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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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many saw this as a claim to leadership of the island. beijing is slightly disappointed with the results shown by the kuomendang. of course, they would prefer their victory there, because it has a tradition of relations with the mainland. but now the chinese leadership is calmer about what is happening than the last time, when the current head was re-elected. even if a representative of the party who advocates independence wins. the us assured china that it would moderate radicalism. beijing's response is likely to be muted without actions such as a naval blockade, which was arranged a year and a half ago after pelosi's visit. more about another newcomer brix ethiopia and its strategic games after advertising.
11:31 pm
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11:32 pm
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11:33 pm
cool blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, switch to a megaphone, retiring in the new year is profitable with sberbank, for pensioners free sbercard, favorable deposit rate, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, than to look 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, twist once, only after confirming the payment. before february 4, order sovita for delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. large, tender, mushroom bikchickenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among. a sore throat is
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a minus, of the pluses there is mirestin, mirestin it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can connect. for a maximum of 399 rubles you will receive a superbox as a gift, is it possible? iota! an interesting thing on the horn of africa: ethiopia formally signed a preliminary agreement to lease a twenty-kilometer stretch of coastline from its neighbor, the unrecognized state of samaliland, for half a century. part of samali. torque continues
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we haven’t finally agreed yet, but the story is outlandish. a piece of coastline in exchange for diplomatic recognition and something else. somalia is the easternmost country in africa, closing the horn of africa and bordering djibouti, ethiopia and kenya. its area is slightly smaller than the american state of texas, but somalia has the longest coastline on the continent, more than 3.00 km. to the south and east is the indian ocean, to the north is the gulf of addan, where piracy flourished from the mid-nineties until recently. somalia is one of the oldest. territories inhabited by people. first people appeared here about 9,000 years bc. last year, the institute of economics and peace again included the country in its ranking of the most dangerous places to live. the civil war has been going on here for almost 40 years. in the late eighties
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, an attempt to overthrow the dictatorial president mohamed siad barre escalated into an inter-clan war; the united states, the united nations and the african union intervened, but to no avail. as a result , up to a million local residents died from violence, hunger and disease, and samali disintegrated into many self-governing enclaves. samaliland and puntland, which still does not recognize the authority of the federal government created in 2012. armed conflicts between clans, criminal harrows and religious groups continue in the country, the main of which is the terrorist organization ashhabab. somalia. are among the five least developed countries according to the un development program scale. about 40% of the population lives on less than $1 a day, and almost 70% are below the poverty line. the region has mineral resources, natural gas reserves, iron, uranium-nadium and
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titanium ore, bauxite, and precious minerals, but their extraction is poorly developed. the basis of the economy is cattle breeding. according to the number of livestock needed. the story with somaliland, which we are considering, for ethiopia for the foreseeable
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future is a pivot point in the socio-economic development of the country, it is a sea gate, without which any kind of economic stability is impossible. sufficiency of everything that, in fact, they are talking about in ethiopia now, the people of ethiopia, according to the prime minister, should not be hostage to geography, by the way, anyway in this sense, he emphasized that - 44 countries of the world are landlocked, but there is no other such country with a population of 120 million people, by
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2030 the population is expected to increase to 150 million, and so there is no other such country except ethiopia so that it had no access to the sea. plus, according to his estimates, access to the sea will give an additional 25-30% to the country’s domestic volume product, that is, these are very serious motives for seeking this very access to the sea, from the very day of the prime minister’s address to parliament, and this one the narrative about gaining access to the sea and the world's oceans is supported not only by the political elite and the state bureaucracy, but in the academic community, in social media, that is, the very... raising the issue is not a whim of the leader of the nation, it is a sore nerve of the national agenda in mayadze. ethiopia is the most densely populated landlocked country, and it lost it in the early nineties, when eritrea seceded after a long struggle, in this
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part of africa, which is close to the main sea routes, there is a lot of things after the cold war was going on. ethiopia, or whatever it was... used to be called obesinia, is the oldest independent state in africa, perhaps one of the most ancient on earth. in fact, this is the only country on the continent that escaped colonial oppression. except for the five-year italian occupation from the thirty- sixth to the first forty years. ethiopia was among the founders of the un, and for african peoples it became a symbol of the fight against colonialism. for many years, the country was ruled by emperor haile selassie, who was friends with the soviet union and western countries. but in on the seventy-fourth, he was overthrown by the military led by lieutenant colonel mingistukhai mariam, who proclaimed a course towards building socialism. the soviet union provided financial assistance to the new regime in the amount of 5 and a half billion dollars. nevertheless, in
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the mid-seventies, ethiopia experienced a terrible famine, from which, according to various estimates , more than a million people died. against this background, two armed conflicts at once escalated again, between the separatists of eritrea and the tegray province. eritreans began to fight for its exit from the federation with ethiopia at the beginning. and the tegray people's liberation front arose in the seventies. the ethiopian-eritrean war went on with varying success for more than 30 years and ended in division. in february 1990, the most important port of eritrea, masawa, was taken by separatists. and in 1991, after the liquidation of the ussr, the ethiopian leader mingistuhai moriam was overthrown and fled to zimbabwe. the tegrayan forces and their allies entered adisaba. their leader. miles zinaue became first the president and then the prime minister of ethiopia. he led
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country for 20 years, in 95-96, he was even the chairman of the african union. in may '93, ethiopia officially recognized eritrea's independence, but the war continued. only in june 2000, the parties signed a ceasefire agreement in algeria and agreed to the creation of a demilitarized zone with a width of 20.
