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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the us launched new attacks on yemen. the houthis say the north of the capital has been bombed. information about the attack was also confirmed by officials from the american administration. according to them, the strike was carried out on the houthi radar. the fact that the united states will not stop at one attack last night at a meeting of the un security council was stated by russian permanent representative vasily nebendya. the diplomat noted. strikes against yemen have nothing to do with the right to self-defense and do not violate the organization’s charter. russia called on the international
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community to condemn the attack by the us and allies on yemen. this is yet another military aggression by the collective west in a long list of its forays into the suffering middle east. all.
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in transbaikalia, the security forces, obsessed with gold , liquidated a criminal community.
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pour out here more than thirty people are involved in this crime, their hands are frozen, all the marriages are going well, they made a lot of money from the project, now they probably made money for 10 years, in money, in money, pennies, and in the whole outbuilding, and they transported up to 10 kg of gold, more take 50 kg of gold, here is a bag here, wow, the bag is heavy, this the ingots were seized at the border, but here the purity is above 80%, are you doing well here?
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produces about 40 tons of gold, such mining is usually carried out industrially, but it is unknown how much of the precious metal passes through the hands of black miners. as a rule, illegal miners operating in the tag sell the bullion to the merchant, who is looking for an opportunity to transport it abroad for fabulous money. border guards, customs officers and police officers of transbaikalia exposed the international organized crime community, whose participants managed to withdraw more than a ton of gold bars from russia in a year. how the smuggling was organized. valuable metal, how much treasure hunters earned, who oversaw the illegal gold business. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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dust from a rough country road pours into the lens of the video recorder camera, this is a chase - one of the stages of a large-scale special operation by the border department.
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theft and smuggling of precious metal is still a big problem for our country there are no fewer people obsessed with gold... we went to the trans-baikal region to see how the fight against illegal miners and buyers is now being waged, and what is the modern gold rush like?
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our film crew is in the north of the karymsky region, here in the remote taiga there is industrial mining of precious metal, from a bird's eye view you can see workings, excavations for many kilometers, the landscape is cosmic.
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he begins to methodically wash the ground, drains the water several times, and finally, sparkling grains of gold appear at the very bottom, then we have almost reached the end and there is no gold in sight yet, well, no gold, but i see in your eyes that you have already found something, no, no, pebbles, pebbles. so we look and we see that this black sand glows with such a golden-yellow color, no, here, here is the gold, where is the gold, yellow, yellow is gold, uh-huh, well, there are probably tenths of a gram, yes, yes, yes, yes, here is a piece of this gold, in this old
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-fashioned way you can wash kilograms of gold, and then hand it over to the state, well, it’s unlikely kilograms, of course, but you can wash it, wash it you can, you can definitely put it on bread, okay, so why don’t you throw it away now, no, that’s all. here is heavy equipment, excavators , dump trucks, bulldozers, this is an outlandish machine, this is a vibrating screen, an industrial device , it turns out that it is what it is, how it works, it is powered by a 150 kw diesel power plant, there is an eccentric on top of the engine, it swings it on springs , we bring the rock here with an excavator, wash it all off with water.
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tolerable living conditions in the taiga , very decent official wages
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from 200,000 rubles, but still the thirst for easy money sometimes wins. let's move all the remaining settlements to the capital of transbaikalia. read here, a criminal investigation into the smuggling of gold bars is in full swing. this criminal case was initiated based on operational materials provided by the border service by police officers. based on the elements of crimes provided for in part one and part two of article 210 of the russian criminal code. federation, namely a criminal community under part three of article 226.1 of the criminal code
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russian federation, namely smuggling, illegal movement from the territory of the russian federation abroad of precious metals, namely gold, and also initiated under the article of part five of article 191 of the criminal code of the russian federation, illegal storage, movement of precious metal. 30 people were under investigation.
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according to the security forces, mail ragimkhanov was the leader of the trans-baikal branch of the organized criminal group. there were more than 20 people under his command. his group specialized directly in moving gold smuggled across border of the russian federation. in his activities , he relied on railway workers involved in criminal activities, he directly transferred gold to them, but they were already delivering it for... mail ragimkhanov and sergei akhmetov were under covert surveillance when it became
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clear that they were really related to the illegal gold business , they decided to detain them, but it turned out to be not so easy, for example , sergei akhmetov was given a real chase after he took gold bars from august 11, 2022 courier vrest. feeling surveillance, sergei akhmetov pressed the gas and tried to escape pursuit. border control operatives chased his car for several kilometers and stopped akhmetov near the city of borze. 8 kg of gold bars
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intended for shipping abroad were found in the car. they would give him a word to speak, you see, he began to tell, the lawyers said: in the end, mailla ragimkhanov was found in transbaikalsk, here he bought an inconspicuous old house in which he kept illegally bought gold, a reputable businessman arrested and sent to prison.
