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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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at the beginning, the last message from st. petersburg, where a major fire occurred. at the wilburys warehouse, rospotrebnadzor said that the fire did not lead to air pollution. according to the latest data, the area engulfed in fire has decreased from 70 to 4.00 km. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. rescuers have been working at the site since the morning. the roof of the building collapsed when the fire just began to spread; more than a thousand people were at work. everyone managed to evacuate. the fire destroyed goods worth many billions of rubles. the amount of damage is only to be installed. investigators are looking into the cause. the expulsion of a russian pensioner from
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latvia violates human rights and is aimed at intimidating russian-speaking residents of the republic, this is how our foreign ministry commented on the deportation of boris kotkov. at 82 years old, after 60 years of living in latvia, he was recognized as a threat to the national security of this baltic country and was deported without trial within 24 hours. now the pensioner has decided to return to kaliningrad, where he is from. report by alexey ankudinov. boris katkov, expelled from latvia , is greeted at kaliningrad airport khrabrova. exactly 60 years ago i stepped onto this earth, as a young lieutenant. and he served here in the bogarten district near dolgorukovo. and then he moved to latvia. boris katkov lived in latvia for 57 years, served in the army, and then. engaged in social
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activities, this week the eighty-two-year-old pensioner was officially declared a threat to national security, the police broke into his home and gave him just an hour to get ready. i worked for 25 years, had no complaints, was not involved in politics at all, suddenly a letter arrives to me, the same as the one sent to them, answering compromising questions about whose crimea, whether you support or not, an elderly man was deported. to russia virtually without trial. boris katkov crossed the border with the pskov region, and from there he flew to kaliningrad. i have many latvians who sympathize , who are worried, who know that such a regime has been established with the permission of western structures, which are suppressing everything, suppressing russian culture, suppressing the russian language, forcing old people to take exams, who go to the store and home, to shop and home. last years.
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thanks to his assistance, hundreds of students from latvia were able to receive higher education in russian . boris grigorievich provided consulting assistance and assistance to applicants who wanted to enroll in russian universities. so this year, within the framework of the russian federation quota for studying at russian universities, come to us. the authorities of the kaliningrad region and the leadership of the largest university in the region will provide boris kotkov with all the necessary assistance, he will continue to work at the university. in latvia at boris's grigorievich has a family left behind; he hopes to be able to maintain contact with his relatives. a friendly family, one of us, 13 people, two great-granddaughters, twins, well, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, here, children, a son, a daughter. hard. the russian foreign ministry has already expressed
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its indignation to the latvian authorities, calling their actions another demonstration of russophobia, the victims of which are increasingly becoming older people. alexey ankudinov, dmitry kulabukhov, lead kaliningrad. the houthi naval base near the port of hadeida was subjected to an air raid. the tv channel reports this al-arabiya. according to informagent sources, the strikes are being carried out by the united states and great britain. previously american. the command stated that the kussites fired a missile from the hadeida at a ship located in the gulf of aden. after friday's airstrikes by western allies, ansar allah threatened a harsh response. on saturday, footage of houthi training exercises appeared online, with american flags used as targets. after a short advertisement, alexander rogatkin’s documentary about the infocygan phenomenon , enterprising business coaches promise to teach earning millions in pursuit of the dream of
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a rich life, their students sell apartments, take out loans and become even poorer. more on that in a couple of minutes. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and get a superbox as a gift, you can! yota! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts! buy a set of tools of 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. thousands of holiday discounts in magnet! tea richard 269.99 is like this. it hasn't happened yet. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream russian cold. great, incredible taste. thick walls, high floors. and the signal
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is interfering. in order to have good mobile communications in your home, you must first have a cat. with wowifi technology, enjoy mobile communications even where there is signal interference. belaine is on your side. there are situations when only a big snow burger with chicken, a big chicken burger with a large tender chicken breast fillet in a crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and special sauce can save you. more try the new big chicken burger mushroom, delicious period. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. than to look 100 times, it’s better to turn, rotate, twist once, only after confirming the payment, before february 4 , order savita delivery from one ruble,
