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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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with discounts up to 70%. on friday night, the united states and britain carried out 23 strikes in four provinces of yemen to , quote, stop the houthi attack on israeli-linked ships in the red sea. russia condemns these strikes. we will discuss the topic with the first deputy head of the council committee.
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in light clothes, they can get by with half a flatbread, a bowl of green tea, this is the pampered british or american military, but they are obsessed with the idea of ​​punishing the americans, punishing the imperialists, and i think that they will not give up the idea of ​​applying retaliation for what the americans did to the british that night. is it possible to agree with the opinion that this is a military escalation in the red sea area? maybe
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cross out, here was a quote earlier: are the positive trends that have emerged recently in the process of the yemen settlement capable of provoking destabilization of the situation throughout the middle east? yes, you raised a very interesting topic, look, after all, for 9 years there was essentially a war between saudi arabia and the houthis with varying success, which means that it did not end peace, ended in a truce, and saudi arabia, by the way, in this case. convinced that americans are not as reliable as allies, military partners, american weapons are not omnipotent, they are generally inferior to other types of weapons, including those supplied from russia. what did this lead to? to the fact that saudi arabia , having become disillusioned with the support of the americans, uh, turned its gaze, its gaze towards russia, from here came such good, normally developing relations with our country, because in the east, as always... they respect
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strength and decency in relations , what is happening now in our relations with the arab world, but the americans , after they let them strike back and constantly complicate the situation, will, in general, lose their authority once again, and i think that this in general, it will hurt the americans and the british, including, because the arab world does not forgive weakness, does not forgive such unpunished actions that are not backed up by real, real politics, well, i think that now the situation is still developing, and i am sure that simple the weapons that imena has in his arsenal can be very effective, with ultra-precise weapons, american, because in general there is a huge territory controlled by the houthis, look, this is , firstly, a transcontinental sea route from the indian ocean through the red mediterranean sea. will lead to
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a weakening of western currencies, primarily the dollar and the euro, and i think the consequences of this can be compared with the consequences of the war of the seventy-third year between israel and the arab countries, which ended such a powerful crisis in regional trade led, in general, to serious changes in the foreign policy of many arab countries, which reoriented their own, reoriented towards other countries. with the army of afghanistan, which essentially crumbled, and the afghan rebels, you
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remember how ordinary people, running around there in slippers on their bare feet, generally drove the americans out in disgrace, i do not rule out that the same thing may happen in... escalation, will the united states and its allies continue strikes and how will the houthis respond to them, and do you think the houthis are receiving from the ansarala movement with outside support, will they be able to restore their military potential?
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cools down, they will understand that they need to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, together with russia , to try to streamline the situation in a particular region. and once again, i would like to dwell in more detail on the next topic, after the escalation of the conflict in the gas sector, the yemeni houthi rebels said that they would
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strike at israeli territory and would not allow ships associated with it to pass through the waters of the red sea, as is happening, until the operation in the palestinian enclave is stopped, about this: the situation about the houthis’ struggle against israel, what can you say, what forecasts do you think? well, the houthis , of course, created certain difficulties for israel and quite a lot, and moreover, although the situation in gaza is not turned against hamaz, i think that it is essentially starting to run out of steam, but the americans are not able to provide israel with appropriate weapons and ammunition , they have so many problems, we need to replenish our own arsenals, we need supply. weapons to ukraine to fulfill a number of obligations, now we need to help israel, in general, these conflicts are simply multiplying one after another, and unfortunately, and maybe not unfortunately, they are nothing good, on the contrary, fortunately, they do not end for the americans, and sooner or later all this will be reflected in the very politics of the united states,
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elections are starting there, biden needs at least some kind of victorious war, but wherever he pokes his nose, he gets a click, so i think this is it. netanyahu is unlikely to be able to, because it is impossible to destroy the entire population, there is nowhere to resettle it, and this war could drag on for years, i think this does not suit either side of the conflict. vladimir mikhailovich, thank you, we spoke with the first deputy head of the federation council committee on international affairs, vladimir
