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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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3.5 trillion rubles for the development of far eastern cities, a large program for the construction of rental housing for students and young professionals, hundreds of new large families, largely thanks to modern support measures. everything that is needed for an economic and political turn to the east was the focus of the president’s attention today. vladimir putin spent the second day of his working trip in khabarovsk, checking, among other things, how his instructions for the development of the district are being implemented. not only were they justified, but
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they turned out to be strategically correct, i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we will do this, we will do this, there we will develop shipbuilding, this, that, but everything had such inertia, it was so difficult to take the first steps , people... another one of the president’s strategically correct pieces of advice to khabarovsk entrepreneurs; at a meeting with business circles , the head of state noted: the russian economy is growing even in the face of increasing sanctions in europe, we are already the first, far eastern producers are increasingly ahead of competitors, including...
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effective counter-battery warfare, and reconnaissance, well, there is a lot of everything, there are a lot of tasks, so here too it is very important, it is very important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be one step ahead, for you, for your colleagues, this turns out today. another topic of conversation was the development of the tourist cluster of the kuril islands, you can relax there all year round, sandy beaches, thermal springs, ski slopes, but how to get there. the example
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before kunashir often becomes a problem, what is the proposal? there is a slight difficulty these are air flights that are canceled with enviable frequency, and we are faced with the fact that during the peak tourist season , flight cancellations reach about 45%. why? and due to weather conditions, mainly fog, the location of the airport is in the proposal? what offer? what should we do? re-equip the runway and yes, that is, make it more all-weather yes yes the issue will be resolved well let’s see this i agree with you we need to continue to develop the tourist cluster of the islands work for the creation and triumph of truth , mikhail mishustin addressed journalists with such an appeal, the prime minister presented government awards in the field of media. the heroes of the ceremony were,
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of course, the military correspondents who cover what is happening in hot spots. among the laureates this year are also the editor-in-chief of the russia 24 channel, evgeny bikasov, our colleagues, the hosts of the 60 minutes program on the russia-1 channel, olga skabeeva and evgeny popov. about why the information space has become a very important battlefield, in the report by anna semyonova. those who are used to constantly being on i mean, today again in camera lenses, but not in the usual interiors of television and radio studios. almost every laureate in this hall is known throughout the country. with their daily work they have won the popularity of readers, listeners, and viewers, and today’s award is recognition and merit from the government. as the president noted, now work in the information space is a very important battlefield. i will add that this is also a huge responsibility in the current conditions, when russia is conducting a special military operation for.
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this term: the russian economic miracle , is mentioned twice, now the whole world is talking about it, and 110 years ago under witt they also talked about the russian economic miracle, and mikhail vladimirovich, that’s true, from the heart, taking into account 18 sanctions, four percent economic growth, this cool.
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with donald trump, then they will not only make a precedent out of you, but will say: putin’s emissary has arrived, to give the task to donald trump, who but the journalists of the tv channel know how to convey their position to a foreign viewer. art is constantly faced with restrictions, but they still work. this mark was made to a truly russian warrior, a russian journalist, a russian. among the awarded are journalists from radio arfey , authors of children's magazines and regional media, soviet sakhalin and satkinsky worker are preparing to celebrate centuries, they have been trusted
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by several generations of readers, although such a word seems to be simple, little knowledge, it gives rise to confidence, on the contrary, much knowledge gives rise to doubts, so what. ..
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in just one day, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 260 militants in this direction. read more about denis alekseev will tell you what is happening on this and other sectors of the front. the moment of the night strike on the park hotel in kharkov. in ukrainian public pages, of course, posts have already appeared about arrivals at civilian targets, but none of the authors clarifies that russian missiles arrive precisely at personal locations. the armed forces of ukraine prefer to hide in such buildings. and now about how
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our military personnel work out on the ground, on the front line, regarding the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. he runs, he runs, you see him, no? typical example of work spotters. from the drone we can see how the ukrainian fighter, having heard the sound of our attack drone in the air, runs to a pile of garbage and hides there. but here the rule is the same for everyone: if you were noticed, then it doesn’t matter where you disguised yourself. fpvidon arrives clearly for its intended purpose, this is the work of the ivanovo paratroopers near artyomovsk, here a ukrainian military man was spotted who decided to wait out the battle in a sleeping bag, was eliminated on the spot, it is our military who are finishing off armored vehicles so that the armed forces of ukraine would not be tempted to subjugate them. on in this section of the donetsk front, the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses on the southern flank of artyomovsko, in andrievka and kleshchievka, our south group defeated two mechanized brigades. 260 militants. on the zaporozhye front, there are battles in the
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verbovoy area, and an important stronghold in the orekhov direction has been occupied. our soldiers completed the combat mission under heavy fire on bmd. the paratroopers came close to the enemy positions, covering the assault groups that cleared the militants' firing points in the forest plantation. suppressed resistance and reported on the capture of the opornik. a unit of the russian group is in the zaporozhye direction. troops, using air strikes and artillery fire, defeated a concentration of manpower and equipment, 118 mechanized , eighty-second air assault brigades and the fifteenth brigade of the national guard in the areas of the settlements of rabotina and verbovoye, the losses of the visus amounted to up to thirty military personnel, two armored combat vehicles three cars. the ambitions of the ukrokomdirov are off the charts, like the losses of the ukrainian armed forces, minus one day 800 personnel, this was the case the day before, and a week ago, every day the picture is similar. the same with equipment, western weapons are being consumed at an incredible speed, but kiev cares little about this. the ability
