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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the fire at the wilburys warehouse in st. petersburg was localized to an area of ​​70 thousand square meters. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. the damage, according to preliminary estimates, may exceed 10 billion rubles. we know the latest information from our correspondent dmitry akimov, he is in direct contact. dmitry, hello, what is happening on site now, and what will happen now with the delivery of goods that are in the warehouse. yes, daria, hello, well, as you can see behind me, this is a burning warehouse building, as well as right there. there is now
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an open flame, and firefighters are working on the spot, they really managed to localize the fire, but this means that it is no longer spreading, that is, now the fire is fixed and the fire is decreasing, the fire signal on the moscow highway, house 153, this is shushara, this is a suburb of st. petersburg, the rescuers received it at 7 :12 a warehouse complex measuring 350 by 320
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caught fire. 1,600 people went to work on the night shift, but according to preliminary data, the fire occurred in the block where the packaging film is stored, which is actually used for wrapping speaking, pallets with goods. 350 people worked in this block, they were evacuated , the first to leave the shift were 1,600 people, in addition, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to work on the site, 286 people and 57 pieces of equipment were involved in the fire extinguishing,
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naturally, here we saw people who came to work today , arrived on the morning shift, however, well, it’s clear that they didn’t go to work, that’s what one of the eyewitnesses told us today, the events, let ’s listen, and the fire started when people felt gas, at first, it started alarm, people did not understand what to do, eventually a fire started, and within the first 5 minutes people began to evacuate. but they were stopped by the police and the people who were checking during the search began to check their things to see if they had taken anything from them, well, this is information from one of the employees, who at that moment was inside the premises, in the press -the service of the wildberries marketplace company told us that the goods placed at... in the warehouse
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in shushary will be hidden from the display case marketplace, buyers will be refunded for lost orders, and sellers will receive compensation for damaged or lost goods. now the work on site is continuing, there are a lot of police officers working here, and the city prosecutor’s office is already working on site here, they have begun their investigation, it is clear that putting out this fire will continue, well, at least throughout today... the united states launched new strikes according to yemen, the pentagon reported the destruction of several houthi targets using tamahawk cruise missiles, launches were carried out with an aircraft carrier. washington's actions are being discussed. noted that
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the american operation violates the un charter and is not defensive in nature. from the usa, reporting by denis davidov. wars for america are routine, biden makes his first public comment on the bombing of yemen in a coffee shop, the supreme commander has a glass in his hand, what is unclear in his head, will you continue to bomb the houthis if the attacks do not stop? we will definitely respond, we will respond together with our allies, if the houthis continue this outrageous behavior. this is how we run proxies. no, iran does not want war with us. by the way, if anyone wants coffee, i'll offer it. washington, walks through pennsylvania, where he has a symbolic meeting with firefighters. a fire in the middle east, the american president is putting out gasoline. thousands of protesters
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took to the streets of the capital after the attacks of the so- called western coalition. moved to the american islands and did not attack them, your attacks on our country - “we did not attack the american shores, this is not terrorism, america is the terrorist and the main the devil, washington doesn’t hear them, doesn’t listen, strikes blow after blow again, the glow from the explosions against the backdrop of the mosque minorets, that is, they are bombing a completely deserted area. a new series of airstrikes on targets in yemen comes a day after us and allied forces carried out strikes on dozens of targets. while last night's strikes were carried out by a us- uk coalition backed by canada, the netherlands, australia and bahrain, now the us is acting unilaterally.
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rather, the american military acts, unilaterally order without permission. the white house did not receive congressional approval for these strikes; they also did not consider it necessary to ask. this is yet another military aggression by the collective west in a long list of its forays into the suffering middle east. if the escalation continues, the entire middle east region may face a catastrophe that will make everything that happened before seem like nothing. it was russia that convened the security council on the situation in yemen. vasily nebendya recalled that the united states, instead of forcing israel to peace and peaceful solution to middle eastern problems, relied on force. these strikes were necessary, they were in accordance with international law, this is the right of the united states to self-defense, which is reflected in article 51 of the un charter. what right of self-defense are london and washington talking about a thousand miles from their own borders? since when did this right
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begin to extend to commercial ships? one thing is obvious: the self-proclaimed coalition does not have any legitimate mandate for forceful action. it's one thing to protect commercial shipping, attacks on which unacceptable, and completely different, it is disproportionate and illegal to bomb another state. the houthi leaders said they would continue to block the passage of ships that are associated with israel and promised to prove to the british and americans that yemen is a cemetery for invaders. denis davidov, maria bolotvina, news. this morning, russian troops launched a group strike with high-precision weapons, including dagger missiles, against the targets of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. this was reported by the ministry of defense. the targets were enterprises producing ammunition drones. this morning, the armed
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forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with long-range, sea- and air-launched precision weapons, including the kenzhal hypersonic missile system, as well. pilot aircraft at the facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, producing 155, 152 and 125 mm projectiles, gunpowder, unmanned aerial vehicles. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. today 300 belgorod children arrived in the pendensky region. their will be placed in two camps, where unscheduled winter shifts have been specially organized. the guys will not only relax there, but also study. in addition, it is provided. cultural program, field trips, sporting events, creative competitions, with details victoria shirshina. over 300 young residents of the belgorod region arrived in the pendensky region; during the turbulent situation in their hometowns, they will relax in the health camps of our region.
