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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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and according to another, the woman could have been kidnapped and later killed. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels, the duty department, an honest detective, follow with us. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . nato called yemen’s night attack defensive. true, this interpretation did not suit everyone. in washington , a rally of thousands took place near the white house demanding to stop the emerging conflict. how will the houthis respond to western aggression? russian troops thwarted another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to land on left bank of the dnieper. kiev continues to send manpower to suicidal assaults. meanwhile ours. read more about the situation on the fronts.
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the us piggy bank is empty, britain is unpacking its reserves. prime minister rishi sunok arrived in kiev and promised a tranche of more than $3 billion. by the way, we also signed an agreement on security guarantees. let's figure out what kind of document this is. and new, completely domestic electric trains, modular stations and an increase in freight traffic, the head said. what awaits passengers? the united states is not are interested in a ground operation in yemen, the white house announced this amid night attacks by the united states and great britain on houthi targets. the ansar allah movement vowed to retaliate; on friday it was reported that a missile had been fired, albeit unsuccessfully , at a british cargo ship in the gulf of adina.
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usa, another war live. columns of fire.
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the united states is making it clear that there is no need to aggravate the conflict with the help of this strike force. the fact that the united states is once again attacking an independent state in the middle east, without un sanctions, not a word. the illegality of what is happening is traditionally masked by the format of a certain coalition, where washington has convened the obedient and trusted. biden is expected to make televised addresses until the last moment, but the american president, who has spent the last 20 days in public at most. hour, here it is limited to a written statement, the progress of the strikes is controlled by the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, from his hospital bed, a piquant situation, to put it mildly. today, at my direction, the us military, together with the uk, with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands have successfully struck a number of targets in yemen used by houthi rebels to threaten freedom of navigation on one of the world's most important waterways. if
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necessary, i will not hesitate to take further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international trade. to listen to biden, america has entered with one foot into a new defensive war, which the states, for some reason, are again waging thousands of kilometers from their borders. along the key sea routes for them, where, apparently, due to a historical misunderstanding , the houthis are located and are being attacked in order to get to iran. it is important to remember that everything is expensive. in the middle east lead to iran. we must make iran and all its proxies understand that they will have to pay a price for what they are doing. thus we are on the way to initiate a policy of containment in this region. the american hawks , of course, liked everything that was happening and were ready to get up at any time of the day or night. the us deep state dreams of a big war with tehran decades, but voices of defiance are sounding louder and louder. biden is criticized by his own
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party members, especially the left wing of the democrats. the president needed to come to congress before striking the houthis in yemen and dragging us into another conflict nearby.
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the united states and its allies do not want to see the situation in gas, despite the efforts of russia and a number of arab countries, nothing was mentioned in the latest security council resolution. according to emin, today, on the initiative of our country,
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an urgent meeting will be held at the un again. valentine bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria egorova, news from new york. the attacks of the american-british coalition did not come as a surprise to yemen. even the day before, the houthi rebels transferred some of their weapons to reserve storage sites and announced general mobilization in the provinces they controlled. yemen today, like a patchwork quilt, is divided between various groups, the main force of which can rightfully be considered the ansar allah movement, those same houthis. they control the western part of the country where the majority live population, including the capital sanaa. it is for this reason...
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we have already gotten used to the fact that we have a war in yemen, people shouted the death of america, there is anger, there is irritation and a readiness to mobilize against the americans. the targets of the attack, as reported by the pentagon, were radars, air defense systems, warehouses, as well as launch sites for drones and missiles, although, judging by the footage of the night bombings, damage was still caused to the ansar allah group, affecting its combat effectiveness as a whole. the usa and allies, not to say significantly influenced, but greatly angered the houthis, who are now threatening washington and london with retribution for their actions. the yemeni armed forces will not hesitate to strike at the sources of the threat. this brutal aggression will not
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stop yemen from standing in support of the palestinian people. our armed forces confirm that they will continue to stop israeli ships and vessels heading to the ports of the occupied area. and these are clearly not empty threats; the houthis also have a wide range of attack drones and several types of anti-ship missiles, like their own, so iranian production. considering the military capabilities of the houthis, the words of the yemeni rebels , the us high military command should listen, because the targets of retaliatory strikes by the ansar allah movement could be not only coalition ships in the red sea, but also american military bases located in neighboring countries. within radius. the defeat of the ballistic missiles that the uhuthis are armed with, the entire arabian peninsula and the persian gulf countries, including the largest american base in the middle east, aludet, located on territory of qatar, in this conflict the countries of the region, if not on the side of the houthis, are certainly not against them. thus, among
