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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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the united states and its allies launched a series of missile attacks on yemen. biden said the target was military installations of the houthi rebels. the us congress is unhappy that the president did not warn them about military action. russia has requested an urgent meeting of its council for the un. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday.
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the united states and britain launched a series of airstrikes on yemen last night, several cities were attacked at once, as american television channels report, tamahawk cruise missiles were used, according to the yemeni media, under the international airport of the country's capital, sana'a, was attacked. in connection with the attacks on yemen, russia has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. talika komarova will continue the topic. the united states and britain launched a series of strikes on yemen; according to washington , the houthi military installations were attacked, all in order to maximally weaken their capabilities in the red sea. they hit warehouses with drones and missiles, as well as their launch sites.
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the attack was confirmed by joe biden. today, at my direction, the united states military, together with the united kingdom, with support from australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands , successfully struck a number of targets in yemen. the houthi rebels have used these targets as a threat to freedom and navigation on one of the world's most important waterways. the strikes are in response to unprecedented houthi attacks on shipping in the red sea. the strikes were carried out on the capital of the country, including, as reported by the skynew arabia international television channel. airport, a total of four provinces were shelled. the uk ministry of defense said london deployed four guided bomb fighters in the attack. in total, the coalition carried out 23 airstrikes. in response , houthi officials stressed that the fire in the red sea will not stop. moreover, if the western bloc expands hostilities, yemen will be forced to attack us and british bases in the region. we will not hesitate to do everything in our power, american aggression will never go unanswered.
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the response to any american attack will be disproportionate to the recent operation, the real answer will be much larger. we advise all asian and european countries to immediately refuse cooperation with the united states. in response to the bombing of yemen, the houthis fired their missiles. shortly after this, the israeli publication jerusalem post reported the shelling of the american embassy in baghdad. however, the pentagon clarifies that there were no precise hits on the building. in addition, yemeni sources claim that it was shot down over the capital.
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russia sent a request for an urgent meeting of the un security council to alek komarov, lead. the prosecutor's office has a special role in serving the law of the fatherland. vladimir putin congratulated the department’s employees on their professional holiday. the president noted the importance of their work to protect rights. freedom of citizens outlined the key tasks for this year. our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you. as before, among the priority tasks is the identification and elimination of violations of the social labor rights of citizens. monitoring the strict observance of legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special military operation and their families. and of course, i will note this key thing. areas
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such as ensuring the country’s interests in the field of defense and security, assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation in the clear and timely execution of tasks. as well as the legality of the upcoming russian presidential elections this year. in donetsk, at these moments, doctors are helping the wounded during shelling of the city by the ukrainian armed forces. the militants fired a salvo of twenty rockets at the northwestern capital of the dpr, including hitting apartment buildings. in the last to this
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in an hour, six people were injured, at least two of them in serious condition. many apartments were destroyed, gas pipelines were also damaged, and fires broke out. another blow. in the solidaro artyom direction, russian paratroopers destroyed a group of militants, the enemy was discovered by the operator of an attack drone, when the drone flew up to the front line, the fighter noticed the nationalists, they were moving along their positions. it took the experienced military man a few seconds to aim at the target, after which the drone was dropped on the ukrainian armed forces infantry.
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exhausted, white house national security coordinator john kirby officially announced. isu received its last aid package in december. congress never agreed on new funding. president joe biden proposes to allocate $61 billion to kiev, but republicans are also against it. as kirby argued, aid to ukraine has stopped. yes, we issued the last batch of available stock that we had funding to support. acted on this request, it is curious that the statement about the cessation of supplies followed the scandal with theft of equipment intended for ukraine. the pentagon was missing 40,000 units of weapons and equipment sent to kiev. manpads, drones, and night
