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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens is a special purpose in serving the law of the fatherland. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday. it is celebrated on january 12 and outlines the key tasks for the coming year. dear comrades, first of all i would like to congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office. to wish professional success to the prosecutors and staff of the prosecutor's office.
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of course, i sincerely thank the veterans, people who have worked fruitfully and with high dedication for many years in our prosecutorial system countries have made a significant contribution to strengthening the rule of law. throughout their more than three-century history, prosecutors have convincingly confirmed their significant, significant role, their special purpose in serving the law of the fatherland. the prosecutor's office is one of the most important institutions of state power. all your activities are traditionally related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring supervision over compliance with federal and regional legislation. on behalf of the state, you participate in trials, fight against corruption and crime, contribute to the development of russia as a sovereign democratic state. the work of prosecutors. always
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noticeable behind your every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material, restored rights and, what is extremely important, people’s faith in the triumph of law and justice. and this year, our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you; as before, among the priority tasks, identifying the elimination of violations of the social labor rights of citizens. control for strict observance of legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special military operation and their families. and, of course, i will note such a key area as ensuring the country’s interests in the field of defense security, assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation in the clear and timely execution of state defense order tasks. it is also necessary to increase efforts in the fight against crime and...
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dear comrades, society, the state highly value your work and count on you to continue to perform with dignity and in principle fulfill official duties, serve the people clearly and conscientiously, i wish the management, employees and veterans of the prosecutor's office well-being, health, success in their work, congratulations on the holiday.
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so the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we will do this, we will do this, we will develop shipbuilding there, this is this, but everything has such inertia, it was so difficult to take the first steps, and people were waiting, sort of like nothing is happening, but still the movement has now become noticeable. another one of
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strategic advice from the president to the khabarovsk entrepreneur at a meeting with business circles, the head of state.
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triumph of truth, mikhail mishustin made such an appeal to journalists, the prime minister presented the awards to the government of the region's media. the heroes of the ceremony were, of course, the military correspondents who cover what is happening in hot spots. among the laureates this year are also the editor-in-chief of the russia-24 channel , evgeny bikasov, our colleagues, the hosts of the 60 minutes program on the russia-1 channel, olga skabeeva and evgeny popov. about why the information space has become a very important battlefield. in the report by anna semyonova. to be visible today again through camera lenses, but not in the usual interiors of television and radio studios. almost every laureate in this hall is known by the whole country; with their daily work they have won the popularity of readers, listeners, and spectators, and today’s award is recognition and merit from the government. as the president noted, now
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work in the information space is a very important battlefield. i will add that this is also a huge responsibility. in the current conditions, when russia conducts a special military operation, protecting its citizens, among those awarded were seven military officers, many had recently arrived from the front line, and those who did not return from an editorial assignment, receiving the award, were remembered by the editor-in-chief of russia-24, our correspondent boris maksudov was killed , i would like to say thank you, first of all, to our editorial team, to thank our correspondents who are now working in some inhuman conditions on the line of combat... contact. olga skabeeva and evgeny popov were awarded for political sharpness and civil courage. and they definitely have it, even the impending assassination attempt, which they managed to uncover, did not affect either their civic position or publicity. those threats that are formulated very clearly officially, the desire to kill us, they give
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some kind of more confidence in what you are doing with an intense desire to do it well, so that everything is a victory. did fear appear after this attack? yes no, probably not. evgeny popov, by the way, barely made it to the ceremony; he traveled to the government house from the daytime broadcast of the program 60 minutes, each two episodes a day, 2.5 hours each. throughout our thousand-year history, i looked at this term: the russian economic miracle, it is mentioned twice, now the whole world is talking about it, and 110 years ago, under witte, they also talked about the russian economic miracle. and mikhail vladimirovich, it’s true, from the heart, considering 18,500 sanctions, four percent economic growth, this is cool. vitaly nikitivich ignatenko, a legend in the journalistic community, director of russian public television, he was an assistant to the president,
