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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the united states launched new attacks on yemen, and the north of the country's capital was bombed. the pentagon reports that the strike was carried out on the aircraft carriers using tamahawk cruise missiles. earlier, information about the attack was confirmed by officials from the american administration. according to them, the strike was carried out on the houthi radar. russian permanent representative vasily nebenzya spoke last night at a meeting of the un security council that the united states will not stop at just one attack. noted: strikes on yemen
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have nothing to do with the right to self-defense violate the charter of the united nations. nebende called washington’s actions armed aggression and emphasized: because of this, the war in the middle east is spreading to the red sea and the gulf of adon. russia called on the international community to condemn the attack by the united states and allies on yemen. this is yet another military aggression by the collective west in its long list. raids on the suffering middle east. all the pseudo-right white house rationalizations don't hold water. i would like to remind you once again that freedom of navigation governed by the 1982 un convention on the law of the sea. in case of violation of the convention, the convention allows the violators of the negotiation to file a claim in arbitration or an international tribunal for the law of the sea.
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nothing in this document, as in the norms of customary international maritime law, gives the right to attack a sovereign country. the united states explained the strikes on yemen as necessary and stated that they comply with international law. the diplomat emphasized that de-escalation in the region must come from the houthis. the representative of china, in turn, called not distort the security council resolution and not provoke new sources of tension. it is unfortunate that the flagrant military measures taken by the parties towards yemen have not only led to the destruction of infrastructure and civilian casualties, but have also led to increased security risks in the red sea, and this is not conducive to the protection of commercial vessels and freedom of navigation. during the security council meeting, new yorkers rallied against us strikes against the houthis and israel's military operation in the gaza strip. near the un headquarters hundreds of people gathered. the demonstrators temporarily
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blocked the first avenue and then staged a procession. they chanted slogans in support of the people of yemen and palestine, and also demanded that ships associated with israel leave the red sea. residents of several regions of ukraine heard powerful explosions tonight. kiev authorities reported sounds of detonation in the vicinity of the capital. similar information came from dnepropetrovsk, and also from the sumy region, which is still controlled by the kiev regime of kherson. now. there were reports about explosions in pivnitsky, kirovograd region and kremenchug - this is the poltava region, air raid sirens sounded in six regions at night, and in the morning a warning was announced throughout the country. at the exhibition forum russia, today is the day of the lipetsk region, visitors to vdnkh will be able to learn how to weave lace, celebrate the old new year, see how it works before...
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per day, how it works can be seen at the exhibition. the village of preobrazhenovka can also be considered a unique experience. this settlement has won six times the competition for the most comfortable village of russia. everything develops according to the same principle. lepchan residents are proud of their nature, the flow of tourists is growing every year. already , more than a million people come to the region every year to relax, and a new impetus will be given by a cluster of summer country camps, the pearl of which is the year-round prometheus complex. in addition to relaxation and entertainment, schoolchildren learn the basics of advanced professions.
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they made the size smaller, i actually really liked it, it’s really interesting, considering that i especially want to work in the it field work in the future. this is just the beginning of the updated project. the residents of the republic of krasnodar are athletic people, and now the infrastructure necessary for competitions is being created in cities and villages, training grounds and running tracks are appearing, and school stadiums are being reconstructed. roman badanov, vesti lipetsk. we'll return to the news in
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the middle of the hour, including talking about the elections in taiwan. well now about the weather. severe frosts have returned to the moscow region; the penultimate level of orange weather danger has already been declared in the capital. about -25, in some areas of the moscow region below 30°. vadim zavodchenkov will tell you what levels the temperature can drop to and how long extreme cold weather can last. a collapse of cold, an anomalous cold once again engulfed the russian plain. we’ll talk about how long the frost will last in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we’ll touch on. the drill is ready for battle. they are launching in russia. the american module peregrine will definitely not be able to land on the moon, what went wrong during the flight, and what are the consequences of this failure