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vision devices did not reach the ukrainian army and could have been smuggled anywhere on the planet. by pentagon estimates , more than a billion dollars were wasted. “german chancellor olaf scholz refused to go out to the striking farmers during a demonstration in brandenburg, as the bilt newspaper writes, his colleague in the social democratic party had to take the rap for the chancellor. publications also notes that scholz himself looked tense; several hundred people demonstrated to protest against the reduction of agricultural benefits. stéphane sejournet has been appointed the new head of the french foreign ministry. he is not only the leader of the renaissance party, but the husband of the new prime minister, thirty-four-year-old gabriel attal. attal, appropriately openly gay, is the youngest head of government in french history. local media also note that gabriel otal has long been considered especially close personally to emmael macron, so that
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that didn't mean. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. masha, good morning, the ruble is strengthening, and what influenced this? good morning, roma. the situation is related to the announcement of the sale of currency and details right now. the ruble is strengthening amid the announcement of currency sales by regulators. following the results of the previous trading session , the national currency strengthened against the dollar, euro and yuan. the american exchange rate dropped by 74 kopecks during the day. euro for 84, yuan for 9 kopecks. this trend continued this morning. necessity currency sales arose due to the fact that russia’s oil and gas revenues in december were almost 200 billion rubles. below forecast. according to. according to the budget rule , the ministry of finance will sell currencies worth more than 69 billion rubles from january 15 to february 6. the daily volume will exceed 4 billion. the central bank will support the ministry of finance in the first half of the year, adding to its operations the sale of foreign currency for almost 12 billion rubles. slovakia will maintain a ban on the import
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of ukrainian agricultural products, including sugar. this was announced by the prime minister of the republic robert fitza. refusal of supplies from ukraine, he explained by the need to protect the national market. 14 types of agricultural products. eastern neighbor have been banned in slovakia since the end of last year. in september, the european commission did not extend the embargo on agricultural imports from ukraine. slovakia, poland and hungary, in turn, announced unilateralism. approval of derivative exchange instruments for the main cryptocurrency, well, bitcoin itself
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, thanks to such a stir, immediately crossed the $49,000 mark for the first time since december of the twenty-first year, however, to the present over time, the exchange rate has dropped significantly. the etf exchange is now an important topic for western business media; in this light, even the international monetary fund has diluted the usual criticism of cryptocurrencies with partial recognition of their merits, albeit in very streamlined formulations. hypti. crypto-assets do have several purported benefits, including cheaper, transparent payments, but at the same time they pose macro-financial risks, including risks to the effectiveness of monetary policy and financial stability, so it is important to find a balance between benefit and risk, a coherent, coordinated, comprehensive regulatory framework is needed. discord will cut 17% of its employees, the new york times reports, citing a letter from the company's ceo. in august. as part of the restructuring, only 4% were planned to be fired. such large-scale cuts were explained
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by the need to improve collaboration methods to increase the organization's agility. and the day before, bloomberg reported that in order to reduce google's costs, its parent company was laying off hundreds of people who working on the digital assistant, hardware and engineering teams. the year before, they announced the reduction of 12,000 jobs, which is more than 6% of the total number of employees. well, at the end of the exchange rate , the dollar today is 88 rubles 78 kopecks, the euro is 97.54 kopecks. roman, maria, thank you, now to the latest messages. ensuring russia's security interests and assisting in achieving the goals of the special operation. these are the key tasks in the work of the prosecutor’s office, which vladimir putin outlined. the president congratulated the department's employees on their professional holiday. yemen came under attack from the us and uk. the strikes hit several cities, including the capital. washington explains this by protecting ships in
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the red sea. the houthis are threatening retaliatory strikes on military bases of american allies in the region. at least six people, residents of donetsk, were wounded during shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. the militants hit the city with twenty rockets, damaging apartment buildings and a gas pipeline, and fires broke out. the day before, militants attacked gorlovka. hunter biden came to the fore for the first time. by the court tax evasion case, the son of the us president is accused of hiding almost one and a half billion dollars, it is alleged that he spent the money on drugs and entertainment. biden jr. faces up to 17 years on the new charges. furious. poems by the great russian poet sergei yesenin will be performed today at vdnkh. at the exhibition at the russia forum, the ryazan region is celebrating its day, what is it doing for the development of the region, how do two cultures combine - russian and tatar, why? ryazan is the capital of the airborne forces. this is not only covered in polina aleksanova’s report.
