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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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first, the last message from st. petersburg, where a major fire occurred in the wildberry warehouse. now the fire area has decreased from 70 to. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. rescuers have been working at the site since the morning. more than a thousand people were in the building when the fire began to spread. everyone managed to evacuate. the fire destroyed goods worth many billions of rubles. the extent of the damage is yet to be determined. investigators are looking into the cause of the incident. dmitry pishchukhin has all the details. a column of smoke that rises above the hot warehouse can be seen behind kilometers. as it became known, during the current week it is false twice.
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the fire alarm went off, which is why the alarm signal was initially treated with distrust. the black smoke that rises over the outskirts of st. petersburg could be observed by passengers of all planes flying over the city. ladies and gentlemen, our plane is ready to land. it was clearly visible from the bottom of the plane that there was a terrible fire, but not a single smell was felt on the plane. everything was calm, the fire was reported at 7:40 am during a shift change, at that moment there were more than a thousand employees in the warehouse; according to eyewitnesses, the fire extinguishing system did not work, but the automation still warned people. fire alarm has been activated, proceed to the assembly point in accordance with the evacuation plan. some managed to escape through the gate, which was opened for ventilation, by those who were in another part of the complex.
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less fortunate, the fire instantly engulfed the roof and people rushed to the fire escape in panic. on the way out, let's go out, that's it, everyone's done fall, pass, quickly from the gate, but a new obstacle was waiting for people near the emergency exit, the security did not let the employees out without searching, they searched everyone, when we were leaving, the light went out, here you are standing in this house, without light, it becomes very scary in these. the whole sky was in smoke, literally such black hopeless smoke, pitch darkness, roughly speaking, covered, it immediately became even darker than it was, people began to evacuate, but they were stopped by employees to check for things from valbers, whether they had taken something with you, everything is on exit, faster, come on, i want to at least throw things off, the fire was assigned the highest fifth rank of complexity, almost 500 people took part in extinguishing it, it was established. that in
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a warehouse building measuring 320 by 350 m there is a fire in the warehouse and unloading-loading area, the fire is localized, there are no fatalities in the fire. as it became known, the building of the burnt warehouse was not officially put into operation. in fact, a huge complex, in which thousands of people worked, worked illegally for more than a year and did not challenge anyone. questions. there's just no warehouse for half an hour. the burning warehouse belongs to the online retailer wildberries, a general sorting center. with an area of ​​125,000 m2 is located in the southeast of st. petersburg in the village of shushary. its construction was completed at the end of 2022. this was to be the largest warehouse facility in the northwest. the online retailer planned to reduce delivery times to customers to one day. all burned goods were insured. the preliminary amount of damage could be about 20 billion rubles. i would like it separately thank the ministry of emergency situations for the prompt work they provided to us during. this
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situation, and regarding the goods, we will definitely compensate for the damage caused to our sellers and our customers. the work of law enforcement agencies and emergency services on site is coordinated by the prosecutor's office of the pushkinsky district of st. petersburg. the cause of the fire will be determined based on the results of a fire-technical examination. based on the results of the inspection , the issue of applying prosecutorial response measures will be decided. in a few hours the warehouse an area of ​​over 100 thousand km was practically burned out. part of the walls and the roof completely collapsed; no victims sought medical help. dmitry pishchukhin, evgeny kostin, galina orlova, ekaterina bakhtova, elena varantsova and darya podobedova. news: st. petersburg. the houthi naval base near the port of hadeida was subjected to an air raid. this was reported by alarabia tv channel with reference to local sources. earlier, the american command stated that the houthis fired a missile from hadeida at a ship located in... in the gulf of vadyn. after
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ansar allah has threatened a harsh response following friday's airstrikes in the us and uk. on saturday, footage of houthi exercises appeared online, using american targets as targets. flags. a journalist is not so much a profession as a vocation and a way of life. today is russian press day - a holiday for those whose duty is not only to be able to navigate huge flows of information, but sometimes at the risk of their lives to work in the center of the most important events. war correspondents, thanks to whom we daily, literally in real we have been learning about the situation in the northern military district zone for some time, today we were invited to vladimir putin’s election headquarters for a meeting with volunteers. varvara nevskaya found out what they were talking about. from the simplest and most humane questions about favorite books, songs that warm you up away from home, to acute, fundamental questions that largely determine the profession of a modern journalist. what changes has russian journalism undergone, if you were able to witness it? there are no taboo
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topics about the profession and its vision, military correspondent of vgtrk evgeniy poddobny, head union of journalists, vladimir solovyov and the country's youngest military correspondent,
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how our country almost collapsed in the nineties, in fact, many extremely important things are now impossible to explain and comprehend. for volunteers, such a confidential dialogue is a unique opportunity to learn first-hand the most valuable experience
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and gain guidance in their chosen profession. evgeniy is similar, and vladimir sorovyov really gave from the height of their years, they really gave useful advice. each of these young guys proudly bears the title of volunteer, a person who chose a way to do good with your own hands for free and be useful where it is needed. the central election headquarters is essentially such a large, living organism, volunteers, of which there are about 50 people,
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are its most important elements, they not only help in organizing the work of the headquarters itself, but accompany the people who came to give their signatures. volunteers will be collecting signatures, counting them and checking them until the end of january. across the country, in each of the 89 regions , more than 1.8 million signatures. according to the law, no more than 315 thousand of them should be transferred to the central election commission, the rest will be included in the database of the candidate’s supporters. varvara nevskaya, news. well, at the russia forum at vdnkh today there was a day for the voronezh and lipetsk regions. on how...
