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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the us will continue to attack houthi forces in yemen if they do not stop attacks on merchant ships in the red sea. american president joe biden stated this in a conversation with reporters. he stressed that the strikes against ansar allah forces were proportionate and in accordance with international law. however, the white house notes that the united states is not interested in war on the ground. operations in yemen. the latest
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details of the operation in the red sea in the reports of our correspondents in the usa in the middle east, valentin bogdanov and alexandra belibova. the pentagon prepared the strikes on yemen just in time for prime time television. the american viewer saw the first footage of the explosions at 8:00 pm us east coast time. another live war. columns of fire against the backdrop of a dark sky, where they are hitting are hard to understand, but the live inclusion of reports from the american department of defense adds to the victory, explosions thundered in the area of ​​the international airport in the capital yemenasan, the port city of hadeida in the west, as well as saada, tais and damar were raided. a total of 73 hits sixty goals. strike force esenhower in the red sea serves as a deterrent. factor
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for iran and other countries. the united states is making it clear that there is no need to aggravate the conflict with the help of this strike force. there is not a word about the fact that the united states is once again attacking an independent state in the middle east, without un sanctions. the illegality of what is happening is traditionally masked by the format of a certain coalition, where washington has convened the obedient and trusted. from biden until the last televised address is expected, but the american president, who over the past 20 days. led in public at most 1 hour, here it is limited to a written statement, the progress of the strikes is controlled by the head of the pentagon, lloyd ustin, from his hospital bed, a piquant situation, to put it mildly. today, at my direction, the us military , together with the uk, with support from australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck a number of sites in yemen used by the houthi rebels to threaten freedom of navigation on one of the most important. to listen to biden,
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america has entered with one foot into a new defensive war, which the states, however, again, for some reason, they lead thousands of kilometers from their borders, near key sea routes for them, where, apparently, due to a historical misunderstanding, the houthis are located, along which they are hitting in order to get to iran. it is important to remember that all roads in the middle east lead to iran. we must make iran and all its proxies understand that they will have to pay a price for what they are doing. thus, we are on the way to initiate a policy of containment in this region. the american hawks , of course, liked everything that happened during the battle stand about iran, they are ready to get up at any time of the day or night. the deep state of the united states has been dreaming of a big war with tehran for decades, but voices
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of defiance are growing louder; biden is being criticized by his own party members, especially the left wing of the democrats. the president needed to come to congress before striking the houthis in yemen and dragging us into another conflict in the middle east. surprisingly, the same criticism is coming towards biden from the right, this is from congresswoman taylor greene. the biden administration wants finance the conflict in ukraine, control the war in israel, arm taiwan and prepare for war with china. is now going to fight in the middle east, all this is going to be plowed up, millions of people are entering our country with impunity, this madness is out of control, but the white house definitely shouldn’t hope for any small victorious war in an election year, and neither does trump won't allow it. biden is not only stupid and incompetent, i believe he is completely insane. he is a raving madman with his extremely dangerous policies open boundaries, he is mental. a catastrophe
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that is leading our country to hell, for which the third world war will begin, for no reason. against this prospect, immediately after reports of the strikes, people went out to protest in new york's times square, near the white house. protesters are chanting hands off yemen. posters are in the hands of those who have been on the streets of american cities for several months demanding an immediate end to the bombing of the gas sector, the aggravation of the situation in yemen and the red sea, a direct consequence of the violence that accompanies israeli military operation, settlement in the palestinian conflict zone, guarantee of peace in the middle east, the opposite option. the globalization of this conflict is even greater, but the united states and its allies do not want to see this cause-and-effect relationship point-blank; nothing was mentioned about the situation in gas, despite the efforts of russia and a number of arab countries, in the latest security council resolution on yemen. today,
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at the initiative of our country , an urgent meeting will be held at the un again. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria egorova, news from new york. the attacks of the american-british coalition did not come as a surprise to yemen. even the day before, the houthi rebels transferred some of their weapons to reserve storage sites and announced general mobilization in the provinces they controlled. yemen today, like a tender blanket, is divided between various groups, the main force of which can rightfully be considered the ansar allah movement, those same houthis. they control the western part of the country, where the majority of the population lives, including the capital sanaa. exactly this territory was hit last night by the usa and great britain, this is what our fellow citizens now living in yemen say. there were 73 strikes on cities. the airport in khadyda was attacked. five dead, six wounded. 9 years,
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saudi arabia was bombing here with american weapons and '. the overall ability of the us and allied strikes did not have a significant impact, but they greatly angered the houthis, who are now threatening washington and london with retribution for their actions. yemeni armed forces without hesitation will strike at the sources of the threat.