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for the us lunar program. oil, gas, lithium, and not only, what other valuable resources are hidden in the depths of donbass? and what secret goals of germany in ukraine did the german deputy let slip on air? you are watching the main weather program. i'm vadim zavodchenkov. hello. following the snowstorms , the russian plain was covered by anomalous cold. the second week of january generally turned out to be contrasting in terms of weather. we will tell you about the most striking cataclysms in our review. and then we’ll figure out how long the frosts will come to us. rare. footage of the crimean winter, flowers dusted with snow, frozen waterfalls, swept route, on the southern coast of crimea one could observe stunningly beautiful phenomena, as the clouds of a cold front broke through to the peninsula. winter made its presence known in rostov-on-don, where real snowdrifts grew in just one night,
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skiers even appeared on the streets of the southern city, traffic became difficult on major highways, in particular on the m4 don federal highway. the cold penetrated far to the south, snow accumulations were noted in anapa, but... on most of the black sea coast of kuban, the temperature remained slightly above zero, so precipitation fell mainly in the form of rain, for example , flooding was even recorded in kudepsta , winter was already reigning on the passes near sochi, cars flew into the ditch on the snow-covered road to krasnaya polyana, descent from 960, bha cannot rise, the list of weather disasters this week was quite long, bad weather raged not only in the south of the country, in the north-west of european russia. before the start, the local weather station recorded a temperature of -55°, 12 men and
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two women went out to overcome 42 km in extreme conditions, another 24 people ran half distances, you ran for the first time, you ran 42 km for the first time, the olympic reserve schools covered the ski track, but this is not a reason from me. training, the guys build their character by running short distances through snowdrifts, by the way, the wind in yuzhno-sakhalinsk also drove passers-by, its gusts of up to 24 m/s almost knocked them off their feet. blizzards hit the volga region. at the end of the working week, traffic was closed on some highways in the samara, saratov regions, bashkiria and orenburg region. traffic inspectors warned truckers about restrictions via radio communications. request drivers of heavy vehicles become guarded. the weather literally deteriorated before our eyes in moscow, on thursday at
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the height of the day the sky over the capital region darkened, visibility deteriorated to several meters, the wind increased, the culmination of the bad weather was a january thunderstorm, it was observed by residents of balashikha near moscow, and it seemed to me that lightning flashed, lightning flashed and in altai, a thunderstorm is officially behind... a wet scenario, already in places in southern russia, the urals and southern siberia
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, significantly more precipitation has fallen than is usually collected for the whole month. this is how weather processes develop in the middle of winter only once every 6-7 years. together with clouds and precipitation, cyclones brought extremely contrasting air masses to russia, so that the regions were thrown either hot or cold, with an interval from that now to frost. was only a few hours, such temperature swings were observed on the russian plain, beyond the urals, for example, in altai, as if on mars; within 24 hours, thermometer readings changed by almost 30°. the reason for what is happening lies in the unusual trajectory along which atlantic cyclones broke through into russia. on the way to the country, the vortices were forced to go around the blocking anticyclone over europe. leaving for the arctic, from the north, dive into the southern latitudes, so
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the arctic cold and heat of the golf stream were contained in their area, but by monday the european bloc will collapse, so that the normal west-east transport of air masses will begin to be restored in the atmosphere. at the beginning of the new week , the westerly flow will push frosty weather into the urals into siberia, and residents of european russia. powerful warming awaits, it will be outside its zone only the north of the region, in the rest of the territory the thermometer readings will even exceed the climatic norm, in the southern regions at midday up to +3-8, in the middle zone from 0 to -5. in the following days, of course , there will be cold snaps, but they will not be of such an extreme nature, for example, over the capital on the weekend there are not ... many clouds in the early morning, as if in the polar cold it is -22:24, and in the afternoon -13:16, from
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monday it will become warmer sharply, at midday about -2 - this is almost 3 degrees above normal, only on wednesday a slight cold snap. on other topics, rostec is launching mass production of the latest this year. aerial drill bombs, the product has successfully passed all the tests of the ministry of defense, the ammunition is completely ready for systemic use wherever required, and although information about the use of a drill specifically in the north military district zone is closed, there is no doubt that if necessary, it will become a new nightmare for the armed forces of ukraine, especially the declared ones the characteristics are impressive, evgeniy tishka will tell you about the capabilities of the drill. evgeny, as far as i understand, it is capable of hitting a wide range of targets.
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vadim, the main goals are combat vehicles, radars, etc., but it is possible that the functionality will be expanded. already this year , russia will launch mass production of a drill, an aerial bomb, as mysterious as it is innovative. the fact that such ammunition was being developed in our country was announced back in 2016; by now it is completely ready. all types of tests have been passed, including possibly combat ones. there is little official information about the unique ammunition, but something is known: the mass of the aerial bomb is 540 kg, the length is about.