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participated in negotiations on the release of our pilots in kandahar, managed to work in komsomolskaya pravda, and tartas headed it in the difficult nineties. the tasovites still consider him theirs, you too are tartas. the main task , of course, remains the same with which we came into journalism, this is to be an honest, noble , fearless, decent person, so that there is a situation where those who know speak, and those who do not know remain silent, the ntv channel, without which it is impossible to imagine original russian journalism 30 years on air. a sign of recognition of their work abroad ntv under european sanctions, which the channel is successfully coping with, together with the entire country. thank you very much for the good reasons that you give, because i really want to talk not only about breakthroughs in the special military operation zone, but in the sanctions war, in the economy, you really
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give such reasons. for dmitry sayems, now the host of channel one, a former unofficial foreign policy adviser to us president richard nixon, this is the first. in the usa, where he emigrated in his youth, simes lived for half a century, and now gives my asymmetrical response to the american one, i canceled myself, i moved to moscow. to a russian warrior, a russian journalist, a russian documentarian, who
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will celebrate the victory alongside every veteran in the new one. among the awarded are journalists from radio arfey, authors of children's magazines and regional media, sovetsky sakhalin and satkinsky rabochiy, who are preparing to celebrate centuries; they have been trusted by several generations of readers. true, such a word seems simple. little knowledge breeds confidence. our tanks are crushing the enemy in donetsk direction. this footage was published by the ministry of defense. after
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the drone detects a target, the russian crew delivers a crushing blow to it with direct fire, hitting strongholds of the kiev regime. in just one day , the ssu lost up to 260 militants in this direction. denis alekseev will tell you more about what is happening on this and other sectors of the front. the moment of the night strike on the hotel. park hotel in kharkov. in ukrainian public pages, of course, posts about arrivals at civilian targets have already appeared, but none of them the authors do not specify that russian missiles fly point-by-point to the locations where ukrainian armed forces personnel are based; they prefer to hide in precisely such buildings. and now about how our military personnel work out on the ground, on the front line, regarding the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. runs, runs, you see him, no. a typical example of the work of spotters. from the drone you can see how the ukrobovitel is. in the air, the sound of our attack drone runs towards a pile of garbage and hides there, but there is one rule for everyone:
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if it was noticed, then it doesn’t matter where you are disguised, the drone arrives clearly in purpose, this is the work of the ivanovo paratroopers near artyomovsk, here a ukrainian military man was spotted, who decided to wait out the battle in a sleeping bag, was eliminated on the spot, and it is our military who are finishing off armored vehicles so that the general public would not be tempted to subjugate them. in this section of the donetsk front, the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses on the southern flank of artyomovsko in andreevka and kleshcheevka, our south group defeated two mechanized brigades, the loss of militants was 260 people. on the zaporozhye front, there are battles in the verbovoy area, there was an important stronghold in the orekhovsky direction has been occupied. our soldiers completed the combat mission under heavy fire on bmd. the paratroopers came close to the positions. the enemy covering the assault groups, which cleared the militants' firing points in
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the forest plantation, suppressed the resistance and reported on the capture of the opornik. in the zaporozhye direction, units of the russian group of forces, using air strikes and fireballs, inflicted defeat on a concentration of manpower and equipment, 118 mechanized, eighty-second air assault brigades and the fifteenth brigade of the national guard in the areas of the settlements of rabotino and verbovoye, losses in the ssu amounted to 30 military personnel, minus 800 personnel per day , this was the case the day before, and a week ago, every day the picture is similar, the same with equipment, western weapons is being consumed at an incredible speed, but kiev cares little about this, the ability to handle equipment is unlikely to be hopelessly bought, but nato partners continue to deliver weapons themselves, based on the results of the nato council ukraine, which took place the day before.
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admitted that they did not properly control how exactly the ukrainian armed forces used their weapons worth a total of more than a billion dollars. the topic will be continued by olga ponomareva. the pentagon has not counted 40.00 units of weapons and equipment sent to kiev. manpads, drones, and night vision devices disappeared before reaching the ukrainian army and could have been smuggled
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anywhere on the planet. that's exactly what the pentagon inspector's shocking report says. when he, as expected, began to punch out the serial numbers of the equipment, it turned out that they were not are not listed in any database, that is, more than a billion dollars were spent in vain. some experts wondered why the release of the report coincided with the absence of pentagon chief lloyd austin from work. a new york times article that appeared simultaneously attempted to explain the waste, but there was simply no way to control the supplies, since the us department of defense representative’s travel to ukraine was unsafe due to the fighting. it’s hard to say better than trump about what’s going on. everyone knows what's going on, it's a shame, a shame as it is. where did you go? money, london insider tried to answer. a journalistic investigation has shown that an organized criminal group may exist in the us eu. she is involved in illegal arms trafficking and embezzlement of funds allocated to kiev for the military.