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a search was carried out in regimkhanov’s house, the gold was not found, the businessman managed to transfer it to his foreign partners, the place where he hid the jewelry was discovered, the cache was in this burnt-out stove. it was clear to the border control officers that there was no active help.
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come on, police, introduce yourself, dear, introduce yourself, imagine, last name, last name, first name? pasha, what are you a citizen of, and a citizen of what? everything is fine, forbidden, is there anything in the house? let's figure it out now. do you understand colloquially? yes, a little, a little, you know, you can’t read, no?
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you have something prohibited in your house, weapons, no, drugs, no, nothing, we have opened a criminal case for illegal trafficking in metal, gold, we need to look at your house, everything that is connected, we are taking everything, ok, ok, this is your set, yours, no, it’s just a corpse, everyone’s, but there ’s yours, that’s all. tagumen i have a tagumen in the safevan of lei, also known as pasha, in a soap box there were two bags of bullion gold. the man was taken to the trans-baikal line directorate of the russian ministry of internal affairs by transport and interrogated. it became clear that the chinese served
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as a coordinator and connected illegal buyers. metal cancer in transbaikalia with its high curators, meanwhile the operatives were on the tail of wang qiuzian, the man was detained at the moment when he took the goods and headed by car towards zabaikalsk. in this box, four objects in a rectangular shape were found, i now suggest, accordingly, an employee will arrive now will bring scales, we will weigh it all accordingly. while the border guards were unpacking the traces of gold, wang juan.
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several financiers, their task was to collect money from criminal partners selling in the transbaikalia market, a kind of quitrent, one of these... she was also arrested. soon, employees of the border department of the fsb of russia found out the names of the gold buyers,
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they staged a real hunt, among them was igor chernyak, his toyota was stopped on the road near the city of borze, and they offered to hand over drakmetal. chernyak refused, then the car decided to watch it. put it on the seat, well , put it on the rug, under the driver’s seat , several homemade gold bars, what is it, wait, and move away from the car, what is it, is it forbidden or something, let’s honestly find it.
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to hand over suppliers, chernyak refused to give up, so he himself came under investigation. the next courier, roman lopatin, turned out to be extremely inventive and didn’t even blink an eye when the border guards asked to open it. a fifty-ton cargo jack was found in a passenger car, well unusual for such
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a vehicle, which aroused suspicion, well, yes, this also aroused suspicion, a decision was made to open it, well, gold bars were found inside the metal rod filled with oil. they ended up hidden in darat. 16 yellow metal ingots were sent for examination. this metal, after applying the reagent, shows that no reaction occurred, this indicates that this metal contains gold, that is, it is approximately 800 gold, 850 standard, not higher. the fsb officers no longer doubted that they had traced the criminal community and continued to work. the operatives
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managed to establish the name of the owner of one of the mines in tyva, where precious metal was openly stolen and then brought to transbaikal. it was alexander shlensky. the mine officially handed over part of the gold to the refinery. when he, together with a counterfeiter , drove up to chita in his kruzak.
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several more arrests followed, this was bolod rabdanov. and another financier of the group, he was taken early in the morning, completely sleepy, vasilyevich swamps, where are the swamps, someone else in the house, someone in the house, ice attacked, rabdanov swamps, hands, hands behind his back.
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rabdano was presented with a search warrant. a criminal case was initiated on the basis of illegal trafficking in enemy metals and smuggling. drugatench metal? now, within the framework of this criminal case, your vacation will be carried out. several tens of millions of rubles were found in bolot rabdanovo’s house. the man was charged and placed under arrest. and finally, another victory for the border guards. at the moment of transfer of gold, they they took the prospector sergei bogovin and the redeemer temerlan pliev red-handed. the latter lived in
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the distant taiga. in the village of vershina darosunsky, several hundred kilometers from the brush, this is how it was, what is here, what is here, there is iron, what kind of iron, probably the one that was crushed last time, is exactly the same, open what is there, imagine, please , timir lan pliev reluctantly opens the packages of iron, there are sparkling gold bars. metal metal golden color, the origin of this metal, can you explain where you got it from, no, i can’t, well, how did he, how did he end up here , did they get it themselves, where did they get it, found it, found it, where , here, right now i found it, next to pliev sergei bogovin, this man, as the security forces found out, is the foreman of a large mine in yakutia where gold was mined.
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where did you get these items? like where did i get it? where did you get a lot? and the city of chita for further delivery by the collector , everything is indicated in my papers, bagavin is disingenuous, we are not talking about any delivery, he brought gold to the buyer, his old acquaintance, as a result of events upon arrival in bogovina in the zaboykalsky region. sekuti in a vehicle was detained by border control officers with force support from the russian ministry of internal affairs, amon. with the goddess there was a bag of gold about 22 kg, which was packed, well, in a collection bag with seals with cover documents, the so-called. get started.
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