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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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attacked the south of sakhalin, there is almost zero visibility on the roads , vehicle traffic is limited , 20 flights are delayed at the airport, cars are built, nuclear medicine has its own cheeses, novo dnh today shows its achievements in the kaluga region, ryazan and bryansk. let's start with the latest information from yemen; last night the united states and britain launched a series of airstrikes on several cities. countries attacked more than sixty houthi targets, according to american television channels, pentagon chief lloyd ostinde gave orders via a secure channel communications directly from the hospital. washington explains the massive attack by protecting ships in the red sea. the houthis say there will definitely be a response to the coalition’s actions. in connection with the attack on yemen, russia requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. and now we are broadcasting a report from our own correspondent in the usa , valentin.
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american tv viewers saw the first footage of the night strikes on yemen at 8:00 pm us east coast time; as usual, they guessed it was time for prime time, another war on the air. columns of fire on the background it’s hard to understand the dark sky where they’re hitting, but reports from the pentagon should add to the victory. a rough map has already been prepared, the targets are houthi warehouses and launch positions. missiles and drones, explosions thundered in the area of ​​the international airport in the capital yemenasan , the port city of hadeida was raided , several more military installations in the west were hit with tamahawks, including the florida submarine of the agayo project, which is now in the red sea , was used to launch them . the united states used radar systems during the operation in yemen. systems, unmanned and aerial vehicles, which were of particular importance since
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they managed to hit the houthi drone storage facility and launch pads. the yus ezenhaur strike group, located in the red sea, served as a deterrent to iran and other countries. the united states is making it clear that there is no need to aggravate the conflict with the help of this strike force. the illegality of what is happening is traditionally disguised by the format of a certain coalition, where washington called the obedient and trusted. four british fighters also took part in the attacks. typhoon. biden is expected to make a televised address until the last moment, but the american president , who has spent at most an hour in public over the past 20 days, is limiting himself to a written statement, taking into account the fact that the head of the pentagon austin is still in a hospital bed, the situation is more than piquant. today, at my direction, the us military, together with the uk, with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck.
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lead to iran, we must make iran all its proxies understand that they will have to pay the price for what they do, so we are on our way to initiating a policy of containment in this region. i demanded from both parties, of course, i liked it, but even some of biden’s fellow democrats are already pointing out to him that the us president is acting without the approval of congress, in nyorsk time square near the white house, meanwhile the first protesters appear, hands off.
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the conclusions of the red sea have become calm again, it is necessary to resolve the current aggravation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. russia and several other countries proposed making appropriate amendments to the documents, but the westerners rejected them. and yet , those whom the united states has invited to the new so-called coalition will not be able to remain silent. in connection with the british-american strikes on yemen, at russia’s initiative, an urgent meeting of the un security council will be held today. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria bolotvina, news from new york. the iranian foreign ministry called the coalition's attack on the houthi opposition arbitrary and a violation of the territorial integrity of yemen. and here. immediately after the attack mass protests began, protesters came out with palestinian flags and posters that read: hands off yemen and freedom for palestine. people demand to stop the bombing of yemen and end the operation in the gas sector. and the ukrainian army attacks
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civilian targets of the dpr. in donetsk , six civilians were wounded; apartment buildings, a gas pipeline, several schools and two kindergartens were damaged as a result of the hail attack. and the consequences.
