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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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in 1960, the americans launched a large-scale operation bell wether; documents about it , marked to be destroyed after reading, ended up online. in june 1960, research and develop methods for field testing insects for future use as entomological munitions. these similar tests formed the basis for the development of offensive biological weapons, although back in april 1972 the united states, britain and the soviet union signed a convention that strictly prohibits their development. americans precisely since the signing of the biological and toxin convention.
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or an agreement on the transfer of biomaterial, that no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. yes, now the rules of the game have changed. when siti fadila supari directly accused american scientists of conducting illegal research on indonesian citizens, the minister was fired and dismissed.
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jeffrey tried to tell the whole world about these dangerous experiments; during the study of the blood of the test subjects, they tested them for diseases and what kind of immunity they have, they are developing ways of infection, they can help these people, but they are also developing ways in which people with immunity can become infected with a virus that will be stronger than their immunity. but his investigation into the victims of tests banned throughout the world was never published by any major european publication. or the american publication, regarding secret developments, they also conducted various studies, tests on prisoners in georgia, there are documents, people who took part,
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employees of the penitentiary authorities, doctors in prisons, they were given special... tasks brought or somehow supposedly from the treatment of cirrhosis from other diseases and carried out such tests, as a result of which people, prisoners, also died. jeffrey silverman believes that another result of the work of the lugar biocenter in georgia was the strange outbreaks of anthrax throughout the region. three cases of anthrax were registered in poti. a man diagnosed with siberian. yazva died in adjara from fever. in georgia there is anthrax, but it doesn't just exist as a sample of the virus in a laboratory. anthrax exists naturally here and is found in livestock. during the soviet union , this deadly disease was virtually defeated in the caucasus, and all animals were
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required to be vaccinated. to reduce the incidence of disease on farms, the entire herd is vaccinated and sick animals are culled. this continued until the beginning. they stopped the vaccination program. the government did this to see how anthrax would develop in new generations more resistant to antibiotics, with the ultimate goal of being used as biological warfare weapons. there are many families in georgia who have dogs, cats or other pets, and there are many diseases that are dangerous for both people and animals. anthrax, abandoned, rabies, leshmanos. according to the georgian center for diseases and public health , almost 60 people fell ill with anthrax in the country in 2014. year after year, the numbers of infected people grew at such a rate that recently it was difficult to determine the symptoms deadly disease, residents of the country were taught
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even during morning shows. the primary sign of anthrax may be an ulcer on the arm. year after year, the numbers of infected people grew at tremendous speed. and for so many years now. georgian farmers and shepherds become infected with anthrax, and their blood is then studied in the laboratory. wow, this is a new strain. what if it was used as a weapon?
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"they said that they would call the police, there was such a very strange fight, we felt a threat in terms of the fact that they wanted to drag us there, delyana showed her bulgarian passport, here delyana says shows her passport, they got very excited, took a picture of delyana’s passport, we weren’t inside, the american authorities had something to hide, during the investigation the bulgarian journalist..."
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record this conversation in english, where he said that he american diplomat
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that he is not a scientist, almost immediately the journalists found out who exactly was working in the biological laboratory under american diplomatic cover. at first we didn’t know who he was, really. then we go on the internet, it turns out it’s this one the handsome gentleman with blond hair is a military entymologist. diplomat and denied any connection with the biocenter, name is joshua bast. here he is on the man who presented himself as an american photograph of an awards ceremony for american military personnel from the lugar laboratory. joshua bast himself does not hide his connections with the us department of defense on social networks. his army research specialty is death-carrying insects. josh abast is the notorious developer of this american patent, where there is a serial
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number, description, how it works, this device, well, what is its purpose. the catch is that this device contains spaces where containers with infected flies can be loaded, that is, this is for carrying out a bio-attack on a conditional enemy of the enemy. this is an improved model of those same glass bombs from the unit 731 museum in harbin. this means that in 2014, a special structure for a. was equipped at the fugarcenter. growing in artificial conditions with a spout, they are starting a project called georgian flies and caucasus, well, that is, this is a voluminous project, and there is their american documentation, then they have a third project, which also includes these and how to catch flies and explores their salivary characteristics, that
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is, how they can infect, i ca n’t demonstrate to you very well fine. you can see these are the so-called sand flies , this was recorded in the photographs, that is , flies, i will now quote the species felebotomina, they carry dangerous parasites in their saliva and transmit through a bite in the human blood, a disease that they can cause very this is of such interest to developers and military... pentagon researchers, this disease is very widespread in iraq and afghanistan, if it is not treated, the acute form of the disease is always fatal, that is, you understand, they are in both afghanistan and iraq we used it, and we already have separate outbreaks in ukraine.