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and we began to celebrate it, we started in the kremlin palace with a big performance of the cossacks of russia, the don legend, we have a lot planned for the whole year.
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tell us how you managed to achieve such a result, well, it’s sad that we don’t get it, but nevertheless you manage, but in fact a good tax base, first of all, of course, this is nlmk, good performance results, our processing industry, that is, we see a very good result, and vertically integrated holdings, such as sberbank, gazprom, have also contributed.
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now things are going well, everything is fine, the geography has changed, if before there was italy, foreign investment, tell us how germany, somewhere in america, today it is china, new factories are being built, turkey archilik bought a plant for white household appliances. our manufacturers have already sold more than 2 thousand foreign currency and today they already have up to five
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units in their line, that is, the product range is developing, they have reached a crossover, which is very pleasant, and we help and produce and advertise our enterprises, we have begun to issue subsidies so that there were electric taxis in the region, and the first ones appeared in this year last year. and many of my colleagues are asking for help, so that they also have an environmentally friendly taxi in the region, and therefore we are optimistic about the development of the plant and currencies and are waiting for new models. in russia, unemployment is now at record lows, and companies and regions are always fighting for qualified personnel. this is how you attract young professionals. look, we have begun to actively rebuild the system of secondary vocational education. and we saw that there are specialties that are in great demand, well, for example, in some
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technical schools we had four people per place, this is sometimes more than other institutes, and therefore today we are increasing those specialties that are required by increased demand, optimizing and those specialties that are not very much in demand today will not be useful in the future, that is, we are carrying out a radical restructuring of the specialty, we invite our... they will be able to live this ancient noble merchant life, yelets is being transformed, and we
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are included in the program and according to the historical heritage, is actively transforming, it is becoming like an ancient, beautiful merchant city. zadonsk is both a center of orthodoxy and a center of tourism, the don, forests, beautiful tourist centers, and thanks to the federal government we also received a grant. and we are actively developing a tourist complex there, so we welcome all guests. 2024 has started, what goals do you set? well , of course, the main goal... is the election of the president of the country, and we are preparing to hold , as they say, without a hitch, to maintain economic momentum, well, of course, the income of citizens - we must ensure accelerated growth, and of course housing and communal services, national projects, lipetskaya the region is among the ten subjects that
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are doing a better job than others in achieving national goals, and we want to preserve it. this dynamics, thank you very much for this interview, thank you, russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia before your eyes, the international exhibition forum russia. russian nuclear technologies in bolivia are raising medicine to a new level, revealing
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the country’s agricultural potential and expanding the scientific capabilities of the latin american state. and this leap forward is already. already provides the rosatom project, a center for nuclear research and technology. this is unique the object, the largest construction project in the modern history of russia in this part of the world, is important for latin america, primarily for bolivia itself. the country's first research reactor is being created here. a pressurized water research reactor several stories high. to install it in the designed position, a special one was needed. a crane is a difficult and responsible engineering task, but it was even more difficult to deliver it halfway around the world, from the ulyanovsk region here to alalta, to a city located at an altitude of almost 4,000 m above sea level. bolivian project it’s a little special, it’s not a power
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plant, it’s a complex research center, it’s already visible here too. as he says, there is light at the end of the tunnel of this project, we have already launched a cyclotron complex, which allows us to produce isotopes for radiopharmaceuticals, preparations for industrial materials, an irradiation center has been launched , which allows us to work with agricultural products with medical equipment, well, the installation of a reactor, a research reactor, in this sense , has begun bolivians, of course, set an example for all of latin america, hold high flag, neighbors come to them, look, they also want it, they negotiate with us. the power of the research reactor is 200 kw, its service life is 50 years, the construction and preparation schedule for the installation is tightly scheduled. it will take us a year to install the equipment and commission it. the next stage of the launch complex is the research reactor itself and the laboratories;
