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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilis. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world.
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the capabilities of our country, development potential, the latest developments, all this is concentrated on the exhibition russia, every day regions present their achievements; on january 12 , the razan region talks about their successes.
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the center of the exhibition, because the festival is taking place here, the sky of russia , people who decided to watch this scene could not miss the opportunity to join us, tell me what your impressions are, amazing, it seems to me that this is the best platform among those i saw today, ryazan is generally just love, well, you see for yourself, in general, we decided to raise ryazan to the top again, in general, ryazan is a unique region, svetlana, here tell me. what’s special, i know that
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you have a real needlewoman, yes, the ryazan region, it is distinguished by folk arts and crafts, we really have a lot of craftsmen, one of our crafts is kademsky vinis, this is a unique craft that is distinguished by the fact that this is needle embroidery, it is very thin , handmade, it turns out to be such a unique lace that it cannot be unraveled, it can only be cut, that is, they are craftsmen...
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of our stand in general at the russian exhibition, according to legend, in ryazan in the ryazan region for the first time a person took off in a hot air balloon, the peculiarity of our country in general is its people, incredible people, patriots, hardworking citizens, can you? i want to show this column, this is an exact copy of the stucco molding of the assumption cathedral, which is located, the cathedral, which is located on... the territory of the ryazan kremlin, folk crafts are also presented here, tatyana nikolaevna, greetings, what are you weaving, good afternoon, this is unique craft, its homeland is the city of mikhailo, frezan region, as weaved 2 centuries ago, we preserve traditions, we practically do not change, we only change the color scheme, but we preserve the spirit that we inherited, and we try to pass it on to the future generation, which is what it is. the soul of russia is the business card
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of the ryazan region, thank you very much, it is truly the soul of russia, like the poetgenin whose poems are today. you read this here too, my dear russia, there was a blue fire, in fact , such a spiritual atmosphere, i have never seen such a spiritual atmosphere in all the time i worked at the exhibition in russia, so i definitely recommend coming here, like at least take a ride in a hot air balloon. artyom, thank you, sasha, yes, it’s really very sincere and technologically advanced too, thank you very much. so, my colleague alexandrafi told me about what the ryazan region came to the russian exhibition with. well, we continue. so, the bryansk region is a participant in the “great golden ring of russia” project. on its territory there are over four thousand historical and cultural monuments. one of the oldest is the holy dormition svensky monastery, founded in 1288. the
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regional day was opened by governor alexander bagomass, and he spoke about the achievements of his native land and invited residents and guests of the capital to visit the bryansk exposition. well, today was one of the surprises. the kaluga
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region is considered the birthplace of astronautics, because konstantin tsyalkovsky, the scientist inventor and founder of modern astronautics, worked here to perpetuate the memory of his activities on the koluga flag. its coat of arms contains an image of the first soviet satellite. today the region holds a high standard; it is here that major projects in education, industry, tourism and the social sphere are being implemented. well, in the first science city of obnensk , unique medical nuclear technologies are being developed. the central element of the exhibition is a technological copy of the installation of the universal mind and the art piece by nikola lenivets. for every age audience.
