. the reason for such large-scale decisions. most flights arrive at irkutsk airport in the morning, so the terminal building is crowded, almost 4 million people were served here in 2023, which is 44% more than in 2022, because new destinations have appeared and the frequency of existing flights has increased. difficult. in december, the president’s direct line received questions about the reconstruction of the airport, which was the reason for our colleague and part-time expert of the popular front, denis polunchukov, to come to irkutsk. before arriving here, i talked with the employees, talked with the pilots, and in
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order to get objective information. old building, completely unsuitable for modern operating conditions, very small. of course, this issue needs to be raised as soon as possible and resolved. irkutsk needs a new airport, and governor igor kobzev is sure of this. a place for it has been found, but construction is not a quick process. at the same time , the current runway will be reconstructed and another one will be built. the process of transferring the air hub and surrounding territory to the federal level is now being completed. we are preparing all the documents, in principle everything is clear, everything has already been discussed in advance with '. this is all transferred to the rostec company, rostec , a corporatized enterprise, has 25% of the shares, and 75% will be the investor. his task is to build a runway, taxiways, parking areas, and a highway. according to the head of the region, it may be possible to get away from
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the fact that planes land and take off through the city, the airport is within the boundaries of irkutsk. the pre-project also provides for the construction of another arrival terminal. its commissioning will separate the flows and relieve congestion at the existing airport. an important point in a worker’s route our colleague and popular front expert's travel destination was listvyanka, the village closest to irkutsk on the shores of lake baikal. the head of the municipality, maxim maximov, said that improvement here will begin from the shore to strengthen the restoration of the berths. this year our minimum task is to conduct an inspection of those berth structures. that are here, but to assess their condition, to understand what way to go, well, it will be, as i already say, either it will be reconstruction, or it will be a major overhaul or construction of a new facility, then we can begin to develop design and estimate documentation, the listvyanka will soon change,
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the requirements for existing buildings and new facilities have already been written down in detail, design codes and color solutions have been developed, some ideas are planned to be implemented by the start of the current tourist season. build something, and get rid of what spoils the impression. the market in lestvyanka is perhaps one of the most colorful objects. visitors are welcome here at any time of the year, despite the fact that they have to work from morning to evening in refreshing -30. we dress just like this, boots, pants, jacket. well, that's our job. what kind of fish do you have? which one do tourists most often take? tourists mainly take dried, pressed and cold smoked, as it has a long shelf life and can be transported far. they usually eat hot food here , they’ve eaten everything, but this one flies, floats and goes anywhere, and not only in russia, but abroad, by the way, the winter season on lake baikal begins at the end of february, when the thickness of the ice allows, here the biggest one will open skating rink in the world. natalya babiy, evgeny shakhov,
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alexey bondarenko, lead irkutsk. in 2023, egg prices almost doubled, and meat and poultry prices also increased. experts attribute this to growth. demand for products, in order to support the industry under sanctions, the authorities have developed a number of measures for producers and processors, how is business doing and what should consumers expect? after the commercial, watch the special report by nika yankova. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy clinic cosmetics with discounts of up to forty. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. withdraw cash for free from any atm. what men are silent about is that life is out of control, fears
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you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. we are in the egg breaking shop, here we have an egg breaking machine and a loader itself, which delivers the egg to the breaking separation part. anastasia chamuludinova manages the production of the leto group company in the tula region. the company is engaged. here the egg is directly separated, divided into
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the white, yolk and melange, after separating the egg oil, enters storage tanks through pipelines. the result is dry, liquid and frozen products. this is what dry protein looks like; it is used in the confectionery industry, as well as in the fish and meat processing industries. this machine alone packs 8 tons of this per day. and the dry yolk is consumed by the oil and fat industry for the production of mayonnaise, and a huge amount of it goes there. milanche is also produced in production; it is a mixture of yolk and white. milansh is not the main one the product is ours, and milansh goes to the bakery industry, to the oil and fat industry , to the consumer goods industry. compared to regular eggs , egg products are superior. by the way, i have in my hands a dry yolk weighing half a kilogram. why do they win? because they are already divided into yolk and white fractions, and they are also easier to transport and store, because they have
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a long shelf life. the company exports products to the cis countries and plans to enter the southeast asian market; russia accounts for more than 20% of the market. currently on the market eggs there are two factors. the first factor is an increase in demand a b. the egg is in the consumer basket, it is a mandatory product on the shelves of all chains, the price of eggs on the shelves has not increased in price for the last 2 years, practically and quite obviously. that the demand for eggs has increased over the last six months, this is firstly, and secondly, we understand that in the fall there was a situation with bird diseases, and several factories reduced egg production, all this together, and led to the fact that there is now a significant shortage and there is significant imitation. according to rosstat in 2023
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egg prices have almost doubled, the president commented on the situation. i’m sorry, i apologize in this regard, but this is a failure in the work of the government, i think it ’s also connected, although they say that this is not so, but it seems to me that they didn’t open it in time, they didn’t open imports wider, well, because apparently they hoped that they would earn more, well, they promise that the situation will be corrected in the near future, in mid-december the government... the council of the eurasian economic commission has eliminated duties on the import of chicken eggs to russia from january 1 to january 30 june 2024. the federal antimonopoly service opened cases against four poultry farms for inflating prices in kemerovo, voronezh, ivanovo and donetsk. we are convinced that russian producers, and quite possibly russian retail chains, are not behaving entirely
