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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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after a short advertisement , alexander rogatkin’s documentary about how enterprising business coaches promise to teach how to earn millions in pursuit of the dream of a rich life, their students sell apartments, take out loans and become even poorer. more on that in a couple of minutes. for headaches, there is
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ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable rate deposit, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. transfer your pension to sberbank. online or in the department, my daughter sang the best again, that’s five, the action of oral sept for a bacterial fungal infection, five actions of oral sept for a sore throat, oralsept - thousands of holiday discounts in a magnet, violetto curd cheese with herbs 89.99 magnet - price, what do you need than to look 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product... suits you, and then confirm
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the payment, cough, less chemicals, tablets for cough, renival , we trust renival, we choose renival, so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind, in emvidio and eldorado there are discounts of up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rubles down payment, 0% overpayments , select video and eldorado. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases over a thousand rubles on any sberbank credit card before january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. the pain can vary. mechanism development of pain one. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against thanks to
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the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. under the silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside a beautiful, perfect plambier, airy, natural, happy sound in the heat of july is carried by a silver bullet. what men are silent about is that life is out of control. fears of ceasing to be a man are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. recommended course, two packs. lanagidase against prostatitis. get off the couch. the new sportmaster application will help you become more active. launch the activity tracker, walk, run, complete challenges. receive bonuses as a reward and pay for purchases with them. master,
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win the prizes. we take out loans, it’s easy to get them, we’re all in a commercial bank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re in sovcombank, we take out loans, we’re in a private company up to 5 million. loans that know all. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy electronics with cashback. up to 50%. looks like a cold. take paracetamol-renival. citramon prenival. we trust renival. we choose renival. it was an apotheosis of vulgarity and human stupidity at the same time. a certain
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sergei kosenko dumps dollar bills out of a helicopter, then drowns the money in the sea, and before that, demonstrating every possible disdain for bundles of dollars in... he puts them on the floor of the toilet, i learned how to sell anything, from real estate to my mentorship, for which i am paid 100 million rubles. the american currency, printed, judging by the stamp in turkey, is literally coming out of all the cracks, the little man is simply reveling in his superiority over the servants who send him their hard-earned money to become just as rich and successful. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich, that's what they say. astrology, yes, yeah, here i am, too, will become incredibly rich, you have the opportunity, here is the link, and here is the number of the cards, they are called infogypsies, scammers who consider themselves business coaches and earn
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fabulous fortunes from gullible subscribers. our task, selling from the stage, is to manipulate the maximum number of people into a bright future, taking it away from them.
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a useful webinar for all 9 years about money, it’s called the billionaire gene, we work with our heads, how to make really big money, just trust as much as possible. the investigative committee of russia is not known for its gullibility, so one of these coaches, ayaz shibuddinov, was arrested for fraud, after he boasted to the whole world. how they pay him with red rolls-royces for his wise advice. one very famous person decided to come to me for an annual job worth 50 million rubles. and he told me: “i love my rolls-royce.” rolls-royce.
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internet billionaires defiantly fattening up eventually caused a just and long-awaited gag reflex in society. why not one of the hundreds of thousands of infocygans was mobilized. this is corruption, why? they are all of military age, and portnyagin, and shabuddinov, and temchenko, all of military age, but no one at the front. by the way, they all opposed the special military operation or wrote there: “we are for peace, no war, none of them helps at the front, none of them were in donbass, why do we need them at all? they show their yachts, villas, how they live well, how they..." are swimming in gold, figuratively speaking, no one even thought about it, that you can get rich this way, hee-hee-ha-ha, oh, they teach some fools to dream, oh, yes there are two or three of these people there, two or three people and that’s it, and no one no, when they saw that these were millions of people , bringing in billions of rubles, then they realized that
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no one pays any taxes, they are engaged in outright fraud, i always make everyone sick, i show up a little bit , it hooks everyone, that’s why the flask starts... a gypsy is a person who offers you some valuable product in the online space, in the end you get for your money a product that either has no value, or instead of a real educational product they slip you some videos cut from open sources . that's what infraziganism, in deception, not in not
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belonging to a person’s profession as a whole, just like belonging to a gypsy, does not make a person a deceiver. the main thing here is not to offend a whole people, because this is all from a persistent historical meme, oh young, handsome, gild your pen, i’ll tell you the whole truth when...