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the developer does not say this, but it is possible here, yes, the options are infrared, optical range, radar, there may be combinations, and the aircraft that will carry the bomb will most likely be fifth- generation multirole fighters su-57. in western media, a drill is most often called a stealth bomb, because due to the characteristics of materials and structures , it can fly all 30 km while remaining invisible to enemy locators, but the most interesting thing will begin when the drill reaches... the target is that this ammunition combines in itself, seemingly fundamentally incompatible, with on the one hand, the bomb is a cluster bomb, that is , it affects a large area, but on the other hand, the drill is a high-precision weapon with selective action. it works like this: having reached the area where enemy forces are concentrated, the drill opens and releases 15 submunitions, each of which is
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a gadget equipped with a satellite guidance system and recognition of its own, bombs with... if any of the submunitions does not find a target for itself, it will simply fall to the ground and deactivate, so as not to harm anyone later. experts suggest that the 3m motif can be used as a filling for the drill, they have exactly this functionality and presumably have already been used during the svo. this is what it looks like. hits one point several times. the launch of a unique bomb into production is very bad news for the armed forces of ukraine, because when the drill buzzes over the whole of ukraine, they will have to reconsider their favorite strategy, the one for which they were scolded even more loyal to the regime by the western media, to hide equipment and manpower among civilian objects, more this won't work.
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it is impossible to interfere with it using conventional rep systems, because to do this you will have to block it. satellite navigation in the region , and this is an extremely difficult task, well, plus the enemy does not know where exactly the strike will be launched, it is extremely difficult organizationally, that is, you need to understand that where there is no satellite navigation, not only will the bomb have no drill, it no one will have it, when the drill begins to arrive en masse, troops are unknown, while experts are sure that despite the manufacturability, the bomb turned out to be quite modest in terms of cost, definitely cheaper than nato armored rubbish, so... you won’t have to save ammunition and keep it for special occasions, the enemy will dash to the fullest. the americans are forced to shift the deadlines for the artemis lunar program. the reason is technical problems related to the safety of the astronauts aboard the
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arion spacecraft, as well as the failure of the mission of the peregrine spacecraft, which was supposed to serve. a kind of reconnaissance officer within the framework of organizing a manned flight to the moon. about the unsuccessful attempt of the americans to send we will tell about the earth's satellite-landing module in our story. the first launch of an automatic spacecraft to the moon in the last 50 years ended in failure for the united states. the private company astrobotic technology's lunar module peregrine was launched on january 8th. it was launched into orbit by the vulcan centaur rocket. the launch took place from the namysi cosmodrome. on february 23, the device was supposed to land near the south pole of the earth's satellite, but 7 days after the launch it became clear that the mission was doomed to failure. the company's manufacturers reported that on board peregrina, an emergency situation occurred, a problem arose with the orientation of the solar panels of the module. they write that after restoring communication they somehow managed
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to sort out the loss of fuel, they say that they are very devastated, well... problems with the propulsion system. peregrine, that is, the fuel tanks, that is, there were left almost without fuel, according to the preliminary version, this happened due to the fact that after launching into orbit, while turning on the propulsion system, it was not possible to hermetically close the valve between the tanks with helium as an oxidizing agent, all this means that there is no longer talk of any soft prelunarization; moreover, it is unlikely to even be able to enter lunar orbit. well, it’s like a person in intensive care, now they’re trying to keep him alive. they send data. the first image obtained from the module shows damage to the multilayer insulation, which confirms the telemetry data and indicates an anomaly in the propulsion system. in the second
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photo, a piece of land, one of peregrine’s supports, as well as a time capsule were included in the frame. containing various messages from children from all over the world. in general, there is quite a lot of symbolic cargo on peregrina, in particular memorial capsules with the ashes of people who wanted to be buried in this way. genetic material from former us presidents has even been sent to the moon. by the way , the navaja indians actively opposed the launch of human remains onto the earth’s satellite; in their opinion, the ashes, once on the moon, would desecrate it. the failure of the american lunar module is further proof that successful space missions require a lot of number of flights, constant construction of new devices, preparedness for losses and careful work on mistakes. the donetsk people's republic plans to conduct geological exploration in the northern part
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of the sea of ​​azov; there may be rich oil and gas deposits there. donbass in general is a real treasure trove of natural resources, and this is not only coal, but also rare earth metals, including the now extremely in demand liqi, and also gold. i studied the resource potential of the region. tatiana belova. tanya, how promising is the search for hydrocarbons on the shelf? sea of ​​azov? vadim, the azov sea region has always been considered attractive in terms of geological exploration. the dpr government recently announced that scientists are currently assessing the potential for hydrocarbons in the northern part of the azov coast. specialists will also analyze archival data. the search for oil and gas deposits in the ozovo region was actively carried out during the soviet era. when independent. ukraine, no one was engaged in exploration by geologists; things did not go beyond plans and conversations. hydrocarbons may lie in the north of the azov sea, and in large quantities. this is indicated by already