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the ryazan land is rich in great names. konstantin tsalkovsky was born here, writers lived and worked here. soltykov shchedrin, solzhenitsyn, pustovsky. but most of all, ryazan is known as the birthplace of sergei yesenin, the singer of the country berezov sitsa. admirers of russian poetry from all over the country come to konstantinova. last year , more than six visited yesenin’s places. yesenin found inspiration in the endless expanses, water meadows and bends of the oka river. the ryazan region is rich in forests, rivers and lakes. in the oka nature reserve, in mishhor, he breeds bison unique cranes, siberian cranes and japanese cranes. in the middle of the mishchersky forests , the second largest city in the region, kasimov, shines with domes and minarets. it has absorbed two cultures: russian and tatar. residents spend the main holidays of new year and sabantuy together. ryazan is also the capital of the airborne forces,
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174 graduates of the legendary airborne school received the title of hero of the soviet union and russia, and today the elite of the armed forces are taking part in a special operation. 55 paratroopers became heroes of russia during the isvo. for combat participants action, a special recovery center was opened near ryazan. the family rehabilitation program has been so successful that it will now be implemented throughout the country. there is a medical cluster in the region, which includes 12 enterprises, producing flu vaccines, as well as six types of drugs for cancer patients, there are no analogues in russia, and patients can receive treatment in the new oncology clinic. the old building was demolished and a building with high-tech equipment was erected in its place as part of a national healthcare project. rotates inside the device the emitting part, which either occupies certain positions, or does so directly during rotation, and supplies the required dose. the flagship project of the ryazan industrial park on
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an investment site measuring 600 hectares has all the conditions for the production and shipment of products to any region, close to... railway line and federal highway m-5 ural. transport flows from moscow towards nizhny novgorod transit through the northern bypass of ryazania. for a modern site according to the national project, safe, high-quality 750 million rubles were spent on roads. the federal center helped in the construction of schools. innovative seventy-sixth is designed for 1,100 students. here, computer science and it-technology lessons are taught by university teachers. many settlements in the region now have their own projects, but the main one is probably the creation of a large pedestrian street. route in the city of ryazan. 13 km of interesting locations that will be united by pedestrian streets, by the end of next year the first outlines of individual elements of this route should we will appear. another object whose opening has been awaited for 8 long years is the regional museum. this is not only an exhibition space, there is a planetarium, an eco-laboratory, and a lot of interactive activities. and
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the largest museums in the country, for example, the russian and state historical museums, present part of their collections. by the way, ryazan has its own. exhibition about the history of circus art, for the first time it united more than 200 artists from around the world, including russia, in the exhibition, special relics, circus dynasties, historical documents about high-profile productions of unique performances, 12 circus museums brought in their collection, the russian delegation will present two projects at once: this is an exhibition by profession i am a clown,
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dedicated to the outstanding circus and film artist yuri nikulin and the road to the circus, a program designed to reveal... young talents and give new opportunities for them, it is being successfully implemented in our country. sports news ilya, the transfermakt portal named 10 football players from the countries of the former ussr with the highest value at the peak of their careers. who are the russians in it? roman two and both ex-cska players, alexander golovin and mario fernandez, were valued at 30 million euros each, by the way, more than arshavin. the leader in the ratings is vichi kvaratskhel, his market value at the peak of 85 million euros. on the first day of the fifth stage of the russian ski cup, freestyle races with time trials took place; season leader veronika stepanova confidently won at a distance of 10 km, which is two laps around the stadium. stepanova did not complete the route, but flew in 25 minutes 18 seconds, without a chance for her rivals, with a 39 second advantage over her closest competitor. for
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this is stepanova’s eighth victory in this russian cup; in total, the girls had 81 skiers at the start, including two. tuganov overtook all the leaders of the national team. the perm region, where the first part of the russian championship is being held, was covered in severe frosts; there were even fears that the races would have to be cancelled. because of this, the leaders of the final were constantly changing and after the final shooting, alexander bektuganov unexpectedly became the first. peathletes from gemala and netsky autonomous okrug made a mistake on the shooting range twice but managed to work well on the track. and
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they maintained a slight advantage until the finish, sensationally entering first, which led the spectators to their experience. qualifying for the women's australian open has ended. according to its results , three russians qualified for the main draw of the tournament : maria timofeeva, anastasia zakharova and sixteen-year-old alina korneeva. at the wta500 tournament in ateloid, two russians reached the semi-final stage. ekaterina alexandrova beat the representative of kazakhstan elena rybakina in two sets 6-3-6-3. the russian was able to break her six-match winning streak rybakina and now meet american jessica pigula in the semifinals. darya kosatkina also advanced to the next stage of the tournament. she was luckier. the opponent withdrew due to injury. in the semi-finals, kosatkina will play against latvian representative elena ostapenko. in the continental hockey league, lokomotiv beat lada 3:2 in shootouts. victory, please. it was yaroslavl to score the seventieth point and maintain first place in the west. dynamo moscow got 70 points. the blue and white beat cska 4:2. already in the first period, dynamo secured
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a comfortable two-goal lead. in the second twenty minutes the teams exchanged goals, at the end of the match andrei nikonov missed the empty goal and slepshev’s goal would have revived the intrigue in the game. but after 30 seconds, cedric paquette hit the empty goal of the army team and established the final score. dynamo wins its fourth victory in a row, but interrupts the victory. in the cska series, which consisted of four matches. in the vtb united basketball league, zenit defeated minsk on its home floor 96-69. the victory allowed st. petersburg to catch up with the standings lokomotiv kuban. the teams share third and fourth places. zenit started with revka 11:2 in 2.5 minutes and maintained this rhythm throughout the first half. the main characters were representatives of the back line trend fraser and kyle gurich. the st. petersburg team made +15 based on the starting results. the national team, a few days before