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according to the publication, the tracks lead to the czech republic and slovakia, where ukrainian migrants are cutting trenches. to the benefit of all parties. as an example, london insider cites a contract for the supply of 100,000 mines to ukraine for $35.5 million. replacements were paid for, but vsoo never received them. eventually support for ukraine is already being used as a rebuke by biden supporters in the republican -democratic debate. people like nicky haley are more interested in the borders of ukraine than the us's own southern borders. with such a scandal, congress is unlikely to approve a new tranche for ukraine, the white house reserves. is running out and, judging by bloomberg’s insider, they hope to pay it off through the confiscation of russian assets, according to a well-known political scientist, the mess under biden gives political points to trump in the next elections. the united states is facing a crisis in its political system, it is not even possible to achieve a transfer of power that looks legitimate to
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most americans. the country is divided. trump will most likely be re-elected president, and judging by his... that the united states will never come to the rescue if europe is attacked. european commissioner for the internal market briton is already demanding the creation of a 100 billion general defense fund, in case of trump's return. which accompany demagoguery in defense of the west’s failed strategy against russia in ukraine, set oskomina on edge, neither the russian economy nor russian currency, and anti-russian sanctions contribute to the self-sufficiency of this huge country, while the european union, refusing reconciliation, lost 50 billion euros. against this background, german chancellor scholz refused
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to meet with striking farmers in brandenburg. apparently, i didn’t want to answer the question of why there was no money in the budget for benefits. agricultural producers, but 8 billion are earmarked for military supplies to ukraine. olga ponomareva, evgenia zemtsova, news. the ministry of defense of ukraine has prepared a new version of the mobilization bill. previously office ministers of ukraine withdrew the document from the verkhovna rada. we are talking about a scandalous bill, which, among other things , implies restriction of rights for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, including blocking the accounts of conscripts. dodgers are caught on the streets in public transport, and then sent to prison...
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the forces have understood and support the need for mobilization. the government initiative involves conscription even with the third category of disability, and they want to fine draft dodgers and block their bank accounts. it seems to blur the negativity among the people by creating confusion four more bills on mobilization were introduced into the rada. they staged a show in parliament, but ordinary ukrainians have already developed an immunity to this, as confirmed by a lawyer and blogger from odessa with seven hundred thousand subscribers. even if not in... real, cosmic , lifelong ones, it will not affect anything, because people have already seen everything as much as possible and people have already
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understood everything internally as much as possible about what is happening here, and ukrainians are actively sharing what is happening on the internet, they stopped the tram, they’re unloading everyone, they’ve already packed a full bus, more they want, judging by the footage, military commissars are now on duty at every bus stop, the national guard is seated as a commandant. the same publications ask the question why military commissars are not on duty at the houses of ukrainian oligarchs and deputies? and the so-called monaco battalion will not bother him, these
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are thousands of high-ranking politicians, officials, businessmen of military age, who, together with their sons, took precautions, taking refuge in the resorts of the french riviera, the swiss alps, in luxury apartments in european capitals enjoyed the joys of life, when other ukrainians fight every day and die at the front, that is, they vote and... they themselves are in no way involved in this and do not participate, that is , they came to the button, pressed the gin-gin, and there you decide for yourself, you you hide there, you run away from the country there, you leave, pay bribes to the head of the military registration and enlistment office in order to leave, pay bribes to doctors, run out illegally, negotiate with border guards, caught ukrainian draft dodgers are sent to the hottest destinations, they promise the right death,
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to get money to undermine the northern streams, the ukrainian special services could use a bribe for closing the case of the burisma company, one of the immediate leaders of which was hunter biden, that is, biden’s partners in the corruption business directly finance the terrorist attacks of the kiev regime. a former detailer spoke about this in an interview with an independent american journalist.
