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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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tens of thousands of people demonstrated in the capital of yemen after us and british strikes against the houthis. protests are taking place in other major cities; according to the west, more than 60 targets were hit during the night. the houthis were emphasized in the leadership. and the strikes
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will not go unanswered, according to a representative of the movement, all hostile targets on land and sea will be under the threat of attack. it is worth noting that washington tried to persuade arab countries to join the operation against the houthis, but as western media write, the us secretary of state during the recent the middle east tour failed to secure the support of regional heavyweights such as saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, qatar and egypt, and a nato ally also refused. italy. well, now a little more about the balance of power , about the weapons that the western coalition will use against the houthis, about how they will respond to you. a large group is conducting an operation against yemeni rebels. from the forces of the usa,
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great britain, canada, australia, the netherlands and bahrain. the main role, of course, is played by the british-americans. the flotilla is headed by the aircraft carrier dwight esenhower. he was sent to the red sea at the end of december. on board the hornets, fa-18 hornet fighters. the carrier group also includes four destroyers, a missile cruiser, the submarine florida and support ships. british forces are represented by the destroyer diamond. also involved. british typhoon fighters. the main weapons are temahawk cruise missiles and guided aerial bombs. it is reported that the coalition carried out the first strikes in the vicinity of the port of hadeidah. in addition, they hit houthi targets to the east from hadeida, the capital of yemen, sanaa, was also bombed. the city of taiz was also bombed, with several large explosions reported. the targets, as stated in the western coalition, were houthi training bases, weapons depots , and drones, as well. airfields.
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it is, of course, difficult for the houthis to resist such power; they do not have air defense, although it was previously reported that the rebels may be armed with several old soviet complexes. however, this does not mean that the houthis have nothing to respond to. according to western media reports that the yemeni rebels are armed with dozens of long-range missiles, including ballistic ones, capable of hitting targets at a distance of more than 1.0 km. presumably this is the weapon. used to attack israel. there are also special anti-ship missiles, as well as drones and portable anti-aircraft guns, including western-made ones, the same stingers, for example. most of the weapons, according to the press, huset receive from iran, an updated version of gader missiles, as well as shahed unmanned aerial vehicles. after after the first coalition strikes , reports soon began to emerge of a houthi response. dozens of missiles were aimed at us ships.
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tatyana, good afternoon, the balance of power in this region is constantly changing, let’s talk about the last decades. the long-term conflict around yemen has given rise to many statements that ... have become a common point of view, but at the same time are fundamentally incorrect, perhaps the main misconception: the version that power in yemen was seized by iranian proxies the houthis, with whose hands tehran allegedly destabilized the situation in the country and a little whether he started another war in the region. in fact, support from iran is a consequence, not a cause. the houthis are a large independent force that, since 2015 , has actually been responsible for everything that happens in yemen. the posets developed as an yemeni ideological movement, which often used such nationalist patriotic slogans and enjoyed fairly wide support within yemen;
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there were no facts proving that iran had any influence on this. the history of the husets or the ansarallah movement takes its toll started from the revival organization. which appeared in the nineties in the north of the country, on the border of saudi arabia, its ideological basis was zaidism. this is one of the branches of shiite islam that dominated the territory of modern yemen for a thousand years. the leader of the yemeni zaydis was said, that is, a descendant of the prophet hussein hussein badruddin al-houthi. later his followers began to be called by his name. the basis of houtism, which originated in the northern province of saada, was the idea that current challenges you need to respond using modern methods, but always based on the koran. and in the houthis’ desire to unite the entire islamic mind on the basis of common civilizational roots. the houthis control the southwest of the arabian peninsula and, most importantly, the babbl mandeb strait. it carries
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approximately 12-15% of all global maritime trade traffic. for many years, the houthis coexisted with the rest of the political forces in the country as a strategic partner, an important regional strategic partner of the united states. everything changed 20 years ago, in 2004 the houthi leader was killed by the yemen army, a civil war broke out in the country, which by 2010
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led the north of yemen to a humanitarian catastrophe. in 2012 , the country's new authorities admitted guilt to the houthis. and in march 2015, a new operation storm began against the houthis. determination, it was announced by the saudi ambassador to washington. the arab coalition intervened in the internal conflict of yemen between the houthis and the official authorities, but the coalition not only failed to achieve its goals, the result was the opposite. the houthis are now the leading force in yemen in alliance with the former ruling party, the general people's congress, this movement actually governs the country, they participate in this government on an equal basis. 50/50 - since then , the ideology of husism has become the dominant , in fact, state ideology of sanaa, so sanaa controls approximately 90% of the territory of the former northern yemen, where 3/4 of the population, more than 22 million yemenis, live. perhaps
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the saddest thing is that just recently last year everything was heading towards the end of the war in yemen when the reisk happened. thaw in relations between tehran and riyadh, de-escalation has begun in war-torn yemen. the saudi delegation even came to sanaa, but now we won’t have to talk about peace in yemen for a long time. the conflict was not over, the situation was far from normal, from stable, so it was in a state of de-escalation, but was in such a frozen state, no war, no peace, but what was happening. today it is bringing it back - actually onto the ramp of war, and although the people of yemen are experiencing a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, the country is ready to enter into other regional conflicts, soon after the aggravation began around the gas strip, it was yemen that turned out to be a state
