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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, we are used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we are installing it. we open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, i will cover you, temporary musicians. russia has become the first economy in
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europe in terms of purchasing power parity, despite external pressure, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with far eastern entrepreneurs in khabarovsk. according to the results in 2023, the president allowed gdp growth to exceed 4%. this is an amazing result, it seems like we are being strangled and pressured from all sides, but we have become... china, usa, india, japan, russia, number one in europe. the russian far east is a window to the vast asian region; as expected, the conversation turned to expanding logistics capabilities. vladimir putin supported the idea of ​​expanding the network of checkpoints on the border with china.
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hi, and experts say as issues related to inflation are resolved, inflation is suppressed, i think this will change position, not to rush, vladimir putin called on the issue of import duties on fish, the meeting participants put forward such proposals, talking about the possibility of providing all of russia with domestic far eastern products. a sharp increase in duties, the head of state indicated, could lead to an increase in prices on the domestic market. the president recalled that subsidies have been introduced for the transportation of pollock. this
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practice can be extended to salmon, here the actions must be coordinated, then we need these subsidized transportation for them to work, and then a duty or at the same time, synchronize the increase in duties, because well, the import of eggs , you see what happened with us, we simply didn’t get our bearings in time, it’s just that our production volume has not decreased, consumption has increased in connection with the real one. with the real disposable income of the population a little, but still people’s incomes increased a little, so they began to buy more eggs and chicken meat, but in time they didn’t think about opening imports, boom and prices went up, so you need to be very careful, touched towards from the sphere housing and communal services, the authorities will pay attention to those segments in the system of support measures that remained unaccounted for, the president indicated that they will return...
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will direct the national welfare fund. infrastructure loans and bonds are also provided for the modernization of housing and communal services. we talked about domestic tourism. there was a proposal to include cafes and restaurants in its development program, with which vladimir putin agreed. this issue will be discussed in the government, the president said.
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let us tell you how this day in history is remembered
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right now. hello. on january 12 , 1816, the french government issued a decree banning the family of former emperor napoleon bonaparte from the country forever. he himself was already in exile on the island of st. helena in the atlantic, but in paris they were still afraid that he might return. by that time , almost none of napoleon’s relatives were left in france. after his defeat, the former emperor's mother maria and her brother fled to rome. elder brother joseph, former king of spain, to north america. two more brothers lived in exile for a long time and were not going to return. the second wife, marie louise of austria, since the abdication of napoleon, lived in her homeland in... after 32 years , louis napoleon
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bonaparte, napoleon's nephew, came to power in france, thanks to a series of intrigues and conspiracies, but still through democratic elections. he ruled for more than 20 years, first as president of the republic and then as emperor, napoleon ii. january 12, 1848. there was an uprising in palermo, which became the beginning of the sicilian revolution. italy was then a backward , fragmented country. most of it was under austrian rule. poverty and crop failures fueled revolutionary sentiment in sicily. the rebels were even able to declare their independence, but not for long; the uprisings were suppressed. however, this inspired many, people were tired of enduring and revolutions swept across europe. during 1848-49 the uprising took place. in many countries, including france, where another monarchy fell, the german states, austria and england, in history these events were called the spring of nations. but nicholas i was so afraid of the revolution in russia, which toughened the punishment for freethinking, immediately introduced strict censorship,
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limited the import of foreign books, and the saddest thing was that it completely abandoned the idea of ​​liberating the peasants. his son, alexander i, had to undertake reforms to save the country from collapse. its allies, including china, and was based on us nuclear superiority. the americans had more. delivery outfits, they wanted to take advantage of this. the reason could be any, even minor conflict or random incident. essentially it was the first use of nuclear weapons by the united states was legalized. president dwight esenhower also spoke openly on this issue. by the way, a few days before
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dalis’s speech. quote: if we can simultaneously carry out an atomic attack on all forward communist bases, the enemy will be bled dry from the very beginning of hostilities. this is our plan for europe. only in the sixties, after achieving nuclear parity between the ussr and the usa, washington had to reconsider this strategy. january 12, 1989 in sovetsky the union underwent a population census, the last one before its collapse. citizens were interviewed and recorded data only from words, without supporting documents. the census results showed that the population of the ussr was then almost 280.7 million people. at that time , the population of the soviet union exceeded the united states and canada combined. the largest families lived in tajikistan; the average was six people. and the smallest ones in latvia and estonia average three people. censuses in the ussr were carried out on average once every 10 years
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and were constantly being improved. from the data all countries of the former ussr keep their statistics on the size and composition of the population in the 1989 all-union census. yes. on january 12, 1991, the us congress authorized president george w. bush to use force to stop iraqi aggression in kuwait. 4 months before this, iraq. under the pretext that he is allegedly stealing iraqi oil, he is participating in an international anti-iraqi conspiracy. the world community condemned this invasion. sanctions were imposed on iraq. the un security council demanded that baghdad liberate kuwait, but raka got it categorically refusal. result, operation desert storm. international forces led by the united states began massive bombing of iraq. a month later, desert saber, a ground operation, began. in 5 days, kuwait was liberated, but... nature and people paid for it, retreating, the iraqi military set fire to kuwaiti oil fields and dumped