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the neighbors called and said that a shell had hit the apartment, i saw a photo in the telegram, i immediately lost my temper, asked the director for leave, came, you see, he was here, he took out the wall in the bedroom, he took out the wall in the hall, and as a result of the shelling, a fire also broke out. it was promptly eliminated by the ministry of emergency situations, using units of equipment, as well as 24 personnel. as for the wounded, six people were injured, some of them are in serious condition, including the driver of the shuttle bus; they
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are now being treated in medical institutions in the city. uh, as i already said, they beat the ukrainians militants from positions in the karlovka area. the settlement is located 20 km away. northwest of donetsk, they just hit a residential area in a square, where there are public transport stops, shops, kindergartens, schools, the fact that they used cluster munitions suggests that the goal was to kill as many civilians as possible population, i remind you that according to the ssc, on february 17 , 2022 , more than 4,500 civilians died at the hands of ukrainian punitive forces . donbass by cities of donbass was more than 160,000 ammunition were fired, including 17 multiple launch rocket systems . studio, over to you. vadim, thank you, our correspondent vadim topalov about the consequences of
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the latest ukrainian armed forces strikes on donetsk. temporary accommodation centers have opened in three districts of the belgorod region for those who decided to leave their homes to escape shelling. all conditions have been created there for people to live. comfort, finally felt completely safe. pensioners are offered to improve their health at local medical centers, schoolchildren can enroll in a sports section, able-bodied adults will be helped to find a new job, and the little ones will have fun . our film crew went to the gubkino temporary detention center from stary oskol. report by svetlana matushkina. this temporary accommodation center recently hosted shebikin residents, now belgorod residents. today there are 53 residents of the regional capital here, 25 of them are children. the children's leisure time is filled with games and master classes, everyone is invited to a drawing lesson, the youngest come with their mothers, most of the guests are from belgorod to the gukinsky tap arrived for christmas after the third shelling of the regional center. lyudmila and her little daughters were persuaded by her husband to go, but he himself stayed in belgorod. of course, i’m scared for
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the children, we constantly take them to the bath every night, they sleep with us, we are constantly kicking, we lift them, carry them to the bathroom, lie there with them, they sleep, then we go back to bed. we carry, we arrived, we were met here, accommodated, fed, all the services and entertainment are offered, so that, so to speak, the children feel comfortable and the parents feel at ease about them, when is december 30th? stand under your visor, because fragments are now flying all over belgorod. lyudmila and her children also suffered out of fear; her family lives in the kreida area. on january 2, the missiles were flying, they were shooting down, we sat in the basement with the children almost the whole day, then we went out into the street, we found such a fragment in the yard right there 5. we slept in the corridor, brought a mattress for the night and immediately went to bed, because as soon as you go
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to bed , it begins to bang, everything rattles, staggers, after arriving at neighboring houses, on the night of january 4-5, i decided to leave, called the hotline, gubkin came with her sons and her retired mother, she says that finally everyone got enough sleep and calmed down, they feed warmly, most importantly quietly, galina mikhailovna was persuaded to change her place of residence for a while by her son, her... schools to enroll in the party section if the mothers decide to stay in the city , they are ready to employ them, and send their kids to kindergartens
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. for all the people who came to us, we tried to create comfortable conditions, people receive three meals a day, and this is one of the staroskol temporary accommodation centers, small but cozy, located in the pine tract at the recreation center, today there are 24 belgorod residents here, half of whom are children, you can while away the time in... additional education teachers come from the local recreation center, teach the children, ekaterina is here with her mother-in-law with three children, her husband now works in the border voluyki, you are worried about him, and he is worried about you, valeria nikolaevna came here with her grandson, her son came under fire twice with one son, then with his eldest son and asked me to take my little grandson away. there are smiles on the children’s faces, they feel good and happy here, which means mothers and grandmothers also did not stop
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being sad. svetlana matushkina, denis podzolkov, host belgorod. the united states has stopped supplying military equipment to ukraine; funds for these purposes have been exhausted, white house national security coordinator john kirby officially announced. he emphasized that kiev received the latest aid package. the statement followed a scandal involving the addition of 40,000 pieces of american military equipment destined for ukraine. olga has details. the pentagon was missing 40,000 units of weapons and equipment, sent to kyiv. manpads, drones, and night vision devices disappeared before reaching the ukrainian army and could have been smuggled anywhere on the planet. that's exactly what the pentagon inspector's shocking report says. when he, as expected, began to run through the serial numbers of the equipment, it turned out that they were not listed in any database, that is, more than a billion dollars had been spent nowhere. some experts wondered why the release of the report coincided with the absence of