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the regional players, only bahrey supported the us operation. key countries in the region, such as saudi arabia or the united arab emirates, remained on the sidelines. the americans have already tried to put an end to the houthis. in mid -2010 with the help of the same saudi arabia, which for several years experienced a response from the yemeni rebels, who attacked oil fields and refineries in the territory with drones. connecting the east to the west, through which 12% of world trade passes, and the operation of the strait is the most important transport corridor, the united states, seemingly aimed at protecting commercial shipping, clearly had the opposite effect. world markets reacted quickly, oil prices began to rise, setting new records this year. oranyly bir eylem. they have used disproportionate force, they are trying to turn the red sea into a sea of ​​blood. israel
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is doing the same in palestine. the attack on yemen was condemned by the iranian foreign ministry. attack of the usa and great britain on several yemeni cities is arbitrary and a clear violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity. the yemeni ansar allah movement, a shiite group, is essentially one of the main iranian allies in the middle east. therefore, we can say with confidence that the strikes against the houthis are nothing more than... against iranian forces in the region, aimed at the military infrastructure of tehran and a kind of test of the reaction to what is happening on the part of the same islamic revolutionary guard corps, if it follows , then this will most likely happen in the same syria or iraq, where the forces of shiite groups will come under attack from the american contingents in these countries, as for a direct clash between washington and tehran, such a scenario is now unlikely to be needed by either side. alexander bilibov, dmitry cherbakov. denis sokolov, leading the middle east. oil tankers are beginning
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to change routes around the red sea. at least four ships changed course after us and british strikes on yemen. how does this news affect the global oil market? anna lazareva will tell you. the most obvious consequence of the escalating conflict in the red sea is volatility in the oil market, as it is estimated that every tenth of the world's tons was transported along this route. the strikes on yemen pushed. up, yesterday they added more than 2%, today it’s already more than four. now the brand is trading above $80 per barrel, but this is far from the limit. and probably the most terrible scenario for the global oil market is if iran , as part of a direct clash with the western coalition with the united states, cuts off strait of armus. through the strait of armuz is the exit from the persian gulf. oil from iraq, kuwait, saudi arabia, lng from iskatar pass through, about twenty pass through there. million barrels per day, well, that is, about 20% of global production in general, and if this
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artery is blocked for at least a week or two, then this will already be a shock for world markets, and we will see prices there of $150 per barrel, and gas prices will be measured in thousands of dollars per 1.00 cubic meters. there is another less dramatic scenario: if iran does not will block the armuzh strait and instead limit oil exports. about a million barrels per day could leave the market in this way, they say. experts, then there is a risk of prices rising to $100 per barrel. this will have a huge impact on prices. analysts predict that the consequences could be worse than the crisis of the seventies, but still this is only a potential risk. if the situation takes the path of escalation, the market will have to factor it into prices, and this is not only oil, it is also lng, the export of which from kator to europe it goes through the red sea, but at this stage we are not at that point yet. houthi shelling hits not only oil tankers, but also other commercial vessels. against this background, the second largest container
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carrier in the world, mayersk, has once again postponed the full opening of the route through the red sea. they did not rule out that his stable work may not resume for several more months. merchant ships traveling from europe to asia and back are forced to use more expensive and longer routes around south africa. this is an extra 8.00 km. although. there is an alternative, and this is the northern sea route. a sufficiently, so to speak, large cargo turnover passes through the soviet canal for all countries to experience, so to speak, an increase in delivery times, that is, and of course, we in russia set ourselves the task of developing the northern sea route, and of course however, it would be quite beneficial for us if some of the ships went through. but so far, international companies are choosing, strictly speaking, to bypass africa, to overpay, strictly speaking, for
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please expect longer delivery time for goods. shippers are talking about supply disruptions, rising insurance prices and rising freight prices. according to the wall street journal, the cost of transporting a forty-foot container has almost doubled. for example, delivery from china to rotterdam will cost $3,500, rising over the week 115. there is now potential for further growth in rates, because in the covid years the cost of transportation was almost 10 times higher than the current cost of transportation. .. a variety of sectors of the economy, it may not begin to tremble only oil, but also, for example, cars and food, and this is fraught with a new round of global inflation. within a week, russian troops took more advantageous positions in the zaporozhye and kupinsky directions, thwarted the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to transport sabotage groups to the left bank of the dnieper, shot down a ukrainian fighter,
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an attack aircraft for the first time, and two american-made malt air-guided missiles. this is true. so-called decoys, false targets that distract the attention of air defense. interception will help study the control system in order to distinguish them from missiles with live projectiles. and what else did the ministry of defense say about the results for the week? in the period from january 6 to january 12, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 23 group strikes using high- precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, including hypersonic dagger aircraft missile systems, as well. unmanned aerial vehicles, for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine engaged in the production, modernization and repair of aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles vehicles, armored vehicles, launchers of missile systems and artillery systems. more than $3 billion, the largest package of military assistance to ukraine was announced by london. british prime minister richa sunok not only