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the special forces were met early in the morning at penzi first. in an instant, without new year's money the holidays turned into danger due to powerful shelling, in belgorod a number of... meetings were clearly organized. the unloading of children will be carried out sequentially, from the first two carriages, starting, so to speak, with the younger ones, all the rest are unloaded only on command. due to low temperatures , children are kept in the carriages until the last minute. the first special train arrived at penza station at 60 am. its passengers are a little tired, sleepy, but smiling guys in anticipation of their upcoming vacation. but before that mandatory call and sms message to parents. svyatoslav fedorov writes a short but important phrase to his mother: “everything is fine with me.” according to the boy, this is what he
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calls his journey and his personal desire. and i wanted it myself. well, just take a break from the shelling. do you have them often? yes, it’s just scary and noisy, i can’t sleep. but kiri bashkova admits that at first the girl didn’t want to go so far from home, but... at the age of 9 she realizes that this is a forced necessity, since her mother works a lot and remains at home alone scary, my mother signed me up because there was no one to leave with, how was the situation in general, how was it there, well, i didn’t bang for 2 days, but last days i did, there was already a siren , 315 young belgorod residents arrived in the penten region today, as well as their accompanying persons, after everyone was escorted successively to the buses and helped with personal belongings, they went to
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the zvezdochka country camp at the recreation center, clean ponds. according to the head of the region, comfortable conditions have been created for them there; extensive educational and cultural programs have already been drawn up. we we will transport teachers, we will organize the entire educational process at the place where the children live. now they have to undergo a four-day quarantine, this is a mandatory requirement, and after four days.
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century was sent to the world exhibition in paris as a soil standard, and chernozem is perhaps the most fertile soil, and, of course, since the russia exhibition here at vdnkh is also international, we can say that the glory of the voronezh land, now, today again goes virtually all over the world and... the region of russia gives even more milk meat production is the second largest in our country, but of course the main pride of voronezh and the voronezh land is its people, here at the stand with us is the olympic champion, two-time olympic champion in diving dmitry sautin, our fellow countryman from voronezh. tell me, you are the only athlete who received eight olympic medals
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of different denominations, here you also have a kind of exhibition of achievements of which region, this is probably one 1/3, because it’s like only gold medals, but this is mine the first olympic gold medal was in atlanta in 1996, in the usa, the very first games you trained in voronezh , such a success in america. and what are the prospects, they say a lot about the prospects for the development of our region, what prospects, as far as water sports are concerned, is voronezh capable of becoming the center of these types of sports? of course he is capable, but in general it all depends.
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thank you very much, we will continue the tour of voronezh, because voronezh is rightly called the capital of the black earth region, and the black earth region is not only one region, there are six of them at once, this is belgorodskaya, and lipetskaya, we’ll get there later, kurskaya, tambovskaya, orlo. here, look at the excitement and interest in the projects that the voronezh region is representing here at the exhibition in moscow, and you can right here go on a trip to voronezh as the capital of the black earth region, because firstly, it is a city with a population of over a million, and, secondly, secondly, the voronezh region, although it is an agricultural region, voronezh itself is a large industrial center, here they will help us now,
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tell us what needs to be done interactive scanner, you are already worth everything, and scanning is generally a pen. we are kidding you, the system has already counted you, you need to make your arms like an airplane, because voronezh is the center of aircraft manufacturing, but they missed with you that it turns out that you weigh as much as 360 ermine, please, this is your mascot, our voronezh animal, he will ask you to repeat several simple movements behind him, but while we are repeating the movements, i will tell our viewers that voronezh has an aircraft manufacturing plant that services and produces. including our - russian aircraft, board number one of the president of the russian federation , also released, there are airliners that are entering the special flight detachment of russia, well , now we can go not only on a trip to this plant, but also to other attractions, in general it must be said that voronezh is capable of reaching any heights, including space ones,
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look at the guys’ inscriptions, you can show, this is the voronezh region, here in voronezh you are space. because voronezh is also the birthplace of rocket science, they produce engines for soyuz launch vehicles, which they are launching spaceships into low-earth orbit, and we talked with governor alexander gusev about the prospects, not cosmic and beyond the clouds, but quite real, about the development of the voronezh region. we will certainly develop and continue agriculture, and the priorities here are processing. industry in agriculture and livestock farming, these are our strategic directions of development, industry will be more widely represented in many sectors, but this is primarily the processing part industry, which belongs to the processing industries, and of course it is important not to forget about engineering infrastructure, about social infrastructure, this is our separate concern, and we also try to pay a lot of attention
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to this child and direct a lot of funds to it. but the remaining projects of the voronesh region are presented not only here, but also there inside the pavilion, there is also a line there now, but we will try to get through, even the smallest visitors of this exhibition are there, and here is everything that the voronezh region is proud of, look, there are so many pictures, you can’t even appreciate and comprehend everything at once, but it must also be said that historically, in general , voronezh is also the cradle of the russian fleet. the first ships were built there, the first battleship before the destination, now an exact copy of it, which was a few years ago , decorates the embankment of the voronezh reservoir, this is what this ship looks like, magnets are produced here even with its image, and it’s also a museum on the water, which is included in the voronezh tourist route the birthplace of the new year, why the birthplace of the new year
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told us, issued a decree about... no one and the greatest prospects are for therefore, this status from voronezh will not take away the tourism bill to increase migration flows to our city, a positive migration balance, so that people come as tourists remained to live as residents of our city, of course we will work for this. it’s impossible to imagine everything. here, unfortunately, the formats are compressed, but you can understand the interest in going and seeing all this, as they say in my eyes, voronezh is a part of my heart, here all the impressions, yes.