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correctly, not entirely conscientiously, because for this type of product, for eggs, and, in principle, for meat. russia has always fully provided for itself, that is , there has never been any shortage, there have been no interruptions associated with production, there have been no increases in the cost of production, all companies of this sectors are in positive territory. after the inspection , fas called on retail chains on a voluntary basis to limit prices until march 24, to 5%. a number of retailers agreed to the proposal. it is also naive to expect some low prices, because everything is growing, everything is growing. electricity is needed, utility costs are rising, only the lazy don’t talk about gasoline, diesel, these are transportation costs, trucks on which we transport feed, the same vaccines, feed additives, the poultry itself, and the products are there for packaging, and the meat itself, all it has gone up in price. in recent years, the situation has been affected by western sanctions in
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manufacturing industries, there is still a dependence on imports, and also... not the least important, this is the situation with animal diseases, in this case birds, everyone knows that bird flu is in the world now they are very actively occupying more and more new positions , many countries are suffering, our country is no exception, our situation is better, but we still decided to fight this problem at the state level, we are planning to launch a new program to improve biosafety our poultry farms, that is, everything connected. with vet welfare and additional means of protecting enterprises , it will also be possible to implement through preferential support instruments for poultry and egg producers, a number of programs have been developed; for several years now they have been helped with preferential loans and leasing, supported domestic breeders, and issued grants, for example, for
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the development of family farms up to 30 million rubles, and processing companies up to... we are not standing still, we plan to expand our tools, including planning to launch new investment loans that will allow enterprises to purchase the necessary machinery, equipment, and build additional capacity in order to further increase the volume of poultry and egg production. the oktyabrskaya factory in novosibirsk took advantage of state aid.
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the production process consists of the fact that a day-old chicken is hatched in an incubator, and then it is a chicken, the chicken is placed in a young animal housing, raised for 3 months, begins to lay eggs for 5 months, that is, from this bird we first get an egg of a smaller category, second third category, the older the bird gets, we get a larger egg.
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produces not only for itself, but for sale, including in the magadan region. this is a store from the dukchinskaya factory. yes, as soon as you are nearby, i pass by and look in. i see this deliciousness. the company's products cover a little more than half of the needs of the local market, the rest is imported from other regions. in year. we produce about 25 million pieces there, but we are a regional company, we actually work only for our own market and we export a little to chukotka,
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that is, chukotka companies buy from us by air and transport them there, but the volume is small, they are actively building their factories, imported products are also in demand because their prices are much cheaper, produce any food products . in general , egg production in russia has been growing steadily in recent years; since 2010 , according to rosstat, the figure has increased by 13%. but in general, we see a stable
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positive trend, which is ensured by including through the commissioning of new enterprises and by increasing production volumes at existing enterprises, so we see opportunities for further, for maintaining further positive dynamics. despite the fact that there is an increase in prices, poultry remains the most affordable type of meat, and it can be compared there with fish, it is significantly cheaper than fish, comparable to vegetables, chicken is significantly cheaper than vegetables, especially out of season, and the growth in income of the population makes us happy , but of course today we would like production to grow at a rate of at least 3.5% per year, this is achievable. under certain conditions, then the price, of course, will be more stable. imports will provide additional support to the market. deliveries have already begun; half a million
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hatching eggs were delivered to the kaliningrad region from germany at the end of december. other suppliers will require time for logistics. azerbaijan and turkey agreed to import table eggs to russia. already in january-february, prices are predicted to begin to decline. by spring the market should stabilize. it was just the accumulation that took its toll on him. fatigue and absence profitability under annual contracts in poultry farming, in the production of marketable eggs, and what we saw is the result of the retraining of some poultry farms to produce chicken meat, there is a decrease in volumes from the market, which is why there is a shortage, well, plus the pandemic situation, which closed several... factories due to quarantine restrictions, so in any case the market would have come to equilibrium. real incomes
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of the population in russia are growing; according to estimates by the ministry of development for the twenty-third year, the figure may exceed 4%. which means people are ready to spend money on more nutritious food for domestic businesses. this is a good incentive to increase production. where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, in marinka there is nothing reinforced concrete, we hollowed out everyone from here, drove them out. what is your car? handsome, azimu 3039, shot! well, if we compare the army of the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, but now at the moment we have already become practitioners. that's it, these are the ones. radio-controlled cart yes it is when there is shelling and it is necessary to supply ammunition behind exactly, yes, here is the man
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who hung the flag, that is, a miracle hero - you, yes, me, there was 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there, it turns out that the three of them entered, due to which your boys crushed, but it gave birth, this is the same der?
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citizens have a special purpose in serving the law of the fatherland. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday. it is celebrated on january 12th. and he outlined the key tasks for the coming year. dear comrades. first of all, i want to congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office. to wish professional success to the prosecutors of the staff of the prosecutor's office.


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