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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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more valuable exhibits, they were registered with us at one time, so we coped with this work quite, quite quickly, but unfortunately, when the power was turned off in the city, we realized that the museum was no longer guarded, so , but move then, no, guys, i can’t talk, raisa petrovna spent a month under fire only when the humanitarian corridors were opened. accordingly, in response , artillery pieces were also fired, shots were fired, so practically residential buildings, here this small microdistrict was located near...
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such a firefight, that is , shells were flying over our heads, and of course, it was all very scary, so we tried not to leave the house, well , we watched as the nearest houses were already suffering, a stray cat pesters everyone , now after... he appeared here, andrei ladkin takes us on a kind of excursion, this part of the building was not affected by the fire, this part here, this wing, this is the library, we can go and have a look, the library survived, at least in this sense i was lucky, true, too, as i already said , looters visited, some ancient books were stolen, we still can’t say what exactly, that’s because the task was like rain, everything starts to flow, everything is wet, we
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packed the books with... first everyone was gradually taken out, there were still magazines left, they would have to be taken out, you see, here it wasn’t on fire, this part, but the left wing, here is the main entrance to the museum, the left wing, and above the second, third floor everything was burned out, then we'll take pictures.
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maxim on it, oh, we want it everywhere, everywhere, but look at this chair, the chair of metropolitan ignatius, who brought the greeks here, this is a particularly valuable item for the local community, unfortunately, yes, the metropolitan’s chair was also lost, it was in the funds, what other losses can we talk about, of course, that every the exhibit is valuable, but in our funds there were more than 60 thousand items, well, each item was valuable in its own way, because all these items were, well, local content, so for our region they were very important, almost everything, we had a very valuable a museum item, this is the lemos cross, wooden cross, decorated with enamel , was made in france, in the 13th century, no, there was a catholic church in our city at one time, we think that this item went to the museum...
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probably in the thirties, then there was a lot religious objects arrived at our museum when the churches were closing, including, probably, this cross, unfortunately, it really burned down, wooden... well, as you understand, there is nothing left here at all, i don’t know what they are here did, as if not the highest place, that is, what there was a point in occupying a museum, i don’t know , i really don’t understand, a museum, even after the great patriotic war the museum was preserved, but everything was melting here, i was generally in shock,
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now i’ve somehow gotten used to it, so what to do , then i was simply terrified. because of what happened here, well , well, virtually all of our history has been lost, and from the point of view of documents, there is a greek court, this is all part of russian, not ukrainian history, as you understand, be careful, yes, here we already have a hall of history , after. archaeological excavations, find objects, for example, from the kiev time and the storage of ancient man. when i came here, and with my bare hands there was broken glass in this, until
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i found gloves, i regularly cut my hands, but there was no other way, especially when you collect all sorts of small things, i had to. feel all this in order to find six arrowheads of the skivians, they are small bronze and varvarki are such bronze cone-shaped pendants, so i had to feel all this in order to collect it all, there may be from here mariupol burial ground, so there could be beads, beads, now yeah? but unfortunately they are very burnt, of course, they are made from mother of pearl, from shells , here is the second ring, yeah, these are here, and this is part of the openwork, yes, yes, in the thirties
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of the last century during the construction of the plant in azovstal, this burial ground was discovered, it was a rare burial without mounds of the fourth millennium bc, those buried in the family tomb were in rich clothes. trimmed with bone beads and plates of boar tusks. in the burial ground archaeologists also discovered stone tools, pendants in the shape of a crescent, presumably playing the role of money, and amulets, which indicated the development of the religious system of the community. artifacts are the most reliable guarantee against rewriting a free interpretation of history, says a museum worker. well, anyone can open a history textbook or a history book there and read about some events, about antiquity. but these are all words, people want to see real, so to speak, artifacts, as they like to say, confirming what actually happened in ancient times can be interpreted in any way you like, that’s what
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, strictly speaking, has been happening in ukraine lately, you were a witness, well, as a witness, well, listen to ukrainian television, watch history textbooks on... on the territory of zaovstal, for some reason they were certainly tied to the cossacks, although that territory was precisely the don cossacks, well, isn’t this a distortion of history, well, such a simple, banal example, here in the exhibition you pick up the royal buckle, russian history, the harness
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bell, again russian history, well, not all history can be destroyed, as my life experience specifically proves, here is the nineteenth beginning. there was history of the 20th century, well, this is what you see, this is a pre-revolutionary factory whistle, objects, well , i have a little left right there. goal, to fall from the second floor , however, it was the same story, there was a hole in
