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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilis. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world.
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the united states and britain launched a series of airstrikes on the cities of yemen, attacking more than sixty targets at sixteen sites. mostly houthi airports and camps were attacked. washington explains the massive attack on the protection of ships in the red sea. hushito declares.
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now let's talk about the weather, weather forecasters warned residents of central russia about increased frosts, while in yakutia lyutys is also not an obstacle to holding a marathon. let's talk more about this with meteorologists ekaterina grigoreva, ekaterina, greetings, what else will surprise you with the weather today, what are the forecasts? the list of weather problems today is quite long, bad weather is raging in the south of the country, windy in in the north-west and in siberia, in yakutia the frost is raging, and today i went through this severe cold at the russian cold pole in voymikon. the coldest marathon on the planet. before the start, the local weather station recorded a temperature of -55° calm. cover 42 km. in extreme conditions, 12 men and two women emerged. another 24 people ran half the distance. the winner of the fifth extreme marathon, the pole of cold, was twenty-four-year-old student konstantin drogunov. his result is 3:7. you ran for the first time, finished first. weather in central
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areas of yakutia now correspond to the norm, in the capital of the republic on the night of tomorrow -41, in the daytime 38° below zero, on sunday there will be light snow, during the day the temperature will rise to -35° and the same weather will be at the beginning of the new working week. in the next frames... the sakhalin olympic reserve school, the ski track is covered in snow, but this is not a reason to cancel training, the guys build their character by running short distances in the snowdrifts. by the way, the wind in yuzhno-sakhalinsk today whipped up passers-by, gusts up to 24 m/s, almost knocking them off their feet. the reason for the bad weather in sakhalin is an active cyclone, which is moving from the sea of ​​japan, while passing through sakhalin, the wind speed on the entire island exceeded 20 m/s. now the center... is already above
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the kuril ridge, in the next few hours the wind here will reach about hurricane-force 30 m/s. the cyclone continues to shift to the northeast, which is facilitated by an anticyclone on the continent, and this anticyclone keeps frosts in yakutia. a large part of the country is now under the influence of a vast area of ​​​​high pressure, the closer to the core of the anticyclone, the more stable weather, but it’s not stormy weather on the peripheries; active frontal sections are now passing through the south of siberia and europe. bashkiria and orenburg region. traffic inspectors warn truckers about restrictions via radio communications. drivers of heavy vehicles are asked to park in guarded specialized parking areas. snowy and cold in the south of russia , snow fell on the tavrida highway in crimea. snow removal equipment was on the road.
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traffic jams after the snowfall blocked the roads in rostov-on-don, but in moscow the snowfall stopped, the capital region is now in the zone high blood pressure, the temperature continues to drop, now it’s -13. on saturday morning , within the city limits it was up to 24 degrees below zero in the region , in some places down to -30. tomorrow day it will be -14-17, it will be cold and the night of the old new year will be -22:25 in the center. with the onset of the new week , snowfalls will begin and the warm influence of the atlantic will affect. the temperature will return to normal and even exceed it. these are the forecasts. ekaterina, thank you, ekaterina grigorova spoke about weather disasters in russia. regions, residents of murmansk came out to greet the dawn, for the first time in 40 days, the polar night ended in the region, the sun appeared for only 20 minutes, but every day the daylight hours will be longer and longer. oleg posoben knows where it is best to meet the golden ray of sunshine. we are climbing
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the hill to meet the first sun of this year, behind the 40th polar night. during this time, many people's visual acuity and endurance decreased, some had a very hard time... residents of murmansk are ready to walk almost 2 km up the mountain, it becomes clear immediately after the disk appears on the horizon, indescribable colors the northern luminary creates an atmosphere of joy and beauty in a second. it will probably appear in many regions of the country.
