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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the us attacked yemen at night with tomogaw cruise missiles from submarines and ships, they say this is revenge for the attack in the red sea. the united states has officially announced a cessation of arms supplies to ukraine, and it is also unclear where the large shipment worth a billion dollars went. the largest dairy farm, a grandiose project in the volgograd region. what will the milk yield be and how much milk are they giving now? automotive industry, nuclear medicine , their own cheeses at vdnk. the achievement will be shown by
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the kaluga region, ryazan and poryansk. the usa and britain carried out a series of attacks last night airstrikes on yemen, several cities were attacked at once, as reported by american television channels, tamahawk cruise missiles were used. according to yemeni media, the international airport of the country's capital, sanaa, came under fire. washington declares a massive attack by defense. ships in the red sea. the houthis say there will definitely be a response to the coalition's actions. russia, in connection with the attacks on yemen, requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. the topic will be continued by alika komarova. the us and britain attacked yemen a whole series of blows. according to washington, houthi military targets were attacked. and all in order to maximally weaken their capabilities in the red sea. they hit warehouses with drones and missiles, as well as their launch sites. fact of attack. joe biden. today, at my
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direction, us forces, along with the united kingdom and with support from australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands , successfully struck a number of targets in yemen. the houthi rebels used these targets as a threat to freedom and navigation on one of the most important waterways in the world. the strikes are in response to unprecedented houthi attacks on shipping in the red sea. the strikes were carried out on the capital of the country , including the international airport, as reported by the skynew arabia tv channel. but in total .
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with the recent operation, the real response to the american attack will be disproportionate and will be much larger. we advise all asian and european countries to immediately stop cooperating with the united states. in response to the bombing of yemen, the houthis released their rockets. shortly after this, the israeli publication jerusalem post reported the shelling of the american embassy in baghdad. however, the pentagon clarifies that there were no precise hits on the building. in addition, yemeni sources claim that one of the american fighters was shot down over the capital. this has already caused discontent among american congressmen. one of the representatives of the democratic party announced impending hostilities. biden did not warn anyone, despite the first article of the american constitution. protests have already begun in the united states. protester at the white house on times square demands to stop attacks on yemen and to finish the operation in the gas sector. in response , the head of the us state department, antony blinken, emphasized that the bombing of yemen is needed for defense, not for escalation. syria and iran, for their
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part, declared unconditional support for the houthis. oman has closed its airspace to military aircraft to prevent it from helping the coalition carry out strikes. russia sent a request for an urgent meeting of the un security council. alika komarova, lead. here is another official reaction of one country to an event of the time, directly from the iranian foreign ministry news agency, called the us and british strike on the positions of the yemeni houthis arbitrary and a violation of territorial integrity.
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is associated with the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring supervision over compliance with federal and regional legislation. on behalf of the state, you participate in trials, fight criminal corruption, and contribute to the development
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of russia as a sovereign democratic state. the work of prosecutors is always noticeable. behind every decision you make, presentation or protest, warning.
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takes into account that you will continue to fulfill your official duties with dignity and principle, and serve the people clearly and conscientiously. i wish the management, employees and veterans of the prosecutor's office well-being, health and success in their work. i congratulate
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you. the russian prosecutor's office monitors compliance with laws, thereby protecting the rights of citizens for more than 300 years, the prosecutor general noted in an address to colleagues and veterans. igor krasnov. dear colleagues, dear veterans. congratulations on professional holiday. it has been 302 years since the russian prosecutor's office, a reliable guarantor of compliance with the laws, has been formed. from year to year we build up our potential, expand our competencies, and maintain efficiency in our work. i am convinced that coordinated professional actions, integrity and exactingness will help. continue to achieve positive results. i would like to say special words of gratitude to our veterans. your knowledge and experience are in great demand in our daily work for the benefit of the fatherland. colleagues, i wish you success in
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serving the law, good justice. good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones. in donetsk, at these moments, doctors are helping the wounded during shelling. city ​​from the ukrainian armed forces, the militants fired a salvo of twenty rockets at the north-west of the dpr capital, including apartment buildings. in the latter, by this hour six people had been injured, at least two of them in serious condition. many apartments were destroyed, gas pipelines were also damaged, and fires broke out. another blow from the nationalists late last night came to gorlovka. the ukrainian armed forces fired large-caliber cluster munitions. in the direction of the crew of the russian k-52 attack helicopters, they made a new successful combat mission. the alligators walked at extremely low altitude and high speed. thus, we managed to reach the firing line, avoiding counteraction from the nationalists’ air defense. the crews fired unguided missiles and destroyed
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a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. immediately after this, the pilots fired off heat traps to protect against a possible enemy attack, turned the helicopters around and returned to the airfield. combat the task of destroying a stronghold and a concentration of enemy manpower, the strike was carried out with unguided missiles of the c8 type, according to the report of the forward aircraft gunner, all targets were successfully hit, after which... and the strike group successfully returned to its home point. the united states has stopped supplying weapons and military equipment to ukraine. funds for these purposes have been exhausted, white house national security coordinator john kirby officially announced. he emphasized: kiev received the latest aid package. the statement followed a scandal with the theft of 40 thousand units of american military equipment intended for ukraine. olga panomareva has details. the corral was missing 40,000 units of weapons and equipment sent to kiev. manpads
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(drones, night vision devices evaporated before reaching the ukrainian army) and could be smuggled anywhere on the planet. that's exactly what the pentagon inspector's shocking report says. when he, as expected, began to run through the serial numbers of the equipment, it turned out that they were not listed in any database, that is, more than a billion dollars wasted to nothing. some experts have asked why you? the us to ukraine was unsafe due to the fighting . it’s hard to say better than trump about what’s going on. everyone knows what 's going on, it's a shame, a shame as it is. where did the money go? i tried to answer. a journalistic investigation showed that an organized
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criminal group may exist in the us eu, it is involved in illegal arms trafficking and embezzlement of funds allocated to kiev for the military, as the publication writes, traces lead to the czech republic and slovakia, where ukrainian migrants are engaged in cutting trenches to the benefit of all parties. as an example, london insider cites a contract for the supply of 100,000 mines to ukraine for $35.5 million. they paid for the mines, but they never arrived at the armed forces of ukraine.
