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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country, you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is a half-truth, our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine, that is... we create the impression that we need to fight the war until bitter end. let's look earlier everyone. where is vasnetsova, let him go. vosnetsova. i’m wearing it now, you know, i’m not very comfortable. did they kill someone again? why is it that you don’t have any sleep or rest? subscribe and watch.
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sports, take precautions.
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hello, there is a legal program on air, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. escaped in handcuffs in moscow, a foreigner suspected of drug smuggling stole the car of customs officers who brought him in for interrogation and managed to escape. later the car was found in a nearby yard, and smuggler in a trash can nearby. report by vladimir bazov. the attempt to bring prohibited substances across the border turned into a measured one. the life of a foreign citizen is turned into
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a thriller; at vnukov’s airport he was detained by customs officers, drugs were confiscated, and the traveler himself was taken to the police station in a company car. on the way, the car turned into a gas station while the driver paid for gas, the attacker apparently remained alone in the cabin, without thinking twice he decided, here is his chance for freedom, got behind the wheel and gave on gas towards the north of the capital. even handcuffs did not prevent him from escaping from those accompanying him. during the complex of operational and joyful events, the car in which he was traveling. attacker, discovered by police in beskutnikovsky passage. the hijacker did not find a better option than to hide in the nearest trash can; perhaps he wanted to pretend to be homeless or simply hide behind bags of waste, but he could not pull off the copperfield-style disappearing trick. the fugitive miscalculated and was caught on cctv cameras. they figured him out. our correspondent, daniil sukhoruchko, was one of the first on the scene. this is exactly the car of the federal customs service that the attacker stole, presumably he left it here. here he disappeared in an unknown direction,
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but a little later the police found him, he hid in trash cans. the second time , the suspect did not dare to avoid the police and was taken to the police station. now several more criminal articles may be added to the charge of drug smuggling. even at the first while detained, the foreign guest promised to hand over his handler, who allegedly supplied him with prohibited substances. perhaps now he will be more willing to testify against his boss in anticipation of the court's leniency. but it is also possible that it is. only one link in a large drug mafia chain. vladimir bazov, daniil sukuruchko, lead the duty unit. previously convicted social activist sergei udoltsov went to pre-trial detention. for now, for 2 months, he was charged with justifying terrorism. the day before they came to search him, the details of the case are not yet known are disclosed. the preventive measure for sergei daltsov was chosen in the basmanny court behind closed doors. the defendant’s lawyer said that he could not talk about details, since the defense had signed a non-disclosure agreement regarding the preliminary investigation.
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let me remind you that in 2014, the moscow city court sentenced daltsov to 4 and a half years in prison in the case of mass riots; after his release, the court imposed administrative supervision on daltsov ...
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a camera installed in a high-rise elevator, you can see a man entering the cabin with a dog american bully breed, the dog immediately tries to jump on the child, but the owner stops the pet, presses the button , the elevator starts moving, after a few seconds the dog falls onto the muzzle and he rushes at the boy, bites his face, the owner was able to drag the dog out elevator , i asked what happened, my husband says, we were bitten by a dog, i say, where did the dog bite you, he says in the elevator, i say, well, like in the elevator, but we went into... the dog and the owner got into the elevator , and there was a sudden attack, why, why, no one did anything i realized that the dog also bit the boy’s father on the hand, at that time there were other children in the cabin, all of them were very scared, the degree of harm caused to the minor’s health is currently being established, after which a procedural decision will be made.
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several days have passed since the attack, but during this time the dog owner only provided a certificate that the animal was vaccinated and did not find time to apologize to the child. well, you're like a man, an adult. got a certain breed of dog, that is, you bear a certain responsibility, there was an attack, it happened, the child did not provoke it. according to media reports, the dog had previously attacked other residents of the house; in november, the dog attacked alexander dudko. the corridor where the apartment is, there we met dogs, that is, we open the door and in the middle of the corridor there is a dog, on its own, without an owner, well, naturally, it starts to come at us, i got a child for myself, well, i was lucky. she bit through her jeans twice . there really are a lot of questions for the dog’s owner, why was it necessary to enter a crowded elevator with an aggressive dog, where to at that moment there were already four children. couldn't those three floors be walked or waited for people to make the trip? is anyone home? the telephone conversation with
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the dog's owner was short. what happened from your point of view? i'm not making any comments yet. the residents of the building are preparing a class action lawsuit with the police, well, this is a nightmare, i have two children who ride alone in the elevator, and after that i showed this video and said that under no circumstances should you ride with dogs with this dog. . the four-year-old lion's wounds on his face are gradually healing, perhaps there will be a scar, but much worse, mental wounds, the child will probably need the help of psychologists. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, vladislava gazikova, victoria makarova, sergei klinkov. news, duty department. in a village in moscow, they began to try former policeman yuri novikov, who, according to investigators, ordered the murder of his wife. thus , the prosecution believes, he expected to quickly resolve issues with real estate. how a pensioner looked for a killer and what kind of alibi he tried for himself provide, alexander ostakhov will tell.