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to handle equipment is unlikely to be bought with this hopeless one, but nato partners continue to supply weapons themselves. the results of the nato council ukraine held the day before were the approval of additional support. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. in the special operation zone, the russian military ensured a safe rotation of magathe mission observers on zaporozhye. this was reported to the ministry of defense ; a ceasefire was declared for travel on the route within 12 hours. when inspecting the road, our soldiers discovered unexploded ukrainian shells. another successful rotation was already the fifteenth in a row. there are four inspectors in total in the mission. their task is to monitor and assess the safety status of the station. magath experts have been working for zaes since september 1, 2022 , following the first visit of the agency's director general rafael grossi. oh, poikanyo. the ministry of defense of ukraine has prepared a new edition
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mobilization bill. earlier, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine withdrew the document from the verkhovna rada. we are talking about a scandalous bill, which, among other things , implies restriction of rights for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, including blocking the accounts of conscripts. dodgers are caught on the streets on public transport, and then sent to the hottest destinations. details in the material by egor grigoriev. the bill pro...mobilization has been removed from the agenda. the decision to remove it was made in the rada at a closed meeting with the participation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, chief of the general staff and minister of defense of ukraine. the head of the faction of the pro-presidential party hastened to push the unpopular initiative among the people, its first failure, to the military command, they say, they openly pointed out the shortcomings, but, but all political forces understood and support the need for mobilization. the government initiative involves conscription even from the third. disability, and they want to fine draft dodgers and block their bank accounts. it seems that in order to blur
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the negativity among the people and create confusion, four more bills on mobilization, they staged a show in parliament, but ordinary ukrainians have already developed immunity to this, as confirmed by a lawyer and blogger from odessa with 700 thousand subscribers. even if they later accept it all in the second reading, in this form, in the form 158 times tougher with some people, i don’t know. egyptian executions with some kind of criminal, unrealistic, cosmic life sentences, this will not affect anything, because people have already maxed out everything...
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i don’t want to go through with you. they are also busy with those who decided to run away from mobilization, they are caught border posts. while they are trying to persuade those who were able to leave to register. the ukrainian consulate in london reminds about the 7-day limits. polish media have calculated that up to 650 thousand ukrainian men of military age may be abroad. the same publications ask the question: why are military commissars not on duty at the houses of ukrainian oligarchs and deputies? and the so-called monaco battalion will not bother him; these are thousands of high-ranking politicians, officials, businessmen of military age, who, together with their sons took precautions, taking refuge in the resorts of the french riviera, the swiss alps, in luxury apartments in european capitals, enjoying the joys of life when other ukrainians fight every day and die at the front, that is, they vote and
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themselves are in no way involved in this and do not participate, then there, he came to the button, pressed the gin-gin, and there you are... they are voluntarily recruiting women into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, there are already more than 60,000 of them, they have kindly been lifted restrictions on appointment to any specialty, because the consumption of men too high, according to ukrainian officials, minus 20,000 every month, great potential for growth of this figure, quickly replenishing personnel losses and new mobilization rules would help. obviously, the speed
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of finalizing the bill depends on the speed of the appointment responsible for the consequences. egor grigoriev, news. and now some interesting news about family values ​​in france. the elysee palace announced the appointment of stéphane sijournet as head of the country's foreign ministry, who, characteristically, is the so-called civil partner of the new prime minister gabriel attal. and concurrently he holds the position of secretary general of the presidential revival party. and according to a number of french media, for a long time he was considered especially close to emmanuel macron personally. we'll be sure to see what the weather is like now. will follow the foreign policy course of the fifth republic. a large-scale protest is taking place in front of the polish sejm. several tens of thousands of people are demanding the release of the country's former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy. politicians were detained in corruption cases. despite the fact that personally president duda had previously issued a decree on their amnesty and even sheltered the convicted in his
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palace. well, what consequences might a new round of the polish political crisis have , our correspondent will tell you. there are tens of thousands of people at the rally of supporters of the right to justice party, this is the largest protest since the party of kaczynski, morowiecki and duda lost control of parliament and government. the main demand of the protesters is down with the tusk regime. there are 300 police officers on site as the protest continues peacefully. after graduation the rally at the presidential palace is planned to march through the old city to the sejm building. parliamentary complex. already surrounded by metal barriers, the action was called a protest of free poles. supporters of law and justice came out to the rally after the detention of former head of the ministry of internal affairs mariusz kaminski and his deputy machiya wonzik. last month, a court sentenced them to two years in prison for abuse of power in 2007. before their arrest, they literally hid on
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the territory of the presidential palace, whose owner is still their party comrade andrzej duda. we know that police forces are gathering in the vicinity of the president’s office to detain us, but in the end even the presidential palace did not save two politicians from arrest; the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained and taken to prison in tinted jeeps. president duda pardoned both kaminsky and vonzik in 2015 . the president of poland still believes that his decree remains in force, although the day before the court decided otherwise. in the party , justice is called a sentence.
