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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

5:30 pm
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5:31 pm
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your payment for housing; payment is transferred to the landlord after successful check-in. avito everything will go as planned. the academy cadets are also a kind of brotherhood, where everyone supports and looks after each other. often after graduation, guys become not just colleagues, friends, and some meet their crush here.
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he had to conquer, i came to the academy to study, that is, i did not have a plans to look for boyfriends, husbands, and so on, but it happened the way it happened. exactly 4 years later, on the anniversary of their acquaintance, the guys got married, they were in a hurry with the wedding, firstly, the date was romantic, and secondly, maxim and alina really wanted not only to walk through life hand in hand, but to work together. maxim and i... were sent from different regions to study at the moscow academy of the investigative committee; i was sent from the vladimir region, and maxim was sent from the tver region, that’s why we need it was very urgent to solve this problem, so i did everything possible that depended on me, i went to my department in the vladimir region and filled out the documents.
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because it’s really dangerous to be here, and especially to perform the official duties of an investigator, but still they understand that maxim means a lot to me, they understand that maxim is my family, it’s simply impossible for us to be separated, now chita dekterevykh is serving in the investigative department of severo-donetsk, it’s very close to...
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this is the infliction of grievous bodily harm, resulting in the death of the victim through negligence, this is an advantage since i primarily deal with this category of cases. the dekterevs are not afraid to be in a region where there is often turbulence, they simply do their job, the work that people need. we are in the city of severodonetsk, here in the courtyard of this house in august twenty-two, after the liberation of the city a murder was committed. at that time, the investigative committee of the russian federation.
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maxim will support my opinion that the work we like the researcher because she forces us to gain this additional knowledge, and to develop our horizons, to understand
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many areas of life, every time we are faced with the unknown, every time circumstances force us to find the necessary information, to learn something. generally positive and even understanding, it seems to me that over time they realized that this way we work more efficiently and together, well, we can perform more responsibilities, more work than each of us individually, because in the course of work we support each other,
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we help, we give advice, so i think that this reflects for the better on our responsibilities; of course, sometimes maxim has to leave deer. for them, who are used to always being together, this is not easy, i am very worried when maxim leaves the territory for work. touching the front, to be honest, sometimes i even cry, because well , anything really happens in life, but i ’m still sure that maxim will always get in touch, will always come back to me and, well, i’m always sure that everything will be fine.
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about what it means to put the interests of the homeland above alina and maxim dekterev’s colleague also knows that when it started, i went to the military registration and enlistment office and on march 17 registered that i voluntarily wanted to enlist in the armed forces of the ministry of defense. ivan was already 40, he didn’t get into service right away, but he didn’t give up , and soon he left his native yakutia for the special zone.
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he worked as an investigator for several years, and ivan had, firstly, after graduating from university , and secondly, he was taught to hold a weapon in his hands from childhood, well, at first , my grandfather taught me to shoot and hunt, he taught me to hunt everything, to track down game, later on, when i had already matured a little, already at a greater age, my father urged me, later, of course, this helped a lot.
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during the special military operation, ivan again became an investigator, but did not go to his native yakutia. after returning from the holding area , the service is held in zaporozhye. region, he works as an investigator, and he works quite well, one can evaluate him for his services not only, it turns out, as a combat officer, but also as an investigator who is capable of investigating criminal cases at a sufficiently high professional level, these actions will show that she has a fairly mature character, i still have the courage not only to meet the enemy, but to be able to, so to speak, investigate criminal cases, without taking into account - sufficient time. for his military services, ivan was
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awarded the order of courage, and if there had been an award for modesty, he would have received it without difficulty either. ivan is so modest that we, for example, as a team, didn’t even learn about his award from him, we learned completely from strangers, and when we found out, we asked him...
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you can work shoulder to shoulder, and we work shoulder to shoulder, everyone and ivan are part of this whole, we see that his heart aches for his friends, for the comrades who remained there, he constantly . thinks about them, he constantly calls them up, talks to them, there was a recent case, he specifically went on vacation in order to take humanitarian aid to his comrades on the front line, which he did, and this already says a lot about him as a person, this is also one brave deed by ivan, about which we wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for his colleagues;
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representatives of various public organizations, including from yakutia, approached him with... a request to provide support for the lack of delivery of humanitarian aid to the front line, including thermal imagers, sleeping bags, and all that , which is necessary for fighters on the front line. ivan could not refuse. his colleagues in the investigative department supported him, approved the report, and helped him collect everything he needed. the investigator moved to the front line. we must give credit, not all people are capable of our time, even considering the fact that you are an employee.