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the convulsions that accompany the demagoguery defending the west’s failed strategy against russia in ukraine have set my teeth on edge. neither the russian economy nor the russian currency collapsed, and anti-russian sanctions contribute to the self-sufficiency of this huge country, while the european union, refusing reconciliation.
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us president ron disantes, who asked local journalists to comment on the candidate's statements, was outraged that american taxpayers' money was going to kiev. zelensky responded by saying: it is the republicans who are to blame for the suffering of 12 million ukrainian elderly people. a rescue operation is unfolding in the south of sakhalin; emergency response teams have been deployed. to evacuate people who were stuck in cars on one of the highways. about 250 people were deployed to clear
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more than one and a half hundred special vehicles on the island snow cyclone, due to heavy snowstorm there is zero visibility on the roads. the airmobile rescue team has been put on high alert. an emergency warning has been issued in eight areas today. schoolchildren were sent to distance learning, work on the level crossing connecting sakhalin with the mainland and passenger traffic were stopped. transport is limited, air traffic is interrupted, more than 20 flights are delayed at the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport, several planes are sent to reserve airfields in khabarovsk. now economic news, maria filippova joins me, masha, good morning, the ruble is strengthening, what influenced this? roma, the situation is related to the announcement of the sale of currency, and more details follow. the ruble is strengthening amid the announcement of currency sales by regulators. following the results of the previous trading session, the national currency strengthened against the dollar, euro and yuan. the american exchange rate dropped by 74 kopecks during the day. euro
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for 84 yuan for 9 kopecks. this morning this trend continued, the dollar was immediately falling. marks 88 rub. 38 kop. need to sell the currency crisis arose due to the fact that russia's oil and gas revenues in december were almost 200 billion rubles below the forecast. according to the budget rule, the ministry of finance will sell currencies worth more than 69 billion rubles from january 15 to february 6. the daily volume will exceed 4 billion. the central bank will support the ministry of finance in the first half of the year, adding to its operations the sale of foreign currency for almost 12 billion rubles. oil demand will increase in the new year by 2 million barrels per day, on average it will be 103.5; according to analysts at the consulting company woodmac, more than 25% will come from china, most of the demand growth is expected in the second half of the year. but oil supplies to the world market will lag behind demand due to supply restrictions from opec plus. the day before, oil prices rose amid
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concerns about potential supply disruptions from the middle east. they appeared after the situation in the krasno area worsened. the international monetary fund announced support for brix expansion; of course, such a bold point of view, albeit very cautiously, was expressed not by imf managing director kristalina georgieva herself, but by one of her colleagues. we welcome countries working together, we support states working together on ways to integrate trade so that more people can benefit from the benefits of global integration, to the extent that different groups of countries contribute more. russia, let me remind you, on january 1 became the chairman of brix for the coming year, it began immediately with the accession of five new states to the association, these are saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, egypt, iran and ethiopia. thus, brix now includes 10 countries. the korsharing service dilimobil brought
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to the board of directors the issue of applying to the stock exchange for a listing. the company announced this on its disclosure website. 78 kop. euro 97.54 kopecks novel. maria, thank you. we continue. the son of the us president has pleaded not guilty to tax evasion. on thursday, kanter biden made his first appearance in federal court in los angeles. the indictment alleges that he failed to pay nearly $1.5 billion in taxes. instead, the accused spent
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the money on luxury hotels, drugs and escort,” the document says. according to the new charges, hunter biden faces up to... ecuadorian ports are operating as before, fruit exports remain in full volume,
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such a statement was made in an interview with our tv channel by the head of the ecuadorian banana marketing and export association, previously not... publications reported that ... due to the revolt of ecuadorian criminals , supply disruptions may begin on the russian market. my colleague, maria kudryavtseva, checked the availability of bananas on the shelves and found out why we shouldn’t expect prices to rise. will russia be left without bananas because of the rebellion in ecuador? this question is asked by many media, and we decided to check it ourselves. we go to one of the markets. now there are bananas on almost every counter, but many sellers only learned about a possible shortage from us. even before our departure to the moscow markets, rosselkhoznadzor assured that there were no difficulties with the supply of bananas and pineapples from ecuador to russia; we directly contacted the marketing and export association. bananas of ecuador, it accounts for almost half of the export of these fruits from the country, they confirmed to us that there were difficulties temporary, the most difficult period is over,
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the roads are open, logistical problems were observed for several hours on tuesday, but they have already been overcome. on january 8, the leader of the largest criminal group in ecuador escaped from prison, after which riots occurred in several prisons throughout the country, the president of ecuador declared a regime of internal armed conflict, but geography determines a lot for the supply of fruits from the country, the ports did not stop working. we understand that ports today we are working in podor, our suppliers are optimistic, we do not see any problems with the shortage of this product. one can probably judge that at the beginning of march there may be some changes in the price area, but i am not sure that they will be significant. let's draw some conclusions for now.