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it into the persian gulf, black rains began in many countries, and it took decades to restore the ecology in the region. is this what this day in history was like? january 12: a memorable date in the military history of russia. 12 january 1945, the beginning of the vistula-odor operation. the red army began the vistula-odor operation, the troops of zhukov and konev. struck with unprecedented force. soviet guns fired at the german defense like a barrage of fire. the strong german group in poland was defeated on the fifth day; at the beginning of february, the soviet army found itself 70 km from berlin.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them. collected credits and didn’t
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you can pay off, you can get out of the debt hole through the bankruptcy procedure, since november 2023 it has become more accessible. in this issue of the instructions, in 5 minutes we will tell you what exactly has changed and remind you how this mechanism works. what is bankruptcy? is it complete or partial. writing off debts from a person, he is officially recognized as unable to fulfill financial obligations and make payments to creditors. after a citizen is declared bankrupt, neither banks nor collectors have the right to demand debts from him. procedure extrajudicial bankruptcy through the mfc has been in effect for several years, but not all debtors can take advantage of it. there are a number of requirements. let's see what has changed here. first of all, the debt limit has expanded. previously , he was about fifty. up to 5000 rub. now from 25 thousand to a million. if the amount is greater,
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you will have to go bankrupt through the court. the second important point: there are more grounds for a simplified bankruptcy procedure. previously , it was possible to contact the mfc only if the enforcement proceedings were completed, because the debtor did not have property to collect and didn't excite others. now you can become bankrupt without court if you have a basic income, a pension or a monthly allowance in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child. you can submit an application one year after the presentation of the writ of execution, even if the enforcement proceedings have not been completed, and there should be no property that can be foreclosed on . in addition, the right to simplified bankruptcy has appeared for those whose debts have been collected by bailiffs for more than 7 years, but the debt has not been repaid or has been partially repaid. these amendments are intended to help socially vulnerable groups are... pensioners, and these are people who receive benefits, well, in particular, as a striking example,
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these are young imams who receive benefits for the birth of a child. previously, the law had only one norm, but now there are four such bases for norms. and one more important innovation, the period after which a second out-of-court bankruptcy is possible has been halved; now it is not 10, but only 5 years. now about how everything happens. an application must be submitted to the mfc in writing, and a list of all known debtor-creditors must be attached to it. in the prescribed form. you need to fill it out carefully; if you miss one of the creditors or some of the... obligations, the procedure will not affect them. as for the list of creditors, the citizen himself can contact the credit history bureau, he can apply through the state services portal and receive a full statement, and of course, at the mfc, it’s not that they owe him, but he can apply and they will also provide him with this complete list. the mfc
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will check the applicant’s compliance with the established criteria and will include him within three working days. to the unified federal register bankruptcy information. from this moment the procedure itself begins, which lasts 6 months. during this period , property penalties are suspended, and the accrual of interest and fines stops. bailiffs cannot sell property to pay off debts, banks cannot write off money from accounts. the citizen, in turn, cannot take out new loans or issue guarantees. but there remain demands that the debtor will still have to satisfy. even. during an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure, he must compensate for damage to life and health, compensate for moral damages to pay elements. and if a person is an employer, he must fulfill his obligations to employees. he is obliged to cover all salary obligations under contractual relations with the employees he
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employs until this is done. moreover, he may be held accountable as a judge. in labor matters, moreover, these employees themselves, who will not receive their salaries, their profits, they can also apply to come out with their own initiative and also become on the register creditors. and remember the main thing, bankruptcy is a last resort; it has a number of serious consequences. for 5 years, when applying for a loan, you will have to warn the banks that you were bankrupt, and of course, this will reduce your chances of receiving funds. for 3 years you will not be able to work in the management bodies of legal entities, for 5 years in insurance companies, investment funds and microfinance organizations, for as long as 10 years you can forget about the position of a top manager in a bank, so lawyers advise planning your finances for several years in advance. you can't, no when looking to collect loans, it is important to understand how much debt you can incur
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and stop in time. obviously, if a person cannot cope with... the financial and debt burden, it critically exceeds about 60-70% of his income, but this situation is still acceptable, unacceptable and is simply a signal to action when a citizen has overdue obligations, that is, he cannot pay for housing and communal services, he is in arrears on a consumer loan, for example, a car loan or the same mortgage, we repeat the most important extrajudicial... bankruptcy has become more accessible, the range of the amount of debt has been expanded, now it ranges from 25 thousand to a million rubles, new grounds have been added , you can submit an application if the main income, pension or monthly allowance in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child , subject to a number of conditions, and also apply for bankruptcy through the mfc is possible if the debts
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could not be repaid for 7 years or more and, finally, it became possible to go through the procedure again after 5 years, but... do not forget about the negative consequences, it is better to correctly assess your financial capabilities and not bring the situation to bankruptcy. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to find a way out of a difficult financial situation, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will trouble the experts and be sure to tell you about it in one of the next editions of the instructions.