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a criminal case was opened against yaz shabuddinov at the request of businesswoman natalia kalistratova, allegedly ayas promised that after him courses she will certainly get rich, but she was deceived. i promised, i have a screenshot of an advertisement where ayas promised: i’ll give it to you in a week, you you will earn money. trust in god, don’t make a mistake yourself, but that’s what they say, don’t make a mistake yourself, what do
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you need today by the end of today, firstly, leave a request, and secondly, try to pay. first you dance, there are dances, hugs, like this to different music, you jump, you just become dumb , they shake you up like this, then relaxation begins, meditation, then they shake you up again. then there is relaxation, meditation, it turns out that they are shaking you out of balance, then, here is the solution, go quickly, quickly, quickly, buy, and they push you straight to the counter , where the managers are, like that, the manager’s counter , just give your passport, sign an application for the processing of personal data, then once you have received a loan, almost two million credits were immediately divided into three parts and gone to different places addresses. i naturally went to the legal address of these third parties,
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called them from the business center, showed them statements, payments and said, who are you, why did you take possession of my funds, i said, i want to sue, they naturally grabbed me, there are three it turned out a man two held me, the third took mine, took my bag, pulled out my passport from the bag, took a photo of this passport and, in short, they threw me out of this shopping center. you're shit, that's all, thank you, a very important thing he said, coming to your courses, people understand that they know this much, but they don't know this much, leaving your first courses, they should understand that they know this is so much, they know this much, to involve them in this process of continuous education, i paid 5,000 for the courses, then 2000, then a million, then 5 million, now ayaz has a course for 50 million
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rubles. and this is all on credit? i promise to get to the end and get the most out of the event. infogypsies are fluent in the methods of hypnosis, nlp, scientology methods for capping a person, it’s not for nothing that there is periodic darkness, loud music, i’m a billionaire, you’re a billionaire.
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i had already given up, i had to somehow get out of the situation, do something, in the end we - but it turned out that we decided to sell the apartment, but the apartment was... in mortgage, the difference is we we paid off the bank, and we paid the difference in , well, our debts, some of it, at least to make it easier, i couldn’t get to him, there’s really no way to get to him, i even wrote to him, he didn’t answer, they saw him only a few times in the scene, when he persuaded them to take out a loan to pay for the next course,
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he was freaking out, one could say, you will succeed, but not everyone will succeed. that entrepreneurship is such a thing, it’s a very difficult matter, not everyone will do it, but he inspired everyone that everything would work out, success successful, as he writes everywhere, hello infocyganism, a characteristic feature of infocyganism is the reproduction of one’s own kind, a classic pyramid, when they make money on beginners who dream of climbing to the very top, but what should i do in business, he’s a lot of suckers, i’ll scam them, and becomes an infocygan.
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i’m like, wow, i just took the money and it’s already minus 900,000, that is, how can i work it off? the genius of domestic entrepreneurship did not spoil the students with his presence, which accelerated the process of insight, then she left for moscow and said: i won’t come back again, i have filming with urgant, that’s it, goodbye, uh, that is, it promised to be a month, it was
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12 days, let’s figure out today what the mistakes were, why the business didn’t take off. oh , he’s already looking at me with this look, i ’m already thinking about how i can get an apartment , and i understand that that’s it, well, i mean, i come home, every evening i cry, i just cry, i’m under terrible stress, so on the twenty- seventh day i freak out, i start writing in our general chat, i say, guys, 2.5 million is the price of an apartment in saratov is not the best, but the price of an apartment, what did we pay money for, could we buy with this money? hundreds of thousands of people involved in these organized criminal groups, the most diverse, these are millions deceived, these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security. i want to remind you that in america medov received 150 years in prison, in iran, then here is the latest news, the organizer
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of the pyramid is 10,500 years old, in china he is shot. famous entrepreneur, musician, it’s unclear, together with his strong associates , kovalev conducts active propaganda against infocygism, breaks into their trainings, exposing scammers right from the stage. a huge number of crooks have appeared, and we call them infotsigans who sell air, they will slowly trick you into personal consultations for the following courses, his task is to deceive you, the future of russia
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is not indifferent, i just see that we will lose young people. half will become just zombies, and the other half will be infocygans and scammers, so we need to stop this, you were busy mower, in order to study in laika, mower took out a loan for an advance payment, think about it, i opened a criminal case, it proved the fact of shabuddinov’s fraud, now an investigation is underway , many more victims are attached, you know, well, i’m telling you, every day 10 people write to me, they want join the criminal case to this lawsuit. well, the second lesson is already out, it will be hot there. the period of formation of my such a solid expert personality passed 5 years, when i really worked hard on my
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psyche, after that, when i received result, 2 years ago, i started to have a boom, they began to recognize me everywhere, even in dubai i walk along a pier somewhere, and people pass by and say: oh, you are leila, my name is leila lee and i am the number one transformer. cis. an information maker with the appropriate name leila is swindling rich russian and kazakh pinocchio directly from dubai. many businessmen now do not carry out their transactions without me, because we help, how can i help them complete this transaction, there is conditionally a million dollars and so on, this is to work with subconscious of the person with whom he will commit.
