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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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if you have accumulated loans and cannot pay them off, you can get out of the debt hole through the bankruptcy procedure, since november 2023 it has become more accessible. in this issue of the instructions, in 5 minutes we will tell you what exactly has changed and remind you how this mechanism works. what is bankruptcy? this is a complete or partial write-off of debts from a person. he is officially recognized as unable to fulfill financial obligations. and conduct settlements with creditors. after declaring a citizen bankrupt, neither banks nor collectors have the right to demand he has debts. the extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure through the mfc has been in effect for several years, but not all debtors can take advantage of it. there are a number of requirements. let's see what has changed here. first of all , the debt limit has expanded. previously, it was from 50 to 500,000 rubles. now from 25,000 to a million. if the amount is larger, you will have to. goes bankrupt
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through the courts. the second important point: there are more grounds for a simplified bankruptcy procedure. previously, it was possible to contact the mfc only if the enforcement proceedings were completed, because the debtor did not have property for recovery and did not initiate others. now you can become bankrupt without court if you have a basic income, a pension or a monthly allowance in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child. you can submit an application one year after the presentation of the writ of execution, even if the writ of execution has not been completed, and there should not be any property that can be foreclosed on. in addition, the right to simplified bankruptcy has appeared for those whose debts have been collected by bailiffs for more than 7 years, but the debt has not been repaid or has been repaid partially. these amendments are designed to help socially vulnerable groups, these are pensioners, and these are people who receive benefits, well, in particular, as striking examples, these are young ... mothers who receive
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benefits for the birth of a child. previously, the law had only one norm, but now there are four such bases for norms. and one more important innovation, the period after which a second out-of-court bankruptcy is possible has been halved. now it's not 10, just 5 years. now about how everything happens. you must submit an application to the mfc in writing and attach a list of all established creditors known to the debtor. form, you need to fill it out carefully; if you miss any of the creditors or any of the obligations, the procedure will not affect them. as for the list of creditors, the citizen himself can contact the credit history bureau, he can apply through the state services portal and receive a full statement, and of course, it’s not that they owe him to the mfc, but he can also apply for this complete list. the mfc will check
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whether applicants meet the established criteria and within three working days will include it in the unified federal register of information on bankruptcy. from this moment the procedure itself begins, which lasts 6 months. during this period , property penalties are suspended, and the accrual of interest and fines stops. bailiffs cannot sell property to pay off debts, banks cannot write off money from accounts. the citizen, in turn, cannot take out new loans. guarantee, but there are still requirements that the debtor will still have to satisfy, even during an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure, he must compensate for harm to life and health, compensate for moral damage, pay elements, and if a person is an employer, it is necessary to fulfill obligations to employees. he is obliged to cover all salary obligations under contractual relations with the employees he employs. until this is done
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, moreover, he may be held accountable, and as a judge in labor cases, moreover, these are the employees themselves who will receive less of their... 5 years when applying for a loan , you will have to warn the banks that you were bankrupt and of course, this will reduce your chances of receiving funds. for 3 years you will not be able to work in the management bodies of legal entities, for 5 years in insurance companies and microfinance organizations, for as long as 10 years you can forget about the position of a top manager in a bank, so lawyers advise: plan your finances for several years in advance. you can’t accumulate loans without looking; it’s important to understand how much debt you can incur
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and stop in time. obviously, if a person cannot cope with the financial and debt load, it exceeds a critical amount of the order 60-70%. exceeds his income, but this situation is still acceptable, unacceptable, and is simply a signal to action when a citizen has arrears on his obligations, that is, he cannot pay for housing and communal services, he is in arrears on consumer loans, for example, a car loan or the same mortgage , we repeat the most important out-of-court bankruptcy has become more accessible, the range of the amount of debt has been expanded, now it is from 2 new grounds have been added, you can submit an application if the main income, pension or monthly allowance in connection with birth and upbringing child, subject to certain conditions. you can also apply for bankruptcy through the mfc if debts have not been repaid for 7 years or
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more. and finally, it became possible to undergo the procedure again after 5 years, but do not forget about the negative consequences; it is better to correctly assess your financial capabilities and not let it go to waste. situation before bankruptcy. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to find a way out of a difficult financial situation, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will trouble the experts and be sure to tell you about it in one of next releases of instructions.