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pentagon chief lloyd austin from work. in a synchronized new york times article, an attempt to explain the waste. well, it was simply not possible to control the supplies, since travel with representatives of the us department of defense to ukraine was unsafe due to hostilities . it’s hard to say better than trump about what’s going on. everyone knows what 's going on, it's a shame, a shame as it is. where did the money go, london insider tried to answer. a journalistic investigation has shown that an organized criminal group may exist in the us eu. she is involved in illegal arms trafficking and embezzlement of funds allocated to kiev for the military. as the publication writes, the tracks lead to the czech republic and slovakia, where ukrainian migrants are engaged in cutting trenches to the benefit of all parties. as an example, london insider cites a contract for the supply of 100,000 mines to ukraine for $35.5 million. replacements were paid, but the armed forces of ukraine never received them. given such a scandal, congress is unlikely to approve a new tranche
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for ukraine. is there any news about further assistance to ukraine? have funds for these purposes run out? yes, we issued the last package of available stock that we had to support financing. it is critical that congress act on this request. according to the famous political scientist en bremer, the mess under biden gives political points to trump in the next elections. the united states is facing a crisis in its political system, making it impossible to even secure a transfer of power that would appear legitimate to most americans. the country is divided. trump will most likely be re-elected president, and judging by his statements, he will stop zelensky’s assistance to the ukrainians. actually, in kyiv, brussels is already in a panic, the ukrainians are afraid that without american help they will be defeated, the european union recalled trump’s three-year-old monologue addressed to fondelaien, that the united states would never come to the rescue if europe was attacked. european commissioner for
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the internal market briton is already demanding the creation of a 100 billion general defense fund. the convulsions that accompany the demagoguery in defense of the west’s failed strategy against russia in ukraine set my teeth on edge; neither the russian economy nor the russian currency collapsed, but anti-russian sanctions contribute to the self-sufficiency of this huge country, while the european union, by refusing reconciliation, lost 50 billion euros. against this background, german chancellor scholz refused to meet with striking farmers in brandenburg, apparently he did not want to. answer the question: why is there no money in the budget for benefits for agricultural producers, but 8 billion are allocated for military supplies to ukraine. olga ponomareva, evgenia zemtsova, news! rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once,
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turn it, turn it! but only! after confirming payment before february 4, order savita delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, from dreams to home, one home-click, my daughter sang the best again, that’s five, the effect of oralsept for a bacterial fungal infection, five actions of oralsept for pain in throat, oralsept is five, this is our first family freckle on the nose and great-great. grandmothers, you can’t immediately understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved, a freckle conquered a rebellious heart and ran away, separated, became the most valuable value, a family one, some try to disguise, some wear it as decoration, save it and pass it on to other generations,
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national project dedimography, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, ideal, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mic in the heat of july carries a silver bullet. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy a smartphone for 1% of the cost, apply the favorite thank you bonus and get a discount of up to 99%. temperature, take effervescent paracetamol-renival, effervescent tablet absent solicylic acid rinival, we trust renival, choose renival. large, tender, mushroom bikchickenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. in the pitilen all the chickens are perfectionists, they eat only grain feed, and never use harmful growth hormone additives. yes, these are petelinke's high standards. petelinka - pure products without harmful additives. at avito work it’s easy to find your
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place. dad, you'll be home soon. soon, i'm now ... delayed, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until the new job, a lot there are new vacancies every day, and you can find a job that is not just a job, but your place, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of my work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints, thanks to special collagen? in addition to the triple helix, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. who will take the trophies and rule in both worlds, real and digital. games of the future. subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. world's best natural
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economics, i would like to draw your attention to such areas of your work as supervisory support for the implementation of national projects, compliance with legislation in the field
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of social programs, as well as legality during the upcoming presidential elections in russia this year. the largest dairy farm in russia is being built in the volgograd region 2020. the fourth year should be the final year in the implementation of this grandiose project, the enterprise will be able to produce up to 4,000 tons of milk per year, and the number of livestock will increase to 11 thousand. larisa lazuk has details. the morning is frosty, but by the way, the cows are not afraid of frosts, they themselves are so warm, the main thing is that there are no drafts. truly comfortable conditions have been created in the new livestock building; the future dairy herd is growing here. donskoe donskoe is the successor of russia's large, successful economy in soviet times, which had already fallen into decay; in our time, it has not only been revived, but thanks to competent
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management and state support, it has come out ahead. 3800 tons, today the donskoye joint venture gives, this a very large amount, today we milk per dairy cow, last year 11.151 liters of kilogram of milk per dairy cow. in the steppes, they resolved the issue with feed, and 5 years ago they began to build a new livestock complex in an open field; builders are working on the last building of the livestock complex with the corresponding infrastructure. the head of the region, andrei bacharov , even at the planning stage, identified this investment project as particularly significant for the agro-industrial complex of the region. the project totals only capital investments investments in the farm itself are about 3 billion rubles. well , plus about a billion more.