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responsibility for the death of american journalist gonsal lira in a ukrainian prison lies with washington, stated the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova. she noted that the united states completely controls the kiev regime and de facto allows the ukrainian leadership to hunt employees of unfriendly media. and the white house and the state department and others.
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the tacit consent of the white house. in the new ones
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, the complete chaos that happened in the regions of russia was restored and repaired and retrofitted more than 170 medical institutions. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, spoke about this during a working visit to the zaporozhye region. the minister visited melitopol.
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which allowed us to significantly reduce the number of recurrent heart attacks and strokes and save many millions of lives. in taiwan today, the head of the local administration and members of parliament are elected. the first official results should be announced this evening. our own correspondent in china, alexander baletsky, is following the election process. as such, there is generally no main favorite, although there are indeed first results, which are obviously preliminary, because there are a little more. just an hour ago, polling stations in taiwan closed, where today they are electing the head of the island, along with deputies to the local parliament, these elections, frankly, have attracted the attention of the whole world, since even though
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these are regional elections, their results, as expected to have an impact on relations between the two taiwan strait countries, as well as relations between china and the united states, since, as is known, the united states , which formally seems to adhere to the one china principle, according to which taiwan is an integral part of the prc, in practice continues to maintain relations with all the forces in taiwan that advocate the independence of the island, and this is the current ruling party in taiwan, the democratic progressive party, whose representative has been at the helm for the past few years, and whose new representative is now also vying for the post of head of the island right now, so as more than once beijing stated that the current elections in taiwan are an election between war and peace. so, three main candidates were represented on the ballot papers today , representatives of the three main pro-american parties. such a democratic progressive party, which opposes dialogue with beijing in reunification, representatives of the gamindan hou party, he is in favor of dialogue with beijing and building
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economic relations, well, the third candidate: this is a representative of the kovz labor party, who is also not against building dialogue with beijing, but also the united states, in general, too, in general, responsibly, of course, the residents of taiwan had to make a choice today, which they actually made. i am not happy with the current government, it is corrupt and does not satisfy many of the demands of the people, it is more domineering and i don’t like it, while everything is fine in taiwan, anyone can be a leader, but when problems arise, we change the government, the polls opened at exactly 8 am polling stations, there are 17 of them, you could vote approximately... in person, no absentee ballots, no voting in general, only at the place of registration , and the polling stations themselves have very strict rules, no understandable campaigning, no conversations, especially on political topics, mobile phones are only turned off, but all this is monitored very closely, of course, in beijing itself, by the way, openly they didn’t say which candidate they preferred, but they openly criticized him for his, as they say in beijing, separatist position, which is exactly what they called for from
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the very beginning. i am ready to send my delegation to the island immediately after the elections, we remember what round of tension provoked pelosi’s arrival on the island, but it is clear that no one in china wants a repetition of this tension, but for now, according to preliminary data, it is clear that these are only preliminary data, because only an hour before the votes are counted, everything is in the lead - still, a conditionally pro-american candidate, in any case, as emphasized today in beijing, the official... believes that the choice in taiwan is an internal matter of china, but regardless of the voting results, this will not change the main thing, taiwan is part of china, in world there is only one china, in fact, this slogan is: one country, two systems, it is installed on the coast of every place, where we are now, right on the coast , facing the taiwan strait, as a reminder to taiwanese compatriots, china is one and china is united. alexandrevsky, nikolai petrov, lead china.
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and now to the sports news.
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races, only in sprints as part of the cup , but the leader of the sprint standings in russia, anastasia, is in the ranks. well, as for the men's competition, here in the qualification there was a somewhat of a surprise, the leader of the overall season, three-time olympic champion alexandrov did not win the qualification, he
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lost... seconds, but again this result should not be misleading, it was just a qualification, and of course the main fight begins with the final races, with the quarterfinals, when there is already a direct struggle for survival, elimination, excuse me, well, the day before we talked with the president of the russian ski racing federation elena vyalbi, and we discussed quite a lot with her alexander bolshunovoy, let me remind you that the leader of our races on a unique winning streak is... he won 13 victories out of a possible thirteen in the russian cup, yesterday elena vyalbe talked about how important it is when in skiing there is a leader to whom everyone strives, in fact, elena vyalbe admitted that she would like alexander bolshanov to win all the races of the season. let's listen to the president of the federation. and on the contrary, i think about how cool it would be if sasha you...


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