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dzhabarov. an arbitrary violation of the sovereignty of yemen, this is how the actions of washington and london were characterized by the iranian foreign ministry. beijing is calling to prevent further escalation. artyom krosulin will also tell you how other countries responded to airstrikes against the houthis. neglect of international law jeopardizing global security. moscow's position on strikes in yemen. voiced by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova. our fears were confirmed that the us position in the un security council on the red sea is only a pretext for further escalation of the situation of tension in the region. we strongly condemn these irresponsible actions by the united states and its allies. a large-scale military escalation in the red sea area could reverse the positive trends that have emerged in recently in the yemensko process. beijing,
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the chinese foreign ministry called on the parties to show calm and restraint to avoid the escalation of the conflict. american experts and observers called the us actions a violation of the us constitution as another failure of joe biden's foreign policy. moreover, this time even democrats doubted the actions of the head of the white house. the president needs to come to congress. before striking the houthis in yemen and drawing us into a new conflict in the middle east, this is the first article of the constitution, i will defend this regardless depending on whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. financial times columnists also point out the inconsistency of the american president's actions. they write that, despite the desire to contain the escalation of the middle east conflict, biden was forced to change strategy. how it could turn out for washington, says a us army colonel.
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representative mead condemned the us actions, accusing washington and london of inciting a regional conflict. iran's foreign ministry strongly condemned the military attack by the united states and great britain to several yemeni cities and regard this as a clear violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of yemen, as well as a violation of international laws and regulations. the military attacks come in line with continued us and uk support for the past 100 days of war crimes.
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personnel in coordination headquarters. when you look at it, our prosperity largely depends on the sea routes, so we are naturally committed to freedom of navigation. economists, in turn, already see consequences of the escalation of the conflict on the stock exchange. oil prices instantly rose by 2%. artyom krosulin, lead. the houthis are a group of shia muslims who live primarily in northern yemen. the movement received its name in honor of its founder , hussein al-houthi. in 2004, he launched an anti-government uprising, accusing the authorities of being pro-american and oppressing
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the shiite population. saudi arabia provided support to yemen's government. in 2015 , the houthis captured the country's capital, sanaa. in the same year, a coalition of arab states under the leadership of ariad, she entered the territory of yemen. the usa and great britain supported the invasion, military operations, and the civil war continue to this day with varying degrees of intensity. it is believed that the houthis are beneficial. for headaches, there is askafenp at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen for headaches. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be
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social networks, it looks like you have a cold, take paracetamol. cytrom p renival we trust renival, we choose renival. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. shop men's clothing, shoes and accessories at discounts up to 70%. the ukrainian army attacks civilian targets of the dpr, six civilians were wounded in donetsk, as a result. several schools and kindergartens. about the consequences of the latest shelling, report by our correspondent vadim topalov. destruction, great as before, the enemy is firing at the peaceful quarter. let me remind you that the day before at 19:10, from positions in the karlovka area, ukrainian militants attacked
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the kuibyshevsky district of donetsk, simply firing 20 rockets, rockets, at residential areas. volley fire to everyone, shells hit schools, kindergartens and also residential areas. employees of the investigative committee worked at the scene of the war crime and recorded the fact of the incident. according to their preliminary data, the enemy fired with czechoslovak-made ammunition, containing approximately 9 submunitions. i was at work during the shelling. the neighbors called and said that a shell had hit the apartment, and they saw it. there was a photograph in the telegram, he immediately lost his temper, asked the director for leave, came, you see, he’s here, he took out the wall in the bedroom, he took out the wall in hall as a result of the shelling , a fire also broke out; it was promptly extinguished by the ministry of emergency situations, using units of equipment, as well as 24 personnel. as for the wounded, six people were injured, some of them are in serious
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condition, including the driver of the shuttle bus, they are currently receiving assistance. 160,000 ammunition, including 17,500 multiple launch rocket systems. vadim topalov, vladislav medianik, lead donetsk. in