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illuminated, but someone in the dance misses the fleeting sunrise. fortunately, the first sun in murmansk can be seen for 2 whole days, first in the southern and then in the northern part of the city. part of the city emerges from the polar night on the 11th, a leap year, part of the city is the northern part of the city on the twelfth, but this does not matter to the hill, if the sky is clear, the sun will appear. it is believed that the sun began to be greeted in murmonsk after the polar night because of local social activist, alexander pyutsep, who in 2007 organized a meeting of like-minded people. the activist died 10 years ago, but every year there are more people on the hill , we need warm rays for a healthy immune system,
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the production of vitamins, for metabolism and just a good mood, and the people of murmansk also crave the sun at the genetic level, even tourists manage to miss it , caught in the arctic circle.
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the link can be sent to them through the nearest post office of the joint stock company russian post. parcel letters sent to the address index 103 400 moscow 400 military unit military unit number or military unit field mail, military
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unit number, last name, first name, patronymic of the serviceman. if you do not know the unit number, you should be informed of it as soon as possible at the military registration and enlistment office at the addressee's place of conscription. all parcels are sorted. in the capital , the forces of the ministry of defense are then sent to the area where the military training is carried out. each soldier can submit a written response free of charge through the huntsman's felt. soldiers in units are provided with papers, envelopes and... number of parcels that can be issued by one sender indefinitely, and the weight of each should not exceed 10 kg, the contents should not move inside the package, for this it is better to fill the free space in the box with paper, the parcel must be handed over to the postal operator strictly in an open form, so that he can make sure that there is no anything prohibited. with this in mind, let’s take a closer look at what cannot be sent. firstly, these are weapons. shooting, signal, pneumatic, gas, ammunition, cold, including throwing, stun guns,
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spark gaps, main parts of firearms. the second group is dangerous substances, narcotic, psychotropic, potent, radioactive, explosive , caustic, flammable and others. it will also not be possible to send money, neither rubles nor foreign currency. perishable foods are prohibited, and of course, alcohol. and finally, you. will not accept items that, by their nature or packaging, may pose a risk for postal workers to dirty or damage other items and equipment. reception parcels are strictly at the discretion of the postman and controversial issues may arise here. for example, detergents and cleaning products, powders from insects, can be interpreted as caustic substances and poisons. it is better to consult your post office before sending, or call the toll-free number. 800 160 is the russian post support service. what exactly can you send? clothing,
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including winter clothing, shoes, sweets, pasta, buckwheat, other dry food, canned food with a long shelf life, books and magazines, as well as cigarettes. of course, there are more complex ones, than buckwheat, but very necessary packages that cannot be sent by mail, for example, copters, thermal imagers or night vision devices. to resolve such issues. we are together, it also delivers goods to the northern military district zone. official website of the movement we are together. rf, phone number on your screens 8 800 200 34 11. today, sending parcels to the zone of a special military operation is carried out in several ways: through volunteer organizations, through points where military units are deployed, where you cases are undergoing military service, as well as through. post office of the russian post, i want to note that you can track a specific postal item
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only by sending it in a registered manner through the post office of the joint stock company post of russia. how do you know if the package has been delivered? if it was sent through a branch of the russian post, the information can be obtained by calling the helpline of the monitoring group of the central node of the feltjeger postal service. here is the number 8495 693 7431. let's repeat the most important thing. parcel to a serviceman in the zone special military operation can be sent free of charge. it is received by russian post and delivered by the feltjeger field service of the ministry of defense. parcels have a number of requirements for weight, packaging and content. it is prohibited to send certain items and products. if the parcel goes through russian post, you can track its receipt through the monitoring group of the central node of the feltegersko postal service of the armed forces.
