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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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we got used to watching videos, everything stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. i care whether i will cover you, i don’t want anything, temporary musicians, well, the bryansk region is a participant in the project, the big golden ring of russia, on its territory there is over...
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russia knows alexander perfilyev at the exhibition, she looked at the stand of the bryansk region, she definitely has something tell and sasha, the floor is yours, yes, artyom, greetings, we always have something to tell, and not only to tell, but to show, today is one of the days of the bryansk region, so let me now show you that the stand presented is impossible not to notice this large atv, which is like once... assembled in
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the bryansk region, in the city of zhukovka, this is the latest model, they whispered to me 69 horsepower, these are such beauties here, how are you in the mood, okay, you’ve already tried to drive it, well, it won’t start, well, almost, yes , and you’re like, okay, you’re wearing five, so i wasn’t shy, so let’s move on, i can’t help but mention that bryansk is a city of partisan glory. it was the partisan movement that played a big role and made a big contribution to the victory of the great patriotic war, here is a small piece of the partisan dugout, i’ll ask you to show alina what’s inside, let ’s try to travel back to that time, i immediately see the red banner, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, let's see what 's here, we also have machine guns and guns in the dugout, let's go in. partisan
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christmas tree, christmas tree, obviously, what is this, what is it for? this used to be used for sharpening razor knives, there is a partisan behind you , well, the layout is clear, yes, this is a stove where food used to be heated, everyday life was kept warm, so to speak, i see a sheepskin coat, i see felt boots, but now in...
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especially the cabin, well, everyone really likes it , tell me, what are your impressions? it ’s already late in the evening, but i see that it’s still interesting for whole families, yes, yes, very interesting. well, you see true emotions, it’s so great for you, well, that’s how it is, artyom, well, in fact , the stand of the bryansk region is sharing these achievements, i give you the floor, thank you very much, sasha for the informative story, i listened, thank you. so, my colleague alexandra perfileva spoke about what achievements the lavryansk region presented at the russian exhibition, and we continue: the kaluga region is considered the birthplace of astronautics, because konstantin tsalkovsky, a scientist, inventor and founder of modern astronautics, worked here. to perpetuate the memory of his
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activities on the flag of koluga and its coat of arms there is image of the first soviet satellite. today the region holds a high standard; major education projects are being implemented here. industry, tourism, social sphere, and in the first science city of obnensk , unique medical and nuclear equipment is being developed. so, the central element of the exhibition is a technological copy of the installation of the universal mind and artark by nikola lenivets. each age audience has its own interactive zones. a construction set, a puzzle, a bike ride with tolkovsky, but... in the cinema shows films and tv series. our people are talented, if we are talking about great scientists or very qualified workers, if we are talking about artists or qualified, wonderful teachers, doctors, people are the foundations
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of our life, we understand perfectly well that without good, kind, educated , trained, professional people can neither develop nor develop the economy. great tourism potential of the region in 2019 kaluga region was chosen as the curator of the national project imperial route, a project that popularizes the history of the romanov dynasty. we already have almost 29 regions on the imperial route, and one of the first curators of our project. for 2 whole years there was a kaluga region, so we all became very friendly, we were united by charity events. and the figure of the day, the ryazan region is implementing 95 investment projects with
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a funding volume of 270 billion rubles. and this is more than 20 thousand jobs. the head of the region, pavel molkov, spoke about this today. in this week we told you about the main events with vd'.
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we occupy second place in terms of freight turnover, third place in operational length, fourth place in passenger turnover, well, india and china understand why they have a large population, japan has always focused on railway transport, so they also have a high population. indicators, but today’s high places are the daily work of the team. we have already succeeded in creating a new modular station. production takes place in two regions, in st. petersburg and chechnya. lifetime 50 years, while the structure
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can be assembled in just 4 days. there are already plans to install 15 such stations. also created is a completely domestic train from the swallow series, and new passenger carriages are of the same size. will become more comfortable, they will be 30 cm wider, which means the shelf will be longer, not 1 m 83, but 2 m. there will also be additional space for passage through the carriage, when is such a carriage? will be in december, that's exactly the size from larger, very serious progress has been made, in modular stations on platforms, these are traditionally small platform stations, the problem for us is the maintenance, and how they are materials, yes, yes, yes, with durability, with maintenance, a separate important area for the country’s economy is the transportation of container cargo from distant... east, as oleg belozerov noted, now loading is about 60%.