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the basement, there was a closet on the first floor, it also fell from there, and something remained intact, and you are glad that at least something, at least something was saved, and it will be possible to exhibit it in the museum again, we still need to take the shards, so to please raisa petrovna. that we still have something left here, this is, for example, the 18th century, well, they belong to the cossacks, here they are, they are thinner, weaker, now in mariupol there is no professional restorer, so the director of the museum from small fragments found in different corners of the room, trying to collect this broken clay vessel, how does she do it? it seems to me that it’s still difficult, she somehow finds such fragments, and from
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some tiny pieces she tries to glue something together, like the neck of an amphora, she understands the composition, the quality of the clay , the color of the clay, the technique, how it was all done, this is what you see, now it is in the process of work, the curator is compiling a new inventory of the finds, because even the lists of the collections of the oldest on... a museum that recently turned 100 years old. digital copies of rare documents stored on work computers also disappeared. look, here is a box, this is also the metal that we picked up from the krovchesky museum, in this condition, this is what was burning. this one a plate is a plate, mid-18th century, this is what was brought by the greeks, settlers from the crimea. who seemed to have populated our city
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, this is the state in which it was picked up, this plate is from the same series, but it has already been cleaned, this plate can be seen here, even the date is 1733, well, in such a deplorable state there are crosses, a cross-shovel, you see, they, they are deformed, firstly , everything... they are burnt, but it is really possible, say, to level and clean, you can work with this, what was saved, maybe to restore, the museum had two more branches, this is the kuindzh art museum, where we are now, and the museum of folk life, the museum of folk life was also damaged, but the exhibition was practically intact, that is , we were able to save everything that was exhibited there, these are primarily objects. these are objects of material, spiritual culture, mariupol greeks, ukrainians, and russians, and
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germans, and jews, that is, those main groups of the population that lived in the region. it’s good that they brought us shelving, we now have racks, and we lay out boxes on these racks, we number them, each box has an inventory, that is, we can easily navigate and get any box. sheep shearing scissors, sickles, but for now we can only clean it and preserve it, in such a state that it simply doesn’t disappear further, well, like this, for example, sheep shearing scissors, these are the shepherd’s tools, they are so unusual, you see what a table for writing, for working, it was also in the basement of the krovich museum, since the basement is not suffered. here is the furniture, including this bureau from the middle of the 19th century, it has been preserved with
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these drawers, several samovars, here are three samovars, from the early 20th century, several candlesticks from the early 20th century, and this is a list of forty items that local residents helped save , these books were once kept in the library of our regional museum. but somehow they ended up in the yard, that is , they were taken out into the street and our neighbor at the ukrainian museum, alexander prokho, was thrown there. i found not only books, there were objects from the museum exhibition, brought them home, as soon as the museum employees appeared at the site, he came out to us, said that he had more than forty objects from the museum collection preserved, and handed these objects over to us, for which we are of course very grateful to him, that the person was worried about preserving these objects, otherwise we would
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have lost it, but this is, after all, bloody material, minutes of the mariupol district ... zemstvo assembly, the end of the 19th century. now the museum staff are located in a neighboring building on the same street where they used to be there was an art branch named after kuindzh. this world-famous artist comes from mariupol. here were kept original paintings by this master of landscape painting, as well as works by the marine painter aivazovsky. before the start of hostilities , the keeper of the fund hid them in a hiding place. then the paintings were temporarily removed from the art gallery in mariupol and transferred to the regional gallery. donetsk, these paintings, this is nikolai dubovskoy, two two canvases of the sea and night on the baltic sea, this is ivan aivazovsky, three works, brushes by arkhip ivanovich kuindzhi, a mariupol resident, an artist
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who is known for his extraordinary manner of conveying light, sketch, red sunset, such sketches. there are two: one is in the russian museum, the other was transferred to the mariupol museum in the sixties by decision of the ministry of culture of the soviet union. the original painting is located in america, in the united states of america in the metropolitan museum of art. the painting of the late period, late kuindzh, which you say, was written in a style that is characteristic of this period of kuindzh, a philosophical landscape, in especially. world of light transmission, these works are valuable, since we simply do not have other works by kuindzh in the republic, so of course, it would be a big loss, when museums are restored in mariupol, when proper conditions for storage are created there, they will naturally go there will return. paintings require