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economic expansion in africa, and in order to obtain, so to speak, their development , so to speak, the main motivation of the first - the second is about implementation, recently the foreign policy concept of global presence adopted by the british based on former colony, we must not forget that somaliland, as part of the republic of somalia, is a former british colony, and this colony is located at a key point in world trade routes and... it would also be appropriate to mention that in the british parliament, over the past 30
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for years, the issue of diplomatic recognition of samaliland has been regularly raised; this is something that remains under wraps, but may emerge one way or another; as for other states, egypt, turkey and djibouti, in particular, then each country has its own reason for opposition to this deal, the ethiopian samalilenskaya, the egyptians are in... there they oppose the ethiopians on a wide range of issues, well, mainly due to the inability to agree on a water use regime in the blue nile basin, this is all caused by the construction of a mega power plant on the blue nile, so to speak in the lower reaches on the territory of ethiopia, the turks are actively investing in somalia in its italian part, but the djuboutians simply have up to one and a half billion dollars annually from the transit of ethiopian cargo, well, income. their budget, so it’s a sin for them to refuse, so to speak, such a source of filling the budget. this is a very dangerous step that goes
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against international law and the principle of sovereignty. the horn of africa region is very fragile, ethiopia's agreements with the unrecognized territory exacerbate instability. most countries do not recognize this deal either in the region or in the world. the likelihood of its implementation is very low. unfortunately, this is quite a one-sided action in the ethiopian style. egypt is facing this. egypt and ethiopia will form another pair in brix sworn friends. let 100 flowers bloom. in the red sea area. brix would have been even more beautiful if javier miley, the president of argentina, had not refused at the last moment. there's not enough latin america to add flavor. in ecuador , the criminal cartels just nearly destroyed the state and showed their teeth to the authorities. it's calmed down now. daniel naboa, who
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has been president for 2 months, used the army, but the cartels are not going to give up. latin america is considered one of the main drug production areas. more than 90% the world's coca plantations are located in the so -called antes triangle, colombia, peru and bolivia. coca grows in small quantities in panama, ecuador, southwest venezuela and northeast brazil. as a rule, armed criminals sell the finished product, marijuana, crack and cocaine. whose illegal business is accompanied by contract killings, kidnappings and arms trafficking. in colombia, most modern drug groups were formed after the collapse of the largest drug cartels, cali, norte del valle and pablo izcabar's medal. last in
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mid-seventies controlled about 80% of all cocaine in the world. today, the most active and dangerous in the country are los rastorajas, kapparos and clandel golf or urabenius. the latter, according to the peace foundation , controls almost half of the supply of drugs to the world market. most of the drugs produced in latin america go to the united states, canada and the european union, through mexico, where inside crime experts say the largest, most sophisticated and cruel ones operate. we are talking about the cartels of senaloa, los sitos, tijuana and juarez. along with coca and marijuana, these groups supply heroin and methamphetamine to neighbors, and keep some for internal use. brazil,
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the largest country in south america, has two of the most powerful criminal gangs in the region. the new command and the red team began as prison gangs, but later turned into transnational organizations specializing in the supply of cocaine to europe, extortion and kidnapping. in total , according to the un office on drugs and crime, over the past 2 years, the world cocaine production has increased by more than a third after slowing during the covid-19 pandemic. against this background, the number of criminal groups associated with drug trafficking has increased. business itself, according to un researchers, has become more fragmented. i don’t know whether nabow realized it or not, but when he listed all these 22 cartels in his decree, declaring them terrorist organizations, some of these cartels are branches of the mexican cartels, that is, he
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declared war on one and the mexican cartels, they are still didn't interfere, but they... understand the threat that arises for them, this problem may arise, plus the problem of weapons, today another scandal unfolded, they discovered an ecuadorian military warehouse of grenades among the seized arsenal of the cartels, of the wrong system, with the markings of the peruvian army, that is, they were all stolen in peru and delivered there, maybe stolen, maybe sold, they used to refer to american weapons to the authorities.
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from uruguay. ecuador is a country that does not have its own currency. back in 2000, amid a deep crisis, the country abandoned it. and now there are new shocks.
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leave whoever you want, leave with whoever you want, but this is a very risky passage yard, because there are a lot of dying prisoners there, it’s understandable why they want to escape from there, over the last five years, i think 400 people have been imprisoned in prisons, even though that it is controlled by gangs, well, the gang is competing, daniel naboa is 36 years old, he is the second youngest head of state in the world after the military leader of burkina faso, ibrahim. both are likely to find common ground with france's new prime minister, gabriel hauthal. he is 34, the youngest head of government in
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the country's history. president macron appointed him as a refresher against his declining popularity. the new government differs little from the old one, the heavyweights remain, but the minister of foreign affairs is young and promising. stefan sejournet. presidential party revival and until recently the life partner of prime minister otal. militocracy, it will always make its way. it was an international review. see you later. the pain may vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn't matter what caused the pain if there is pentalgip. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pintalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, let's do without pain
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this is the same thing that ran into the restaurant, it turned out to be a great film, the film is very entertaining, i’m delighted, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i’ll show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, well, everyone has heard it, right? i applauded very often, everyone in the audience laughed, wash where you can, in the river, great, well, i watched it right in one breath, i was all there inside, that’s good, that’s great, it was interesting, will she get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well, it’s simply great, he still has something, the first dms, my favorite movie, now there will be a new favorite movie, holob 2, we should be flawless, the film is simply
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awesome, the next step is to make techniques, serf 2.
12:00 am
the united states will continue to strike houthi forces in yemen if they do not stop attacks on merchant ships in the red sea. american president joe biden stated this in a conversation with reporters. he emphasized that strikes against ansar allah forces were proportionate and in accordance with international law. however, the white house notes that the united states is not interested in a ground war.


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