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discovered fields in other areas of the equator, for example, the oktyabrskoye gas field in its central part, or , say, the western bugeyskaya 20 km north of the primorsko-okhtarsk regional center, for example, within the temryuk-akhtarsky subsoil area , about ten structures, the total reserves of which can. reach 50 million tons of oil. reserves in the part of the azov sea that formerly belonged to ukraine are estimated at 324 million tons. it is possible that the amount could be at least twice as high. salokar square is of particular interest. by exploring the entire donbass, lugansk and donetsk people's republics, many more sensational discoveries can be made, geologists are sure. the region has always been of interest to scientists, primarily as a source of thermal coal. but recently, during the exploration of coal deposits. metal was already found in the region
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in soviet times, in the west of donbass, now this territory of the lpr the bubrikovskoye gold deposit has been discovered, its estimated reserves are about 100 tons. everyone is surprised, there was coal, now suddenly they paid attention to gold, but they didn’t pay attention to it, because the gold content was insignificant. at that time, over time, new technologies for extracting useful components appeared ; everything was determined by economics. there was such an object in the lpr, the bobrikovsky deposit, it was discovered a long time ago, the reserves are quite significant , about 100 tons, with contents also 2-3 g, and this is an oxidation zone, that is, easily extracted gold, nature has already prepared the ore for... attraction in simple ways. and in donbass there are the largest in europe lithium deposits. the metal is vital to the energy transition
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the eu is dreaming of, as lithium is used in the production of high-capacity batteries. hence the interest in donbass on the part of western countries, especially germany, which allocates substantial funds to support the kiev regime. one of the bundestag deputies accidentally let slip this on television. there is an exclusively economic side of the issue: if ukraine loses, then the financial losses will be much greater compared to what germany is currently spending on aid, and if europe wants to complete the energy transition, it needs its own lithium deposits, the largest lithium deposits in europe are in the donetsk and lugansk regions, so we have other goals in this conflict. this also needs to be talked about so that society is consolidated and continues to support ukraine. demand for lithium is growing at an explosive pace. if in 2010 the world consumed 30,000 tons, then in 2019 it was already 70, in the twentieth 110,000 tons, so donbass with its
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impressive reserves of lithium are so ... attractive to the west, the west is interested not only from a political point of view, the fact that it is rushing to ukraine once again, not only for land, not only for bread, not only for strategic positions, but for completely specific tangible resources, well , in fact, as usual, this is a secret node, which has only recently been revealed to the eye. the general public, but the main thing is that now all these valuable resources will work for the benefit of the russian economy and its citizens. and at the end of the issue is our traditional section: a space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the iran space research institute. the sun should
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come out in 2024. at the peak of activity, and powerful magnetic storms will be observed on earth almost every month. the situation on our star is very tense. let me remind you that on the first day of the new year, half an hour after the chimes struck 12, the largest outbreak of this cycle was registered, reaching the level x5. it’s good that the ejection missed the ground, this is just the beginning. twenty-fourth. on the surface of the sun facing the earth there are several centers of activity, and a significant number are formed in them every day.
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flares, but with rare exceptions of low power, insufficient to influence our planet. on average, the sun continues to produce from 10 to 20 flares daily, at the same time, upward trends are recorded, a gradual pumping of energy into the active centers is observed, and a noticeable increase in the x-ray emission of the sun is also observed, its the level is approximately five times higher than the value... which was just a year ago, two weeks apart, current and future outbreaks of increased power are possible, but without impact on the ground, geomagnetic indices are expected in the green zone with the possibility of short-term disturbances. in general, the forecast for the week is favorable, but the calm is temporary and will last no more than one or two weeks. that's all, enjoy the weather,
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whatever it is, goodbye. we continue the issue: taiwan is holding elections for the head of administration today, three are vying for this post candidate. the representative of the ruling party is considered the favorite. he has repeatedly stated his readiness to pursue a tough policy to separate taiwan from mainland china. the other two contenders represent the opposition, not in favor of normalizing relations with beijing, and against wat independence. the death of american journalist and blogger gonsal lear in a ukrainian prison is a heinous crime for which the authorities in kiev bear responsibility. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky. the us state department confirmed the death journalist. in may last year, lira was detained by the sbu, allegedly for discrediting the top leadership of ukraine. according to western
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media, in prison. american citizenship not only did not save him from the torture of death in a ukrainian prison, the biden administration was clearly not against what was happening, tucker carlson writes about this from the words of the father of the deceased. gonzalo lira, the elder, blamed the death of his son on the kiev regime and his washington sponsor. i can't come to terms with the way my son died. he was tortured.


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