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forming for the region, the number of workers has increased almost fourfold. larisa lazuka, roman metroshkin, lead volgograd from the kolachovo district. the first exchange trading in cryptocurrency derivatives bitcoin, etfs, took place in the united states, and the american securities commission officially approved the launch of funds investing in this cryptocurrency. demand gained momentum from the first minutes. maria filippova has details. maria, greetings. what about the bitcoin exchange rate now? greetings, vera, he shows jumps every now and then, but experts still see
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a certain trend for the future. and more on this later. the first bitcoin etf exchange trades took place just 7 minutes after the start; their total volume exceeded a billion dollars. on the first day on the nazdak exchange, the cryptocurrency etf grew by more than 25%. commission. the us securities and exchange commission has officially approved the launch of the first eleven etfs investing directly in this cryptocurrency. the imf said it is still studying consequences of the decision of the american authorities and call for caution. crypto-assets do have several purported benefits, including cheaper , transparent payments, but at the same time they pose macro-financial risks, including risks to the effectiveness of monetary policy for financial stability. therefore, it is important to find a balance. however, this is an event that investors have been waiting for for more than 10
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years, as the regulator refuses. in launching etfs tracking the spot price of bitcoin. in total, over twenty applications were rejected. the long-awaited permission makes it possible to invest in bitcoin, in bitcoin, without buying it. the management company will do this on behalf of the investor. national investors, who make up the majority in terms of investment volumes in the american market, were previously unable to invest in cryptocurrency. either they cannot store cryptocurrency or they do not have permission to trade cryptocurrency directly. or this could only be done through closed-end funds, now this gap is gradually closing, that is, it is not necessary install crypto wallets, no need to choose crypto exchanges, no need to expose yourself to the risk of a hacker attack, against the backdrop of news around cryptocurrency, the bitcoin rate began to fluctuate, on tuesday it reached 49,479 thousand dollars, then in the commission’s account on the former twitter even before the official announcement of permission for etf trading appeared.
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analysts note, however, there are special optimists who predict unprecedented heights for quotes. our base case hovers around the mark. 6000, the most optimistic, and the etf approval is its only strengthens - $1.5 million by 2030. despite such volatility, the demand for investing in bitcoin will be stable, experts are sure. bitcoin will not become a means of payment due to the technological limitations that it has, and the volatility is so high, but bitcoin is very well suited for many as a means of accumulating wealth
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and... this is precisely the exit of the etf to the us stock market, and in addition to how volatility and making money is also accumulation of wealth. most popular at first auction turned out to be a product from grereyscale, a veteran of the crypto scene who was once the first to submit an application to us regulators. it accounted for 2.300 million dollars. in second place is the etf from black rock with more than a billion, this is a fund on a special account in washington for past services. exactly. he managed to break the regulatory ice and achieve approval of derivative exchange instruments for the main cryptocurrency. the turning point was the company’s victory in court, thanks to the etf, experts expect a revival in the crypto market. now the crypto market is basically already some kind of condition has dragged on, which is often called crypto winter, that is , such a long-term protracted decline in the value of crypto assets, and i think that
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this kind of solution is this. one of the solutions that could completely turn this cryptozimles 5 around and lead to a possibly protracted phase of some long-term growth of the crypto asset. and in the meantime, the united states did everything to complicate life for the russian crypto market, introducing sanctions against the chatex crypto exchange and a dozen digital currency addresses. the document was published on website of the us treasury office of foreign resources control. and investors expect that following the release of bitcoin on the stock market. other cryptocurrencies will appear; the next one, for example, may be the second most popular ethereum. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious. i'm a billionaire, you're
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a billionaire. these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security, oh, young, handsome, gild your pen, i’ll tell you the whole truth when the rich you stand, and they give you your last, it’s not just a pen, you can gild a whole herd of horses.


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