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good, kind, educated, trained, professional people , it is impossible to develop the economy, nor to develop education, not healthcare, the great tourism potential of the region in 2019, the kaluch region was chosen as the curator of the national project imperial route, projects that popularize the history of the house of romanov, we have on the inconator route. from almost 29 regions, and one of the first curators of our project for 2 whole years was the kaluga region, so we all became very friendly, we were united by charity events,
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today at vdnkh they opened another exhibition, the walk of fame, it is dedicated to shooting sports sports and fencing, the exhibition is a wall. glass stands containing the original gold medals won by our talented athletes at international competitions. here are the awards of the highest dignity of olympic champions, technical specialists stanislav poznyakov, sofia the great, olympic champion in field shooting lyubov galkina and olympic champion in clay pigeon shooting alexey alipov. the walk of fame is a project of the knowledge society. when i was studying with, i started playing sports, at my school there were photographs of the heroes of the moscow olympics hanging in the gym, it wasn’t even just medals, it’s just that even the photographs themselves were a motivational factor, and here there are real artifacts that , well, perhaps you can’t touch, but you can
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look at the voucher from all sides, so to speak , so i think that this will be a good motivating factor for our young compatriots to go in for sports and strive for excellence. the scientific director of the center for political conjuncture , alexey chesnakov, in the studio of the expert institute of social research at vdnh , also touched upon the topic of the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign. the political scientist presented an analysis of the current socio-political situation in the country and international relations, let's listen: for the first time this year, but in the presidential elections we will have remote electronic voting, not only three days, but electronic, all representatives of the political parties interested entered this territorial commission, that is, there will be such separate monitoring, separate observation via electronic voting. another interesting thing is that today at vdnkh there was a lecture “lessons from
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covid”. it was organized by the all-russian knowledge society. the speaker was nikolai durmanov, director of the anti-doping inspectorate russian olympic committee. the lecturer answered questions about whether there is protection against viruses of the future, what infections will fill the planet in 10 years, and whether it is possible to create a vaccine that will save humanity from danger. and also at the russian exhibition. launched virtual trips to the reserves of buryat, including the oldest in russia, burguzinsk on the shores of lake baikal. vdnkh guests will be able to get acquainted with the beauty of the region with the help of wearable glasses. thanks to technology, visitors will be able to see, for example, the ushkanye archipelago and the baikal seals in natural habitat. the virtual tours will run until january 14th. well, traditionally the number of the day:
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energy in the apartment before being deceived by scammers, but today the priority is still protecting the social rights of citizens, and the president especially noted this when congratulating veterans of the prosecutor’s office on their professional holiday. egora grigoriev has all the details. on the walls of the marble hall, where ceremonial events are held, there are portraits of all 32 prosecutor generals of tsarist russia. the gallery is opened, of course, by pavel yaguzhinsky, appointed by the sovereign's eye and named by peter great, it’s been the fourth century since then. the department guards the law and protects the rights and freedoms of citizens. at the festive meeting, representatives
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of the supervisory department from all over russia, the prosecutor's office 302, president vladimir putin thanked all employees for the multifaceted and effective work of all employees. behind every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material, rights are restored and, what is extremely important, people’s faith in the triumph of law and justice. and in this.
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contacts, as well as their family members. military prosecutors, serving in a special direction, are in their hands to ensure law and order in the army, protect the rights of our military, supervise compliance with defense orders, but the rights of ordinary citizens are equally important. the prosecutor's office responds to problems in the field of housing and communal services, resettlement of dilapidated emergency housing, and utility tariffs. an important area is the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. we helped large, low-income and single-parent families. cope with difficult life situations. close attention was paid to providing
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palliative care to young patients, including residents of orphanages and boarding schools. without the help of prosecutors , it is difficult to imagine the work of the legislative branch of government. this is not only about monitoring the implementation of adopted laws, but also an expert legal assessment of initiatives. over the past year , state duma deputies sent 18,500 appeals and parliamentary requests. to the prosecutor's office, each had a reaction: professionalism, responsible attitude to business, these are the traits of our prosecutors. relying on your conclusions, we can adjust laws, we can initiate new ones in order to effectively solve problems and protect the rights of our citizens. the high status of the prosecutor's office is, first of all, the result of your work and, in many ways, the personal merit of the prosecutor general of the russian federation , igor viktorovich krasnov. we
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pay great attention to the annual report of the prosecutor general, in it. the most complete information about the state of law and order in the country is always presented, on behalf of the president of russia, the government and federal assembly, those who especially distinguished themselves in service and veterans of the prosecutor's office were today presented with state and departmental awards and certificates of honor, this is already a good tradition. egor grigoriev, sergey truskov, dmitry matrosov, news. now it's time for economic news. russian airlines at the end of the year. transportation increased by 10%, 105 million people used their services, transport minister vitaly savelyev said. the result exceeded many forecasts, so the federal air transport agency expected passenger traffic at 103 million, the ministry of transport about 101. as prime minister mikhail mishustin previously stated, civil aviation has overcome the main difficulties associated with sanctions.