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quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, with your inner world, it is there, in the dark recesses of the energy information field, that leila will find all the quantum stoppers that prevent a millionaire from becoming a billionaire. in fact, a person thinks what he wants. there is exactly a million dollars, but at the same time, inside, in the subconscious, he is afraid of this amount, he wants tens of millions, he may
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not actually be ready for this amount, 100 million in tenge, only my income per month. after the introduction of western sanctions against our country and the seizure of assets and property of russians, it was dubai that became the center of russian investment abroad. this is for those who have not understood that they need to invest in their own country, but this cannot be prohibited, since western sanctions have not taught anything. the money is private , i spend it the way i want, especially since the united arab emirates is incredibly hospitable...
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the sea, the sun, the sand who would like to buy are open to those who in december need vacation property here for rent, they say that the russians there are more than 300 thousand here. in last year, russians were in first place among buyers. ours prefer to take only the best and most expensive. the first to be launched into the new fork is the cat, brought with him on the plane. and i know one real estate agency that, when they opened, invited clergy. to illuminate an office, here are russian traditions in dubai reality, the most luxurious villas and apartments on a man-made island in the shape of a palm tree,
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spread out in the waters of the persian gulf. we are on the island of palma, this is the largest engineering structure in history humanity, which is visible from space, and this is the royal atlantis building, it was launched this year, it stands. dollars, one of the most expensive buildings in all the emirates, and one of the most expensive in the world, on average now an apartment starts in rubles from 400 million rubles. 40% of buyers in this complex are russian-speaking. russian wave. yes, of course, it was connected with sanctions, when you understand that in europe you are not welcome, your money is not welcome, in general, well, you don’t understand at all the future of your real estate, russians here
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a lot, it’s a fact that... that russians are very comfortable here is a fact. the famous presenter and showman alexander belov has now retrained as a realtor of luxury real estate for russians. it is this beauty that costs 5 million dirhams, translated into rubles - this is about 125 million rubles. these are one-bedroom apartments, 103 m2, their total area. that is, sea views are popular among russians. a sea view is the main thing you strive for when you first move. it’s not surprising that they came to dubai like bees to honey. fly all sorts of coaches and business trainers, demonstratively reign in dollars and promise an even more colorful and worthy life, however, as for fraudulent schemes, in the emirates it is very dangerous to walk on the edge of the law, all for the time being. here, any manifestations are prohibited, and hatspech, you can’t even just quarrel with someone, there is a real story about the imprisonment, when, by the way, our compatriot wrote to some girl after a quarrel, well, the earth is round, see you,
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this direct line ... quote she ordered a linguistic examination and considered threats a threat to life and health and he was imprisoned for this. modern technologies, confidence in stable operation, reliable. and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success, russian electric motors, now at vdnh, all weekend at the exhibition in the
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forum. russia has a busy program, our correspondent boris ivanin is trying to be on time everywhere. boris, i greet you, tell me what you can’t miss today. yes, dash, good afternoon, once again, and we are now in another pavilion, the sberbank pavilion, and can we to say that here at the vdnkh exhibition in moscow, this is perhaps the most technologically advanced pavilion, even the famous cartoon character, cheburashka, is innovative here, look, he rolls his eyes, these are two of them. large screens, well, everyone is here, of course , first of all, children and parents take photographs, then you can download it all through a special qr code through the camera and receive it on your mobile phone, there are a lot of people here now who also want to take good pictures, well, artificial intelligence, of course, cheburashka doesn’t have it yet, although this entire pavilion is dedicated to artificial intelligence technologies, look, there are augmented reality glasses here.
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you just have to put them on and you can find yourself, for example, on an excursion in an art gallery, that’s what this couple of visitors are doing now, here, then you can become a hero yourself - get into the artist’s painting, a lot of attention to this stand, here look, the artist is not a person, but a robot, he scans your image and transfers it to canvas, literally 10 minutes and the image is ready, this is a portrait of a girl who was just here, a portrait of a beautiful stranger, let’s say, well, then you can substitute your image into the masterpieces of world painting, kandinsky will help with this, look here too, well, you can even then upload it all to social networks and get onto the artist’s canvas, create such a picture yourself, but of course, this is not all just entertainment, because it was kandinsky’s neural network that helped, among other things, to recreate
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german troops, about 300 works were lost, these are abstract artists, the city, let me remind you, was half occupied by kandinsky, rochenka, one of the founders of constructivism falk, just with the technologies of the future, artificial intelligence technologies, just look, here is a presentation of the voronezh region stand of sberbank, so with the technologies of the future it was possible to recreate some of... these works, so far there are only 14 of them, but sbr and the voronezh region agreed to expand cooperation in the field artificial intelligence in a variety of spheres, not only in art , but also in the social sphere, in the economic sphere , including, for example, housing and communal services, agreements on this cooperation were signed today here in moscow by the regional governor and deputy chairman of the board of sberbank, alexander vidyakhin , in fact it's just that.


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