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this is basically 500 km, it is very close. our tomorrow, when i arrived and looked, i must become the support of those who are fighting for the understanding that the best sons of the fatherland, daughters and sons of the fatherland, just people who do not stand aside, came here, and i
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believe that the younger generation should also accept this, adopt... we learn, love life, don’t waste it simply, take care of loved ones, value friendship, now the cadets of the investigative committee are learning this: to be friends, to be merciful, to love your country and support those who stood up for her in the past and those who do so now. in our cadet corps , during the academic year there is patronage work with veterans, that is, throughout the academic year, cadets visit the veteran, congratulate him, provide household assistance, drink tea together, the veteran tells them about his difficult battle path before wartime
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, after wartime, this seems to have a strong effect on the guys. we went to visit at the first call, well, we don’t go to visit empty-handed, so please, flowers, flowers, cadets support veterans and children of war, listen with pleasure to stories about heroes of the past, being inspired by their example , they learn to be caring.
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socks, i have photographs in my laptop , well, this is a worthy cause, yes, socks, there are such wet wipes, well, in general, this is the kind of work we are doing and students of the cadet corps of the investigative committee are trying to support the defenders of the fatherland, especially since many of these, parents are in the combat zone. today there are 25 people, we have such guys, and from different regions of our country who came. and they came from our new territories, of course, psychologists work with them here, social educators work with them, and i have to personally communicate and talk with them, plus everything else. today, more than 200 of our graduates are taking part in the front, these are the guys who studied at the lyceum, where
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the cadet corps was formed, they come to us here, and we organize such communications, lessons of courage, where they are among the first lips are already telling what for what why, along with with mentors, the guys prepare creative performances and give concerts in hospitals, collect. they write letters to the soldiers to raise their morale, weapons, numbers, this is all important, of course, but it’s the fighting spirit, it’s only possible, well, you can get it from above or from people who are close to you, who are proud of you, so you yourself i’m from those parts and well, in some cases, well, i know that it’s impossible to even live peacefully there without the support of a loved one, it seems to me that in any institution this should be done to help
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morally to the russian fighters, in order to raise their spirit for victory, every time they read all these letters for them, their mood for victory rises, that someone is waiting for them at home, and these letters...
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is that at the moment it is you, your comrades, who stand to defend the honor and interests of our fatherland, us, peaceful citizens. dear soldier, i would like to begin by expressing my deep gratitude and respect to you for your service and dedication in protecting our homeland. i want to thank you for showing courage and defending our homeland. now you are fighting a cursed enemy, the one you fought against. our grandfathers won in 1945, this is a just cause, it is worth being proud of, it is worth fighting for. i can't even imagine the challenges
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and difficulties you go through every day, but know that we are all here supporting you and thinking about you. i want to say that most likely you have people who are ready to support you, are waiting for you and love you. thank you for everything you do, your service is unappreciated and we are proud of you. you are doing this so that your descendants will live in peace and be free. your land. come back victorious, show him the strength of the russian spirit. the motto of our cadet corps is homeland, duty , honor. and we tell the cadets from the first days that our homeland, our russia, in the person of our founder, the investigative committee, has provided all the opportunities for our students to receive a good education. and it is their duty to accept all this, learn, improve their level of knowledge, so that later they can serve our great homeland with honor and dignity.
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children write letters to you with the note, letter z: for the truth, for the fatherland, because there is no better one, i i know for sure that only they are able to fulfill their military duty with honor and dignity; our great country owes you a lot for your unshakable devotion. i believe in a good future, of course, to express my deep gratitude to all the soldiers who defend our fatherland and give a peaceful sky
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to... their heads, and of course i would like to return home alive, of course, with victory. victory will be ours. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, why watch the elections,
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proud grandfather came home, the party of one was sent as observers , i will watch over the elections, so that the people and election commissions do everything according to the law, as in spy films, i ’m a secret agent, my grandfather immediately outfitted him with binoculars, i got him, i have such eyesight that any violation i will see like an eagle, besides , i have undergone special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, the procedure i am... trained, i bought a cooler camera, i won’t be lost, my friend, i won’t let society down, choosing in the country is free, important, fair comfortable.
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investment rating, economics, through specific
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stories we can reach hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
6:00 pm
faulty electrical wiring is said to be the preliminary cause of a serious fire that occurred today at the wild berres warehouse in st. petersburg. also, as it turned out, there was a fire alarm there. v the moment of fire due to repeated false alarms earlier, while the city’s state construction supervision stated that the building did not even have permission to put the building into operation, although the company itself denies this, with the latest information from the scene of dmitry akimov, it was a saturday in st. petersburg surprisingly sunny, but the entire southern part of the city.


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