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russia is a country of great achievements, right now we are making discoveries in science, our children are opening the doors of modern classrooms, we are creating new cultural... spaces. and, of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. everything the government does
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is wrong. they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising and fuel prices are rising. cup of patience almost overcrowded, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-truth. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that a war needs to be waged. to the bitter end. january 12: a memorable date in the military history of russia. january 12, 1945 the beginning of the vistula-odor operations. the red army began the vistula-odor operation. the troops of zhukov and konev struck
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with unprecedented force. soviet guns fired at the german defense like a barrage of fire. the strong german group in poland was defeated on the fifth day. and at the beginning of february, the soviet army found itself in this... from berlin, where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, there is nothing reinforced concrete in the marina. located, we kicked everyone out of here, kicked them out, what kind of car do you have? 1990, handsome, azimu 30-39, shot! well, if you start comparing the army and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theorists, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, then this is a radio-controlled cart for you? yes, when there is shelling, it is necessary to supply ammunition and come on, that’s right, yes. here is the man we have who hung up the banner, that is, the miracle hero is you, and me, there was about 100 meters of open
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field, probably even 150, they ran there , so it turns out that the three of them came in, and due to what did your boys crush and tear necessary.
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we are in the egg breaking shop, here we have an egg breaking machine installed machine, directly the loader, which delivers the egg to the breaking separation part. anastasia chamoludinova manages the production of the letrup company in the tula region, the company is engaged in egg processing. here , the egg is directly separated, divided into white, yolk and melange, and
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after separation, the egg oil flows through a pipe into storage containers, resulting in dry, liquid and frozen products. this is what dry protein looks like, it is used in the confectionery industry, as well as in fish and meat processing industries, this machine alone packs 8 tons of such powder per day, and the dry yolk is consumed by the fat and fat industry for the production of mayonnaise, and a huge amount of it goes there. milange is also produced in production; it is a mixture of yolk and white. milansh is not our main product. milansh goes into the baking industry, the oil and fat industry, and the confectionery industry. compared to regular eggs, egg products win. by the way, i have in my hands a dry yolk weighing half a kilogram. why do they win?
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is in the consumer basket, this a mandatory product on the shelves of all chains , eggs on the shelves have not risen in price for the last 2 years , it is practically and quite obvious that the demand for eggs has increased in the last six months, this is firstly, secondly, we understand that in the fall there was a situation with bird diseases, and several factories, reduced egg production, all this together led to the fact that now there is... there is a significant shortage and there is significant imitation. according to rosstat
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, egg prices almost doubled in 2023, president vladimir putin commented on the situation in straight line time. i'm sorry, i apologize on that score, but it's a government failure. i think that it is also connected , although they say that this is not so, but it seems to me that they didn’t open it in time, they didn’t open imports more widely, well, because apparently... they were counting on earning more, well, they promise that the situation will be corrected in the near future. in mid-december , the government and the eurasian economic council.
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always fully provided for itself, that is , there was never any shortage, no interruptions associated with production, with there was no increase in production costs; all companies in this sector are in the black. after the inspection, fas called on retail chains on a voluntary basis to limit prices until march 24, to 5%. a number of retailers agreed to the proposal. it is also naive to expect some low prices, because everything is growing, everything is growing. electricity is needed. utility costs are growing, about gasoline, diesel only the lazy don’t talk about, these are transportation costs, trucks on which we transport feed, the same vaccines, feed additives, the poultry itself, the products there for packaging, the meat itself , all this has become more expensive, in recent years the situation has been affected by western sanctions in manufacturing
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industries, there is still a dependence on imports, and not yet...