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the penza region, an employee of a security plant was detained for intelligence services; he transmitted information about the work of the enterprise to polish intelligence. according to the fsb, the employee himself established contact with foreign security forces. in exchange for cooperation, he expected help in moving abroad. during this investigation, the suspect was collecting information about the volume of production under the state defense order, the detainee had already admitted that in fact his work should have brought much more harm. planned to give them political asylum information about the state enterprise where i work, information about production volume, finding the location of workshops and electrical substations. here at the electrical substations, so that if there are strikes, they will hit them in the workshops. the prosecutor's office has a special
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role in serving the law and the fatherland. vladimir putin congratulated the department’s employees on their professional holiday, noting the importance of their work to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. the president also outlined key tasks for the coming year. our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you. still. priority tasks - identifying the elimination of violations of the social labor rights of citizens, monitoring the strict observance of legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special military operation and their families. and of course, i will note such a key area as ensuring the country’s interests in the field of defense and security, assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation in a clear and timely manner. state defense orders. efforts should also be stepped up in the fight against crime and extremism, corruption and misuse spending the budget. in the context
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of anti-russian sanctions, as part of anti-crisis measures, special attention must be paid to monitoring compliance with legislation in the economic sphere. i would also like to draw attention to such areas of your work as supervisory support for the implementation of national projects and social programs. as well as the legality of the upcoming presidential elections in russia this year. more than 1,800 thousand signatures of citizens have already been collected in support of vladimir putin’s self-propelled presidential election. reported this today candidate's election headquarters. the first batches of documents from all 89 regions of the country are carefully checked by lawyers in large cities ; the process of collecting signatures has already been established. russian volunteers also work in remote areas in donetsk.
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russia today is the day of the kaluga region, but the exposition is not only a place that talks about the achievements of the region, but a platform for concluding various agreements with investors, sharing experiences and discussions. region is, of course, a heroic region for our country, this year it will be 80 years old day of liberation from the fascist invaders , it was an unequal battle, in the fall of 1943, 18
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of our defenders against about 300 germans at the nameless height 224.1, actually behind me we see actors in military uniform, because it is on the territory of the kaluga region that the studio is located: hello , what movie did you star in? the call signs are cranes, of course, a large-scale project, podolsk cadets, a unit, commercials for the victory day, what is your favorite film? also podolsk cadets, they succeeded there to act as an extra, i’m very proud, you see, there are a lot of people, but we’ll still try to show you. what is special about your stand? our feature of the stand is, perhaps, in its constructive, in its design, we took the universal mind as a basis, this
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is an installation in... in the art of nikola lenivets , derzhinsky district, this is the largest landscape park, of course i would like to show it, but it seems to me that we will not pass , i'm afraid it takes time for us to go inside, but it's really worth it, we chose this installation for a reason, everyone knows that konstantin eduardovich solkovsky, the founder of modern astronautics, lived and worked in kaluga, we have the largest museum of the history of astronautics in russia, in fact, he once said that there is nothing. thank you very much, but one of the main achievements of the kaluga region, according to the governor of the region, is , of course, people, our people are talented, if we are talking about great scientists or very qualified workers, if we are talking about artists or qualified,
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wonderful teachers .
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everyone became very friendly, we were united by charitable events , this is actually what surprises the kaluga region, one live broadcast, unfortunately, is not enough to tell all the achievements, but i think that in the next live broadcasts we will definitely not only tell you everything, but show you, faith , alexandra, thank you, alexandra perfilyeva spoke about what is happening today at the russia forum exhibition. where are we, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, in marinka there is nothing reinforced concrete, we hollowed out everyone from here, drove them out, what kind of car do you have, handsome, azim 30-39,
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shot! well, if you compare the army of the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theorists, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, all this is a radio-controlled cart, when there is shelling, it is necessary to supply ammunition, just like we have a man, who hung the flag, that is, the miracle hero - it’s you, yes i was there about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there. it turns out that three of them came in, but why did your boys run them over? yes for robinoo, look how they stored the drugs very safely, there is no doubt that they carried out clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is back in sumy. nikolaev, new cases of batulism.
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