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it was possible to understand the nature of one of these epidemics in march 2021, when it was in the hands of representatives of the ministry of defense. russia received documents from one of the ukrainian laboratories, where specialists were also studying pathogens. insects and migration of birds infected with pathogens. details of the up-4 project have become known; its goal was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including the highly pathogenic h5n1 influenza, the mortality rate of which for humans reaches 50%, as well as nucast disease. collection of analysis of biomaterials containing. especially dangerous pathogens was carried out within the framework of projects up-3, up-5 and up6. each of these projects was devoted to some specific aspect of the development of biological weapons, in in particular, for example, pathogens were localized that are completely uncharacteristic of ukraine now. the up-4 project
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aims to study h5n1 influenza in migratory birds, which has a 50% fatality rate in humans. also, american military experts studied newcastle disease in ukraine, the asian bird plague, it’s just terrible, how can it be, lying here and there, hundreds, hundreds. in 2021 , crimean fishermen sounded the alarm; the coast of lake sivazh was strewn with the corpses of dead birds that had flown into crimea from odessa, where...
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in 2022, the russian military published part of the secret documents on the implementation of large-scale us military biological programs in ukraine. this letter is from the united states department of state, which is equivalent to the ministry of foreign affairs. the us department of foreign affairs appeals to the ukrainian
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side with a request to provide all possible assistance to the black and witch company. once again, a private company. for which the state department of the united states of america is actually harnessing and asking, or rather demanding, it’s correct to say so. and this is already correspondence between black&dvich and the leadership of the sonnadzor of ukraine, where they notify about the conduct of experiments to study the congo-crimean hemoragic fever virus. most of those who fell within the scope of this study were women and children, that is, in fact, this meant that the crimean fever. in the lviv region is already circulating in the population. black & witch is the primary supplier of equipment to the pentagon's biological laboratories around the world. its main customers, the dtra agency, are sad. famous laboratory, it’s not for nothing that this the company received a contract from the us department of defense to study a new strain of coronavirus long before the start of the pandemic.
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this is precisely the mention of the covid-19 grant in the fall of 2019, when covid-19 itself did not yet officially exist, it was not said in the scientific world, but in this grant this was already discussed, and the company black and weitch received the contract. the pentagon for research, that is, to study contagiousness, to study the scale of infection, to study pathogenicity. judging by the documents released, after appearing on in ukraine, american scientists from organizations directly associated with or working for the pentagon, tens of thousands of people became victims of secret experiments. these documents , which ended up in the hands of russian military personnel, once again confirmed the fact that... ukrainian citizens are actually guinea pigs for western pharmaceutical giants, for western ministries of defense, that is, their defense
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departments, everything that happened to volunteers is described , and a form about serious side effects, even indicated in the case that to do in case of death, they are studying the effect of weapons on us, which in fact should... be used against us . the russian ministry of defense showed a scheme for making money on secret pentagon programs closed from inspection. the incoming materials make it possible to evaluate the patterns of interaction between us authorities and ukrainian biological objects; attention is drawn to the involvement in the financing of these activities of structures close to the current us leadership, in particular the rosman seneca foundation, which is headed by hunter biden. part money received through companies controlled by hunter biden. later they returned to the funds of the democratic party. hunter himself, judging by the photo from his laptop, also made good money from secret pentagon programs.
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american journalist george ellson exposed this ukrainian scheme by withdrawing millions of dollars from the us budget in favor of one of the political forces. they have more money and power in washington than all of saudi arabia. that's why it's like this. they create. the united states, because they...
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in fact, we are now quite concerned about that the russian military may be trying to take control of them, so we are working with the ukrainians to ensure that they can
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prevent any of these research materials from falling into the hands of russian forces if they get close. based on the documents found, it became known that in the territory of ukraine alone there are now more than twenty laboratories working under programs from the united states. there are more than 300 such scientific centers in the world. what happens behind the high fences surrounding them is unknown. diplomats from russia tried to raise this issue at a special meeting of the un security council. at the same time, the question remains unanswered about us patent number 8967029b1 dated march 3 , 2015, issued by the us patent and trademark office for an unmanned aerial vehicle for dispersing infected mosquitoes into the air. that is, for equipment , a product that is intended for use as a technical means of delivery and use of biological weapons, biological and immunobiological
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agents, bacteria and viruses. the usa is its allies, residents of other countries probably have not even heard about this attempt by the russians to make the facts public. all information from independent journalists from different countries and the results of their investigations are also instantly destroyed on all major internet platforms. the topic of biological laboratories is under an unspoken ban from those who are able to control it.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious.
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and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with we are discussing with experts how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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the fire at the wilburys warehouse in st. petersburg was localized to an area of ​​70,000 km2, the ministry of emergency situations reported. u... the damage, according to preliminary estimates, may exceed 10 billion rubles. we know the latest information from our correspondent dmitry akimov, he is in direct contact. dmitry, hello, what is happening on site now, and what will happen now with the delivery of goods that ended up in the warehouse? yes, daria, hello, how can you see behind me.


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