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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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hello, international review is on air in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. event of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. new war with the houthis. in response to the attacks by naval vessels, the us struck their positions. brix is ​​growing
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with new countries, while india has quarreled with the maldives. materials of our program. conflict in the horn of africa. ethiopia reached the sea. somalia is very unhappy. the us and uk launched strikes on yemen, as they say, in self-defense. the houthis attacked an american warship, and at all. pose a threat to global shipping in the red sea, they remind in washington and london. the arab monarchies of the gulf do not sympathize with their neighbors, but they are afraid of what the company will lead to. saudi arabia and the united arab emirates have been fighting the houthis since the middle of the last decade. nothing comes of it. the use of force did not bring any success to the arab coalition in almost 9 years of war. the territory that is controlled.
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you can certainly be 100% sure that an answer will be given, perhaps some, some damage will be caused to this group, and this damage will also be a great moral damage to the leading role of the united states, which wants to consolidate its dominance in the red we, the pussites , take all this into account, the current war of time, which destroyed the infrastructure of yemen and created a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented scale, which is greater...
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iran, until now it seemed that neither side wanted a big regional war, but at some point the logic of the confrontation begins to work on its own, you won’t jump out, but remember, from january 1, iran, like saudi arabia, the emirates, egypt and ethiopia, members brix, this is an interesting situation, extremely interesting. brix appeared in
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june 2006 on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic forum. informally , the association then consisted of brazil, russia, india and china, and was called brik. this word is similar to the english brick. the term itself was first used in 2001 by british economist jim anil. he applied it to those countries that had high rates of development. later the term came into use by the corporation.
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economic systems, they occupy more than a quarter of all land in the world, they are inhabited by almost half of the world's total population, total gdp exceeds 30%.
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in being part of this transformation, but in the political conflict that is unfolding between large countries, the usa and china, the usa and russia, egypt does not intend to participate, it does not intend to participate in the conflict, but it is cunning to take advantage of the opportunities that it opens . the trouble
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is that in addition to the west-east confrontation, there are masses of regional ones, just inside brix plus: china, india, iran, saudi arabia. to some extent iran-emirates. egypt, ethiopia is also without tenderness. and if you add those where countries are involved outside the framework of the organization, there are fireworks. moscow faces a difficult mission in the year of its chairmanship. but that is the meaning of the world without hegemony that we strived for, everyone for themselves. we must look for solutions, again, original ones in each specific case. will learn. an amazing quarrel flared up between the brix letter i, india and the beloved part of our compatriots , the maldives. prime minister narendra modi visited the union territory of lakshadweep, an archipelago in
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ocean, which the indians intend to turn into a luxury resort, a competitor to the maldives. in response, maldivian clerks from the ministry of tourism. they called modi a clown and an israeli puppet. the power of cancel culture has been unleashed on our ungrateful neighbors. cricket and bollywood stars urge people not to travel to the maldives. travel platforms are stopping bookings; airlines are canceling flights. the clerks were fired, they apologized, but where did they go? the wave is growing. at this point the president of the maldives took a pose: we will not succumb to blackmail. and also turned, it’s scary to say, to china, send tourists to replace the indian apostates, and newley only needs that, chinese mercenaries, as we knew. conflict in the spirit of the times. the fighting is propaganda and economic.
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the center is purely commercial in interest. india wants to refocus its tourism flow. the maldives has been exposed to a propaganda campaign. thank you. gave a reason, but behind this looms another layer, the rivalry of major powers in the indian ocean, and this, together with the pacific, is now the main strategic space of the world. the united states has more military bases than all other countries in the world combined. the largest of them, norfolk, is located on the atlantic coast in virginia. 10 berths with... the main placement centers are japan, south
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korea, australia and oceania. japan is still in the middle, the pentagon has an extensive network of military bases, this is several hundred. pearl harbor is the largest naval base in the pacific ocean, and the headquarters of the us pacific fleet is also located there. australia currently has three points: intelligence center wales springs and bases in exmouth in darwin, on the island of guam in the ocean is located the naval base apra-har, the permanent home of los angeles-class nuclear submarines patrolling the pacific ocean. larger. the us base on the red sea is cample magnier, located in djibouti. it appeared in 2002 and is
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administered by the us africa command. several thousand troops are permanently stationed there and conduct raids against islamic radicals in yemen and somalia. next door to the americans in djibouti also there are military bases of at least four more countries: china, japan, italy and france. chinese base, which... russia has only a logistics support point in
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the syrian tartus in the mediterranean. this week a russian-indian seminar was held in new delhi under the auspices of the valdai club. indian colleagues constantly raised one topic: how our traditional cooperation will be affected by the rapprochement between russia and china. say that to beijing in india. is favorably disposed towards india, but is wary at present, to put it very mildly. russia under the circumstances, russia may, at best , try to help reduce tensions between china and india, but not take our side. the us is opposing china. as part of the indo-pacific concept, india and the united states are working to contain beijing. a division of labor has developed. india is responsible for security in the indian ocean. and the united states in the south china sea and other areas where it is necessary to limit
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china. we need to delay as much as possible the moment when china penetrates the indian ocean. china is building a fleet at a scale and speed which had no analogues. is a naval force of this size only needed for the south china sea? no, of course, they will head to the indian ocean too. moreover, the belt and road project covers the entire continent, and they will need it.
