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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, a special purpose in serving the law of the fatherland. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday. it is celebrated on january 12th. i have outlined the main, key tasks for the coming year. our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you. still among the priority tasks. identifying and eliminating
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violations of the social labor rights of citizens, monitoring the strict observance of legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special military operation and their families. and of course, i will note such a key area as ensuring the country’s interests in the field of defense and security, assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation in the clear and timely execution of state defense tasks .
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legality during the upcoming russian presidential elections this year. the russian prosecutor's office has been monitoring compliance with laws for more than 300 years, prosecutor general igor krasnov noted in an address to colleagues and veterans. dear colleagues, dear veterans, i congratulate you on your professional holiday. 302 years have passed since the prosecutor's office russia, a reliable guarantor of compliance with laws. from year to year we build up our potential, expand our competencies, and maintain efficiency in our work. i am convinced that coordinated professional actions, integrity and exactingness will help us continue to achieve positive results. i would like to say special words of gratitude to our veterans. your knowledge and experience are extremely in demand in our daily work for the benefit of the fatherland.
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colleagues, i wish you success in serving the law, good justice, good health and good luck to you and your loved ones. 3.5 trillion rubles for the development of far eastern cities, a large program for the construction of rental housing for students and young professionals, hundreds of new large families, largely thanks to modern government support measures. everything that is needed for an economic political turn to the east was the focus of the president’s attention the day before. vladimir putin held. the second day of his far eastern working trip to khabarovsk, he checked, among other things, how his instructions for the development of the district are being implemented, they not only came true , but turned out to be strategically correct, it’s very nice that these are developments, then of course i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we’ll do this, we’ll do this is where we will develop shipbuilding. this is it, but everything has such
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inertia, it was so difficult to take the first steps, and people waited, it seemed like nothing was happening, but still, the movement has now become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleasing, to be one step ahead - another one from the president’s strategically correct advice to khabarovsk entrepreneurs, at a meeting with business circles, the head of state noted that the russian economy is growing even in the face of increasing sanctions.
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interaction with the branches and branches of the armed forces, connects many things, makes them more effective, and counter-battery warfare, and reconnaissance, well, there is a lot of everything, there are a lot of tasks, therefore... and here it is very important, it is very important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be on one step ahead, you and your colleagues are doing it today. the united states has stopped supplies of weapons and military equipment to ukraine due to a lack of budget funds. this was confirmed by white house national security council spokesman john kirby, answering questions from reporters. he commented that kiev received the last american aid package for which there was money. the statement followed. after a scandal involving the theft of 40,000 units of american military equipment intended for ukraine. olga ponomareva has details. the pentagon was missing 40 thousand units of weapons and equipment sent to kiev. manpads, drones and night vision devices
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evaporated before reaching the ukrainian army and could have been smuggled to anywhere on the planet. that's exactly what the pentagon inspector's shocking report says. when he, as expected, began to punch. it's hard to say what's going on. everyone knows what's going on, it's a shame, a shame as it is. where did the money go, london insider tried to answer. a journalistic investigation has shown that an organized criminal group may exist in the us eu. she is involved in illegal
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arms trafficking and waste of funds allocated to kiev for the military. as the publication writes, the tracks lead to the czech republic and slovakia, where ukrainian migrants are engaged in cutting trenches to the benefit of all parties. as an example. is there any news about further assistance to ukraine? have funds for these purposes run out? yes, we issued the last batch of available stock that we had funding to support. it is critical that congress act on this request. according to the famous political scientist en bremer, the mess under biden gives political points to trump in the next elections. the united states is facing a crisis in its political system. it is impossible to even secure a transfer of power that looks legitimate to most americans. the country is divided.
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trump will most likely be re-elected president, and judging by his statements, he will stop helping the universe and the ukrainians. actually, in kiev and brussels they are already in a panic, the ukrainians are afraid that. from american aid will be defeated, the european union recalled the three-year trump's monologue addressed to fondelaien a long time ago, saying that the united states will never come to the rescue if europe is attacked. european commissioner for the internal market briton is already demanding the creation of a 100 billion general defense fund, in case of trump's return. the convulsions that accompany the defense of the west's failed strategy against russia in ukraine filled askomin.