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it was possible to increase the figure due to an increase in the number of terminals from 6 to 17 in the far east. as a result, this work also helps to increase freight traffic on transport corridors. a very important question that you always pay attention to is development of transport corridors. all corridors, dear vladimir vladimirovich, give growth, everything. uh, east - + 5%, overall, exports + 7%. transportation with china is a separate issue. you noticed that there will be an increase in trade turnover with china of more than 200 billion. we see this in the volume of traffic. work to modernize border crossings, as well as the use of new modes and technologies at checkpoints, also helps to increase cargo turnover. another important trend is the growth in the volume of cargo delivered. by rail to the ports exports, if previously the figure was 40%, now it is already 78. let me remind you that the goal has been set to increase
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the throughput capacity of the eastern training ground, and as oleg belozerov noted at the meeting with the president, including now using innovative technologies, we are talking about heavy traffic, for example, on the eastern range by 17%, increase for trains with increased weight. the head of russian railways recalled that the investment program is approximately 1,200 billion rubles. the key issue is construction at the eastern site. 1.800 thousand signatures have already been collected in support vladimir putin. this was reported on the official website of his election headquarters. all 89 russian regions delivered the first batches of documents to the central headquarters. representatives of the volunteer organizations united popular front and the united russia party continue to collect signatures throughout the country. in the dpr, they also work in the center of donetsk, in one of the shopping and entertainment centers.
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united russia volunteers help residents fill out subscription forms. among those who have already signed are doctors and young people who participate in development projects in the donetsk people's republic. in the krasnodar territory , documents can be processed at thirteen sites. one of the most popular regional public reception centers of united russia. they also come to express their civic position.
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moscow region, the minister of defense inspected production workshops and observed the process of assembling high-precision weapons . anastasia efimova has all the details. according to the results of 2023, the enterprise has fully completed, since the beginning of the special military operation, the volume of production of high-precision ammunition for the most popular nomenclatures has been increased fivefold. the head of the tactical missile weapons corporation reported this to the minister of defense, sergei shaigu, and inspected the production workshops and the assembly process. our productivity has increased by 40%. this means that our production volumes are comparable. by the twenty-second year we grew three times in the twenty-fourth year we plan to increase the capacity even more compared
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to i, in this case i’m asking how to produce taking into account the emergence of new machines in our country it’s clear that you ’ve increased vybysk production threefold, yes, and at the same time, you’ve increased the number of people, two, you’ve increased the machine park , and in general, you can imagine how many machines we have, and the productivity of which we have. they work without weekends and holidays, the machines do not stop for a minute, the shift is at 12:00, a twelve-hour shift for workers is an increase in wages for the enterprise , productivity for the country in the volume of high-precision weapons, one hundred percent localization, as reported to the minister, quote,
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we do everything at home, and therefore necessary for the front will definitely be delivered. and this potential is only growing. last year, the latest models of precision-guided ammunition were put into production; they, as well as promising weapons, were presented to the minister of defense. tactical missiles corporation has developed precision- guided air-to-ground munitions. sergei shaigu recalled this at a separate meeting following the results of the work. we manage
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correction planning modules for equipping free-falling reaction bombs with a caliber of 250-500 and the final stage of testing the created system of unified high-precision noise-resistant ammunition is being implemented. in addition, the corporation solved the problem of increasing the accuracy of the impact of ammunition and organized the serial production of controlled modules, planning the correction of controlled modular glide bombs control units for. the head of the department regularly visits defense enterprises throughout the country, personally checks the implementation of state defense orders and inspects workshops. among the tasks set by the minister today is not only to increase production, but and modernize it, in other words, transfer those lines of conventional ammunition, which are already produced in abundance, into the category of high-precision ones, because, as sergei shaigu reminded,
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the main combat work today is carried out not on areas, but on... specific targets. anastasia efimova. news. great britain was the first of the seven countries to provide ukraine with the security guarantees provided for in the declaration of the july summit in vilnius. with details boris ivanin. british prime minister rishi sunok went to ukraine by train. instead of luggage, i brought a team to kyiv military advisers a weighty package. a new package of military assistance, which includes long-range missiles, air defense systems, ammunition for... artillery, drones. the announcement of 10 downing street is impressive. the uk is already one of ukraine's closest partners, because we recognize that its security is our security. today we are going further, increasing our military assistance, delivering thousands of cutting-edge drones, and signing a historic new security agreement to give ukraine the assurances it needs. for the long term. the new package
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contains £2.5 billion worth of weapons, which is more than london spent supporting kiev during the entire ukrainian conflict. this reflects the seriousness of the situation and our determination. i support ukraine, which is why i am making my first foreign visit this year to kiev. i want to send a signal of support to the ukrainian people. a frantic attempt to come to the aid of zelensky at a time when supplies from the united states have completely dried up. we issued the last aid package for which we had financing. and so it is critically important that congress approve the additional national spending request.
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assistance to ukraine has already amounted to 1% of gdp, which is 600 million euros. i also informed the president of ukraine that a new aid package is on the way, which includes howitzers and 155mm artillery ammunition. there is also an anti-tank defense system, missile launchers, all-terrain vehicles, helicopters, and drones. but all baltic parcels risk being lost in ukraine just like american ones. the us cannot find about 60% of the sent help. weapons and equipment do not penetrate. according to the serial numbers in the databases , the pentagon inspector general discovered, that is , the weapons have left warehouses overseas, whether they have come to ukraine is a big question, information from kiev arrives with long delays, so as not to write the word lost, the us department of defense calls these weapons are, quote, expired. the countdown does not specify exactly how many of the 39,139 pieces of high-risk equipment
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that were transferred to ukraine were considered overdue, but potential losses are estimated at about $1 billion of the total value of weapons sent to ukraine, which is 1.69%. billion dollars, where the billion dollars went, they tried to find out in the london insider publication; the journalistic investigation led to the czech republic and slovakia. according to reporters, it is there that immigrants from ukraine are engaged in smuggling weapons and cutting western trenches. with a high degree of probability, the united states and the european union themselves are involved in this. for example, 100,000 shells were intended for the ukrainian armed forces, but never got there arrived. this is just one contract worth $35 million. it is not surprising that discontent is growing in the west.