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comrades vladimir kychin and yuri novikov are now firmly connected not only by the common glass box in the most city court hall, but by the blood shot in the fall of tatyana novikova in the fall of twenty-two. according to. her husband ordered the murder, and her accomplice is the one nearby, the perpetrator of the crime. yuri, you don’t feel sorry for your wife, after all , we haven’t been together for so many years, in response, novikov looks somewhere at the floor, either his conscience jumped up, or just bewilderment, because the widower tried with all his might confuse the investigation and probably felt like the hero of a twisted detective story. yuri, tell us what happened , after the murder, the man convinced the investigators that during a family walk with the dog , a stranger accosted the couple, he was indignant that the shepherd was without a leash, the husband turned away, when suddenly there was a shot, an instant and the body of the wife on the ground, the shooter disappeared. but the investigators immediately had many questions about this version, why the veteran of the internal service, who fought in hot spots, did not even try
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to catch up with the criminal, why he called the police and an ambulance only half an hour after the incident. everything became clear when a certain alexander kadomsky was detained. he said that novikov allegedly promised him for the murder of his wife. million rubles we don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter, but why don’t you believe it, because there was a good, friendly family. as they say, he didn’t want to waste his hands, he found another performer for... a lesser amount, with whom he went to prison. vladimir kychin served time for robbery, was released, did not live well, and therefore, apparently, accepted the offer: he received 100,000 in advance, the remaining 400 did not have time, he was found a month later and detained in st. petersburg. please stand at the same distance as you were at the time of the shot. according to investigators, novikov supplied his accomplices with a revolver and live ammunition. at the agreed time, he took his wife away from prying eyes, surveillance cameras and street lights. tatyana was 49 years old. the kodomsky case is highlighted. into separate proceedings, novikov and kichin are being tried together not only for murder, but for illegal arms trafficking. according to
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investigators, novikov decided to take revenge with his wife because of greed, he wanted to inherit her plot in the moscow region, an apartment in moscow and a car. the accused himself says that it’s all because his wife cheated on him, and this after 15 years of marriage, that the court will really figure this out, but it’s important to remember that for murder for personal gain, the sentence is always longer. alexander. this saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. gang conflict in the courtyard of a high-rise building. tyumen is finding out the circumstances of a high-profile case of attempted murder. because of this, the daring raiders took up arms and opened fire under the windows of a residential building. participants in the conflict. several cars were driven into, here is one of them, new details of the gangster action movie in tyumen from andrei
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romanov. argentine voyage, fugitive businesswoman. an alleged fraudster from barnaul was detained in boynes aires; it was true that she stole more than 150 million rubles from the people. and she flew overseas to cook borscht for sale. a possible swindler promised her clients luxury housing, taught them how to run a business and... the death of a young champion is being investigated in bashkiria an accident that claimed the life of
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the country's strongest teenager happened on a snowy road. most of the roadway is covered with snow, the dividing strip is not visible, even a professional driver will think three times before setting off. who sold a car to a minor child? why did an adult let a schoolboy drive? strong prospects are fixing, they cannot come here. our film crew visited the scene and found out all the details of the terrible accident. from bashkiria sultan ziganov. in the ministry of emergency situations held a meeting with journalists, timed to coincide with russian press day. this year, departmental awards, diplomas and valuable gifts awarded more than 50 journalists at the federal level and more than 200 in the regions. all of them quickly and accurately covered the elimination of various emergencies in difficult conditions, and created stories and films about it. in
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addition, our program throughout the year tried to provide informational support to all the activities of the ministry of emergency situations. and those who were noted in the ministry, report by alexandra mostova. today at the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia they honor journalists who are always close to the action and know first-hand how rescuers work. reporters are often with them. in emergency situations. in the large hall there are representatives of television and radio companies, editors, correspondents from news agencies, a large team of professionals who, together with rescuers, form a culture of safety. our colleagues are among the recipients. commemorative medals were awarded to the executive producers of the program , dmitry stepanov and denis novozhilov, as well as correspondent maxim shevchenko. in addition, commendations were presented to the deputy director of the legal programs production service, mikhail sobyanin.
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pskov region. he spoke with the head of the department on board the plane. in general , journalists from our program regularly accompany the minister on working trips. chapter. dozens of spectators are watching a friendly match between the teams of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and the republic of belarus, for example, here they simulate a situation in which those in need are rescued; our journalists have over seventy business trips under their belt, these are personnel from the irkutsk region,
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rescuers have been helping residents of villages where high water has come for more than a week. this. maxim shevchenko was one of the first to see the terrible picture. residents are raking up what’s left, trying to find some surviving things, and special equipment is removing everything that’s heavier. our correspondents covered the large-scale arctic expedition that started in naryanmar. major firefighting exercises were observed in belarus. we show and talk about the hard work of rescuers, whether it be fighting the fire elements.