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this brutal aggression will not stop yemen from standing in support of the palestinian people. our armed forces confirm that they will continue to stop israeli ships and vessels heading to... the ports of occupied palestine. and these are clearly not empty threats. the houthis have a wide range of attack drones and several types of anti-ship missiles, both their own and iranian production. given the military capabilities of the houthis, to the words of the yemeni rebels, the top military the us command should listen, because the targets of retaliatory strikes by the ansar allah movement could be not only coalition ships in the red sea, but also american military bases located in neighboring countries. the entire arabian peninsula and the persian gulf countries, including the largest american base in the middle east, aludeit, located in qatar, are within the range of destruction of the ballistic missiles that the uhuthis are armed with. and in this conflict, the countries of the region, if not on the side of the houthis, then certainly
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not against them. thus, among the regional players, only bahrain supported the us operation. key countries in the region, such as saudi arabia or the united arab emirates, remained on the sidelines. end the houthis. the americans already tried in mid-2010 with the help of the same saudi arabia, which for several years experienced a response from the yemeni rebels, who attacked oil fields and refineries on the territory of the kingdom with drones, while the americans simply moved away from the yemeni shores . today trade ships also bypass them, because the babel-mandeb strait is the most important transport corridor connecting east and west, through which 12% of world trade passes. about
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the islamic revolution, if it follows, it will most likely happen in syria or iraq , where the forces of shiite groups will come under attack from the american contingents in these countries, as for a direct clash between washington and tehran, such a scenario is now unlikely to be needed by either side.
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kyiv: he arrived against the backdrop of a temporary failure the united states from helping zelensky, the escalation of the conflict in yemen and the dissatisfaction of american taxpayers with the exorbitant costs of supporting the armed forces of ukraine. that's not all. tsulensky signed a ten-year agreement on '. x security, what it means and in general why all this right now , boris ivanin looked into it, greeted by the british prime minister, zelensky ran out in one sweater into the almost ten-degree frost, rishisunok was in a warm down jacket, so he was in no hurry to go inside, by the way, the marina palace in kiev , where the meeting took place, a shining example of russian baroque, built by order of empress elizabeth petrovna, and catherine i stayed here, now it’s everywhere. british flags, in interiors created under the direction
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of kostroma architect ivan michurin, rishi song boasted about what weapons against the russians the new package of military aid from london would include. this package includes even more air defense systems, anti-tank weapons, long-range missiles, and thousands of artillery shells. we will also train thousands of ukrainian military men and women. this will be the biggest a batch of drones transferred to ukraine by any country. such voluminous luggage, however, so far only on paper, sunok brought to kiev by train. the new aid package is worth £2.5 billion, which is more than london spent supporting kiev during the entire conflict. now britain has bound ukraine with an agreement on security guarantees. i'm proud to be with the president. zelensky signed a new security agreement, this will become the basis of a partnership between
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our two countries that will last for hundreds of years. this is the first bilateral agreement on security guarantees in a series of agreements that were promised to kiev by thirty countries at last year’s summit in vilnius. the agreement, however, is not for 100 years, but only for 10, and nowhere in the document does it say about britain’s direct participation in the conflict with russia or about the deployment of royal troops on ukrainian territory. however, in... it is important that congress approve the supplemental request for national security spending and we receive more funds,
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the assistance that we provided has stopped, russian attacks have only intensified, so there is an urgent need for support, especially in the winter months. this news, sad for kiev, coincided with the start of a military operation in yemen, which is being carried out against the houthis by the united states and great britain. memes have already appeared on social networks with a depressed zelensky being driven around in latvia in a dirty mercedes. in consolation, riga promised kiev support, even. about 60% of aid sent, weapons and equipment are not identified by serial numbers in