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check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, remember what they told you when you decided open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t... listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. in the whirlwind of life: success, failure, hope fills you with wiquanch, in the rhythm of a worker there are many tasks, a cheeseburger or a chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point in the feed, freshness in every
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purchase, we bake bread and buns for you every day, try a baguette fresh feed , rustic sourdough for 65 rubles from the ribbon bakery, ribbon, there are all kinds of dragons. strong, cute, bully and all are good, but still ours are most dear to us. beline values ​​her clients and gives away 100 gb per year of the dragon. belaine is on yours side. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support is available 24x7. we are ready to resolve any questions regarding bookings around the clock. avito everything will go as planned. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy it. for children with discounts up to 70%. a large, tender, mushroom beh chekenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. it was
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a pofiosis of vulgarity and human stupidity at the same time. a certain sergei kosenko is throwing dollar bills out of a helicopter. then he drowns the money in the sea, and before that, demonstrating all kinds of disdain for stacks of dollars, lining the floor of the toilet with them. i learned how to sell anything, from real estate to my mentorship, for which i am paid 100 million rubles. lizhi of american currency, printed, judging by the stamp in turkey, is literally coming out of every crevice. the little man simply revels in his superiority over the maiden, who sends him her money to become. just as rich and successful, everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich, that’s what astrology says, yes, yeah, that’s it and i, too, will become incredibly rich, you have the opportunity, here is the link, and here is the card number, they are called infogypsies,
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scammers who consider themselves business coaches and earn fabulous fortunes from gullible subscribers. the task, selling from the stage, is to manipulate the maximum number of people into a bright future, taking from them everything they have, and even more, for a long time. straight into a snowdrift, everything for popularity, they live in
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dubai or miami, from there they spread blatant nonsense through social networks, they never do anything be afraid, live here now, have one life, get high, i call this a psychological motivation for success, while openly despising my audience. for the course , thank you for buying, i created the most awesome , useful webinar in all 9 years about money, it’s called the billionaire gene, we work with our heads on how to make really big money, just trust as much as possible, the investigative committee of russia is not known for its gullibility, so one of these coaches ayaz shibuddinov were arrested for fraud after he boasted to the whole world how for his wise advice they pay him in red rolls-roys.
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bring in billions of rubles, then they realized that when they saw that these are millions of people, and no one pays taxes, they are engaged in outright fraud, they always screw everyone over, i show up just a little bit, screw everyone, that’s why very authoritative people start getting screwed, even billionaires whipped up almost everything. investigators already had complaints against these information bloggers; they even detained a certain blinovskaya, who made money by launching balloons with wishes billion-dollar fortune, but forgot to pay taxes, she was fined several hundred million rubles, her property was described, numerous bonds with codelacs were used, and she was sent under house arrest until her debts were fully paid. an infocygan is a person who in the online space offers... you some kind of valuable product, in the end you get for your money a product that either has no value, or instead of
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a real educational product they slip you some videos cut from open sources sources, that’s what infraziganism is in deception, not in a person’s belonging to the profession as a whole, just as belonging to a gypsy does not make a person a deceiver.
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a criminal case against nayaz shabuddinov was initiated at the request of businesswoman natalia kalistratova, who allegedly promised ayas that after his courses she would certainly become rich. deceived, promised, i have a screenshot of an advertisement where ayas promised, i’ll give it to you in a week, you ’ll earn 100,000 rubles. for 2 weeks - 2000 rub. for... weeks 3000 rub. for 4 weeks 400,000 rub. i have such a document, screen advertisement. i can prove this to you with facts. after harvard business school, not everyone becomes millionaires either, but natalya and the other victims were surprised that gayaz didn’t even have a school, that is, he didn’t teach anything at all, he only forced them to buy the next course of study, more advanced and expensive.