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made this decision, but also announced it during a visit to kiev. he arrived against the backdrop of a temporary refusal with... hurried inside, by the way, the marinsky palace in kiev, where the meeting took place, a striking example of russian baroque, was built by order of empress elizabeth petrovna, and catherine ii stayed here. now it's everywhere british flags. and in the interiors, created under the direction of kostroma architect ivan michurin, rishi sunok boasted about what weapons against the russians
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the new package of military aid from london would include. this package includes. themselves even more air defense systems, anti-tank weapons, long -range missiles, thousands of artillery shells. we will also train thousands of ukrainian military men and women. this package contains 200 million pounds of sterling for the production of drones. this will be the largest batch of drones transferred to ukraine any country. such voluminous luggage, however, so far only on paper, was brought to kiev by train. new aid package worth £2.5 billion, more than london. spent on supporting kiev throughout the conflict, but now britain has also tied ukraine to an agreement on security guarantees. i am proud that president zelensky and i have signed a new security agreement that will form the basis of a partnership between our two countries that will last for hundreds of years. this is the first bilateral agreement on security guarantees from the series
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of agreements that were promised to kiev by thirty countries at last year’s summit in vilnius. agreement, though not for 100 years , but only for 10, and nowhere in the document does it say about britain’s direct participation in the conflict with russia or about the deployment of koroev troops on ukrainian territory, however, in gratitude, zelensky awarded rishisunok the order of freedom, and he also received the same his predecessor, boris johnson. the verkhovna rada of ukraine hastened to swear allegiance to london, unfurling the union jack directly over podium, although everyone understands, sunak’s sudden visit, a frantic attempt to come to...
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aid sent, weapons and equipment do not get through the serial numbers in the databases, the pentagon inspector general found, that is , the weapons have left warehouses overseas, have they arrived? ukraine is
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a big question, information from kiev comes with long delays, so as not to write the word lost, the us department of defense calls these weapons, quote, expired. the count does not specify exactly how many of the 39,139 pieces of high-risk equipment which were. in ukraine are recognized as overdue, but potential losses are estimated at about $1 billion out of the total value of weapons sent to ukraine, which is $1.69 billion. london insider tried to find out where the billion dollars went. journalistic investigation led to the czech republic and slovakia. according to reporters, it is there that immigrants from ukraine are engaged in smuggling weapons and cutting western trenches. with a high probability.
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for astronomical amounts that over the past year were allocated to the kiev regime, did these amounts help achieve any results? the answer is quite obvious, and many, including those overseas, see this answer. obviously, this will not add to the resolve of the american congress to approve new spending to support the kiev regime. 61 billion dollars are still pending there, as the new york times ironically says, given the large-scale corruption and arms smuggling in ukraine, more careful accounting is needed there, but in the white house.
10:23 pm
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railways is fulfilled. years, the results of the company's activities over all these years were discussed today in the kremlin. vladimir putin met with the head of russian railways oleg belozerov on the agenda: increasing traffic volumes and technological development independence, and also a new carriage with increased dimensions. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to thank you on behalf of the russian railways team for your constant attention and support. good results in technological independence. a russian train from the series was created. swallow absolutely 100% our 21 subjects will receive new rolling stock production in russia at the end of the year will undergo certification a new passenger car of at size will be put into operation in our country, it differs from the previous one in that it is 30 cm wider, which means what the shelf will be longer when such a carriage arrives
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in december, that’s it. 50 years is exactly what we wanted, well, with regard to freight transportation, vladimirich, for the transportation of container cargo, thank you very much, you put us under control of the transportation of containers from the far east, the load is only about 60%, this was achieved due to the increase the number of terminals from 6 to 17 on the far side.
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anna voronina will tell you more about them. rehabilitation of military veterans, exoskeletons, classes for troubled teenagers and even veente language festival. to participate in the foundation competition. non-profit organizations, and this year there were especially many applications in support of family values. if projects related to family support traditionally occupied fifth and sixth place, they have now confidently taken third place. the first place is social support, the second is healthcare, there are quite a few
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related projects. with the help and rehabilitation of children who were injured during a special military operation, there are many such projects, which means that projects have already reached third place in the family sphere, this time more than 4 billion rubles were allocated to support ngo initiatives for the development of civil society through the federation, about 3.5 billion more will be allocated by the regions, the winners themselves promise to attract additional resources of almost 4 billion rubles, but notes that the presidential the grant... gives a special boost. this is not the first time that igor shatunov’s charity project has participated in the competition. in 2016, his team started with simple food collection. now they are preparing full hot meals for those in need. every day at we have a new menu, today we are preparing liver ovada, this is the food that will go just in time to our charges. we prepare up to 500 set meals a day. thanks to the presidential grants fund, food
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assistance began to be provided in 147 cities. russia, in moscow, lower.


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