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weapons in ukraine, more careful accounting is needed there, but in the white house, where they are asking congress for new spending, they have already admitted their helplessness to check every american shell on the ukrainian front line or , taking into account large-scale corruption and smuggling of ammunition. boris ivanin and dmitry krasnoyarsky, news. tomorrow in taiwan there will be elections for the head of the administration and elections to the legislative yuan - this is the island's parliament. of course, there is a lot of noise around these elections; loud statements are being made in the united states and, of course, in
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china. in particular, the states said they oppose any outside interference in taiwan's elections. the state department representative also noted the us's confidence in the reliability of democratic processes in taiwan. william leitzend is now considered the leader. current deputy chief executive of taiwan and candidate of the democratic progressive party. however, experts believe that if he wins, an armed conflict with china is inevitable, because once elected, the cnd will likely become more active in promoting taiwan's independence. well, the united states has already announced that after the elections it will send an unofficial delegation to taiwan, although nothing is yet known about the timing of the trip or the composition of the delegation. in relations with china - you know this. a white glove is an open challenge to china, look, we do what we want, we recognize taiwan, we will strengthen our
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military-political and economic interaction with taiwan. the united states wants to provoke china into these aggressive actions. and i think that china will now try to save face, as is customary in asia. the situation around. in taiwan escalated after a visit to the island in early august 2022 by the speaker of the us house of representatives , nancylos. china, which considers the island one of its provinces, condemned pelos' visit. accused the united states of supporting taiwanese separatism and conducted large-scale military exercises. let me remind you that official relations between the central government of china and its island province were interrupted in 1949. business and informal contacts between the island and mainland china resumed only at the end of eight. years. beijing does not recognize the region's sovereignty and is jealous of contacts with it in other countries. insists on the one-china policy, which implies that taiwan is an integral
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part of the country's territory, the prc authorities are the only legitimate government. there are situations when... only a big burger with tender chicken can save you . a big chicken burger with a large tender chicken breast fillet in a crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and signature sauce. try again the new big chicken mushroom burger is delicious , period. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy electronics with cashback up to 50%. we take cherkizov, cut it, bake it until the chicken is delicious. cherkizovo from meat from our own farms. this is our usual ivanovo morning. i want
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there to be more of us, these are my best evenings, the pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness, national demography project, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, prizes for million and a jackpot of 800 million, hurry up for tickets, prodexpo is the largest exhibition in russia for food professionals. market, food drinks for retail and horiki, we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the expocenter on krasnaya presnya. ticket on the website rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, twist once. and only then confirm the payment. before february 4, order from avita for delivery from one ruble. check that the product
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suits you, and then. confirm payment for thousands of holiday discounts in magnet oil 6999, well how are you having a cold, i ’ll report it, we can handle it together, but first, booclean in the format of tablets or powder for a warm drink, a cheeseburger or chickenburger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point, i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter. games of the future, subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy
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women's clothing. maria zakharova called the expulsion of russians from latvia a sign, as the official representative of the foreign ministry emphasized, russia is ready to provide all measures of support to compatriots. oh anton potkovenko will tell you how far the latvian authorities have gone with their russophobia. i received an official document from the latvian ministry of internal affairs that i am subject to eviction, says boris katkov, head of the latvian russian cooperation association. he is 82, border guards came to the pensioner and gave him an hour
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to get ready. based on the fact that i... security is obviously just an excuse, like ignorance of the latvian language at a2 level, according to the requirements of the new immigration law, a pretext for the expulsion of 1167 russians from latvia. it's just what they did nazis and fascists in relation to national groups and groups of certain faiths and religions in the thirties in western europe, simply in a new hybrid format, but the essence.
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the same thing: segregation of people based on nationality. russophobia, already close to fascism, has been cultivated in latvia for a long time, in the media, on social networks, including such odious and once media characters in russia as bozhena rynska, who calls russians, quote, “animals.” by the way, she speaks latvian poorly, she herself admitted in the same interview, but such ardent of course, riga will not expel the haters of our country, or not? brazhenya should not delude herself, no matter how... she publicly phobics russia, no matter how she dances, taking advantage of the misfortunes of the russian-speaking population of latvia and the baltic states as a whole, this will not save her, but she will follow, she will also be kicked out, because there were such bad people enough, we remember the story from the foreign tv channel - the rain, the total hatred of riga for everything russian is emphasized by what is more...


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