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databases, the inspector general found the pentagon, that is , the weapons have left the warehouses overseas, but whether they have arrived in ukraine is a big question, information from kiva comes with long delays, so as not to write the word lost, the us department of defense calls these weapons, quote, expired. the report does not specify how many of the 39,139 pieces of equipment are high-risk. which were transferred to ukraine were recognized as overdue, but potential losses are estimated at approximately $1 billion out of the total cost of weapons sent to ukraine, which is... 1.69 billion dollars. london insider tried to find out where the billion dollars went; the journalistic investigation led to the czech republic and slovakia. according to reporters, it is there that immigrants from ukraine are engaged in smuggling weapons and cutting western trenches. with a high degree of probability, the united states and the european union themselves are involved in this. for example, 100,000 shells were
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intended for the ukrainian armed forces, but they never arrived there. this is just one contract worth $35 million. not surprising. that in the west there is growing dissatisfaction with uncontrolled spending on ukrainian conflict, the kremlin summarizes. more and more representatives of the political establishment are interested in such a fundamental question: where is their money, the money of american taxpayers, spent and whether the astronomical sums that were allocated to the kiev regime over the past year were effectively spent, and whether these sums helped achieve some result. the answer is quite obvious, and many, including overseas. sees this answer. obviously, this will not add resolve to the american congress to approve new spending to support the kiev mode. 61 billion dollars are still pending there , as the new york times ironically says, given the large-scale corruption and arms smuggling in ukraine, more careful accounting is needed there, but in the white house, where they are asking congress for new expenses, they have already admitted their helplessness , check
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every american shell or cartridge on the ukrainian front line. boris ivanin and dmitry krasnoyarsky, news. many ukrainian recruits were sent to the front poorly prepared for combat operations, the head of the verkhovna rada made such a statement of the presidential pro-presidential faction, servant of the people david rahamia. he clarified that the new bill on mobilization should resolve the issue of preparation, but raids to catch men on the street in public transport continue, for example, in odessa. anastasia ivanova has details. mobilization is recycling.
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bezuglya, having published a list of proposals for the mobilization bill, clarified that this is just information, that it is not a fact that it will be accepted, in general, i think that in this way she tried to somewhat reduce the degree of hate in relation to one’s own person, even if they are accepted. then ukrainian legislators will reinvent the wheel and introduce other norms that contradict these amendments. so far, according to the still unapproved bill, everyone is eligible in ukraine. they are closing the doors to a bright future for men of military age on buses and trams in odessa. women lose their voices defending young guys. tough
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guys. uniform, first they ask you to leave the salon, then they push you. on what basis do you photograph other people's documents? why are you touching me at all? on based on the order of every commandant, seriously? i'm not interested. but it is very interesting for the criminal kiev regime. military commissars conduct raids mostly on residents of south-eastern ukraine. residents of the western and central regions act more carefully. it's simple, this is how they try to send us away. as many as possible of those who are not loyal to the authorities and speak russian, kharkov telegram channels write that thousands of police are planning to be sent to the kupinsky direction. it was decided to form from employees of the kharkov three battalions of police and sent to the kupinsky direction, that is, a one- way ticket. the lists are already available, they are known to the police themselves, people are trying to submit reports for
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dismissal, but the machine is spinning, and they are no longer allowed to do this. get away from ukraine, but only. a western publication is already writing about the prices, the german newspaper tages spgel reports that for a thousand euros they will take you across the field to the border, the most expensive option is to bribe the border guards, and this is no less than 3.00 euros. many ukrainians cannot afford it, so they are still counting on avoz, maybe they will be lucky enough to cross the dniester and settle in moldova, but it doesn’t work out, independent border guards caught up with the fugitive on a boat, dragged the villager on board and twisted his hands right in his wetsuit. others in...