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tell you that as president of the republic of poland and as a person who believes in fair and honest poland, i am deeply shocked by this situation, by the fact that they were put in prison. the scandal surrounding the arrest of the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy became a continuation of the conflict between the former ruling justice and justice party and the current prime minister's coalition. in early january , donald tusk, whom critics call a german spy and protégé of the european union, replaced the leadership of polish radio and television, but the old team refused. leave their jobs, and apparently, the party is right and justice will continue plans to sabotage the work of tusk's government. the president of poland plans to re -pardon his imprisoned comrades
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and complain about the actions of the new cabinet to the eu leadership. and besides, duda promises not to sign the new laws adopted by the tusk government. such a situation in the polish government can hardly be called working. denmark grigerovy vladislav chernov, european news bureau. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 12, 1816 , the french government issued a decree on eternal exile of the family of the former emperor napoleon bonoparte from the country. he himself was already in... on the island of st. helena in the atlantic, but in paris they were still afraid that he might return. by that time , almost none of napoleon’s relatives were left in france. after his
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defeat, the former emperor's mother maria and her brother fled to rome. elder brother joseph, former king of spain in north america. two more brothers lived in exile for a long time and had no intention of returning. second wife maria louise of austria since her abdication napoleon lived in her homeland in austria and remained only. sister pauline , after the january decree, she also left for italy , but the family ban did not last long; after 32 years , louis napoleon bonoparte, napoleon’s nephew, came to power in france, thanks to a series of intrigues and conspiracies, but still through democratic elections. he ruled for more than 20 years, first as president of the republic and then as emperor, napoleon ii. on january 12, 1848, an uprising occurred in palermo. which became the beginning of the sicilian revolution. italy was backward then fragmented country. most of it was under austrian rule. poverty and crop failures fueled revolutionary sentiment in
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sicily. the rebels were even able to declare their independence, but not for long. the uprisings were suppressed. however, it inspired many. people were tired of enduring and revolutions swept across europe. during 1848-49 , uprisings took place in many countries, including france, where another monarchy fell, the german states, austria and england. in history, these events were called the spring of nations. a nicholas i was so afraid of the revolution in russia that he toughened the punishment for free-thinking, immediately introduced strict censorship, limited the import of foreign books, and the saddest thing was that he completely abandoned the idea of ​​liberating the peasants. his son, alexander ii had to undertake reforms to save the country from economic collapse, but in the 20th century. their descendants still paid for such fears and short-sightedness. on january 12, 1954 , us secretary of state john dalis, speaking
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at a meeting in new york. council on foreign relations formulated the doctrine of terrifying massive retaliation. it was directed against the ussr and its allies, including china, and was based on the nuclear superiority of the united states. the americans had more delivery vehicle warheads and wanted to take advantage of this. the reason could be any, even minor conflict or random incident. in essence, the united states was the first to use nuclear weapons. president dwight esenhower also spoke openly about this, by the way, a few days before his speech davis. quote: if we can simultaneously carry out an atomic attack on all forward communist bases, the enemy will be bled dry from the very beginning of hostilities. this is our plan for europe. only in the sixties, after achieving nuclear parity between the ussr and the usa, washington had to reconsider this strategy. january 12, 1989.
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the population census took place in the soviet union, the last one before its collapse. citizens were interviewed and recorded data only from words, without supporting documents. census results showed that the population of the ussr was then almost 287 million people. at that time , the population of the soviet union exceeded the united states and canada combined. the largest families living in tajikistan averaged six people. and the smallest are in latvia and estonia on average. human censuses in the ussr were carried out on average once every 10 years and were constantly being improved; all countries of the former ussr base their statistics on the size and composition of the population from the data of that all-union census of 1989. january 12, 1991 congress the united states authorized president george w. bush to use force to stop iraqi aggression in kuwait. 4 months earlier, iraq
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invaded kuwait under the pretext that... he was allegedly stealing iraqi oil and was participating in an international anti-iraq conspiracy. the world community condemned this invasion. sanctions were imposed on iraq. the un security council demanded that baghdad release kuwait, but received a categorical refusal from iraq. result, operation desert storm. international forces led by the united states began massive bombing of iraq. a month later, the desert saber ground operation began. in 5 days, kuwait was liberated, but nature and people paid for it. while retreating, the iraqi military set fire to kuwaiti oil fields and dumped it into the persian gulf. black rains began to fall in many countries; it took decades to restore the ecology in the region. this is what this day in history was like.
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where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, there is nothing reinforced concrete in the marina, we have hollowed out everyone from here, kicked them out. what is your car? handsome, 30-39 years old shot! well, if we compare the army of the beginning and the army now? from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, but now we have already become leaders.
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look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is again in the sumy region, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism, there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. supported by washington in tbilisi work. a unique public health laboratory. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.


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