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concurrently holds the position of secretary general of the presidential renaissance party , according to a number of french media, for a long time he was considered especially close to cammanue personally macron. we will definitely see what direction the fifth foreign policy will now follow. a large-scale protest is taking place in front of the polish sejm, several tens of thousands of people are demanding the release of the former head of the country's ministry of internal affairs and his deputy. the politicians were detained in corruption cases, despite the fact that president duda personally had previously issued a decree on their amnesty and even
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sheltered the convicted in his palace. well, what consequences could a new round of the polish political crisis have, our correspondent in the region daria grigorova will tell you. on rally supporter. the right -justice party has several tens of thousands of people, this is the largest protest since the party of kaczynski, morowiecki and duda lost control over parliament and the government, the main demand of the protesters is down with the regime. sentenced them to two years in prison for abuse of power in 2007. before their arrest, they
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literally hid on the territory of the presidential palace, whose owner is still their party comrade, andrzej duda. we know that police forces are gathering in the vicinity of the president's office to detain us. but in the end, even the presidential palace did not save the two politicians from arrest. the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained and taken to prison in tinted jeeps. president duda pardoned both kaminsky and vonzik in 2015 . the president of poland still believes that his decree remains in force, although the day before the court decided otherwise. in the justice and justice party, the verdict is called political; former prime minister matteusz morawiecki erupted in criticism of the replacement. for more than three decades, no one in our country persecuted for political views, and until now there have been no political prisoners in the country. right after. after the arrest , supporters of the former ruling party began to gather for a protest. entering
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the presidential palace and imprisoning people pardoned by the president is a dictatorship and lawlessness. i don't want to live in a lawless country, that's why i'm here. both detained politicians went on a hunger strike in prison, and before the start of a large rally at the ministry of internal affairs, it was decided to transfer the detainees from the pre-trial detention center to warsaw to prisons in other cities. poland's current ruling coalition blames the party for the resulting chaos on the right from... we expected that the party that lost these elections would nevertheless go to all sorts of tricks to create the impression that it still has influence. now they are acting outside the legal framework, abusing power and their position to the detriment of the polish state. according to supporters of the current prime minister, president andrzej duda did not have the right to pardon kaminsky vonzik 9 years ago, since at that moment the verdict had not yet been came into force.
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tusk government. the president of poland plans to re-pardon
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his imprisoned comrades, complain about the actions , and further plans to sabotage the work of the new cabinet of the eu leadership; in addition, duda promises not to sign the new laws adopted by the tusk government. such a situation in the polish government can hardly be called working. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european news biro. the leader of the yemen rebel movement ansar allah abdel malek al-houthi announced mobilization. v provinces controlled by the houthis, he reported this on a local tv channel, stressed that the number of conscripts is in the thousands and called on ansar allah supporters to continue military preparations for demonstrations and marches. the houthis have repeatedly stated their readiness to join military operations in the gaza strip on the side of hamas. al-houthi also called on saudi arabia, which borders yemen, to provide passage for houthi ground forces towards the palestinian enclave. russian embassy in ecuador confirmed the information that there were no compatriots injured from the unrest in quito. in addition,
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russian diplomats working in the latin american country are also safe. the head of the diplomatic mission, vladimir sprinchan, told our channel about this. at the same time , the ecuadorian authorities are still unable to completely stabilize the situation, so they will most likely have to ask for help from the united states. more details in the material by artyom krosulin. ecuador is in a state of war against terrorism. with such a statement. head of state daniel nabo spoke on a local tv channel. according to him, the authorities will use all available mechanisms and resources to eliminate the criminals. we deal with the internal.
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he will most likely send it to the ecu. now the ecuadorian army has 11 mi-17, 18 rszzo-grad helicopters, about 10 btr-60, dozens of soviet and russian -made air defense systems and manpads, and most importantly thousands of ammunition spare parts for this equipment. however, american assistance, as experts believe, will not be enough. they point to the colossal influence of drug cartels, which have sufficient resources to effectively confront the armed forces of ecuador. the main criminal groups spread their influence from prisons, and their main platform of activity is the ports, through which they transport cocaine from peru and colombia to the markets of europe and north america. it is control over these ports that has turned ecuador into one of the drug trafficking centers in the world, which has led to an increase in violence in recent years. behind the situation
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in the neighboring state , colombia and peru are closely monitoring, which are strengthening control at the border, and foreign embassies... their citizens from visiting ecuador, as stated by our country’s ambassador vladimir sprinchan, there are no casualties among the russians. we are in contact not only with the official authorities to understand the situation, but with our compatriots, with whom we have connections, there are connections in many cities of ecuador, there are about 500 of them throughout the country, of course we cannot reach everyone, but through contacts, which we have through employees of the honorary consulate in the second most important.
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the situation is caused by the situation in the coastal regions, where drug routes pass and where the main penitentiary institutions are located, from where, in general, these riots were initiated from the leaders who are in prison, but have connections with their accomplices at large. let me remind you that the security situation in ecuador worsened on january 7 after the leader of the los cheneres gang, nicknamed fito, escaped from prison. after this, riots broke out in several penitentiary institutions. next time day daniel naboa declared a state of emergency in the country and imposed a curfew . artyom krosulin, lead. eight of the 25 residents of belgorod who were taken to moscow for treatment after the ukrainian armed forces strike. he is still in serious condition. all victims are now being monitored in leading clinics in the capital and receiving the necessary
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assistance. the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, came to visit the patients.