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the parliamentary factions of the three ruling parties invited farmers to the bundestag for negotiations. it's too late, say the farmers. now, unfortunately, it is too
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late to enter into dialogue, we have waited for it for a very long time, we are far from achieving our goal. and farmers strive to government subsidies for diesel remained intact. their protests began after the government, in an effort to raise a deficit-free budget, announced a complete elimination of subsidies this year. we need to seriously think about whether this will lead to the collapse of agriculture and the need to find another source of income, income from work simply does not bring in enough money to last. agriculture minister cemos demir announced a compromise. the government will cancel diesel subsidies one-time, but gradually over 3 years, and he explained the farm problems, as always , by external circumstances. all this did not happen out of nowhere. society was tired of the coronavirus pandemic, then faced with the events in ukraine, the problems of the climate crisis, and now this problem, it became the drop that overflowed the cup, i don’t want to blame
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my predecessors for everything, but i definitely didn’t fill this cup. the farmers were not satisfied with the proposed compromise. the head of the german farmers' union, joachim rukwith, called him the death of installments. moreover, all surveys show that despite transport problems, 2/3 of germans approve of the protests, almost half. ready to join them, after such figures, the heads of some lands considered it best to support the farmers. brandenburg is only strong when the countryside is strong, which is why i am here today. i am firmly convinced that those cuts that were planned will be completely reversed in order to create a basis for dialogue with farmers. bavaria's minister of economy, hubert iwanger, told the authorities where to save money much more than agricultural subsidies . farmers rightly say that they will have to accept an additional burden, while people who can, but do not want to work, receive increased civil benefits, farmers say: make sure that
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all ukrainians who want to work get a job, they all receive civil benefits , this is 5-6 billion euros, and you are clinging to farmers for a couple of hundred million. on monday, the heads of the agricultural union in germany are expected in the bundestag for negotiations with the leaders. in germany this coalition is called traffic light. simultaneously with the start of negotiations, here, near the brandenburg gate next to the bundestag, there will be a mass demonstration, which farmers call the culmination of their protests, and as the protesters say, if they are not heard in the bundestag, the slogan no diesel, no agriculture will be replaced by the slogan: no diesel, no traffic lights. sergey kurokhtin, andrey putra, vesti germany. sergei shaiguov checked the implementation of the state defense order at one of the enterprises in the moscow region. the minister inspected production workshops
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watched. the process of assembling high-precision weapons. anastasia efimova has details. the state defense order based on the results of 2023 was completed by the enterprise in full, since the beginning of the special military operation, the volume of production of high-precision ammunition for the most popular nomenclatures has increased fivefold. the head of the tactical missiles corporation reported this to the minister of defense. sergey shaigu inspected the production workshops and the assembly process. our productivity has increased by 40%, which means that production volumes have increased our production has tripled compared to the twenty-second year, and in the twenty -fourth year we plan to increase the capacity even more compared to the twenty-second year. in this case, taking into account the emergence of new machines in our country, it is clear that we have increased production output, but this times, while we
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increased the number two. they work seven days a week and seven holidays, the machines do not stop for a minute, the shift is 12 hours. now we need to work like this. a twelve-hour shift for workers means an increase in wages, for the enterprise, for productivity, for the country, volumes of high-precision weapons, localization is one hundred percent, as the minister was informed, quote, we do everything at home, which means that what the front needs will definitely be supplied. everything necessary is available, the necessary groundwork has been made, so there is no doubt. actually, thanks in part
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to the ammunition produced in these workshops, it was destroyed. the myth of the invulnerability of western technology. back in december, speaking at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense, the president emphasized that all western attempts to inflict military defeat on the country were defeated by the courage of the russian soldiers and are faced with the power of the armed forces, the potential of industry and defense production, and this potential is only growing. last year , the latest models of precision-guided ammunition, as well as promising weapons, were launched into the series. put to the minister of defense. tactical missiles corporation has developed precision-guided air-to- ground munitions. sergei shaigu recalled this at a separate meeting following the results of the work. we manage correction planning modules for equipping free-falling reaction bombs caliber 250-500 and 1500 kg. successfully proven itself included in a special military operation. the created system is undergoing the final stage of testing. on
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the mechanical protection of ammunition, organized the serial production of guided modules, planning and correction of controlled modular glide bombs and control units for rockets. the head of the department regularly visits defense enterprises throughout the country, personally checks the implementation of state defense orders and inspects workshops. among. tasks set by the minister today, not only to increase production , but also to modernize it, otherwise they say, those lines of conventional ammunition, which are already produced in abundance, should be transferred to the category of high-precision ones, because, as sergei shaigu reminded, the main combat work today is carried out not on areas, but on specific targets . anastasia efimova, lead. the number of russians whom latvia plans to deport may rise to
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2,000, it said. segregation of people, and in the already approved deportation lists 2/3 of people are over 60 years old. about before anton potkovenko will tell you what the latvian authorities have achieved in their russophobia. i received an official document from the latvian ministry of internal affairs that i am subject to eviction, says boris katkov, head of the latvian-russian cooperation association. he is 82, border guards came to the pensioner and gave him an hour. fees. based on the fact that i threaten the national security of latvia. well, it was possible to protest this decision for a month, but for some reason the border guards arrived at 8 o’clock, and they gave me time to get ready, they take me to the border, i say, i have nothing there, no housing, there’s nothing, i don’t know where i’m going, they ’re harassing them there, even to turkey, even.


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