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that expressed support for its coreligionists not only in words: rockets actually flew towards israel, and this readiness to go to war precisely as a sign of protecting brothers in islam lies at the heart of the houthi ideology. it is now very united in moral terms, very devoted precisely to the ideals of the houthis. which, therefore, call on the islamic world to consolidate in the fight against hostile states, to which they list the united states and israel. according to experts, the strikes of the nato group are capable of destroying the military infrastructure of the sanaa coalition, but not the houthis themselves, as the long experience of the struggle of the very rich and powerful states of the region against this movement shows, it is able to survive not thanks to, in spite of. start the year with
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the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. retire in the new year profitable with sberbank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. the us and british strikes against the houthis did not cause serious damage, either material or strategic. this was stated by the official representative of the ansar allah movement. for what purpose did the west escalate, and what political consequences it could have for the region, our vgtrk military reporter evgeniy podublie will tell you about this. definitely in ansar alla movement there are no simpletons in yemeni. there is no echeloned missile defense system, respectively, both the houthis and the military
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specialists of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, who work in close cooperation with the ansar allah movement, and assumed that the americans could launch a massive missile strike on the territory controlled by the houthis, and let me remind you, that this is not a large part of the country's territory, but the territory in which most of the population of yemen lives, in fact presumably the houthis were able to construct false goals to hide real goals, accordingly, in statements that are now being disseminated by official representatives. the yemen movement has a reasonable grain, and it seems that the americans could not cause much damage to the military infrastructure of yemen with such a single blow, but here in general it is worth saying that the americans struck not only and not so much at yemen, and not only and not so much at to the yemeni houthis, the fact is that this strike is rather
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symbolic, demonstration, it was applied to the peripheral nervous system of the islamic republic. iran and the houthis are not an independent subject of international law; of course, they are so-called iranian proxies, and accordingly, they act in full cooperation, in the spirit of iranian foreign policy, and are the conductor of iranian interests, respectively, after another aggravation of the palestinian-israeli conflict began conflict, yemen began to act in exactly the same way as other pro-iranian groups in... the region, that is, began to resist israeli interests in one way or another, in particular with rather modest forces and means, yemen managed to actually paralyze shipping in the red sea, commercial shipping, and thereby harm israeli economic interests, in addition, the yemeni houthis
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used ballistic missiles in order to organize attempts. american warships that are located in the region, and in general it’s even strange that the americans did not respond to these attempts for so long, but what do the american strikes that were carried out mean? last night on objects on the territory of yemen, this is certainly, on the one hand, and the desire to see how tehran will react to such aggressive actions is another fact of aggression against. state without discussion in the united nations, and even without discussion in the american congress, in fact, one cannot help but consider this blow in isolation from the context of the pre-elected situation in the united states of america and civil confrontation in american society, but the point is
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that such a strike is unlikely to provoke tehran to any emotional actions, to... and a significant increase in the level of opposition and confrontation, tehran is now demonstrating a rather restrained foreign policy in the region, there are also illegal american bases in syria, which are generally outside international legal framework, the americans arbitrarily, without asking anyone, neither the sovereign syrian government nor the united nations organization deployed military contingents on the territory of the syrian arab republic, so in syria too. pro-inran armed groups are organizing an attack on the americans, the americans, it should be noted, do not particularly advertise the losses and damage from these attacks, but there are losses and damage, so , apparently, iran will certainly respond to an attack on the ansar allah movement by intensifying attacks
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on american military targets , again in order not to enter into direct confrontation with the american one. troops, but at the same time it is unlikely that the blows that were inflicted on the american-british coalition were planes, i remind you that sea-launched cruise missiles were used , they are unlikely to stop the movement of ansar allah, a number of statements have already been made from official representatives of this movement that the actions of the emena to blockade commercial shipping in the red sea will continue and the strike will not affect plans of the yemeni houthis, russia in this situation once again appears before the world as a constructive country and a state whose main export potential lies in stability and respect for the sovereignty of others states, but now russia
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is offering additional logistical safe opportunities for organizing navigation along the northern sea. path and at the same time maintains a constructive political position, calling for a resolution of the palestinian-israeli conflict through the creation of a palestinian state next to the state of israel, but here ’s the main thing: the americans again used military force without discussion with the international community, this situation certainly cannot and even the allies of the united states like it america, which... are forced to remain silent, but of course, such indiscriminate use of military forces raises very serious... concerns, now there is news from the news agency marked urgently from the ministry of defense. in the kupinsky direction , over the course of a week, the russian armed forces