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starting this year, it will switch to a new system of state support in the tourism sector; regions will be allocated a single subsidy, which they have the right to direct it to what they consider necessary, the key indicator will be the number of trips, for example, in the khabarovsk territory the tourist flow for... how the tourism industry is developing in the region in a special report by vira moroz. explore taiga landscapes, conquer snowy protected peaks, plunge into hot baths in a strong minus, score a goal in a felt boot, the sights of this city can be found in your wallet. khabarovsk is one
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of the cities whose attractions are on the most expensive banknote, for example, this... a stately man with a large mustache, the founder of the city, count muravyov of amur, and then further on there is a bridge over the amur river, which is also depicted on the banknote. and already a couple of tens of kilometers from the city , completely different views open up; these places cannot be reached by a regular car. we go around the natural one, the main thing. phone, that's why we drive at a speed of no more than 15 km/h, firstly, this is necessary for safety, and secondly, to look and what is happening below, look, it was found, the zebra found all this, where, where, where, here they are, these are old tracks, you see, already covered up, who is it, yes, it’s just a rabbit’s track, they met me here, they met wild boars,
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they sat on me, they served me as a bear cub. the taiga begins here, and the atv route passes near the border of the richest natural reserve in the far east, khikhtsirsky. after an active walk, samovar and tea from taiga herbs. people from all over the country come here for such experiences. geography is, as a rule, well, at the moment this is the far eastern part, these are chinese tourists, but from other cities of russia, there is moscow, petersburg, there is novgorod. and ryazan , and well, the nearest cities, they come to us, just to see what it’s like in the forest, when it’s calm, this year we had about 3,100 tourists, what results do you plan to achieve next year, well, we plan to increase this percentage at least 10 tourist flow, or maybe more, well, how
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it goes, this is a view of the taiga from a different angle. from a ski altitude. this is khikhtsir, the new ski resort. fans of extreme sports experienced the slopes in the first days of the new year. 3, 2, 1, let's go, very cool, steep track, excellent, of course i would like more powdery snow, but it depends on the weather. the lifts are heated and the cable car can transport up to 1,500 people per hour. two tracks with a height of more than 350 m were tested on the eve of the opening by athletes, students of the olympic reserve school and the head of the region. good lift, warmth, protection from the wind, the slope itself is of medium difficulty, khiftsir is the flagship project for the development of the khabarovsk territory, from the top station, cable car, potential in full view, undeveloped territory on the border with
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nature reserve, future routes. 340 hectares, for recreation. the cable car also has heated seats, its length is 2,500 m, and the length of local trails
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is 25 km. for those who have just decided to master alpine skiing or snowboarding, there are suitable ones in the khabarovsk territory. a snowman right on the bank of the amur with two slopes of 500 and 200 m of all the infrastructure for a ride and an overnight stay. tourists come to us mainly from the city of khabarovsk, because our base is located. kilometers from the city center, the tourist flow has increased since the nineteenth year doubled, if it used to be 16.00, at the moment there are 30,000 tourists, and this was all thanks to the road that was built
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to our base. over the past couple of years , the number of glamping sites in the khabarovsk territory has almost doubled, with 13 points where weekend houses are booked six months in advance. sergei trettyakov, the owner of such a recreation center , says that after looking at the growth trend, he decided to expand the business six months ago. his farm was engaged in furniture, we have many plots of 12 acres, in total it is about one and a half hectares, now it is built up literally on four plots of houses , a second line of houses is planned, we still have a forest there, we are completely surrounded by a forest belt, and we are planning, in general , to move there even further, there are requests, people are asking for more houses, they want big houses, well, we still hope that family people will come and relax. calmly in silence, in comfort. you can relax in hot thermal baths not only outside the city. in the center of khabarovsk, in a building that
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is considered a monument of architecture and urban planning, is located year-round outdoor swimming pool. the air temperature is almost -30°, in the water - +30°. those who swim are protected from the cold by a cushion of vapor that rises under the water. the pool was opened in... 1960 and until 2012 it was under the jurisdiction of the ministry of defense, then it became regional property, and in 2015 they signed an agreement with an investor who assumed obligations for reconstruction and maintenance. on average, up to 500 people pass through per day, well, now in winter it’s significantly less, but what kind of people come to us, what cities come from central russia, but mostly they come from far eastern cities. well, in the first place is vladivostok, they like to come on a weekend itinerary for one or two days,