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the gambian national team, boycotted the training sessions for the start of the african cup of nations. they will not train as an ultimatum until the local football federation pays them a bonus of half a million dollars for the entire team for reaching the final stage of the tournament. this is the second scandal surrounding the gambians in a day, several players. employees of this team lost consciousness during flights to participate in the african cup. the players and members of the national team lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen, which was caused by the small size of the aircraft. after the incident, the team returned back to gambia and were later given a new plane. it was sports news. novel. ilya, thank you. we continue. large banks are changing the conditions for issuing mortgages with state support. some rules have already come into effect by virtue of. now choose an apartment. on preferential terms, it is not possible with all developers, only with partners of a credit institution, maria slobodyanskaya looked into what this means and how it will affect the housing market. preferential
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mortgages are being adjusted to new conditions, the largest banks are changing the rules for issuing loans. now you can only count on a loan on preferential terms if you purchase housing from an accredited developer, essentially a bank partner who, together with him, will be ready to subsidize rates. starting today, sberbank introduces such rules. tomorrow vtb will join it, and from mid- january changes are expected at alfa bank. these three banks together account for about 85% of the mortgage market in russia. the labor builder must be accredited with this bank. he will be accredited only in the case when he co-finances such a subsidy together with the state, that is, spends his funds from profits, from some other sources, to ensure that the mortgage rate is affordable for the population. we are talking specifically about a preferential mortgage, now the maximum rate on it 8% is the basic program. rural, far eastern and arctic family mortgages are also considered preferential; rates
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vary; however, if the apartment in the selected new building is not included in the list of accredited partners, the client will be able to obtain a loan at the market rate, however, large banks claim that they cooperate with most developers countries. the new conditions apply to the purchase of apartments under all preferential programs and do not affect loans for... individual housing construction. get information clients can request partner accreditation directly from developers or vtb mortgage managers. if the developer does not meet the bank’s new requirements, the borrower will be able to apply for a loan under basic programs. the main reason for changing the conditions for issuing a loan is that the tightening of government requirements for preferential state mortgages reduces the amount of compensation to credit institutions for issuing preferential mortgages by half a percentage point. the partnership is designed to cover the difference. developers who will pay banks fees for processing loans with government support. in addition, in december the minimum down payment for a preferential mortgage was increased from 20 to 30%. at the same time, the maximum loan size for
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all entities became 6 million rubles. let me remind you that earlier in the capital regions this figure was twice as high and reached 12 million. the exception is the far eastern and arctic mortgages. on the contrary, the maximum amount was increased to 9 million. far eastern arctic mortgage. they accounted for 57% of all transactions, while according to the bank’s estimates, mortgage sales last year broke records in all indicators and approached the figure of 8 trillion rubles, which is
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60% more. demand, as analysts note, began to cool at the end of the year in 2024, the trend will probably continue; to support sales, experts believe, is now within the power of the developers themselves; developers could again launch more active discounts, use promotions more often, and this is apparently more or less would balance, as it were , the indexing that they are planning anyway. according to their financial models, yes, this new introductory commissions, it still , let’s say, leaves open the question of whether it will be possible to implement this scheme, yes , when developers, for example, at the beginning of twenty-three, were very active in giving discounts, very actively holding promotions, prices practically did not rise there, it is important to say , the new requirements do not apply to mortgages for individual housing construction,
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while according to bank forecasts... demand, despite the general decrease in borrower activity, will continue to be focused on government programs. market mortgage rates now remain high. the fate of the preferential mortgage itself will also be an important factor. let me remind you that the program is now valid until july 1, 2024. and in what form it will be implemented afterwards is still an open question. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious. i’m a billionaire, you ’re a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, you ’re dancing, there’s dancing and hugging, you’re pushed right up to the counter where the managers once issued the loan, they’ll all run to you buy thoughtlessly, that is, this is a ticket to a golden life, who is he creating to scam you suckers for money, dubai fast and furious, i was charged with taxes for 240 million rubles,
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that is, in fact, you ran away? i would surprise the world and dubai as well, these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security, oh, young, handsome, gild your pen, i’ll tell you the whole truth when you become rich, and they give away the last, not like a pen, you can gild a whole herd of horses. this is the same thing that ran into the restaurant, the film turned out great, the film is very entertaining, i’m delighted, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just an amazing
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experience, now i’ll show you. very large-scale, interesting and impressive , well, well, everyone heard , the audience applauded very often, everyone in the hall laughed, wash where you can, in the river, cool, well, i looked right in one breath, i was all there inside, so that’s good, this is great, i was wondering if she would get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well, it’s simply great, there’s still something in it, the first voluntary medical insurance. my favorite film, now there will be a new favorite film hallops 2, we must be impeccable, the film is simply awesome, next we’ll have to make techniques, hallops 2.
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