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ukrainian energy company, board of directors, which included the son of the american president, hunter biden, who received up to 50 thousand for his work dollars a month, although derkach insists the amounts were much larger and were intended not only for hunter. burismo even sued the ex-deputy, but in the end she admitted that he was right. the plaintiff in the statement of claim does not actually dispute the facts of the payments, but speaks only about their significant differences and exaggerations. numerous criminal cases surrounding the company are related to tax evasion and... money laundering, derkach shows bank documents, they confirm burisma’s connection with laundering firms in the united states. in fact, these are financial flows between the kiev authorities and curators in washington; ukrainian
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justice did not block them, but only sent them in a different direction. on april 21 , 2022, the ukrainian court transferred these 6 million cash cash, in agreement with representatives of burizma, to the disposal of the main military unit. biden's partners in corrupt business in ukraine are financing terrorist acts. thus, leaving responsibility for corruption in ukraine. in
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particular, he avoided responsibility. founder of brisma nikolai zlachevsky, who is also the ex-minister of ecology of ukraine, $6 million was a payment to drop all the charges brought against him. for the amount of 6 million of the largest bribe in cash in europe, zlochevsky received a fine of 68,000 or 64,000 hryvnia, while he transferred 800 million again to finance terrorism in the army of drones for the armed forces.
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the sbu recorded these conversations, where shokin told congress about the real criminal acts of blinken and biden and what concerns the corruption of the biden family. the sbu reported to zelensky irmak that shokin was coming out from under control. the issue of eliminating mr. shokin on the territory of ukraine is now being considered. this is a very important statement, what i'm talking about, because we have to save the life of the former attorney general. derkach calls for shokin to be taken out of the country as a valuable witness, although the politician himself is in danger. in ukraine , an assassination attempt was already being prepared on him. today , ukraine is a concentration camp that is moving to europe, without freedom of speech, without human rights, without freedom of religion, and is still being destroyed most of the male population. therefore, what is the future of the country? and who is to blame for this?
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biden, nulan? blinkin, democorruption, zelensky, poroshenko and the rest of this organized crime group. for his position, andrei derkach has already come under american sanctions. in the states themselves , he faces a prison sentence, twice as long as in his homeland, up to 30 years. a former deputy of the verkhovna rada calls this purely political reprisal. on january 19 , 2022, the secretary of state of the united states, mr. blinken, arrived in ukraine to meet with zelensky. at this meeting quite a lot of people were present. blinken told zelensky the following: you urgently need to resolve the issue with derkach, that the secretary of state of the united states has a rather sharp position for a minute, the task for the president of ukraine is to resolve the issue with derkach. naturally, they came to me, told me this story, and said, they will not deal with you according to the law, urgently resolving the issue of their safety. that is why the interview took place in minsk, where journalist simone papandopoulos, the wife of former adviser to donald trump, specially flew in during
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election race in the united states. the revelation of andriy derkach can cause a political storm and a storm in ukraine itself. he has already promised to hold biden's associates accountable for financing terrorism. boris ivanin and dmitry krasnoyarsky. news. well, now there is some interesting news about family values ​​in france. the elysee palace announced the appointment of stéphane sejournet as head of the country's foreign ministry, who, characteristically, is the so-called civil partner of the new prime minister gabriel. and according to the presidential party revival according to a number of french media have long been considered to hold the position of secretary general especially close personally to emmanuel macron. we will definitely see what direction the foreign policy course of the fifth republic will now follow. a large-scale protest is taking place in front of the polish sejm. several tens of thousands of people are demanding the release of the country's former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy. politicians were detained in
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corruption cases. to the fact that president duda personally previously issued a decree on their amnesty and even sheltered the convicted in his palace, but what a new round of the polish political crisis may have consequences, our correspondent in the region daria grigorova will tell you. there are several tens of thousands of people at the rally of supporters of the right to justice party. this is the largest protest since the party of kocinski, morowiecki and duda lost control of parliament and government. the main demand of the protesters is down with the tusk regime. while marching through the old town to the seimas building. the protest is peaceful. after the end of the rally at the presidential palace it is planned the parliamentary complex is already surrounded by metal barriers. the action was called a protest of free poles. supporters of law and justice came out to the rally after the detention of former head of the ministry of internal affairs mariusz kaminski and his deputy machiya wonzik.


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