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rubles, but processing companies are paying up to 70 million. we are not standing still, we plan to expand our tools, including planning to launch new investment loans that will allow enterprises to purchase the necessary equipment, equipment, and build additional capacity in order to further increase the volume of poultry and egg production. the oktyabrskaya factory in novosibirsk took advantage of state aid. yes , i check the quality so that there is no dirt from the chaff, that everything is clean, good, we pack the hair in a box, it is already desorbed according to the numbers, you see, this is it , that is, a separate box, a separate label, we put everything in, close it, every day the factory
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produces 9,000 eggs, the production process consists of the fact that a day-old hen is hatched in an incubator, and then the hen is planted in a young animal housing, raised for 3 months, 5 months begins lay, that is, from this bird we first get an egg of a smaller category, the second third category, the older the bird becomes, we get a larger egg, before 30%. eggs from magadan to crimea, including to
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the donbass, we send eggs based on the results of the twenty- second year, we are third in russia. export of eggs, these are the countries of the customs union and mongoria. the company is part of a large agricultural holding with a staff of 2.0 people. breeding chickens are produced not only for themselves, but for sale, including to the magadan region. this is a store from the dukchinskaya factory. yes, as i pass by here, people look past me like that. the company's products cover a little more than half of the needs of the local market, the rest is imported from other regions. we produce approx. per year.
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in russia, egg production has been growing steadily in recent years; since 2010, the figure according to rosstat has increased by 13%. but in general, we
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see a steady positive trend, which is ensured, among other things, by the introduction of new enterprises into operation by increasing production volumes by existing enterprises, therefore we see opportunities for further, to maintain further positive dynamics. meat production is also increasing in the country. poultry, along with its consumption. despite the fact that there is an increase in prices , poultry remains the most affordable type of meat, and it can be compared there with fish, it is significantly cheaper than fish, comparable to vegetables, chicken is significantly cheaper than vegetables, especially out of season, and the increase in incomes of the population i’m happy, but of course, today we would like production to grow at a minimum at a rate of 3.5% per year, and this is achievable under certain conditions. then the price will of course be more stable. imports will provide additional support to the market. deliveries have already begun; half a million hatching eggs were delivered to the kaliningrad region from
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germany at the end of december. other suppliers will require time for logistics. azerbaijan and turkey agreed to import table eggs to russia. already in january-february, prices are predicted to begin to decline. by spring the market should stabilize. it was simply the accumulated fatigue and... lack of profitability under annual contracts in poultry farming, in the production of marketable eggs, and what we saw is the result of the retraining of some poultry farms to produce chicken meat, there is a decrease in volumes from the market, which is why there is a shortage, well, plus the pandemic situation, which closed several poultry farms due to... quarantine restrictions, so in any case the market would have come to equilibrium, real incomes of the population in russia are growing, according to
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the ministry of economic development and trade for the twenty-third year, the figure may exceed 4%, which means people we are ready to spend money on more nutritious food; this is a good incentive for domestic businesses to increase production. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, you dance, there are dances, hugs, and you are pushed right to the counter where the manager is... once you have issued a loan, they will all run to you to buy mindlessly , that is, this is an impetus to a golden life, this is with those who he creates in order to scam you suckers for money,
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dubai fast and furious, they imposed taxes on me for 240 million rubles, that is, in fact, you escaped, in fact, yes, i would surprise the world and dubai as well, these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security, oh young handsome, gild the whole pen the truth. i’ll tell you when you become rich, and they give you your last, it’s not like a pen, you can gild a whole herd of horses. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching? video network
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stopped working, install, open, we watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, i ’ll cover you, i don’t have anything ha. show, temporary musicians,
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what are my parents? yes, i don’t know what this means, but it’s them, holob-2, where i’m afraid to ask, and glya? take precautions when engaging in extreme sports.
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3.5 trillion rubles for the development of far eastern cities, a large program for the construction of rental housing for students and young professionals, hundreds of new large families, largely thanks to modern support measures, everything that is needed for an economic and political turn to the east was the focus of the president’s attention today. vladimir putin spent the second day of his working trip in khabarovsk, checking, among other things, how his instructions for the development of the district are being implemented; they not only came true, but
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turned out to be...


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