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there were 6,700,000 more individuals with brokerage accounts on the moscow exchange last year. and the total number is approaching 30 million - the trading platform reports. every month , an average of 3 million people entered into transactions on the stock market. in 2022 there were 2,200,000. investments of private investors in securities exceeded a trillion rubles. they allocated most of 715 billion to bonds. kamaz doubled its size net profit. in the twenty-third year , the company earned 13.5 million rubles. this is data from a report on international standards. revenue increased by a quarter to almost 167 billion. on this news, kamaz shares immediately grew by 4%. as previously reported, the company plans for the twenty-fourth year to produce 45,000 cars. and china has increased its car supplies abroad by almost 64%. in the twenty- third year, more than 4 million
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cars were exported. this was reported by the chinese association of automobile manufacturers. according to associated press, prc can. become the world's largest exporter, surpassing japan. russia has become the most important market for china. over 11 months , 840,000 cars, including trucks and buses, were sold to our country. it was economic news. short. french president emmanuel macron approved the composition of the government formed by the new prime minister gabriel ottalam. several leading ministers of the previous cabinet retained their posts. this is the minister of economy and finance, bruno lemaire, the minister of the interior , gerald dermanen, and the minister of defense, sebastian likurnu and the minister of justice, eric dzupun murithi. and of the curious appointments, stéphane sejournet, who became the head of the ministry of the fifth republic. he is the leader of the french president's renaissance party. and the new
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head of mead admits to his non-traditional sexual orientation and he was even there. another surprise in the political life of france is the appointment of rachida dati, she was minister of justice under president nicoul sarkazy. rachida dati is called the first arab woman in the french government, and she is also one of the few french politicians who positively belong to azerbaijan. dati repeatedly made statements in support of azerbaijan during the armenian-azerbaijani conflict.
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they warn that thirty-degree frosts will return to central russia this weekend. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobys center, evgei teshkovets. evgeniy, greetings. how much will the temperature drop in the capital region and when will it peak? good evening, in the moscow region it is quite possible to get -30 in some places, so insulate. you will see skiers on the streets of rostov on dano of course, not often, in the morning eleven-centimeter snowdrifts grew in the city, the air temperature is now. has already dropped to 8.5 minus. cars slipping is a traditionally difficult situation in winter weather on major highways, in particular on the m4-don federal highway. the following filming was done in
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crimea on the tavrida highway, where snow removal equipment was replaced today. snow charges passed over almost the entire peninsula, which is why accidents occur in simferol, snow cover 6 cm thick. the road to the aipetri plateau near yalta blocked. snow. even went to the southern coast of crimea in sevastopol. snow charges occurred in anapa, where according to the latest data it is already 0°, but on most of the black sea coast of kuban the temperature is still slightly positive and precipitation falls in the form of rain. in kudeps, for example, there were even floods. but on the passes near sochi, winter reigns. snowy roads to krasnaya polyana, cars fly into the ditch. descent from 960. bekha can’t get up, it’s rear-wheel drive, where he climbed onto the rear-wheel drive, currently the line
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cold atmospheric front, along which there are intense charges of snow with deterioration of visibility up to several kilometers, passes through the astrakhan region, kalmykia, stavropol and kuban. in the evening, the snowy storm will reach the republics of the north caucasus, where precipitation will continue until mid-saturday, plus change. thus, by the end of january 12, the entire russian plain will be in the arctic bag. coupled with the growing low-cloud anticyclone and the upcoming radiation cooling of the air, at night abnormal frosts will hit saturday. even in central russia, in some places the thermometer will drop to -25-30°. in the black earth region the average area is -20-25, between the rivers of the volga and don is not higher than -15-20. and the first frosts of the season will hit even subtropical sochi. during daylight hours, despite sunny and snowless weather, the european territory of russia, the urals and northwestern siberia
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will remain in the grip of abnormal cold. in central russia and the black earth region, the maximum thermometers at the peak of the day will not rise above -15-20. coldest of all it will be -20-25 in the volga region and in the extreme regions. slightly negative temperatures will be established even on the black sea. crimea and the caucasus. in moscow, power in the atmosphere has already passed to the anticyclone. it became clear that it was now about -15. in the late evening the temperature will drop to -18-20°. well, on saturday morning within the city it was down to -24. in some places it's 25:30 below zero in the region. tomorrow afternoon it will not be higher than -15-17. the night of the old new year will also be cold. in the center of the capital it is again -23-25. and with the coming of a new week. the warm influence of the atlantic will begin to snow. the temperature will not only return to normal, but also will even exceed it. well, the most striking illustration