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the answer is usa only. nobody in china views india in a strategic nuclear context. china actually carries out observation missions in the indian ocean, because india participates, for example, in the american kuat format, and beijing is alarmed by this, but it is too big a problem china and india still do not consider security. today, the so-called nuclear club includes nine countries ; five are constantly included in the first group. usa, russia, uk, france and china. these countries
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acquired nuclear weapons even before the adoption of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. the remaining four - india, israel, pakistan and the dprk - did not sign the agreement and received their nuclear status later. according to the stockholm international peace research institute, by the beginning of this year there were more than 12 in the world. almost 90% all nuclear potential in the world belongs to russia and the united states, which are actively modernizing their arsenals. it is believed that only these two countries. have a full-fledged nuclear squadron, intercontinental ballistic missiles, strategic aviation, submarines with ballistic missiles. china, which joined the club of nuclear powers in the mid-sixties, has at its disposal, according to some sources, between 350 and 400 warheads. beijing adheres to the concept of a limited
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nuclear retaliatory strike. his arsenal is at the minimum required. level to ensure national security. about 100 existing nuclear warheads could reach the united states. france is the only country in the eu with nuclear weapons. it has about 300 strategic ballistic missiles on four submarines, as well as 60 aircraft-launched tactical charges. between 2018 and 2025, the authorities of the fifth republic allocated for maintenance. the modernization of nuclear forces is almost twice as large as before, the uk's reserves are much more modest. according to official according to data, it is armed with 225 warheads with a yield of up to 100 kilotons, of which about 120 are ready for use. the country's nuclear force consists of american
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trident missiles launched from british submarines. pakistan and india have 160.5 and 160 warheads, respectively. the neighbors act as an object of nuclear deterrence for each other, but are consistently expanding their nuclear arsenals. for example, new delhi is working on creating long-range systems, including those that can hit targets on the territory china. israel does not admit to having nuclear weapons, but does not deny them either. estimates of its potential are very different, from 90 to almost... 400 units. the most likely number is considered to be less than 100 charges, which could be delivered by aircraft, ballistic missiles or cruise missiles. as for the dprk, its nuclear program appeared back in the seventies, but it officially recognized itself as a nuclear state only last year. the country does not
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disclose the amount of ammunition, but states that they can easily hit us territory. according to estimates , american. materials for expanding the nuclear arsenal. however, for now the main security problem in the indian basin is in the near middle east. well, from the last one, the united states and great britain hit yemen for the houthis’ shelling of an american warship. and iran seized a tanker in the gulf of oman that it had previously transported. the chagos archipelago is a collection of 65 islands in the southern indian ocean and has been a disputed territory between mauritius and great britain for more than half a century. government of mauritius is convinced that london illegally annexed the archipelago to its overseas territories.
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its largest atoll, diego garcia , is home to a us air force base. the international court of justice ordered the uk to return the chagas archipelago to the sovereignty of mauritius. this decision was supported by the general assembly, but london ignores it. another disputed territory is the mayotte islands, part of the comoros archipelago. in the 15th century , the arabs landed on them. then they were conquered by the king of madagascar, in 1841 the islands were bought by france and made his protectorate. 50 years ago, in a referendum on the independence of the comoros islands, the people of mayotte voted
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to remain part of france. however, 2 years later, the majority of members of the security council supported a draft resolution recognizing the sovereignty of the comoros over mayotte. france vetoed, and in 2011 mayotte became a territory of the european union. the comoros government still considers mayotte its own, as enshrined in the constitution. france did not share several uninhabited otolls with madagascar. indian ocean. we are talking about basa da india, europa, juan de nova and glorio. all of them are located in the mozambique channel, france retained them after madagascar gained independence. this strait may contain oil and natural gas reserves. therefore madagascar claims the islands to belong to it. for more than half a century , iran and the united arab emirates have disputed three islands in the persian gulf,
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these are abumusa, greater tomp and little tomp. since ancient times, all three islands belonged to persia. in the 19th century they were landed the british created their naval base there. in 1971, the british transferred rights to the islands to the united arab emirates. but 2 days before the official proclamation of this state, all three islands were captured by the iranians and declared them part of their harmazgan province. then, five people were killed in a clash between the iranian military and emirati police. since then , there have been no military incidents between the countries. the area of ​​abumusa island is approximately 13 km. it is home to about 2 thousand people who are engaged in fishing. the iranian military is based on the islands of big and small tunb; there are no civilians there. india has a maritime
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security strategy in the indian ocean, announced at randrimod in march 2015, called security and growth for the entire region. modi then spoke for the first time about india as a maritime power. our coastline is 7.00 km long. islands in the indian ocean, maritime economic zone. huge interests. now the indian navy is active everywhere. our ship has just freed a captured ship in the red sea hostages. india learned a lot during the un contact group on piracy from 2008 to 2017. 65 indian warships were on duty, including two frigates built in russia. piracy has dropped from 120 cases in 2009 to one in 2016. the pacific has too.