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trust in god, i don’t make mistakes myself, but so they say, you don’t make mistakes yourself? then you need today by the end of today, firstly , leave a request, and secondly, try to pay, first you dance, there are dances, hugs, and so on to different music you jump , you literally become dumb, they shake you up like this, then relaxation begins, meditation, then they chatter you again, then again relaxation meditation, it turns out that you ’re being thrown out of balance, then, here’s the solution, go quickly, quickly, buy quickly, and you are pushed straight to the counter, where the managers, so steadfastly managers, just give your passport, sign the application for the processing of personal data, then once you have issued a loan, almost two million credits were immediately divided into three parts and gone to different
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addresses, i naturally went to the legal address of these third parties, called them from the business center, showed them statements, payments, and said, who are you, why did you take possession of my funds, i say, i want to sue, they me, naturally they grabbed me, three men came out, two held me, the third took mine, took my bag, pulled my passport out of the bag, took a photo of this passport and in short they threw me out of this shopping center , a long time ago, that’s all, thank you, a very important thing that he said, coming to your courses, people understand that they know this much, but they don’t know this much, leaving your first course, they must understand that they know this much, they know this much, in order to involve them in this process of continuous education, i paid 5,000 for
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courses, then 200,000, then a million, then 5 million, now ayaz has a course. for 50 million rubles. is this all on credit? 3:4: i promise to get to the end and get the most out of the event. infogypsies are fluent in the methods of hypnosis, nlp, and scientology methods in order to to cap a person. it’s not for nothing that it’s periodically dark, loud music, i’m a billionaire, you’re a billionaire, there’s 14 hours without food or coffee. and the man... by the way, they say they also mix something into the coffee. rima zyurkalova from tyumen also dreamed of going to a three-month course at kayaz shubuddinov’s like center, naturally, in order to get rich. yes, i talked to my husband, he was against it, i
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even got to the point where i don’t know, we’ll get a divorce or we’ll have a fight or something, and well, in the end. i won, let’s say, they took out a loan, two loans of 5000 each and went to study on this one, how as soon as you descend from this stage, you implement everything that we said, blindly, without thinking, turning off your brain, but for some reason i never got to the lectures or, as shabuddinov called them, debriefings with the guru of rome himself, in general only once , second, third, i’ve already given up, i already have to somehow get out of the situation. in the end, we decided to do something, but it turned out that we decided to sell the apartment, but the apartment was under a mortgage, we paid off the difference to the bank, and we paid the difference into our debts, some part of it, at least to make it easier , i couldn't to get to him, there’s really no way to get to him, i even wrote to him on whatsapp, he didn’t answer, we saw ayaz only a few times
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in the scene when he persuaded them to take out a loan to pay for the next courses. was thinking, but you can say, you will succeed, but not everyone will succeed, because entrepreneurship is such a thing, it’s a very difficult business, not everyone will do it, but he inspired everyone that everything will work out, success successful, as he writes everywhere, hello infocyganism, a characteristic feature of infocyganism is the reproduction of their own kind, a classic pyramid, when they make money on newcomers who dream... why should i do business, he’s a lot of suckers, i ’ll breed them, and he becomes infocygans, infocygans, by the way, a lot of infocygans are taught infocygans and... indeed from ayaz shabuddinov, those who achieved success are infotsigans, he came selling a million courses, when ayas taught him, what, he spied there, he will now
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deceive people for five million, every little laikovo member has a goal to get to ayaz personally, so that ayaz would approve of him, because that if ayaz likes you, he will make a star out of you, traffic will pour in on you, traffic will pour in on you, everyone who is a fan... damn, they will all run to you to buy mindlessly, that is, this is a ticket to a golden life, this is a goldmine , since many future millionaires were in debt, like silk, and banks no longer gave them loans, then under shabuddinov he had his own credit broker, the broker himself still takes a percentage from you, it turns out, so i took 5 million, he gave me 18% , and i paid him 900,000 for it, i think so, wow, just i took the money, and it was already minus 900,000, that is... how can i work it off ? the genius of domestic entrepreneurship did not spoil the students with his presence, which accelerated the process
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of insight. then she left for moscow and said: “i won’t come back again, i’m filming with urgant.” that's it, goodbye. er, that is, it promised to be a month, it was 12 days. let's figure out today what the mistakes were and why the business didn't take off? oh, he’s already looking at me with that look, i’m already thinking about how to... get an apartment, and i understand that, that’s it, well, that is, i come home, every evening i cry, i just cry, i have terrible stress, on the twenty-seventh day i freak out, i start writing in our general chat, i say, guys, 2.5 million is the price of an apartment in saratov, not the best, but the price of the apartment , for which we paid money, we could buy housing with this money, hundreds of thousands of people involved in these...