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this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel skip the investigation eduard petrov is obsessed with gold. about 40 tons of gold are officially mined in transbaikalia every year, but it is unknown how much of the precious metal passes through the hands of black miners. operational information was received about the functioning of the gold smuggling channel through the zabaikalsk checkpoint. police. everything, everything, everything, don’t touch, 16 members of the criminal community were detained and taken into custody, border guards, customs officers and police officers of transbaikalia exposed an international organized criminal community. how were the smuggling of precious metal organized? based on the materials of the case, you admitted your guilt
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, vulgarity, second style, how much did the treasure hunters earn? heavy, each kilo... one and a half, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. unusual luggage was seized by customs officers at the capital's vnukovo airport from a passenger who was heading to turkey. he tried to smuggle two kittens of a supposedly rare african serval on board. these predators are endangered. about animals and people, who assign valuable to lives, alexey karev. security checkpoint at the airport grandson. the citizen removed from the flight had two carriers containing spotted kittens, presumably servals, very scared, hissing, the passenger was trying to fly from moscow with live luggage to turkey, there were no necessary documents for transportation. the man provided veterinary passports and vaccination certificates, but there was no pedigree for the animals. he explained that he takes representatives of the
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savannah breed abroad to receive an expert assessment of quality. the animals were seized and are now under the supervision of specialists, they will be seen later. for smuggling he faces up to 7 years. in a nursery near moscow, predatory cats occupy an entire floor, prices for spotted exotics are staggering, servals cost 100 thousand and more, but for a sovanna, this estate of a serval with an ordinary cat asks for as much as one and a half million. papa serval. and the mother is a cat who , well, let’s say, is an acceptable breed, who was able to give birth to a live kitten, she does not have the right to give birth to one in real life, but in both cases, in the documents when selling, they will most likely write that a serval hybrid should be kept at home prohibited, the growing demand for exotics is satisfied by circumventing the law, because there is no punishment for such a pet, here is a serval walking along the cornice of a moscow five-story building,
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similar shots from chekhov, in case of trouble it will be difficult to prove anything, according to the documents this is an ordinary cat. breeders use a workaround in this situation and cross servals with other types of cats, as a result of which the animals are weakened, unhealthy, and when selling the animal, the consumer suffers, who acquires an obviously low-quality animal. according to experts, the black market for exotic animals is a well-established and profitable business, some, such as servals, are bred at home, monkey parrots are brought from africa and south america, reptiles and... impossible, so they forget animals via the internet, they rely on the gullibility of buyers who are poorly informed, they often falsify documents, legal transportation of animals is possible only with an official
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certificate from a certified veterinarian, they provide a document for transportation based on three factors that everything is in order with your documents, with the passport of the animal, first of all , that is, all vaccinations, all preventive measures have been taken, secondly, that the animal is clinically healthy, and thirdly, that the area from which you are... it is not in quarantine . animal rights activists say that sometimes live exotic animals are taken out in whole suitcases in order to calmly pass inspection, they are pumped full of special drugs, and wrapped in rags. after such trips, many do not survive. alexey kareev, ekaterina cherusheva, pavel letnikov, news. duty department. in in the turkish village of kirish, the body of missing russian tourist nadezhda yerygina was found. let me remind you that a few days ago a forty-year-old russian woman went for a walk in the mountains . i told my parents that... everything is fine with her, later the connection stopped. nadezhda irygina was supposed to return to russia on january 8, but she did not appear on board the plane. then the relatives sounded the alarm.
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hundreds of volunteers, volunteers and law enforcement officers searched for the russian woman for more than a week. the cause of the woman's death will be established after all necessary examinations are carried out. according to one version, she could have died falling from a cliff. earlier , her phone was found at the foot of the mountain, but according to another, the woman could have been kidnapped. kill later. the entire operational news feed of legal news in vesti telegram channels, the duty department is an honest detective, follow along with us. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. you need to sort things out, the best way is a fair fight, this is for you, this is for you, fight, don’t think that we -we'll really fight.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there are rosary beads and a clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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we will not forget our calling , we bring laughter and joy to people, just wow, this is cool, very fashionable and generally unexpected, i really liked it, a fairy tale from childhood, the songs are songs of youth,
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excellent with scrapping, the bremen town musicians, where we are, ruslan, in alexandrovka, the enemy is far away, there is nothing reinforced concrete in the marina , we have hollowed out everyone from here, kicked out, what kind of car do you have, handsome, azim 30-39, shot!
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the us launched new attacks on yemen. the houthis say they were bombed. capital of the country. information about the attack was also confirmed by officials from the american administration. according to them, the blow was struck on houthi radar. the fact that the united states will not stop at one attack last night at a meeting of the un security council was said by russian permanent representative vasily nebendya. the diplomat noted: strikes on yemen have nothing to do with the right to self-defense and violate the charter of the united nations. nebende called washington's actions armed aggression.


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