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special storage conditions, maintaining the temperature and humidity of the room, and the presence of security systems in them; while in mariupol this is not the case, the task of preserving the most valuable exhibits has been taken on by museum workers from donetsk. 1,600 items are rare books , which we now have in sealed form in the library storage room, these are about 200 items of an ethnographic nature, these are material items, the throne gospel, in greek, 1811 edition of venice, this is an original scroll. a 19th century sefer torah scroll associated with the jewish cult, greek everyday objects , unique objects, a vessel called kumgan, dating back to the 16th century, was taken by the greeks from crimea, this is a medal item art, but the building of the donetsk art museum during the fighting
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in the donbass also came under missile attack from the ukrainian armed forces, says its director marina maksimchuk. our museum has unfortunately been damaged several times. shelling from the armed forces of ukraine, the first shelling took place in 2014, it was the month of august, there were several shellings, and there were several direct hits, one wing was completely destroyed, the nature hall was damaged, the storage facilities were damaged at that time, the archaeological collection was damaged, already in in the fifteenth or sixteenth year, this entire wing was restored, by the whole world, as they say, the whole world, all the people, volunteers and... the ministry of emergency situations, museum workers, the ministry of culture, that is, everyone who could, the luxurious hall was restored, the hall of nature along protected paths, and unfortunately, on new year's eve, uh , january 1, 2023 at 4:00 am, that's all according to tradition, but fascist germany, according to the tradition of ukrainian neo-nazism, 4:00 am,
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another bombing, another direct hit. a tail from the hail flew towards us. the shell exploded, blew off our roof, broke through the ceiling and the engine itself got stuck in the wall near the window. now this is our exhibit, which is stored in the funds of our museum. evidence of the crimes of the ukrainian nazis against the civilian population of donbass, as well as evidence of the exploits of its defenders, is already being collected and stored in the museum’s funds for exhibition. him, yes, it’s all his, he just said, i don’t need him, he said, i’m never going to go back there, and he says, at first
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he wanted to break him up, and then he realized that, well, this, by the way, this is the only exhibit we have, here it is his passport, unfortunately, yes, it’s very... it’s a pity for zhenya, this is a partigar, he passed it on, this is his comrade in arms, he also died, here, as if with his last cigarette . he handed over these things to the museum before going on another assault on the donetsk front, where he died. this is how a year ago he spoke on our program about his first fight. my call sign is brist, i am originally from donetsk, donbass. therefore, my conscience is clear, because this is my land, my parents live here, my father’s grave is here, my grandfathers, when we were sent there, zakhar
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, my father, who had already died, he said, they will beat you, they will kill you, they will shoot at you from three sides, the position cannot be surrendered, you must hold on to it with your teeth if anyone is afraid. take a step forward, i say , i won’t say a word, you’ll go back to the camp, i stood in the ranks, turned to the right, look at the mood, no one took a step forward, so we sat down and made our way under shelling, occupied, that’s where we have the hardest battles were at this height, these are the objects that speak of history of this particular region, so yes , it is important, it is important, it is important to preserve it so that children, our descendants, in 50, 100 years, they can come here and also
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clearly and firmly know their history, how the settlement of donbass happened in general, starting even under catherine, she gave land here for settlement to poles, germans, jews, that is , people came here for working people came here, the next, the abolition of serfdom in 1861, people went here to work. so what are you doing here? here, here were the wayaks, here they remain, well, that is, their traces stay, there were tin boxes
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of cartridges, well, in short, it was clear that they saved these tin boxes for i hope that our women did not throw them away anywhere, but they were here, andrei ladkin continues his journey, to the storage facility of the burnt in the mariupol museum there was a letter of grant from catherine, who granted the right to christian communities from... as it will be normal , here you can still dig, here, perhaps, there was a cabinet with numismatics, and something could fall down there, well, yeah, yeah , this is russia, ninety the third year, in my opinion, the safes were opened, coins, precious metals, awards, lenin's order, a letter of honor was kept, a letter of honor from catherine i, here on this rack, here it is... it was in a case in ashes, he is trying to find the remains of a wax seal or the locks of the case , but not finding them, he makes a comforting conclusion for himself, perhaps this historical document
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is intact, well, unfortunately, that’s what i was afraid of, that is, even if it melted, the metal should have remained, well, i tried something here - or find, there is nothing, that is, rather in all, i think that it was stolen and there is hope that sooner or later it... will be found, which means that the connection between centuries of russian history of this region is unbroken. museum workers help us a lot , so they find out about our problems, they call us, write, they even bring us something , financial assistance and office equipment, and those little things without which we could not work, we have our official bosses, this is the pushkinsky mikhailov nature reserve. who also provides us with financial assistance, now we are also having such communication about prospects for the restoration of our
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evolution occurs. hello, i'm boris sakimo. and i, oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
10:00 am
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