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visiting the outdoor pool and having fun is definitely on their agenda. next to the pool, almost 7,000 km away, is the largest free cat in the far east, family cat in honor of the year of the family. and this is not only the name of the site, but also the concept. please note that our cats are divided into specific sports locations, we have little cats, this is an area for those who have just started skating, will take their first steps on the ice, there is an area for fans of hockey, in this area we also meet professionals of hockey, ice hockey, sword hockey and amateur hockey leagues, during the winter there are more than 50,000 people, at events in... in the khabarovsk territory, tourists are offered to play valenko
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bolol, football, which was invented in komsomolsk on the amur, because in the far east they kick the ball not only in the summer, but also in severe frost, and not in boots, in felt boots, strong and warm, because the winter here is long and harsh. you can’t find anywhere else what kind of fish is caught in the amur, so pike perch, sik , carp, snakehead, swan, pike, what
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tourists most like to carry with them, carp, whitefish, pike perch, sazan, pike, all tourists love our fish, here in our house in the khubarovsky region we grow oriental lemongrass, dried berries, lemongrass vine, this is only in our far east, velvet-amur berries, we also have honey. from omur velvet, pine nuts, only here this is how big nuts grow, here are the petals , we collect rose hips ourselves, you can take pictures with ice sculptures, ride down the slide and stroll around the fair on the central square of khabarovsk at the amurfest festival , which takes place within the framework of the national project tourism and the hospitality industry, and will show you the way to the most interesting places this blue-green whale is a symbol of the land of the homeland of whales, the tantar islands and airplanes made in komsomolsk on the amur. the whaler has become a tourist symbol. the information center is a unifying point between tourists and
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to develop the tourism industry, the region reimburses entrepreneurs’ costs up to 85%, the amount of subsidies increased from 6 to 20 million rubles. as for federal support, in 2024 the regions will be allocated a single subsidy of 6,200 million rubles. it is planned that the khabarovsk territory will receive more than 73 million. they plan to invest the money in large tourism projects, for example, a water and health complex for four.
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eastern art museum, all of them will begin to be built at the expense of funds raised, at the expense of federal funds and regional bank financing. by 2030, in khabarovsk they plan to improve a large pedestrian artery, a central street and open the longest river embankment in the far east, along the amur, which will become another magnet for traveling to the homeland of whales. january 12 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. on january 12, 1945 , the vistula oddor operation began. the red army began the vistlooder operation. the troops of zhukov and konev struck with unprecedented force. soviet guns fired at the german defense like a fiery shaft. the strong german group in poland was defeated on the fifth day; at the beginning of february, the soviet army found itself 70 km from berlin.
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strikes against the houthis are only a pretext for further escalation in the region. the russian media condemned the actions of the united states and britain in the red sea. what will be the reaction of the houthis themselves and is there a possibility of new countries being involved in the conflict? donetsk doctors came under fire in gorlovka. the vcu drone flew into. transmitted information about the state defense order, in exchange, was counting on help with moving abroad; an employee of a sensitive plant was detained in the penza region during an fsb operation. first there were frosts, then snowfalls and blizzards; due to poor visibility, traffic was closed on several federal highways in bashkiria. from the region, report from our correspondent.
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let's start with the situation around yemen, the houthi ansar allah movement released a statement after the american coalition strikes. the text was published on social networks. it contains a promise to continue supporting the gas sector, to prevent israeli aggression and... say those involved in the attack on the yemeni people. the american-british enemy , as part of its support for israeli crimes in gaza, launched a brutal aggression against the yemeni republic, carrying out 73 raids targeting the capital sana'a, as well as the governorates of hadidah, taiz, hajj and saada. the raids resulted in the death of five martyrs and the injury of six more members of our armed forces. the american british enemy is carrying the floor.'


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