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and the other half are infogypsies and scammers, so we need to stop this. did you borrow a mower to study in laika? the mower took out the debt as an advance payment, guess what? i aroused a criminal case , ayaz shabuddinova proved the fact of fraud, now an investigation is underway, many more victims are being attached, you know, well, i’m telling you, every day 10 people write to me, they want to join the criminal case to this lawsuit. well, the second lesson is already out, it will be hot there. the period of formation of my such
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a solid expert personality took 5 years, when i directly worked hard on my psyche, after that, when i got the result, 2 years ago i began to boom, they began to recognize me everywhere, even in... this is to work with the subconscious of the person with whom he will make this transaction. i wish you to come to an abundant, happy
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life. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious and your inner world. it is there, in the dark recesses of the energy-information field, that leila will find all the quantum stoppers that prevent a millionaire from becoming a billionaire. in fact, a person thinks that he wants, let’s say, a million dollars, but at the same time.
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three in the subconscious, he is afraid of this amount, he wants tens of millions, he can actually not to be ready for this amount, 100 million tenge, that’s my monthly income. after the introduction of western sanctions against our country, the seizure of assets and property of russians , it was dubai that became the center of russian investment abroad, this is for those who did not understand that they need to invest in their own country, but you can’t prohibit it here, since western sanctions have not taught you anything , i spend private money the way i want, especially since the arab emirates are incredibly hospitable states for russians, they don’t care about western sanctions...
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who would like to buy real estate here for holiday rental? they say that there are more than 300,000 russians here. last year , russians were in first place among buyers. ours prefer to take only the best and most expensive. the first to be launched into the new fork is the cat, brought with him on the plane. i know one real estate agency that, when they opened, invited a clergyman to illuminate the office. these are russian
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traditions. in dubai reality, the most luxurious villas and apartments on a man-made island in the form of a palm tree, located in the waters of the persian gulf. we're on palma island, that's the largest engineering structure in human history that is visible from space, and this is the royal atlantis building, it was launched this year, it costs 1.5 billion dollars, one of the most expensive buildings in all the emirates. well, one of the most expensive in the world, on average now apartments start, if in rubles, from 400 million rubles. 40% of the buyers in this complex are russian-speaking, the russian wave, yes, of course, was associated with
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sanctions, when you understand that in europe. you are not welcome, your money is not welcome, in general, well, you don’t understand the future of your real estate at all, there are a lot of russians here, it’s a fact, the fact that russians are very comfortable here is a fact. the famous presenter and showman alexander belov has now retrained as real estate agents for luxury real estate for russians. it is this beauty that costs 5 million dirhams, which in rubles is about 125 million rubles. these are one-bedroom apartments, 103 m2, their total area, that is, it is popular among russians in appearance. on the sea, a view of the sea - this is the main thing you strive for when you first move. it is not surprising that all sorts of coaches and business trainers began to flock to dubai like bees, defiantly throwing away dollars and promising an even more colorful and worthy life. true, as for fraudulent schemes, in the emirates it is very dangerous to walk on the edge of the law, for the time being. any manifestations and hate speech are prohibited here.


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