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that india and russia have a solid foundation of interaction, but new buildings need to be built on it. india and russia are interested in establishing a balance with the united states and china; there should be no exclusivity in relations. the uniqueness of the connection between russia and india the fact that they contain a minimal amount of negativity, a natural advantage in the process of reconstruction. we need a reframing of relations for a new geopolitical context. it will improve our geostrategic prospects and will be a very correct signal to the united states and china on how to build relations with other states. this is the true meaning of multipolarity.
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there is a lot going on in south asia. in bangladesh they just elected, a veteran of local politics, khaledazia, retained the post of prime minister in the face of a boycott of the vote by the opposition, well and they themselves are to blame. there are elections in pakistan in a month, where the main opponent of the authorities is. former prime minister imran khan is in prison, but remains popular, uncorrupted , unlike everyone else, the country is poor, the people are embittered, pakistan, by the way, recently announced that it also intends to join brix, from islamabad, mujib is spending this cold night here again , on the street, he himself is from the provinces. verpakhtunkhwa, but his homeland is far away, in islamabad he survives with temporary work, the money he earns is barely enough for food, there is no housing, he cannot afford to take off even a closet
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and is forced to sleep here, right on the path that runs along the road to islamobat, he says that life is difficult, but he is forced to live like this, it’s very difficult for me, i have to sleep right on the street, in the fresh air, yesterday i had a fever, but i can’t be sick, every morning i go looking for work, and i don’t always find it, and if i don’t work for 2-3 days, how will i buy food? not far from the mujib , several dozen more people sleep; during the day, some of them work at a construction site, some in a restaurant, and at night they gather here to warm up around a common fire, talk about problems, about work that happened yesterday, but may not exist tomorrow, some of them have their own cots, sometimes they manage to place them close to a closed store, so that they can there was shelter from the rain. under the roof. haji isa says the authorities do not prohibit the homeless from sleeping here because they simply have nowhere to go. we live here near the shops, and have never quarreled with
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any of the owners.
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taiwan is an inalienable part of china, which sooner or later she must return home. not everyone in taiwan agrees with this.
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there are two main ones on the island... the rival from gamindan took 13 mandates, occupying the mayoral chair in four of the six main cities, including the capital taipei. following the announcement of the vote results, tsai-ing-wen announced her resignation as party chairman, which she had held since may 2020, but will remain as taiwan's chief of staff until the elections, which will be held in early 2024, and in the meantime she
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is trying to avoid an abrupt change. political course, the kuomintang party, which essentially created taiwan and even represented china at the un for more than 20 years, traditionally follows a course of interaction with beijing and does not reject the opportunity to reach an agreement. the commandant considers it important not to provoke the prc and not raise the issue of the status of the island. taiwanese politics resembles a pendulum. the rapprochement between taipei and beijing began in 2008. after the gumildan came to power. led by smandyu. over the next 8 years, beijing and taipei signed a number of major agreements in the field of tourism and business. however, already in 2016 after the victory of the cs inven, ostrovny’s relations and mainland china began to deteriorate again. but now the pendulum has swung back. the new mayor of the capital, representative of hamildan and great-grandson of generalissimo chiang kai-shek, jiang wanyan, said:
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“i will give the world the opportunity to feel greatness, many saw this as a claim to leadership of the island. in beijing, they are slightly disappointed with the results shown by the kuomendang. of course, they would prefer their victory.” , because it has a tradition of relations with the mainland. but now the chinese leadership is calmer about what is happening than in last time when the current head was re-elected. even if a representative of the pro-independence party wins, the united states has assured china that it will moderate radicalism, beijing’s reaction will most likely be restrained, without such actions as the naval blockade that was organized a year and a half ago after pelosi’s visit. more about another newcomer brix ethiopia and its strategic games after advertising.


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