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preferential mortgages are being adjusted to new conditions; the largest banks are changing the rules for issuing loans, now to preferential loans. conditions can only be calculated in case of purchasing housing from an accredited developer, in fact, a bank partner who together with it will be ready to subsidize rates. starting today, such rules are being introduced by sberbank, and vtb will join it tomorrow. from mid-january, changes are expected at alfa bank; these three banks together account for about 85% of the mortgage market in russia. the developer must be accredited with this
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bank. he will be accredited exactly in the case when he co-finances such a subsidy together with the state, that is , spends his funds from profits, from some other sources, to ensure that the mortgage rate was available to the population. now the maximum rate on it is 8%, this is the basic program, family it, rural, far eastern and arctic mortgages are also considered preferential, the rates on them vary, and if the apartment of the selected new building is not included in the list of accredited partners, the client will be able to get a loan at market rate, but large banks claim to cooperate with the majority of developers in the country. the new conditions apply to the purchase of apartments under all preferential programs and do not affect loans for individual housing construction. clients can obtain information about partner accreditation directly from developers or vtb mortgage managers. if the developer does not meet
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the bank’s new requirements, the borrower will be able to apply for a loan under basic programs. the main reason for changing the conditions for issuing a loan is the tightening of government requirements for preferential mortgages; the state is reducing the amount of compensation to credit institutions for issuing preferential mortgages by half a percentage point. the partnership with developers who will pay the bank. fees for processing loans with state support. in addition, in december the minimum down payment for a preferential mortgage was increased from 20 to 30%. at the same time , the maximum loan size for all entities became 6 million rubles. let me remind you that earlier in the capital regions this figure was twice as high and reached 12 million. the exception is the far eastern and arctic mortgages. on the contrary, the maximum amount for them was increased to 9 million. the far eastern arctic mortgage size was increased. loan up to 9 million, accordingly, here it turns out that there has even been some expansion, but this is not the most numerous program, and
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some categories have been added to the far eastern mortgage, the list of especially scarce specialists who are needed by the national economy there is constantly being updated, by the way, the driver of the peace of the mortgage portfolio of banks is precisely preferential programs for example, last year at vtb they accounted for 57. of all transactions, while according to the bank’s estimates, last year mortgage sales broke records for all indicators and approached the figure of 8 trillion rubles, this is 60% more than the twenty-second figure. demand, as analysts note, began to cool at the end of the year and the trend is likely to continue in 2024. experts believe that it is now up to the developers themselves to support sales. developers could again launch more active lawsuits. use shares more often and this would apparently more or less balance out the indexation that they have anyway planned
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according to their financial models, but this new introductory fee with commissions, it for now, let’s say, it leaves open the question of whether it will be possible to implement this scheme, yes, when developers, for example, at the beginning of twenty-three, were very active... giving discounts, very actively holding promotions, prices there practically did not rise. it is important to say that the new requirements do not apply to mortgages for individual housing construction. at the same time, according to bank forecasts, the main demand, despite the general decline in borrower activity, will continue to be focused on government programs. market mortgage rates currently remain high. an important factor will also be the fate of the preferential mortgage itself. let me remind you that the program is now valid until july 1, 2024. and in what form it will be implemented later, still. open question.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. in the mainstream media - this is a half-truth, our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine, that is, we create the impression that we need to fight the war to the bitter end,
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where are we, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, in marinka there is nothing reinforced concrete anymore, we hollowed out everyone from here, drove them out, what kind of car do you have, 90, handsome, azim 30-39, shot! well, if you compare the army of the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we are all were theoreticians, now at the moment they have already become practitioners. all this is a radio-controlled cart, when there is shelling, it is necessary to supply ammunition , yes, yes, here is the person who hung the flag, that is, the miracle hero is you, yes i was there 100 meters of open field,
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probably even 150. they ran there, it turns out that three of them came in, and due to what your boys crushed them, it gave birth to them, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they carried out clinical trials on nothing suspicious people, african swine fever is again in the sumy region, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of botulism, there is biology in ukraine.
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medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. well, why are you looking at her all the time? ah... didn't you hear? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended.
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trillion rubles for the development of far eastern cities, a large program for the construction of rental housing for students and young professionals, hundreds of new large families, largely thanks to modern measures support, everything needed for an economic political turn to the east, was the focus of the president’s attention today. vladimir putin spent the second day of his working trip in khabarovsk, checking, among other things, how his instructions for the development of the district are being implemented; they will not only be justified.


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