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but in general, there are always other suppliers in the world who are generally ready to supply these products. in addition, ecuador is not the only country exporting bananas to russia. according to estimates of the russian association of retail market experts, it accounts for about a quarter of supplies. another 3/4 are the philippines, costa rica, colombia, guatemala and ghanduras. some voice other figures, that ecuador accounts for about 90% of exports, but in any case, others do. countries are interested in expanding supplies, there is a good quality banana in the philippines , there are now requests for transportation,
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including suppliers from vietnam and india, we literally had several conversations today, and in fact there is a regular service to novorossiysk from india service, there are no problems with logistics, judging by according to surveys, bananas are the most popular fruit among russians, accounting for approximately 22% of... a cup of fruit in retail chains, according to statements from suppliers from other countries, these preferences will not change in the near future, and as we were told by the marketing and export association bananas from ecuador, despite the riots in the country, they plan to increase exports to russia this year by another 7%. maria kudryavtseva, yulia sokolova, danara kurmanova, elena fedotova, news. now sports news ilya, the french football championship has fallen sharply in price and this is just the beginning. raman, yes. we are talking , however, about television rights, the departure of the stars, messi, ramos, neymar, led to the fact that the channels did not even consider the first offer to purchase the rights for the proposed amount; if mbappe also leaves, the value of
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the contract will collapse. on the first day of the fifth stage of the russian ski cup , freestyle races with time trials took place. season leader veronika stepanova confidently won the 10 km distance. it was two laps around the stadium. stepanova did not pass the route, but flew in 25 minutes and 18 seconds, without a chance for... rivals 39 seconds of advantage over its closest competitor. for stepanov, this is already the eighth victory in the russian cup; in total , 81 skiers took to the start line for the girls, including two olympic champions. in addition to stepanov, this is tatyana sorina. in the men's competition, 11 people started, there were no surprises, alexander bolshunov won with a 47-second advantage over the closest pursuer. the three-time olympic champion produces unique results; this is his thirteenth victory in thirteen races of the current season. in the national cup. on there was a sensation at the russian biathlon championship. victory in the super sprint, the athlete on whom no one bet was lying. alexander bektuganov overtook all the leaders in
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the team. the perm region, where the first part of the russian championship is being held, is now covered in severe frosts and there were even fears that the races would have to be cancelled. in such conditions , the leaders of the final were constantly changing and after the final shooting , alexander bektuganov unexpectedly turned out to be the first. biathletes from the emalalatsky autonomous okrug made a mistake. on the firing line twice, but worked well on skiier. bektuganov defended his slight advantage until the end and sensationally finished first, bringing spectators. qualifying for the women's australian open has ended. according to its results , three russians qualified for the main draw of the tournament: maria timofeeva, anastasia zakharova and sixteen-year-old alina korneeva. and at the wta500 tournament in adelaide, two russians reached the semi-final stage. ekaterina alexandrova beat the representative of kazakhstan elena rybakina. in sets 6:3-6-3. the russian woman interrupted her six-match winning streak series, rybakina will meet with american jessica pigula in the semifinals. idarya kosatkina stepped into the next stage, she was
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luckier, her opponent with...
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with a jerk of 11:2 in 2.5 minutes and kept the rhythm throughout the entire first half. the main characters were representatives of the back line tren fraser and kyle kuric. the st. petersburg team made +15 at the end of the opening quarter, in the second they won back seven more points and entered 52:30 at the big break. after changing sides, javier puscal's team continued to control the match and brought the matter to victory. players of the gambia national team boycotted the national team's tinting a few days before the start. african cup of nations. ultimatum. they will not train until the local football federation pays them a bonus of half a million euros for reaching the final stage of the tournament. this is the second scandal surrounding the gambian national team within 24 hours. several staff members from this team lost consciousness during flights to participate in the african cup. the players and staff of the national team experienced such inconvenience due to lack of oxygen, which was identified small aircraft size. after
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the incident, the team returned back to gambia. a new board was later provided. it was sports news, have a nice weekend.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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no way!


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