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it’s important for us now to show her that life doesn’t end, yes, to help her, to find, well, some kind of landmark in life, where to go next move, every affected family is provided with comprehensive assistance, belgorod governor vyacheslav glodkov personally monitors whether payments are received on time, he came to the capital and visited all the victims undergoing treatment there. region, children need rehabilitation, we can send you a little further away, for example, altai , we can, i’ll tell you now, well, you know, there, to
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be honest, well, a change in the situation is very important, well , just yes, they have this air defense, it’s now shying away, like just make a decision, please, if you want, take your grandmother, positive dynamics are observed among patients of the national medical center of traumatology and orthopedics named after priorov, which is currently taking place there from belgorod... specialists from the russian ministry of health, headed by the minister of health mikhail, immediately flew there. more than twenty seriously injured victims were quickly transported to
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moscow. eight patients are in serious condition, 13 patients are in moderate condition , the rest are in satisfactory condition. but all patients show positive dynamics, a good prognosis cure. all patients are under constant 24-hour medical supervision. maria valieva, mikhail artyukhov, kirill aksenov and anna pogonina, news! continue to work for the sake of creation and the triumph of truth.
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mikhail mishustin made this appeal to journalists; the prime minister presented government awards in the field of media. the heroes of the ceremony were, of course, the military correspondents who cover what is happening in hot spots. among the laureates this year is also the editor-in-chief of the russia 24 channel, evgeny bikasov, our colleagues, presenters of the 60 minutes program on the channel russia 1, olga skabeeva. and evgeny popov, about why the information space has become a very important battlefield, in a report by anna semyonova. those who are used to constantly being in the public eye are now back in front of cameras, but not in the usual interiors of television and radio studios. almost every laureate in this hall is known throughout the country. with their daily work they won the popularity of readers, listeners, and viewers. and today's award is recognition and merit from the government. as the president noted, now. working in the information space is a very important battlefield, i will add that this is also a huge responsibility in the current conditions,
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when russia is conducting a special military operation to protect its citizens. among those awarded were seven military correspondents, many had recently arrived from the front line, and those who did not return from an editorial assignment, while receiving the award, the editor-in-chief of russia-24 recalled that our correspondent, boris maksudov, died. i would like to say thank you, first of all, to our editorial team, to thank my correspondents who are now in some working in inhumane conditions on the line of combat contact. olga skabeeva and evgeniy popov were awarded for political acuity and civic courage, they definitely have it, even the impending assassination attempt, which they managed to uncover, did not affect either their civic position or publicity. those threats that are formulated very clearly officially, the desire to kill... us, they give some kind of greater confidence in what you are doing with the most intense desire to do it well, so that everything is a victory.
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did you become afraid after this attack? no, probably not no. evgeny popov, by the way, barely made it to the ceremony; he drove to the government house from the daytime broadcast of the 60 minutes program. every day there are two episodes of 2.5 hours. throughout our thousand-year history, i have seen such a term, the russian economic miracle. mentioned twice, now the whole world is talking about it, and 110 years ago under witte they also talked about the russian economic miracle, and mikhail vladimirovich, that’s true, from the heart, taking into account 18 sanctions, four percent economic growth, this is cool, vitalyich ignatenko, a legend in journalistic environment, director of public russian television, he was an assistant to the president, participated in the negotiations for liberation. the main task, of course,
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remains the same with which we came into journalism, which is to be an honest, noble, fearless, decent person, so that there is a situation where those who know speak and those who do not know remain silent. the ntv television channel, without which it is impossible to imagine original russian journalism on the air for 30 years, is a sign of recognition of their work abroad,
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by foreign viewers. artie constantly faces restrictions, but still are working. this mark was made to a truly russian warrior, a russian journalist, a russian documentarian, who will celebrate the new victory holiday along with every veteran. among the awarded are journalists from arfei radio, authors of children's magazines and regional media,
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soviet sakhalin and satkinsky worker. is preparing to celebrate centuries, they have been trusted by several generations of readers, although such a word seems to be simple, little knowledge, it gives rise to confidence, on the contrary, much knowledge gives rise to doubts, and in order to dispel these doubts we need professionals, i also want to thank the heads of channels and the media for the fact that in such difficult times , interest in your profession, in what is happening today, is only growing, and this interest is... the best assessment of the work of russian journalists. anna semyonova, anton kasimovich, kirill zotov and natalya gubina, lead. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology. this is
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working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, you you dance, there are dances, hugs , you are pushed right up to the counter, where the managers, once you have issued a loan, they will all run to you to buy mindlessly, that is , this is a ticket to a golden life, this is who he creates to scam you suckers out of money , dubai fast and furious, they imposed taxes on me for 240 million rubles. in fact, you escaped, in fact, yes, i would surprise the world and dubai as well, these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security, oh, young, handsome, gild your pen, i’ll tell you the whole truth when you become rich, and they give it away lastly, it’s not just a pen, a whole herd of horses can be gilded.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open , watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, i will cover you, i don’t want, temporary musicians,


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