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we have essentially reached the final stage. specialists from russia and belarus and, of course, local ones are involved in the creation of the complex. the experience that will be gained during it construction will go down in the history of world nuclear energy, if only because the facility is being built at such a height. the physics is completely different. and just for fun, here water boils at 85°, that is, if you are going to brew black tea, then this is physically impossible, it will not be the same as in russia, for example, so the physical properties of objects, the operation of the reactor itself, it is specially designed to work at such a height, and this is the most severe condition for those partners with whom we jointly implement this project. elalta is considered the
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highest mountain metropolis in the world. the city stands on an ancient volcano. in the rugged andes , the elevation changes here are half a kilometer, its countless neighborhoods and district, as well as the adjacent capital, lapas, are connected to the longest funicular on the planet, here it is the site of the metro, and to get from one end of elialt to the other may require for an hour, this is a city of a million red brick houses, where sometimes among the monotonous buildings you come across something unusual, local a landmark, houses with flashy facades, here they are called cheleto, a somewhat consonant name between a chalet and a cholo, this is what the aymara indians are called, and elalta is largely because of them, sometimes called alien, precisely because... here is the nuclear
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center about the technologies of tomorrow, however , the appearance is much more calm, inside there is a real breakthrough, this is the flavor of el alta, in many ways to be one step ahead, here they believe in the power of shamans and witches, the greatness of the gods and omens, but they really only rely modern. peaceful atom in agriculture bolivi is primarily a decontamination of fruits and vegetables. the technology will make it possible to increase the shelf life without harming them in any way, and this is extremely important when it comes to export. bolivian ambitions in this matter are extremely broad; they want to become a leader in sending fruit to russia. one of the areas of elialt looks like a market. open air, trucks come here and dump tons of fruit right on the sidewalk. now part of this product will be sent for processing to a multipurpose irradiation center.
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our products did not comply international requirements, so some markets are closed to us. and now in this center our agricultural products will be treated with gamma rays, and this will be guaranteed to mean that they do not pose any danger to the population. for the president of bolivia, luis ars catacor, every turn at the center for nuclear technology research is an important event for the future of the entire country. lists of those companies that will be able to disinfect their products using the new installation are already being compiled. we are already negotiating with agricultural producers as from both the private and public sectors. some of them already knew about the advantages of the center, with others we spent time...
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and it really turned out to be so modern, unique, scientific and industrial. but not only decontamination, the center has already successfully launched a radiopharmacological complex with a cyclotron particle accelerator, and these are the most important components for diagnosing oncological diseases. here is the control center of the cyclotron complex, from here we monitor all production processes.
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23 is the most important drug used in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases . previously, it was exported, but supplies were far from regular. the center’s capabilities are truly broad; it can produce more than a dozen isotopes for diagnosing oncological diseases. daniel bogarda is sure that every day the complex operates helps many, because the characteristics of life in the highlands and the problems of cancer are very interconnected. bolivia has always had problems with early diagnosis of cancer. diseases, there were also problems with the treatment of cancer.
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currently, thanks to this technology, patients do not need to travel outside the country to receive a diagnosis and be prescribed a course of treatment. because of the production, we don't have to import these radiopharmaceuticals and chemotherapy, we can do the radiotherapy here in bolivia. the range of areas where the new reactor complex can be used is quite wide, from agricultural medicine to industry, ecology, exploration and extraction of minerals fossils. nuclear technologies make it possible to scan the subsoil in a way that classical geological exploration does not allow. the question for these places is fundamental. the bolivian soil is rich in rare earth metals, the only question is how to find them and use them. and first of all, the lithium deposit in south america contains a significant share of the world's proven reserves of this very promising element. bolivia. sees
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great prospects in building the lithium industry, mastering mining and building a full production cycle. but research reactor - it allows not only mining and production, it allows scientific research to create new technologies to increase the efficiency of lithium use. largely due to geography.
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bolivia was not looking for cartridges, but found partners in the person of russian nuclear scientists, who clearly showed how the most complex objects can be created, so in reliable cooperation the potential for new mutually beneficial projects of the two countries expands. pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is the same. no matter what caused the pain, if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to
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