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improved the position along the front line in certain areas and repelled 27 attacks and counterattacks. the ministry of defense reports this. oil tankers are beginning to change routes around the red sea. at least four ships changed course after the strikes. usa and great britain on yemen. how does this news affect the global oil market? anna lazareva will talk about this. the most obvious consequence of the escalating conflict in the red sea is volatility in the oil market, as it is estimated that every tenth of the world's tons was transported along this route. the blows to yemen pushed quotes up; yesterday they added more than 2%. today it is already more than four. now the brand is trading above $80 per barrel, but this is far from the limit. and probably the most terrible scenario for the world oil market, this is if iran, as part of direct clashes with the western coalition with the united states, closes
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the strait of armu. the strait of armuz is the exit from the persian gulf. oil from iraq, kuwait, saudi arabia, lng from qatar flow through there, about 20 million barrels per day pass through there, that is, about 20% of global production in general. and if this artery is blocked for at least a week or... if iran does not block the strait of armuz, it will instead limit oil exports from the market in this way, about a million barrels per day could be consumed, experts say, then there is a risk of prices rising to $100 per barrel. this will have a huge impact on prices. politicians predict that the consequences could be worse than the crisis of the seventies, but still, for now this is only a potential risk; if the situation takes the path of escalation, the market will have to factor it into prices, and this is not
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only oil, it is also lng, exported from kator it goes to europe through the red sea, but at this stage we are not at that point yet. not only oil tankers, but also other commercial vessels come under fire from the houthis. against this background , the world's second largest container carrier maersk once again. postponed the full opening of the route through the red sea, they did not rule out that its stable operation may not resume for several more months. merchant ships traveling from europe to asia and back are forced to use more expensive and longer routes around south africa, an extra 800 km, although there is an alternative, and this is the northern sea route. through the svyatsky canal enough goes by, so to speak. large cargo turnover in order for all countries to feel, so to speak, an increase in delivery times, that is, and of course we in
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russia set ourselves the task of developing the northern sea route, and of course it would be quite beneficial for us if part ships went through snp, but so far international companies have chosen to bypass africa, to overpay for the freight and wait. longer delivery time for goods. shippers talk about supply disruptions and rising prices insurance and increased freight prices. according to the wall street journal, the cost of transporting a forty-foot container has almost doubled. for example, delivery from china to rotterdam will cost $3,500, an increase over the week of 115%. and there is now potential for further growth in rates, because in the covid years the cost of transportation was almost 10 times higher than. now an increase in transportation costs can affect a variety of sectors of the economy; not only oil, but also, for example, cars and food may begin to tremble, and this is fraught
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a new round of global inflation. we do not know. what exercises will get you in shape for the new year, but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable. bank ural sib. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. early on sunday morning, during the absolute parade, the children cried out: people, get up, everyone is going to vote, mom
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sonna said, let’s choose remotely. dad supported, we choose electronically, the woman said to her grandfather, i’m a father, i’ll go with you, but our generation loves papers and ballots, but the young generation electronica is modern, i am progress , not an opponent, hold your granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we ’ll go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, with our usual method, at the site, as usual, choose you in the country free
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of you from the collective russian railways for constant attention and support, good results in technological independence, a russian train from the swallow series was created, absolutely 100% ours. 21 subjects will receive new rolling stock produced here in russia at the end of the year will undergo certification and will be installed at we are putting into operation a new passenger car size at. it differs from the previous one in that it is 30 cm wider, which means that the shelf will be longer when such a car arrives, in december, that’s exactly the size from larger, yeah, but we’ve made very serious progress, vladimirevich, in modular stations in platforms, with ready-made materials, yes, yes, yes, with durability, with maintenance, they made
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a new modular station. our production is entirely ours, we plan to install 15 such stations, installation takes only 4 days, no capital foundation is needed, that is, it is possible quickly replicated, durable, yes, durable for 50 years, exactly what we wanted, well , with regard to freight transportation, for the transportation of container cargo, thank you very much, you have put us under control of the transportation of containers from the far east. the load is only about 60%, this was achieved due to the fact that the number of terminals increased from 6 to 17 in the far east, where trains are formed from gondola cars. 1,800,000 signatures have already been collected in support of vladimir putin. this was reported on the official website of his election headquarters. all 89 russian regions were taken to the central
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headquarters. the first batch of documents is being collected by representatives of the onf volunteer organizations and the united russia party throughout the country. let me remind you that the call center and public reception of the election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin have already started operating. by a single federal 24-hour multi-channel phone number 800-301-2185. russian citizens can submit their proposals to the candidate. you can also contact the public. the reception office is located in moscow at pokrovka building 47, open from 10:00 am to 17 pm, daily from tuesday to saturday, inclusive. this is the girl who ran into the restaurant, it turned out to be a great film, the film is very
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entertaining, i’m delighted. and we will raise this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​​​impression, now i will show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, well, everyone heard it, the audience applauded very often, everyone the audience laughed, wash where you can in the river, cool, well, i looked straight in one breath, everything was there inside, it was so good, it... it was interesting whether she would get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well , it’s simply great, he still has something, holob the first is my favorite movie, now there will be a new favorite film holob 2, we must be impeccable, simply awesome, then we’ll have to do the techniques, holob 2.


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