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of stuzhe today is from yakutia. in conditions of extremely low temperatures , the coldest marathon on the planet took place at the russian cold pole, voymikon. before the start, the local weather station recorded a temperature of -55°. calm. we had to overcome 42 km in such harsh weather conditions. 13 men and two women, another 24 people ran half the distance. the winner of the fifth extreme marathon , the pole of cold, was twenty-four-year-old student konstantin dragunov. its result is 3:7 minutes. silver medalist of the tokyo olympics, as part of the russian team, fencer sergei bida intends to obtain us citizenship and compete for this national team at the olympic games in paris. his wife, also an artist violetta bida, plans to represent the united states. last summer they left russia for the united states, while sergei at that time was
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an ensign in the russian guard, and his wife violetta was an employee of the ministry of defense. our ministry of internal affairs has already put the couple on the international wanted list, but what threatens escaped athletes, our sports correspondent, danilo makhalin, will tell you about this. in russia, bida and his wife are legally facing prison time. imprisonment for up to 10 years due to unauthorized leaving of service, violation of the oath, at the time of departure they were listed in the moscow clubs of the law enforcement agencies dynamo and cska, but a few days before the onset of 2024, according to sergei’s mother elena grishina , they were fired. on december 29, they were both fired, and violetta and sergei were fired from the russian guard and they received a call from the hr department, the boss personnel department of the central district of the russian guard and reported that the command had decided to fire them, they assembled a commission in 3
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hours, they were fired, so they... and are no longer servicemen of the russian guard. at the tokyo olympics, sergei bida won silver in the team epee. his wife violetta didn’t even get into the medals then. now she is completely pregnant and will not be able to perform at the games in paris, but she is declaring some freedoms suddenly gained overseas. we are ready to compete for the usa. when i set foot on american soil, i felt freedom. according to usa today, fugitive epee fencers are already waiting to receive an american one.
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case, for propaganda purposes, all this will be canceled, i don’t know exactly how it looks in the fencing federation, but in many other federations, if suddenly some athlete takes the place of another athlete unexpectedly outside the competition, outside the selection, then he simply applies for him in bitches. sergei violetta didn’t let anyone in on his plans and even framed him, thus the coach alexander glazunov, who put so much effort and knowledge into them, was fired due to flight wards in the usa. without agreement with the federation, the last time we communicated with him, we congratulated him on the new year, and well , we only discussed that they were fired from the russian guard, nothing more, this information, in general , was quite unexpected for me today, we heard that they were offered some cookies, the main thing is that they don’t choke on them, this is not a loss for russia. bida was quickly admitted to the us fencing championship, where
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konstantin, who had previously left for the ocean, was also present. to a big interview with the bbc, where they they talked in a breathy voice about how hard it was for them in russia, it was like being stabbed with a sword, only in the back, which is prohibited in fencing. daniil makhalin, karen melikyan, news!
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russia, turkey and other countries condemned the us and british strikes against the houthis.
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the press secretary of the russian president , dmitry peskov, called them a disproportionate use of force. our country has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council on this topic. meanwhile, in the capital of yemen, tens of thousands of people demonstrated after air raids in the us and uk. protests are held in other major cities. according to the west, more than 60 targets were hit during the night. the husset leadership emphasized that these attacks will not go unanswered, according to the spokesman. all hostile targets on land and sea will be under threat of attack. guardian analysts predicted that with this attack biden could provoke a large-scale regional war. and despite the fact that in words, the us president wanted to avoid it, and the pentagon hastened to declare that america was not going to send additional forces to the middle east. between however, the united states will have few allies in this confrontation. washington tried to persuade arab countries to join the operation
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against the houthis. but as the westerners write.


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